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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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Robitics;Notes end

Good if not super cliche ending. Not amazing or anything, but some neat stuff happened. Did we ever find out why
monopoles were falling from the sky?

So was this show worth it? I don't know. I mean, shit did get real, but more often than not, it was only temporary. That doesn't mean the series didn't have some incredibly high points like the masterfully executed end to episode 16, but those were very rare.

After the expectations set by Steins;Gate, this very clearly failed to deliver. On the other hand, I would not have checked this out or stuck with it without experiencing its spiritual predecessor, which also had a slow and shaky beginning. I really have no clue if I'm glad I experienced this middling series or if I'm unhappy I didn't spend my time doing something else.

And so ends another better than normal Noitamina block.


Oh, I wasn't implying that you disliked it, just speaking hypothetically. But yeah, that dance is janky as hell.

The funny thing is that Max Heart's ED manages to have even worse "dance" animation or whatever the hell it's supposed to be. Just watch the whole thing or skip to 1:04 for the "best" part.

I guess they can't all be Ganbalance de Dance.

So long as we're talking about dancing in OPs/EDs, Detective Conan has pretty goofy/great ones. Para-Para Conan is unsurprisingly baller.


The Light of El Cantare

So long as we're talking about dancing in OPs/EDs, Detective Conan has pretty goofy/great ones. Para-Para Conan is unsurprisingly baller.

Hey, now I know the origin of your avatar.

That second one is really nice. There's a 1000% chance that it's rotoscoped, but I wonder if there's even such a thing as good dance animation that isn't. I'd love to see more examples of OP/ED dances because I can only think of a couple myself.


Don't worry, you can scrub your brain with katanagatari reruns on noitamina next season.


Hope we get silver spoon news soon.
And the march lion announcement. Powerbloc gogogo


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Here's a story: A young girl is sent to a far off land by her "prince", alone and without support. There, she meets an enclave of seemingly friendly and altruistic people who give her food and shelter. However, it's clear they see her as nothing more than a barbarian, and they are shocked whenever she displays any sort of basic human intelligence or skills. Recognizing potential where they see it, however, the same people who took her now have her working for their shops, cooking in their kitchen, sewing their clothes, and all for what? Some leftovers, a bed, and a dream slowly fading away, being replaced by labor and servitude.

This, my friends, is a story about immigration, worker exploitation, and slavery.

This is Tamako Market.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Here's a story: A young girl is sent to a far off land by her "prince", alone and without support. There, she meets an enclave of seemingly friendly and altruistic people who give her food and shelter. However, it's clear they see her as nothing more than a barbarian, and they are shocked whenever she displays any sort of basic human intelligence or skills. Recognizing potential where they see it, however, the same people who took her now have her working for their shops, cooking in their kitchen, sewing their clothes, and all for what? Some leftovers, a bed, and a dream slowly fading away, being replaced by labor and servitude.

This, my friends, is a story about immigration, worker exploitation, and slavery.

This is Tamako Market.
Critical analysis has no place in this thread.


Here's a story: A young girl is sent to a far off land by her "prince", alone and without support. There, she meets an enclave of seemingly friendly and altruistic people who give her food and shelter. However, it's clear they see her as nothing more than a barbarian, and they are shocked whenever she displays any sort of basic human intelligence or skills. Recognizing potential where they see it, however, the same people who took her now have her working for their shops, cooking in their kitchen, sewing their clothes, and all for what? Some leftovers, a bed, and a dream slowly fading away, being replaced by labor and servitude.

This, my friends, is a story about immigration, worker exploitation, and slavery.

This is Tamako Market.

Sounds good to me.


Welcome to SyFy. lol

So what was this show about anyway? Admittedly I'm only skimming through the thread, but I don't really know anything about it. Is it condemning the whole authoritarian nature of the PP system? Or the people that accept the system?

It condemns the system, not the people. And it doesn't really do a good job of condemning the system, since the characters seem so reluctant to connect their arguments to the world they live in. Which is a pretty huge failing if you're going to make a speculative sci-fi world to begin with.

