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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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Psycho Pass FINAL

Ok ending I guess but still leaves some questions like
Who is that person sitting and meeting with the chief?

Overall it's ok show but alot of talking and plagued with extremely bad animation really detracts alot from the show.

I wonder this will have a season 2 or a movie, doesn't seem quite fair that
The sibyl is still ongoing.


Isnt Porun awesome? I really dont know why so many seem to hate him.
He's extremely useful and totally adorable.

...You know, I can understand why some people don't like him. I can see how his childishness and such can turn people off.

But worse than, or even remotely as bad as, Mipple and Mepple? Hell to the motherfucking no. That's what I can't understand. There is nothing redeeming about those two characters. They have no moments whatsoever. Porun at least has his. Like when he was coloring on the principal's portrait and got the girls in trouble, or when he made friends with Chutaro and rode him around and slept next to him. The only moment Mepple and Mipple could have that would come close to those is if they were thrown in an incinerator.
...You know, I can understand why some people don't like him. I can see how his childishness and such can turn people off.

But worse than, or even remotely as bad as, Mipple and Mepple? Hell to the motherfucking no. That's what I can't understand. There is nothing redeeming about those two characters. They have no moments whatsoever. Porun at least has his. Like when he was coloring on the principal's portrait and got the girls in trouble, or when he made friends with Chutaro and rode him around and slept next to him. The only moment Mepple and Mipple could have that would come close to those is if they were thrown in an incinerator.

mepple and mipple are a couple that love each other and ...and...

wait ....

Now that i think about it i dislike every mascot in the futari wa precure saga.

At least it was funny when nagisa was telling mepple to shut-up.


mepple and mipple are a couple that love each other and ...and...

wait ....

Now that i think about it i dislike every mascot in the futari wa precure saga.

At least it was funny when nagisa was telling mepple to shut-up.

That's the fucking worst part of them, dude.


You mean you don't love watching them rub on each other ass-to-ass at every opportunity?





I'm nauseous now. How did I ever make it through this? Thank you based Porun for destroying these interactions every damn time now.
Robotics;Notes 22 (end)

Really fantastic ending to a great series. The 18 minutes of action, suspense, and drama went by so fast and I was glued to my screen the whole time. Really loved it all.
Even suspenseful everytime Kai had to experience the pressure. Almost thought he would fall out as that heavy breathing, praise to the voice actor for being able to handle that multiple times this episode. Really believable. Additionally, Kai excelled in numerous ways just holding out, doing the epic punch/thrust and getting Misa to come back to her sense. Loved his final closing lines to Kimijima and everyone

I think a few things were unresolved
the ending to the anime, would have wished they said more even though it became a minor point, as well as where did the monopoles ever come from, did I miss it? Subaru's leg stuff, would have liked if we knew if he could every normally walk and stuff ever or if it was a super intense injury?

Was truly an excellent anime all the way through with the first half building up to really good things, a deep enriched backstory with the whole Gunvarrel stuff the anime, as well as the design basis for the characters to gain inspiration from. Liked the whole theme of just doing the unthinkable, reaching for their dreams, and just helping each other out. Kai and Subaru for favorite characters, and the soundtrack is excellent all around. OP1 was vastly superior to the OP2, and the second song with OP1, that kakacho place song or something is amazing, should have been used in the anime. Will definitely buy when FUNImation releases the dub here. 9 / 10


Robotics : Notes final

That was damn cheesy and cringeworthy of a ending. I know I shouldn't making a comparison to Steins;Gates as it's seperate adventure and not a sequel to Steins;Gates but damn it's massive letdown. Took over more than 18 episodes to reach the IT'S HAPPENING.gif part when Steins:Gates took less than half of that and make it a thrilling ride.

Average show I guess.


Subete no aware
Friends Club 11


I really don't know what's worse - the masturbatory power fantasy of SAO or the knowingly feckless and spineless harem protagonists typified by Kodoka. I will say, a harem must be doing something "right" if it makes me wish there were more School Days animes.

God damnit. I can't believe
he literally runs away


Man, from the looks of things I am not looking forward to finishing up both Noitamina shows. :(

Oh well, might as well get it over with.


Tamako Market 11


Hmm, I don't think they've done a good job at developing Tamako as a character but it's hard not to feel sorry for just how awful this must be for her. Having pretty much everyone give her the impression they want her to leave a place that means the world to her must really be doing quite a number on her even if all we've seen is her little freakout at the end. Hopefully they can end this on a high note next week.


Friends Club 11


I really don't know what's worse - the masturbatory power fantasy of SAO or the knowingly feckless and spineless harem protagonists typified by Kodoka. I will say, a harem must be doing something "right" if it makes me wish there were more School Days animes.

