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Winter Storm for NE/MA States Friday-Sunday (Up: Blizzard warnings)

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Wow, if a light dusting is enough to cause that traffic, this weekend is going to be fun for you guys.

It wasn't just the snow (which already fucks us), many of the roads were completely iced up since they weren't treated.

I was watching the road from my place and could see cars fishtailing and sliding out just 30 minutes after snowfall started. An hour in, there were plenty of cars that just stopped in the middle of the road or pulled off to the side and just flipped their hazards on since they couldnt control their cars properly. That said, most of them eventually were able to get going a few minutes later, I think they were just spooked how quickly road conditions went from fine to really bad.

Edit: Latest from Bernie Rayno, about 25 mins ago; http://videowall.accuweather.com/de.../2430839568001/blizzard-dc-to-philadelphia-cl

He goes into the timing of when the storm is expected to hit, so for you folks trying to travel at the last second, you might want to give it a look.

Yeah I have a flight leaving IAD scheduled for tomorrow evening, which I know will be cancelled. I tried calling the airlines yesterday to switch it to tonight before things goes south, but they said they wouldnt switch without me paying change fees + airfare difference. I tried to reason with them that they were going to lose money when they inevitably would cancel my flight on Friday, but they wouldn't budge. Idiots.


Wow, if a light dusting is enough to cause that traffic, this weekend is going to be fun for you guys.

Yeah, it snows maybe 2-3 times a year now, tops, so most people have zero idea how to drive in snow. So dumb, everything causes an accident and everything closes schools. People are going to flippppppppppppppp outtttttttt this weekend :/


I'm really curious to see the forecast later this afternoon. I'm right on the edge of that last map posted. Just needs to go north a bit and I'll be in it more.

I'll be a little disappointing getting hyped up all week to get like 2-3 inches.
Yeah I drove back from a buddy's place at like 9 last night and I spun off the road once, and was so close to not making it up the hill I live on. My poor Honda Civic can't handle the conditions at all :(
It wasn't just the snow (which already fucks us), many of the roads were completely iced up since they weren't treated.

I was watching the road from my place and could see cars fishtailing and sliding out just 30 minutes after snowfall started. An hour in, there were plenty of cars that just stopped in the middle of the road or pulled off to the side and just flipped their hazards on since they couldnt control their cars properly. That said, most of them eventually were able to get going a few minutes later, I think they were just spooked how quickly road conditions went from fine to really bad.

Yeah I was driving home from work last night in the DC area and was shocked how badly the roads became in a matter of minutes. People in front of me were barely driving, people were stopping in the middle of the road with their hazards and what not.


Durham, NC here. Calls for delays tomorrow morning. We'll see how that goes.

10 miles to the north of you. My employees keep asking are we working. I bought 3 gallons of milk and two loaves of bread. Hope this doesn't turn out like the snowpoclaypse and ice storm of 99/2000..


The supermarket was quite the spectacle last night here in Richmond VA. The lines to check out at Kroger were stretching halfway back across the store. It took nearly an hour to get out of there.

They were sold out of the usual and stocking as fast as they could, but it didn't matter.

I couldn't find a sweet onion. Why did they buy all the sweet onions?

Lol someone here in Falls Church was saying the same thing "all the onions were gone!" I have some clearly different preparedness scenarios than my compatriots.

With these models I'm wondering if I can outrun the DC snowfall for the weekend, but if I'm hosed coming back anytime soon.... bus service has been suspended Saturday but they're not calling Sunday yet.

The light snow yesterday has already caused the fuckery to commence here. Cars spinning out and smashing into street parked ones as they try and take the hills by my dad's too fast. Going to be wonderful, I suspect...

EDIT: And then I just realized how hellish my parking lot is going to be. A whole bunch of immigrants who, bless their heart, don't understand snow, and don't shovel spaces for shit.


Damn, 2+ feet in DC is no joke of a storm.

I have to say I am very glad that it seems this won't hit Boston. I was getting flashbacks - our first major storm last year came the weekend after MLK day.


Yes, I know that other states aren't as prepared to handle snow as those who receive snow on the regular.

And yes, I understand that snow, even a dusting of snow is really unusual for many areas about to be hit from the storm.

And yea, I know that driving in snow is a foreign concept to many people out there.

...but watching the greater DC area in more than a mild state of panic is pretty damned humorous at the moment, considering it's been snowing for three days straight here.

All that said though, stay safe, and stay warm people. The thing to remember about snow is, it eventually melts.
Top 5 DC snowstorms. There hasn't been more than 20'' since 1922. Some of the models are showing >30''.

  • 28” (Jan. 27-29, 1922)
  • 20” (Feb. 12-14, 1899)
  • 18.7” (Feb. 18-19, 1979)
  • 17.8 (Feb. 5-6, 2010)
  • 17.1” (Jan. 6-8, 1996)


A flight for my mom and brother was scheduled out of Baltimore on Saturday. Delta let me change it to Monday, no charge.
Top 5 DC snowstorms. There hasn't been more than 20'' since 1922. Some of the models are showing >30''.

