It depends on what you are looking for.
It depends on what you are looking for.
It depends on what you are looking for.
I've seen it compared to Sword Art Online which I enjoyed despite its numerous pitfalls so if it's the same or better than that I'm sure I'll like it.
They aren't really that similar. I think you would probably get something out of trying AW though.I've seen it compared to Sword Art Online which I enjoyed despite its numerous pitfalls so if it's the same or better than that I'm sure I'll like it.
They aren't really that similar. I think you would probably get something out of trying AW though.
Speak for yourself.We got something out of SAO too!
Facebook said:We're currently taping a commercial with the English Voice of Kirito and Asuna. Want to know who they are? You can find out at the Sword Art Online Dub Premiere Screening at Sakura-Con.
Also, is Accel World worth watching?
When is the new thread coming up? Can we make it to page 400/200 before that happens?
If there was ever a time to put up the kayos signal, it is now.I think quite a few of the new anime start in 12 days/Apr 4.
If you like epic action with tons of visual flare like this, then it is definitely worth your time.
It has really good battle visuals and effects and a really deep battle system. It does well in mixing real world stuff with its virtual reality sort of mmo type hybrid game system with good game mechanics. I enjoyed it and has good characters interactions, dynamics, and a really memorable antagonist. Dub is starting in April, cant wait.
Nice. Sorry for people elsewhere who want to watch though.
Reminder links:
Was the dub date confirmed? Also is it a weekly stream? What's the method of distirbution/release?
Mark your calendars! April 19th is just the start of all our NEW premieres! Our jam-packed new season contains the English world premieres of Accel World, Zetman and Fate/Zero, plus brand new episodes of NARUTO Shippuden, the entire Bleach series from the very beginning, and new seasons of LAGRANGE - The Flower of Rin-ne -, Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan DEMON CAPITAL and Nana, just to name a few.
Yes, its April 19th on viz's Neon Alley service (PS360)
Thanks for the recommendations everyone.
I've always liked the VR MMO concept in shows like .hack//SIGN and SAO so I'm excited to start Accel World.
I think I might end up re-watching Fate/Zero if the dub turns out to be good. Same for AW after I get through it.
Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
Probably the best thing Shaft has done that I have seen. Really enjoyed it despite some obvious shaftism, though actually thought the shaftism helped in the case of this show.
Butt it's fun!Vividred 11
Jesus christ this is so stupid. I don't know why I kept watching it this far, but with only one episode left I might as well see it through.
Those first two episodes were the only good parts of the show.
I did laugh a bit at theat the end of this episode though.terrifying unholy CG raven final boss monster
I was watching that before you were! (been going quite slow though should just do the last 4 eps or so tomorrow...If you liked that, try Joshiraku if you haven't seen it already. It's from the same author.
Nice. Sorry for people elsewhere who want to watch though.
Reminder links:
I was watching that before you were! (been going quite slow though should just do the last 4 eps or so tomorrow...
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Took me a while to get around to this but I finally watched it.
My initial impression is that this is a movie lacking in subtlety or finesse. Perhaps it's because I've been on an Earthsea binge, but I was not impressed by the world presented in the movie, nor its characters. For example we have:
Headstrong Hero who solves problems with sheer dumb luck
Meek Heroine with an INNER STRENGTH (as commented on by Old Hag)
Old Hag who, despite being a pirate, is a nice person deep inside
Lovable Goofy Crew
Antagonist who is the perfect foil for the Heroine, exemplifying the problems the movie is trying to criticize (flaws which are nonexistant in the Heroine)
Not exactly an original cast, and seemed to be designed explicitly for a lighthearted adventure story, which perhaps is the point.
In the movie itself there are airships (fine), magic floating rocks (also fine), kids who manage to swindle their way on board a pirate crew (okay), and long lost civilizations that wiped themselves out with their own technology and hubris (wait what?). It's the last point that made me roll my eyes so hard they're stuck in the back of my head and I'm writing this post blind. I know it's a common trope in fantasy but it's so overused I can no longer stomach it.