Psycho Pass end

Well, that was an ending I guess. Not really satisfying on account of
the main antagonist being too insane to care he lost and the Sibyl system still being completely intact
, but an ending nonetheless.

Not a hit or a miss, so I still love Butch.

I agree with your spoiler. Then I might have felt better about how it ended.
Here's a story: A young girl is sent to a far off land by her "prince", alone and without support. There, she meets an enclave of seemingly friendly and altruistic people who give her food and shelter. However, it's clear they see her as nothing more than a barbarian, and they are shocked whenever she displays any sort of basic human intelligence or skills. Recognizing potential where they see it, however, the same people who took her now have her working for their shops, cooking in their kitchen, sewing their clothes, and all for what? Some leftovers, a bed, and a dream slowly fading away, being replaced by labor and servitude.

This, my friends, is a story about immigration, worker exploitation, and slavery.

This is Tamako Market.



Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory 8

Oh man I dunno about this show. It pretty much sucks but its so cheesy its easy to forgive how incredibly awful it is. The characters are horrible, the weird Zeon remnants are so wacky, I dunno man, I just don't know.

The more side stories I watch in UC, the more I want to know what the heck Amuro and the gang have been up to. 3 years now and nobody has mentioned the Red Comet at all?


Oh, and there weren't really any stand out moments of SAKUGA in Laputa like there were in Princess Mononoke or Spirited Away.

Now you're just talking crazy. The Robot in the fortress sequence and the final sequence look particularly impressive.


Macross Plus 2

This episode begins with a concert scene, and it's really one of the better-done concert scenes in anime, albeit a very unconventional one. I don't know for sure, but I have a feeling Kawamori contributed quite a bit to this part of the OVA, as many of the shots are reminiscent of his style in later works. The trippy visuals, light show aesthetics, Yoko Kanno music, and the slow build-up with a montage establishing Sharon Apple's popularity, all contribute to the feeling of unnatural manipulation and seduction. Needless to say, this scene is chock-full of important foreshadowing. Also, it says something when the CG panning shot here looks better than a lot of current CGI.


Another thing I've noticed with the storyboarding in this series is the liberal use of reflections. It's a neat way to connect two different images and the thematic uses are obvious.

This episode has some really good use of montage. The testing montage full of mechanical animation is glorious.

The scene with Myung's old high school friend reminds me just how weird this show is compared to the usual otaku fair; the characters are all far too old and world-worn. On a minor note, I have to say that between this and the Colonel, this series treats black people with a lot more respect than you would normally expect from an anime.

Also, I don't know how I missed the implications of this scene the first time I watched this.


Subete no aware
I guess that's the main guy from the live action movie then... I don't remember what any of them look like. lol

It condemns the system, not the people. And it doesn't really do a good job of condemning the system, since the characters seem so reluctant to connect their arguments to the world they live in. Which is a pretty huge failing if you're going to make a speculative sci-fi world to begin with.
But what about all those references to random authors? lol
I suppose their world exists in the abstract then.


Robotics;Notes 22 Finale

God, what a disappointing show this has been. I remember last year, being pumped to see where they went with this. It showed some real promise. And then the conspiracies turned out to be simple and uninteresting, the most annoying character, Aki, was a huge focus at the tail end, it didn't really have anything interesting to offer for the final stretch and Frau was barely in it!

R;N has taught me to never again become invested in an anime series, unless it's about a cop from hell or muscly men doing manly things while posing.


Here's a story: A young girl is sent to a far off land by her "prince", alone and without support. There, she meets an enclave of seemingly friendly and altruistic people who give her food and shelter. However, it's clear they see her as nothing more than a barbarian, and they are shocked whenever she displays any sort of basic human intelligence or skills. Recognizing potential where they see it, however, the same people who took her now have her working for their shops, cooking in their kitchen, sewing their clothes, and all for what? Some leftovers, a bed, and a dream slowly fading away, being replaced by labor and servitude.

This, my friends, is a story about immigration, worker exploitation, and slavery.

This is Tamako Market.

Seems like a reasonable analysis to me.


Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory 8

The more side stories I watch in UC, the more I want to know what the heck Amuro and the gang have been up to.

That's one more reason why you should look forward to Zeta at the very least. Not that the show is perfect though, plus you may or may not like the answers it provides and several of Tomino's random oddities, but its definitely more interesting than 0083.


Laputa spoilers below!

It has been awhile since I last watched the movie so I hope I'm not off on a few points.

Laputa: Castle in the Sky

Took me a while to get around to this but I finally watched it.

My initial impression is that this is a movie lacking in subtlety or finesse. Perhaps it's because I've been on an Earthsea binge, but I was not impressed by the world presented in the movie, nor its characters. For example we have:

Headstrong Hero who solves problems with sheer dumb luck
Meek Heroine with an INNER STRENGTH (as commented on by Old Hag)
Old Hag who, despite being a pirate, is a nice person deep inside
Lovable Goofy Crew
Antagonist who is the perfect foil for the Heroine, exemplifying the problems the movie is trying to criticize (flaws which are nonexistant in the Heroine)

Not exactly an original cast, and seemed to be designed explicitly for a lighthearted adventure story, which perhaps is the point.

In the movie itself there are airships (fine), magic floating rocks (also fine), kids who manage to swindle their way on board a pirate crew (okay), and long lost civilizations that wiped themselves out with their own technology and hubris (wait what?). It's the last point that made me roll my eyes so hard they're stuck in the back of my head and I'm writing this post blind. I know it's a common trope in fantasy but it's so overused I can no longer stomach it.

The worst part is that the movie never really tells us what happened to the Laputans, just that one day the royal family descended to Earth and were lost to history. There's no indication of civil war, or a disease outbreak, no chance they were killed because their military might rendered them invincible, how did it happen? No one knows, and I suspect, not even Miyazaki knows. We're asked to accept that the Laputans somehow killed themselves, without knowing how or why. While this itself is not a major problem (just a minor case of not enough details), the entire movie's "moral lesson" hinges on whether the Laputans' fate was deserved, and whether Sheeta made the "correct" choice in destroying the castle.

As it is, the movie implies that the reason doesn't matter, and that technology is bad, which is silly. Otherwise, why would the robots be some of the most sympathetic characters in the story?

Perhaps it says more about me than the movie itself that I can no longer enjoy a story like this without miring myself in my criticisms.
I don't know if your criticism is inherently fair, regardless of how accurate it is. Does this make sense? I don't know. Regardless:

With regards to characterisation, Laputa isn't trying to capture a wide range of subtle but believable characters. Miyazaki intended to create a relatively light hearted adventure film and in that I believe he achieved his objective. This wouldn't excuse poor characterisation, for example, but I don't think we have any of that in the movie. Everyone is just what they seem like, by and large. That villainous guy who looks like a villain sure is a villain but that's the kind of story that's being told.

With regards to your personal distaste for overused clichés, yes the ancient civilisation thing is fairly played out but this movie is 27 years old. While 9/10 sci-fi works engage in that cliché today it wasn't too bad back in the mid 80's. Admittedly it's still kind of lazy but it's a trope Miyazaki can't seem to escape.

Finally, onto the movie's backstory. You've posited that "the entire movie's "moral lesson" hinges on whether the Laputans' fate was deserved, and whether Sheeta made the "correct" choice in destroying the castle. "

Now, you're half right. Of course the main question at the end is whether Sheeta made the right correct but this doesn't have anything to do with the fate of the Laputan's. We don't know what happened to them or why but it really doesn't matter in this case because what killed them isn't the problem, it's what Laputa is and what it continues to be by the time the movie makes place. Laputa is a city designed to wage war and subjugate others to it's will, a point they make very clearly in the movie. It's not a neutral location, it's a sky fortress. This is why it's right for Sheeta to destroy it, not because of what may or may not have happened to the Laputan's, but because the city is inherently bad.

Now, you also make a point that you feel the movie is anti-technology and I don't think that's true either. Down on the ground there's a whole host of technologies from cars to trains to airships and none of those are labelled as being bad. It's Laputa itself that's a problem, for the reasons discussed.