  • 28” (Jan. 27-29, 1922)
  • 20” (Feb. 12-14, 1899)
  • 18.7” (Feb. 18-19, 1979)
    [*]17.8 (Feb. 5-6, 2010)
  • 17.1” (Jan. 6-8, 1996)

I didn't realize Snowmageddon was only 17.8". Felt like we got like 50-60" during that month.


Unconfirmed Member
The rest of the country is worried that you're not going to make it through this weekend and will fall at the first sign of snow, like the south did last year.

DC GAF, post if you're okay.

DC - 1/20/16

Why attach a picture of some cars waiting at a red light? Looks like normal DC traffic to me. Could at least find a shot of 495 backed up from Beltsville to Alexandria.


The grocery store I went to yesterday in Reston was fully stocked with everything and hardly any lines. Full on milk and bread. Wonder why others are getting hit harder.


Looks like CT is broken down into two parts for snowfall: Middletown and north , 1-5 inches. Points south, 5-10. Hartford area could potentially see only a dusting to an inch.

Yeah the estimates have really gone down here in CT as we get closer to the storm. When I started checking a few days ago we were at 5-8 inches and snow all day Saturday into Sunday morning, now we're at 1-3 overnight. Not that I'm complaining, I'm sure we'll get ours before the winter is out.

Stay safe everyone.
Here's the latest NAM. Again, this doesn't mean that this will be how it pans out exactly, it's just what this model is showing at the moment.



The grocery store I went to yesterday in Reston was fully stocked with everything and hardly any lines. Full on milk and bread. Wonder why others are getting hit harder.

Yeah my store on tuesday was perfectly fine. I assume not so perfectly fine today.

Here's the latest NAM. Again, this doesn't mean that this will be how it pans out exactly, it's just what this model is showing at the moment.


Yay, went from 3 feet to 4 feet over the course of a day. Can't wait to never leave the house.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Lol, the difference between these models for my area is crazy. I'm at anywhere from under 3 inches (the GFS model from a page back) to like 15+ with the new one.
Lol, the difference between these models for my area is crazy. I'm at anywhere from under 3 inches (the GFS model from a page back) to like 15+ with the new one.

Yep, different models showing snow mixing to sleet/rain at times in places, different tracks, different speeds...for places like Long Island it's still very uncertain what the totals will be.
Here's the latest NAM. Again, this doesn't mean that this will be how it pans out exactly, it's just what this model is showing at the moment.

Woah. Philly here. Last I had seen it looked like maybe it was toned down a bit to the 8-10" range. Two feet? Sheeeeeeit.

Is this starting late tomorrow or early enough that I need to leave work early?
Man. This thread has taught me how many people live so close to me. I had no idea. Guess we'll bring in the Snowpocalypse together!

I'm just glad I live so close to a grocery store that I could walk if I needed to. Even through snow.


Latest Euro model is out. Looks like 28-32 inches for DC area. Jackpot area is 44 inches.


Holy shit, really? (Can't view imgur links at work)

Man, I'd be more hyped if I didn't live at an apartment complex and had some room to actually go out into the snow (besides digging my car out). I was planning to go into work on Saturday to get a project out of the way, but rescheduled it for Sunday. At this point I might actually have to reschedule for another weekend if the roads aren't cleared by then.
This is going to be a mess over such a wide area. Here in the northern NC mountains we're expecting 12-20", with the backside of the storm pushing wind gusts over 50 mph. Yet I'll take that over the ice that a lot of the Piedmont/SC/GA will receive, or the historic snowfall in NoVa. People are going to be without power for a long time in much of the south and mid-atlantic.


No Scrubs
Here's the latest NAM. Again, this doesn't mean that this will be how it pans out exactly, it's just what this model is showing at the moment.


Goddamn, that orange mass of doom keeping inching closer to NYC. If we get hit by that kiss Lady Liberty goodbye :lol


I work at a community social work agency in DC...and we're closing preemptively at 1pm tomorrow. Going to be good.
Here's the latest NAM. Again, this doesn't mean that this will be how it pans out exactly, it's just what this model is showing at the moment.


the NAM i sgenerally a misleading model in terms of snowfall amounts. I'd scale any number you see here back by 25%.

Use the Euro.
Here's the latest NAM. Again, this doesn't mean that this will be how it pans out exactly, it's just what this model is showing at the moment.

I'm two to three counties over from the center of the storm where they are calling for 48 inches. Still in the orange area of doom.


I'm salty at everyone from NYGAF who's rooting for more snow. Are you students or unemployed or something, because it's not like we're known for shutting down non-school activities up here : (


Man. This thread has taught me how many people live so close to me. I had no idea. Guess we'll bring in the Snowpocalypse together!

I'm just glad I live so close to a grocery store that I could walk if I needed to. Even through snow.

Yeah! Nova gaf hype. I, too, can walk to the store, but no one is going to be there if it's 4 ft. I doubt they'll stay open.
I'm salty at everyone from NYGAF who's rooting for more snow. Are you students or unemployed or something, because it's not like we're known for shutting down non-school activities up here : (

Nah I just love snow. That, and the snow seems to be coming during the weekend.
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