Brynhasjhajhild in the Darkness 1
"Show me your armpits!!"
AOTY, everyone! Now, being seriously, I enjoyed it much more than I expected. "From the author of Elfen Lied" is not something that is positive on my book but this first episode was pretty cool.
I can't remember how to spell that name though. How does a japanese even say that?
It doesn't take itself that seriously. It basically dick-rides the protagonist for being the most interesting man alive. Which is hilarious. If you enjoy a good gary stu, you'll like this.
Heh, I thought Index and Shana killed my interest in dumb LN-ass scifi/fantasy shit but I found this pretty fun! Nothing amazing but the action scenes were pretty decent, Enju is hnnnnnnnng, there's a seductive and creepy mortician(?)-sensei and Rikiya Koyama is voicing a villain of sorts. Also lolis are saving the planet or something, good enough for me!
Giga Drill Break is a Finishing Move, though, not a Super Mode. Best as I can tell the Shine Spark is simultaneously a Finishing Move AND a Super Mode.
So this is the extended episode that explains the ending that I think most people understood (
Hajime absorbing Katze
) but no one really knew why or how it happened.
There are some things that it reminded me of though that made the show interesting to me then and still interesting now:
The idea of crowd-sourcing (CROWDS, GET IT??) as a panacea to all the world's problems isn't really and old idea, but it's just become a major thing now with how willing we are to crowd-source projects through financial means. I don't know if there will be ever a way to make the leap to using more than just money to collectively help a project (people have tried things like clicking links to donate rice to third world countries and so forth, but it's still fairly low impact), but given how successful Kickstarter and Wikipedia have become, it seems believable that someone will figure out a way to tap into people power so that it doesn't take a disaster to get everyone to want to help each other.
If it means "Gamifying" charity by having a social network that tracks how much you give back to the community, then at least it's better than the Farmvilles and Candy Crushes that we have now.
As for the episode itself, I guess I should say that I was surprised that they took the time to give everyone a happy ending. I can't remember the original episode, but even
terrorist guy gets to see his family again after he gets out of jail
, so that was a surprise.
They never do explain Rui and her potential identity issues and after watching this episode, I think I'm fine with that. Is she trans? Does she even identify as a girl, given that Hajime refers to her with "kun"? It doesn't really matter, since other than the initial reveal of Rui as a cis-male in the early episodes, it never really comes up. If you connect that with the idea of CROWDS and projecting your own identity onto the world, I think it works.
But really, this is what you'd be here for:
I assumed that this is what happened, that it would make sense for Hajime, who is the most optimistic and Pollyanna-ish heroine in the history of fiction, would essentially
absorb Katze into herself and bear the burden of trying to contain him and perhaps "fix" him
. How they confront each other makes perfect sense too,
given her optimism and his use of anonymity and crowds to try to spread negativity.
I don't know if I needed to see this actually happen, but it was nice excuse to come back into the world one last time anyway.
The designs are pretty similar (that generic simple LN style) and I have a feeling this show will take itself as seriously as Angel Beats did, although it shouldn't.
I didn't like Angel Beats, sorry.
But I enjoyed Toradora a lot! (I think you liked that show, right?)
Angel Beats really didn't take itself all that seriously. It had serious moments but it interlaced itself with jokes all the time. It's a Comedy-Drama. I don't see the characters designs as similar at all. I think both have two very different art styles.
- They're playing off as a dream again. Come on dude....
- ....Oh I guess not?
- Sugoi!!!
- That cake looks delicious.
- Faces. Kind of getting used to them. But the faces!
- Witches vs Magical Girls. Sounds about right.
- :SDBurton? Do I have that right?
- I wish I had a desk like that when I was in school.
- I don't know what it is but I like this transfer student. She oozes badass.
- Heh.
- Doodling in class. Tsk tsk tsk.
- Well..... that's a pretty heavy thought.
- Faces!!! Ahhhhhhh!
- Lol. I am embarrassed for her. That was cute.
- Well that's..... dark.
- This witch world or whatever it is, is so abstract.
- That's a witch?
- I really dig this song!
- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe that just happened. Bad ass meter has dropped down a little for her. HAHAHAHAHA.
- Okay... There's big weapons and then there's "get the f*** out".
- You're adorable Madoka.
So, let's start the episode with immediate mindrape of Ayato, which makes me worried that I might have skipped an episode. I haven't, it's just in medias res
The episode is called Nightmare, and I have to say, this is one of the better portrayals of not getting the grip of lucid dreaming that I've seen anime... though then again, I confess I haven't seen many series where they've tried using that.
It has a ton of moments where Ayato concentrating on a single detail in an otherwise natural feeling reality causes stuff to get a bit crazy.
One of the earliest cases is when his old friend's girlfriend (still dating) suddenly starts hitting on him in the open after he watches this couple kiss and looks at her chest. Another is when there's a moving, shaking doll that, once Ayato pays attention to it, sits up and then explodes like a balloon. A stray thought sends the dream completely off track.
Quon also seems to be somewhat mentally linked with Ayato, because she completely flips out as he is being forced into this dream-like hypnosis by the Mu that he destroys by the end of the episode by using his mental image of Mishima to force himself out.