I don't think there's anything wrong with subjecting a text to serious criticism but I do feel that some of your points are unfair because they judge the movie on criteria that it's not trying to achieve. This doesn't mean you should lower your expectations, of course.


Girls und Panzer 8 - 9

Girls и Singing

Cliffhanger at the end of 9 would probably have been more tense if they hadn't already established they had to win and that there were 2 episodes left.


Blasty of Tempesty - Episode 23;Final 6 minutes

Worth watching just for the action animation and the comedy setup. This seems like a really fitting way to end a show about magic and conspiracies in the modern era wrapped around pretentious theatrics.
The entire final set piece being an elaborate performance by all the main characters put up to fool people on a grand scale just to save the world is pretty hilarious and effective writing!

Definitely watching the final episode next week, since Ando is back! Lol.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I don't think there's anything wrong with subjecting a text to serious criticism but I do feel that some of your points are unfair because they judge the movie on criteria that it's not trying to achieve. This doesn't mean you should lower your expectations, of course.

It wasn't really serious, it was more of an off the cuff thing.

I came in looking for something that doesn't exist in anime and I left disappointed.


Tragic victim of fan death
Blasty of Tempesty - Episode 23;Final 6 minutes

Worth watching just for the action animation and the comedy setup. This seems like a really fitting way to end a show about magic and conspiracies in the modern era wrapped around pretentious theatrics.
The entire final set piece being an elaborate performance by all the main characters put up to fool people on a grand scale just to save the world is pretty hilarious and effective writing!

Definitely watching the final episode next week, since Ando is back! Lol.

Ando return? Oh snap.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Tamako 11:

Derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp


True but it's like the flu jab, you lose once early on so you can build an immunity for later.

Well sure but:

If it was 2-cour or multiple seasons, sure. But with what you have, you might get a neutral ending at best in terms of having a conclusive but not total victory ending.

This is right. Had this series been longer this tournament could have been a smaller less important one where Pravda would have been a good losing point.


Tragic victim of fan death
Can't wait to see how SSY ends. Considering how ZnT and PP bombed for me, I have already set in my mind how I'm going to feel about SSY's ending. lol.


Girls und Panzer 8 - 9

Girls и Singing

Cliffhanger at the end of 9 would probably have been more tense if they hadn't already established they had to win and that there were 2 episodes left.

Try not to do those 'well there's x episodes left so they can't win yet/have to win now' things, they really just tick yourself off. It's like checking how many pages left you have of a book.


Subete no aware
Try not to do those 'well there's x episodes left so they can't win yet/have to win now' things, they really just tick yourself off. It's like checking how many pages left you have of a book.
The same way you follow the movements in a symphony, there's no reason not to follow the act structure of a television series. The creativity comes from being able to work in the form and produce something new within conventions (or break them).


The same way you follow the movements in a symphony, there's no reason not to follow the act structure of a television series. The creativity comes from being able to work in the form and produce something new within conventions (or break them).

Sure, but I find that bloody urge to see 'we're not at the climax yet so they're definitely going to win this encounter' really annoying and I find it detracts personally from my experience.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sure, but I find that bloody urge to see 'we're not at the climax yet so they're definitely going to win this encounter' really annoying and I find it detracts personally from my experience.

Only because animu/manga has become so predictable.

Date A Live character PV the fifth, featurisasdkjfdaskfjsdj

Next week: Origami.
Next week: Yoshino
Next week: Kurumi / meltdown

For a Kurumi PV, there wasn't actually that much Kurumi, at least not relative to the other PVs. Not sure whether the anime's covering vols 1-3 or 1-4, but if it's the former then I'm presuming she's the show's big bad by default, which might explain why they're not giving too much away.

Seems that this image (slightly NSFW) is an actual scene rather than just being LN fanservice. Not sure who she's going for in the right screen, but I hope it's Origami.

Goddamn hype hype hype.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Films can get away with this in a much easier way. When you're in a cinema with your phone turned off, you're not looking at the time. :p

No one actually turns off their cell phone in MURIKA.

Anyway who watches movies in a theatre?
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