The worst part is that the movie never really tells us what happened to the Laputans, just that one day the royal family descended to Earth and were lost to history. There's no indication of civil war, or a disease outbreak, no chance they were killed because their military might rendered them invincible, how did it happen? No one knows, and I suspect, not even Miyazaki knows. We're asked to accept that the Laputans somehow killed themselves, without knowing how or why. While this itself is not a major problem (just a minor case of not enough details), the entire movie's "moral lesson" hinges on whether the Laputans' fate was deserved, and whether Sheeta made the "correct" choice in destroying the castle.
As it is, the movie implies that the reason doesn't matter, and that technology is bad, which is silly. Otherwise, why would the robots be some of the most sympathetic characters in the story?
Perhaps it says more about me than the movie itself that I can no longer enjoy a story like this without miring myself in my criticisms.
It sounds like you're judging it based on what you wanted it to be rather than what it tries to be, to be honest.
It sounds like you're judging it based on what you wanted it to be rather than what it tries to be, to be honest.
that bitch in The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Hey it would have been a good suggestion had I not seen it before!Oh, well don't I look stupid now?
I've got two episodes and the OVA left. I don't want it to end. ;_;
Haganai Next 11
Can someone tell me why Kodaka is apparently the worst person ever, yet that bitch in The Girl Who Leapt Through Time gets a pass for doing the same thing, only more harmful?
Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Took me a while to get around to this but I finally watched it.
My initial impression is that this is a movie lacking in subtlety or finesse. Perhaps it's because I've been on an Earthsea binge, but I was not impressed by the world presented in the movie, nor its characters. For example we have:
Headstrong Hero who solves problems with sheer dumb luck
Meek Heroine with an INNER STRENGTH (as commented on by Old Hag)
Old Hag who, despite being a pirate, is a nice person deep inside
Lovable Goofy Crew
Antagonist who is the perfect foil for the Heroine, exemplifying the problems the movie is trying to criticize (flaws which are nonexistant in the Heroine)
Not exactly an original cast, and seemed to be designed explicitly for a lighthearted adventure story, which perhaps is the point.
In the movie itself there are airships (fine), magic floating rocks (also fine), kids who manage to swindle their way on board a pirate crew (okay), and long lost civilizations that wiped themselves out with their own technology and hubris (wait what?). It's the last point that made me roll my eyes so hard they're stuck in the back of my head and I'm writing this post blind. I know it's a common trope in fantasy but it's so overused I can no longer stomach it.
The worst part is that the movie never really tells us what happened to the Laputans, just that one day the royal family descended to Earth and were lost to history. There's no indication of civil war, or a disease outbreak, no chance they were killed because their military might rendered them invincible, how did it happen? No one knows, and I suspect, not even Miyazaki knows. We're asked to accept that the Laputans somehow killed themselves, without knowing how or why. While this itself is not a major problem (just a minor case of not enough details), the entire movie's "moral lesson" hinges on whether the Laputans' fate was deserved, and whether Sheeta made the "correct" choice in destroying the castle.
As it is, the movie implies that the reason doesn't matter, and that technology is bad, which is silly. Otherwise, why would the robots be some of the most sympathetic characters in the story?
Perhaps it says more about me than the movie itself that I can no longer enjoy a story like this without miring myself in my criticisms.
Couldn't tell you, haven't seen TGWLTT. If she did the same thing, then she's just as bad. >>;
That really sucks.
Guess I'll have to order physical copies off of Amazon or something.
Also, is Accel World worth watching?
Futari wa Pretty Cure 43
So shit gets a bit complicated with Nagisa's crush on Fuji P when one of her friends, who I'm not sure I've seen before, admits to also having a crush on him, without knowing Nagisa's feelings. She asks Nagisa to help her give him a gift, which is quite taxing on Nagisa emotionally. She decides to write him a letter, only to hear what she wrote said by Yui, which destroys her. At the end, Honoka decides to be a friend and cook her some pot stew to cheer her up and calm her down because she's a better person than you.
Goddammit I drank a cup of coffee about 45 minutes ago and now I'm hyper as shit. Why can't this shit do this to me in the morning when I need it? It's also giving me a headache so I'm taking some Advil which kinda tastes like sugar.
I should prolly use this energy to watch more Pretty Cure, huh?