New Yugioh Show - 01
I'll watch this because I need to watch something stupid and fun, and I haven't seen a Yugioh show in ages. This is a fresh start I guess, but it's basically more of the same, with a bit of a wackier premise and characters. I'll continue watching, what the hell.
That Sumo Show - 01
Didn't like it. It has an old school vibe to it, but the humor is kind of dull, the main character is annoying and there was no point to it all, other than to make us hate the guy, which the episode succeeded in doing, but I'm not interested enough to keep watching. Maybe if you guys say it gets good later on, but for now I'm out.
Mahouka - 01
Yeah, I can see why this is popular, I get a strong Angel Beats vibe from this one, and I hated that show, but this one at least looks a bit better (the designs are still stupidly simple, but at least they stay on model and there's some nice animation here and there). Other than that, I expect the show to turn serious and tragic in a way that the typical anime fan adores, and they'll probably give extremely detailed explanations of the magic system and what not, everything you'd expect out of an adaptation of a popular light novel (?). Anyway, I'll continue watching, but I'll probably hate it.