She can't be with you, cajun, let the girl be happy >_<
You know best girl never wins. Except in
Kokoro Connect
She can't be with you, cajun, let the girl be happy >_<
You know best girl never wins. Except inKokoro Connect
You know best girl never wins. Except inKokoro Connect
2 seconds into Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to 01
Ashisu is Ayase!!
...Aito is Kirito.
I don't know if I'm going to be able to enjoy this adaptation.
2 seconds into Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to 01
Ashisu is Ayase!!
...Aito is Kirito.
I don't know if I'm going to be able to enjoy this adaptation.
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara 1
You would think someone would take the concept of seeing flags and make something funny with it, but nope. Instead I got some ugly generic trash, couldn't make it past the first 10 mins.
White Album 2
Not quite, but I didn't want to disappoint.Did you pick up your 400 KMB blurays while you were over there?
Yuyushiki 11
Well, better than the last episode. Only one more to go, though.
Do you ever notice when you're going through a show in your backlog, you kind of get excited when you reach the last few episodes? It's not that I'm getting tired of the shows, it's just that I'm looking forward to the next one. It's been a while since I've watched a show that I just don't want to end. ;_;
Wasn't here last year, bit does Free have anything to it besides bishis?
Wasn't here last year, bit does Free have anything to it besides bishis?
That's an episodic show, you don't need to have seen a single episode to watch season 2.So looking at people recommendations apparently I should watch
Ping Pong
Baby Steps
Captain Earth
I don#t need much convincing for the sports and mecha stuff. JoJo I can safely skip because I watched the first few episodes of the first season and it wasn't for me. Mushishi seems to be the second season now so I guess I'll skip that as well.
What's with the sumo anime though? Has anyone given that a shot yet?
Okay. PoT and Kuroko cover whatever suppressed feelings I may have....Not really, if you are looking for bishonen with some substance, I think Code:Breaker is good.
Wasn't here last year, bit does Free have anything to it besides bishis?
Ok, it's been about ten episodes into the show, so while I've been kicking around this post in my head since episode one there's less of a chance it'll blow up in my face now. Well, that and writing takes work and all.
Why you should be watching Happiness Charge Precure
I don#t need much convincing for the sports and mecha stuff. JoJo I can safely skip because I watched the first few episodes of the first season and it wasn't for me. Mushishi seems to be the second season now so I guess I'll skip that as well.
Air 10
So...this is a prologue re-do of sorts?
Pretty emotional but seriously, what the fuck is going on.
Angel Beats! 10
Ah yeah. Now, this episode I really dug. Best episode yet by a light year. Hinata confirmed for best bro, sorry TK.
Kiniro Mosaic 9
The best part of this episode was easy the hide and seek bit.
Magica Wars 01
I had no idea CR even picked this up, and they still haven't put up an announcement on their page. .
The latest addition to Crunchyroll's spring 2014 anime lineup is Gainax's MAGICA WARS. The series is set to stream Tuesdays at 11:00am EDT for premium members, with the first episode now available. Free members will be able to watch them one week after the initial broadcast.
MAGICA WARS will be available to Crunchyroll's audience in the following territories: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands, and Turkey.
Mahouka - 01
Yeah, I can see why this is popular, I get a strong Angel Beats vibe from this one, and I hated that show, but this one at least looks a bit better (the designs are still stupidly simple, but at least they stay on model and there's some nice animation here and there). Other than that, I expect the show to turn serious and tragic in a way that the typical anime fan adores, and they'll probably give extremely detailed explanations of the magic system and what not, everything you'd expect out of an adaptation of a popular light novel (?). Anyway, I'll continue watching, but I'll probably hate it.
See, it's posts like these that could almost convince me to pick up a Precure series as it's airing, especially as the writer has such familiarity with the genre. The only reason I probably won't is my aversion to watching Magical Girl shows as they air, I'd probably rather just marathon them.
Of course, I'm also reminded that I need to write a hearty post about Doremi sometime or other...
Not at the time I wrote that.But they did.
humanity's last hope
It's all fun and games until you need to assign team leaders and give out officer ranks.Also the protag might eventually get an army of lolis.
Getter Robo G 22
Trans-Am? For pussies.
RG Mode? For little kids.
Lambda Driver? For pansies.
Black Bullet 1
fuck you anime (maybe dont click on these links unless you are alone)
This is some hot garbage. Take a story that tries to be serious and dark and insert every shitty anime cliche and pandering and you get this mess. The little bit of the trailer I saw made this look like some action anime, instead I get a little girl trying to sleep with the main character. Don't waste your time on it.
also best character
I can dig that but that first arc (Phantom Blood) and set of characters really only lasts the first 9 episodes of the first season. It changes up with his son Joseph for the second arc (Battle Tendency), and then the second season strays even FURTHER with Part 3 (Stardust Crusaders) featuring Joseph's grandson and the introduction of a new power set that alters everything.
That first story arc sets the stage, but honestly the different parts might as well be different series and not enjoying the first couple episodes of the first season doesn't mean you won't enjoy Season 2. Stardust Crusaders may be the mostl popular of all JoJo's arcs.
Well this was decent and adorable 5 mins anime. But it's really short for anything to happen. I will probably even forget about it by next week.
Black Bullet 1
fuck you anime (maybe dont click on these links unless you are alone)
This is some hot garbage. Take a story that tries to be serious and dark and insert every shitty anime cliche and pandering and you get this mess. The little bit of the trailer I saw made this look like some action anime, instead I get a little girl trying to sleep with the main character. Don't waste your time on it.
also best character
I really don't see how you get an Angel Beats vibe from this show. The only thing they literally have in common is that they both take place in a high school environment and theirs action.
But whatever. People dig on Angel Beats all the time.
Ah, but which is which?Anime thread of spoilers and lies.
The designs are pretty similar (that generic simple LN style) and I have a feeling this show will take itself as seriously as Angel Beats did, although it shouldn't.
I didn't like Angel Beats, sorry.
But I enjoyed Toradora a lot! (I think you liked that show, right?)
And my next show is Hanamaru Kindergarten.
This certainly looks :cajun.
I hope?
Please don't be :cnet