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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread


I wish they implement a slider for TextureMipBias in the game instead of linking it to Texture quality preset so that you can choose without setting ultra in game and after editing ini files.


So I've been reading up on this whole 1.03/1.04 Mipmap Bias stuff and if I understand correctly, it's like this:

Patch 1.03: TextureMipBias value = 0
This will give you worse IQ (compared to 1.04), but will greatly improve the extermination of shimmering and aliasing.

Patch 1.04: TextureMipBias value = -1.0 (Ultra)
This will give you an improvement in IQ (compared to 1.03), but you will notice more shimmering and aliasing

So it's basically a question of what you would rather have, right? Would you rather have lesser IQ but no shimmer/aliasing or would you rather have better IQ, but more shimmering/aliasing?

It seems like everyone in this thread is going for the 1.03 way (the 0 value). Are there also people sticking to 1.04?

I haven't played with the new patch yet, so I think I'll start with better IQ and see if the shimmering/aliasing is bad enough to make me revert back to 1.03 as well. For the record, I'm playing at 1440p with both in-game AA and NVCP applied FXAA. I don't mind the FXAA blur too much.

Oh shit I didn't connect this patch with the aliasing I was seeing for some reason... might have to set it to 0 :/ especially considering my performance seems to have worsened too.


Nvidia drivers keep crashing sometimes when i play the game, 780GTX. It's getting annoying to keep saving every 5 minutes even though the crash can happen in either 30min or 4 hours.
I've played 33 hours without a crash but I had multiple crashes in Chrome to the point that I had to disabled hardware acceleration. I look forward to enabling it again so I don't have to deal with screen tearing when viewing a fullscreen video.


I got one crash back when the game was version 1.02 and for me the fix was turning off framelimit ingame, setting off vsync but turning on adaptive vsync in nVidia CP and setting power management in nVidia CP to maximum performance.
After that i played about 20 hours with version 1.02 and no crashes at all. Also not a single crash after patch 1.03 and 1.04 for about 20 more hours I have played. Maybe for someone it will help.


Well, maybe we are observing different things. What I am seeing is that especially on the horses back and riding slow, there is a skipped frame every few seconds, which makes the game appear a bit "jumpy". Much as you are rather warping through the world instead of running through it. I think it's always there, it's just more noticable when riding on the horses back.

It's gone when you move very, very slowly on foot.

Doesn't seem like frame skipping per se. It feels like it, but neither the framerate or frametime sugest a frame being skipped in the renderer. A frame in the walking animation while on horseback though seem to be missing. The animation together with the camera constantly skips forward. Rough animation reset? It's really annoying, but thankfully that's the only time it occurs. Animation and controls overall feels rough in this game.


1.04 is working fine for me. Question though, I rarely use gallop in game unless I need to and I just noticed that if you don't steer while Roach is in full gallop, his stamina does not go down at all. Is that a bug? I'm not complaining of course! Just curious.
1.04 is working fine for me. Question though, I rarely use gallop in game unless I need to and I just noticed that if you don't steer while Roach is in full gallop, his stamina does not go down at all. Is that a bug? I'm not complaining of course! Just curious.
It doesn't go down if you're on the roads.


1.04 is working fine for me. Question though, I rarely use gallop in game unless I need to and I just noticed that if you don't steer while Roach is in full gallop, his stamina does not go down at all. Is that a bug? I'm not complaining of course! Just curious.

Not a bug, it's by design. I guess the developers just implemented this as a way to quickly move around the map whilst sticking to the roads on horseback.
1.04 introduced a lot of pop-in for me. NPC's and light sources fade in much closer now, and distant foliage lod pop is much more noticeable. Anyone else getting this? Still have everything on ultra (hairworks off).
1.04 introduced a lot of pop-in for me. NPC's and light sources fade in much closer now, and distant foliage lod pop is much more noticeable. Anyone else getting this? Still have everything on ultra (hairworks off).

I have not noticed a difference on ultra. I tend to have a really good eye for these things.