This was weird. Interesting, and told us stuff about Ayato in a rather unique way by focusing on his subconscious and unfiltered thoughts, but weird
Voices sound about right, and the artwork is pretty close. Being done very Azumanga like, in the terms of presentation, which is fine. Like it so far, lets see if the remaining girls and the cat are on the mark as well. Needs us some Sena-chan.
It does abstract art better then other anime I'll give it that. It doesn't bother me. And considering I am not the biggest fan of abstract art that's a pretty big complement from me.
- They're playing off as a dream again. Come on dude....
- ....Oh I guess not?
- Sugoi!!!
- That cake looks delicious.
- Faces. Kind of getting used to them. But the faces!
- Witches vs Magical Girls. Sounds about right.
- :SDBurton? Do I have that right?
- I wish I had a desk like that when I was in school.
- I don't know what it is but I like this transfer student. She oozes badass.
- Heh.
- Doodling in class. Tsk tsk tsk.
- Well..... that's a pretty heavy thought.
- Faces!!! Ahhhhhhh!
- Lol. I am embarrassed for her. That was cute.
- Well that's..... dark.
- This witch world or whatever it is, is so abstract.
- That's a witch?
- I really dig this song!
- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I can't believe that just happened. Bad ass meter has dropped down a little for her. HAHAHAHAHA.
- Okay... There's big weapons and then there's "get the f*** out".
- You're adorable Madoka.
Us folk still watching Mahouka will have to hide beneath the floor of AnimeGAF in hopes they don't find us by asking many questions and getting us to confess.
Well there's a difference in being objective and noticing that a show has fundamental flaws in certain aspects be it animation, character development or plot and still enjoying it despite this and being willfully blind and proclaiming something to be the best thing ever in one or more aspects with no room for argument despite there being a wealth of evidence otherwise.
No Game No Life is set to broadcast every Wednesday starting on April 9th, at 8:30 am Pacific Time and will be available to Crunchyroll members in the following territories: USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Latin America.
Angel Beats really didn't take itself all that seriously. It had serious moments but it interlaced itself with jokes all the time. It's a Comedy-Drama. I don't see the characters designs as similar at all. I think both have two very different art styles.
No Life centers on a brother- sister hikikomori (shut-in) duo who have notoriously spawned urban legends all over the Internet of their gaming skill. One day, they encounter a boy named God who summons them into an alternate world. In this world where war is prohibited, sixteen different races fight for control but competing through various games. Humanity has been driven back to one final city. Will Sora and Shiro be able to save humanity from the brink of extinction?
Design wise its all generic anime definitely. However, Angel beats really is a great anime. Nice story, good characters, good humour and a very nice OST.
I dont want it to end but at the rate I was watching yesterday ill be done with it in no time, the only reason im not marathon it right at this moment is because of the nintendo direct and such.
Design wise its all generic anime definitely. However, Angel beats really is a great anime. Nice story, good characters, good humour and a very nice OST.
I think the only thing that would save Mahouka is if it made an IS-turn and become super ironic in its stupidity. Which probably means playing the incest stuff up so much that it becomes a Koi Kaze parody.
Cute humor a la CLAMP? Okay, let's see where this goes.
So the story of this show is apparently about a girl named DobatoKobato and her talking dog doll/guardian Ioryogi. Kobato wants to "go places", and to achieve that, she apparently needs to collect broken hearts by first curing them. Ioryogi tests her social skills, keeps her out of trouble and tries to make sure she adapts to Earth's habits ASAP so they can get to collecting these hearts
The show looks nice and Kobato is definitely cute and crazy, lacking in any common sense or caution, but while her character's effective, it feels also rather unoriginal, so I'm so very thankful that Ioryogi's in this, because he just steals the show whenever possible.
Usually mascot characters tend to have a cute personality, but Ioryogi here is a complete opposite of Kobato. He's temperamental, rough, a bit mischievous and has street smarts that Kobato lacks. He feels like a 30-something yakuza guy who's taking care of a young relative, especially in his voice. Oh, also, he can breathe fire. Badass.
It's enjoyable enough and it is decent eye candy, so I'm definitely going to keep watching this
I mean the show came together at the very end but up until that point it was a jumbled mess. Plus I liked Yuzuru Otonashi more then Riki. I cared more about the plight for the cast of Angel Beats characters then I did for Little Busters characters.
Blazing through the back half of the first season in preparation for this one was unnecessary in one sense, with it taking place before the events of that season really begin. But it refamiliarized me with the world. And even if the character design is different and the energy is much more lower-key than the main series, all the familiar elements are there. The weird, laughing sun, and cameos from almost all of the main cast. No word from Death himself, but speaking cameos from Maka, Black Star and Tsubaki were much appreciated.
Soul Eater, but done in more of a girl's comedy way with a yuri love triangle sounds like a neat concept. It combines the low-key femininity of something like a Sakura Trick or an A Channel with the horror-pop action series of Soul Eater, and while there are times where they brush up against each other, I want to see where this goes. OP and ED are nice, Tsugumi's cute, Anya's a good Hayami role, and Meme's also cute. Cuteness is justice!