So I've been reading up on this whole 1.03/1.04 Mipmap Bias stuff and if I understand correctly, it's like this:
Patch 1.03: TextureMipBias value = 0
This will give you worse IQ (compared to 1.04), but will greatly improve the extermination of shimmering and aliasing.
Patch 1.04: TextureMipBias value = -1.0 (Ultra)
This will give you an improvement in IQ (compared to 1.03), but you will notice more shimmering and aliasing
So it's basically a question of what you would rather have, right? Would you rather have lesser IQ but no shimmer/aliasing or would you rather have better IQ, but more shimmering/aliasing?
It seems like everyone in this thread is going for the 1.03 way (the 0 value). Are there also people sticking to 1.04?
I haven't played with the new patch yet, so I think I'll start with better IQ and see if the shimmering/aliasing is bad enough to make me revert back to 1.03 as well. For the record, I'm playing at 1440p with both in-game AA and NVCP applied FXAA. I don't mind the FXAA blur too much.