But then again, I am not infallible.


Guys, can someone explain to me what the Blur option in the post-processing settings menu is supposed to do?

It's not about depth of field. Motion blur is a separate setting altogether. What exactly am I losing when I switch this thing off?
1.04 introduced a lot of pop-in for me. NPC's and light sources fade in much closer now, and distant foliage lod pop is much more noticeable. Anyone else getting this? Still have everything on ultra (hairworks off).
I've been noticing this. In large cities some NPCs load in way later than others. In smaller settlements, sometimes I can see NPC chat bubbles and floating objects before the characters are loaded in.

Only happens when going full steam on horseback though. And since there are no consequences to bumping into people while on horseback, I don't care.


Oh man this Nvidia Kepler driver update can't come soon enough, really hoping this puts things where they should be by the end of the week.


I noticed a few people using sweetfx for this game. It seems to look better, at least in screenshots. Is there a popular profile everyone is using? can anyone make any recommendations? I've never used it before. Seems that all you have to do is copy and past some files. Let me know if there is more to it than that. Thanks.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Hairworks seems much better since the patch? Just got around to trying it since the patch and it's not plummeting when facing a pack of wolves like before.

I'm dropping to the low 50s instead of mid 40s, it seems to get better every patch by a few fps. Still not viable for me as I can't abide dips but maybe one day at this pace.


Hairworks seems much better since the patch? Just got around to trying it since the patch and it's not plummeting when facing a pack of wolves like before.
They shaved the wolves.

No, seriously, they improved the HairWorks somehow. It's even in the patch notes IIRC.

-Rebinding of all keys is now available after switching on the ‘Unlock Bindings’ option in the Options\Key Bindings submenu.
-Corrects an issue in the dialogue system that might have caused dialogue looping in certain scenes.
-Fixes an issue with incorrect behavior of Wild Hunt warriors after they were affected by the Axii Sign.
-Corrects a bug that caused spontaneous combustion of gas clouds.
-1280 x 720 resolution is now properly displayed as a valid resolution option.
-Fixes boat stuttering in cutscenes.
-Texture rendering quality for the high and ultra presets has been improved.
-Further improvements made in NVIDIA Hairworks performance.
-A few additional gwent cards are now available in the Prologue area.
-Fixes an issue where users with usernames incorporating non-Latin characters were unable to import saves from The Witcher 2.
-Includes a series of overall stability and performance improvements.
-Fixes issues related to alt + tabbing and minimizing the game window.
-Updates the game icon.
-Enlarges the loot pop-up window in the UI.
-Fixes an issue where, in certain circumstances, the comparison window could extend beyond the game borders in the UI.
-Upgrading items included in gear sets no longer destroys rune sockets on said items.
-Introduces small tweaks in the UI for gwent.
-Corrects some missing translations in localized versions.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
For me it has gone from mid 30s > mid 40s > low 50s with each patch, this is with hairworks on all in the middle of a pack of wolves. Maybe 60fps locked with hairworks on could be a reality at some point, if they can keep on optimising it. Especially if they give us a monsters only option.


I should post up my problem from yesterday, see if anyone else has dealt with it.

I was playing yesterday and the game locked up, and then the screen went black. I imagine this is the video driver crashing because I could still hear the game and could bring up the menu and all that. I had to hit the reset button on my computer though. After it rebooted I started up the game to load my save and it crashes every time when the game loads. I thought my save had corrupted, but no others saves would load either. I verified the game in GOG Galaxy, but that didn't fix anything. I eventually uninstalled and reinstalled the game which fixed it. I wonder if I could have just deleted the DLL files and verified it again? Either way, kinda had me worried for a second.
1.04 introduced a lot of pop-in for me. NPC's and light sources fade in much closer now, and distant foliage lod pop is much more noticeable. Anyone else getting this? Still have everything on ultra (hairworks off).