God damnit. I can't believe
he literally runs away

he isn't even picking anyone between Meat or Yozora? The show is going for a non-ending?


Sucks at poetry
As long as we both like flat chests and butts I think we'll get along great.

Flat chest, huge ass. Only way to my heart. It's a ratio thing. It just looks perfect.

Tamako Market 11

It took 11 episodes, but I think Tamako Market is finally starting to actually get somewhat good. Unfortunately it is just a bit too late as it would have been nice if the other episodes had been as focused and as interesting. I liked the various thoughts expressed by characters in regard to the future and just the theme of people needing to learn that they'll have to let go someday.
Unfortunately was sad that Mochizou was pushed to the side and essentially nearly seemed to give up, though perhaps he'll make some final effort to win her over. The dad definitely deserves some commendation for a good solid performance throughout the whole anime, tough task he has and things he has to go through especially this episode. And best pat, Mechya joined the market, please stay!

Or maybe the Prince will bump into Mochizo and become smitten. He will woo him slowly with concentrated, but relentless efforts. Mochizo, finally realizing his inner feelings, will choose to no longer deny them. He will move to the island and become the Prince's bride. 11/10 DTLs.

Midori will confess to Tamako



The little artbook comes with a mix of some nice Takako Shimura watercolour paintings and what I'm guessing are the various JP DVD Cover's released in Japan. Not bad.
Flat chest, huge ass. Only way to my heart. It's a ratio thing. It just looks perfect.

Or maybe the Prince will bump into Mochizo and become smitten. He will woo him slowly with concentrated, but relentless efforts. Mochizo, finally realizing his inner feelings, will choose to no longer deny them. He will move to the island and become the Prince's bride. 11/10 DTLs.

Midori will confess to Tamako

That would be the best ending, Tamako gets whoever people think is best girl, and Mechya gets Mochizou, would easily make this one of the best anime of the season.


Haganai Spoilers
There's no way this show is getting an "ending" in that regard. lol

Meat already took over as the main heroine, so it probably going to be Sena or nobody.

The anime still have material for s3 so...

Since the manga and LN aren't over, I was hoping the anime would go for their own ending. Maybe I will finally see Meat win.. who am I kidding :(


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Friends Club 11


I really don't know what's worse - the masturbatory power fantasy of SAO or the knowingly feckless and spineless harem protagonists typified by Kodoka. I will say, a harem must be doing something "right" if it makes me wish there were more School Days animes.

God damnit. I can't believe
he literally runs away

Haganai NEXT 11:

Kodaka, you are a coward and don't deserve anyone.

The end.

Sounds about right.
I have a question. How is Space Brothers only one episode away from the manga? For most anime that would mean a hiatus or fillers. That's pretty damn amazing. It's now one of my favorite anime currently after catching up to it.
Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East 11

Well that was an intense episode from start to finish both in terms of action and just development. This episode did make me want to pick up the manga or go on the hunt for spoilers, unfortunately I was unsuccessful in that endeavour. I just want to know if Shino
will stay like that and never go back to his younger kid form, I will miss him he was so cool, though this 18yr old form is also quite amazing.
. Hopefully Murasame is calmed down now
lovely scene and positioning with Rio offering his blood
, but I hope he stays around, love Shino's design, great young and older.
I hope he makes up to Sousouke, was kind of funny how he was throwing the pillow around.


I'm nauseous now. How did I ever make it through this? Thank you based Porun for destroying these interactions every damn time now.

Based Porun saved Precure.

Ai-Mai-Mi 10

Get the hell out of there!

this show looks absolutely ridiculous.


The little artbook comes with a mix of some nice Takako Shimura watercolour paintings and what I'm guessing are the various JP DVD Cover's released in Japan. Not bad.

gorgeous art.
strongly considering buying that set.
I see mad bull 34 got licensed?!
Robotics;notes 22 - end


I died . i just died . i totally just died !

Well Well such is the end..

Final boss was more bossy in game than in anime. Otherwise there are a couple of plot holes that i won't answer because they are plot devices and just happenned "because" the plot needed them.

Intresting anime, decent adaptation.
Frau is the best girl seconded by nae. Rest of the cast doesn't count.


Futari wa Pretty Cure 43

So shit gets a bit complicated with Nagisa's crush on Fuji P when one of her friends, who I'm not sure I've seen before, admits to also having a crush on him, without knowing Nagisa's feelings. She asks Nagisa to help her give him a gift, which is quite taxing on Nagisa emotionally. She decides to write him a letter, only to hear what she wrote said by Yui, which destroys her. At the end, Honoka decides to be a friend and cook her some pot stew to cheer her up and calm her down because she's a better person than you.
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