Opposite for me. On 1.03 I was noticing alot of NPC pop-in, but yesterday after updating I didn't experience any in the 8 hours I played. Distant foliage LoD is the same.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
1.04 introduced a lot of pop-in for me. NPC's and light sources fade in much closer now, and distant foliage lod pop is much more noticeable. Anyone else getting this? Still have everything on ultra (hairworks off).

I have noticed more and more NPC pop-in happening lately not so much foliage because of this latest patch. Then again, I have had zero lock ups and freezes as well.


Anyone has a good picture to compare shadows on medium and high/ultra? I can't tell if there's a difference


1.04 introduced a lot of pop-in for me. NPC's and light sources fade in much closer now, and distant foliage lod pop is much more noticeable. Anyone else getting this? Still have everything on ultra (hairworks off).

Yes and it's awful.

Check your VRAM usage. Mine has dropped by more than 35% on average since v1.04 without changing any settings. It's as if the game is forcing everything to Low when it comes to texture/asset streaming.

I posted these last night but I'll quote them for a new day and hope someone finds a solution:

1.04 trashed IQ for me. :'(

Shimmering textures everywhere even after reverting back to v1.03 MipBias. I'd been using the in-game AA and a 1440p->1080p downsample since launch -- flawless IQ -- and it's completely f*cked now.

Going over a wooden bridge looks soooooo bad.

Is there possibly another new .ini setting tied to TextureMipBias because even after setting it back to 0 it has to be worse than v1.03. There's absolutely no way that I've played 40+ hours with this shimmering garbage and only noticed it this morning. The very first thing I did in-game was eliminate temporal aliasing because I'm unusually sensitive to it. CDPR's AA solution was so surprisingly effective that I could live with the relatively high performance cost; now, not so much.

I'm also suddenly getting ridiculous texture, lighting, and shadow pop-in with everything on Ultra save Foilage Distance (High). Basically, it looks like grass is sprouting up around Geralt as he runs around, torches are lit as I approach and shadows don't fully appear until I'm ten feet away. Before the patch, the only pop-in I had noticed were tree shadows way off in the distance.

WTF is going on?

Forgot to mention VRAM stuff in my post above:

v1.03: 2GB -> 2.5GB depending on location. Ultra setting, no ini tweaks. No noticeable pop-in besides distant tree shadows.

v1.04: 1.2GB -> 1.7GB depending on location. Ultra setting, no ini tweaks. Ridiculous pop-in everywhere -- grass, trees, shadow LOD, bloody NPCs.

Doubling and tripling the TextureMemory setting in the .ini does nothing. Still tops out at 1.7GB of the 3GB available and the awful pop-in is unchanged. Based on Andy's guide, all the other .ini settings related to textures and shadows are still at their default Ultra numbers.

Can I get a Marty McFly to swing by around 8am yesterday morning and rip out my ethernet cable please? Everything was GOAT before this...
Zero crashes on my side guys. AMD 280x and Windows 10 btw. Might be relevant

Zero crashes on mine too (280x) but tried the 15.0 with vsr beta last night and upped it to 2K and it crashed spectacurlarly :)

Can I ask what frame rates you're getting with Win10?

I'm hovering around 45-50 with most on Ultra apart from Foliage and Shadows ... if I bring water and HBAO+ down it hits 60 after about an hour of play ..

Just curious as to whether win10 would perform any better than win8.1



Yes and it's awful.

Check your VRAM usage. Mine has dropped by more than 35% on average since v1.04 without changing any settings. It's as if the game is forcing everything to Low when it comes to texture/asset streaming.

I posted these last night but I'll quote them for a new day and hope someone finds a solution:

did you check your textures settings? Idk y but the patch automatically sets the textures to low so you have to manually go in and change them back to ultra.


never left the stone age
Am I the only one without any issues with 1.04? Granted I downloaded the game after the patch already hit so that may have something to do with it.

Red Hood

I'm having a great time but randomly the fps displayed by Fraps doesn't feel like that specific number. For example, I usually get ~ 45fps, but sometimes (even if Fraps says it's 45) it doesn't feel that way... More like sub-thirties or even lower. Is this an issue or is it just in my head?


did you check your textures settings? Idk y but the patch automatically sets the textures to low so you have to manually go in and change them back to ultra.

Of course :|

AFAIK, the Low thing is just a bug that happens when you tweak texture settings using the ini. The patch triggered this by adding the mipmap line.

Just to be sure, I switched it back to Ultra, did a full save and restart and it's exactly the same.


For the others that have mentioned having pop-in since v1.04, are you guys using Kepler cards by any chance? Maybe it's platform specific? I'm using two 780 Ti in SLI.


Golden Boy
I'm having a great time but randomly the fps displayed by Fraps doesn't feel like that specific number. For example, I usually get ~ 45fps, but sometimes (even if Fraps says it's 45) it doesn't feel that way... More like sub-thirties or even lower. Is this an issue or is it just in my head?
laggy camera?
For the others that have mentioned having pop-in since v1.04, are you guys using Kepler cards by any chance? Maybe it's platform specific? I'm using two 780 Ti in SLI.
I have the issue since 1.03 and i'm on Maxwell (GTX980)


never left the stone age
Anyone playing on a Core II Duo q9300? This is my only worry for my machine. I'm pretty sure my 7850 will play it on medium.

You should be fine actually.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9r84HcI9cf4 Here's the Core 2 Quad Q9300 with a GTX970. Seems your CPU won't bottleneck you at all :). The game runs spectacularily well on a wide range of CPUs.

Edit: Looking at your particular GPU it seems you should be able to reach 30 FPS on High settings. Granted the first clip has the CPU overclocked to 4ghz.

Edit #2: Final verdict A Q6600 at 3ghz runs it over 30 FPS at all times, your Q9300 is at 2.5ghz so you should be fine, but you could always look into overclocking

Not so sure now actually given this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPFkEJ7lBeI
Dammit, I even got the CPU wrong in that first video. Super sorry if I got your hopes up man :/. Still you got some upgrade choices on that socket that might bring you up to a stable 30, your GPU can handle the game at High
For the others that have mentioned having pop-in since v1.04, are you guys using Kepler cards by any chance? Maybe it's platform specific? I'm using two 780 Ti in SLI.

I have 3 680s, but as I said, I didn't have any pop-in issues yesterday. Did prior to 1.04 though, but it was rare.

Am I the only one without any issues with 1.04? Granted I downloaded the game after the patch already hit so that may have something to do with it.

Nope, no issues here.


Ok simple question

I have a GTX750ti OC (factory)
i7 2600k stock (can overclock if required)
16gb of standard 1333 ram

realistically what can I expect to run the game at? I'd prefer the eye candy so a locked 30fps would be preferred...

Of course :|

AFAIK, the Low thing is just a bug that happens when you tweak texture settings using the ini. The patch triggered this by adding the mipmap line.

Just to be sure, I switched it back to Ultra, did a full save and restart and it's exactly the same.


For the others that have mentioned having pop-in since v1.04, are you guys using Kepler cards by any chance? Maybe it's platform specific? I'm using two 780 Ti in SLI.

A single Titan X for me.

Edit: 1.03 vram usage was as you said, but I haven't checked after the patch. Will do so after work.


Ok simple question

I have a GTX750ti OC (factory)
i7 2600k stock (can overclock if required)
16gb of standard 1333 ram

realistically what can I expect to run the game at? I'd prefer the eye candy so a locked 30fps would be preferred...

With an OC'd 750ti you can expect to run console settings at a more stable framerate than consoles. Probably also with better AF.

Am I the only one without any issues with 1.04? Granted I downloaded the game after the patch already hit so that may have something to do with it.
No, there are lots of people (including me) without issues on 1.04.

Like with all issues, people experiencing them are a lot more likely to post.


never left the stone age
With an OC'd 750ti you can expect to run console settings at a more stable framerate than consoles. Probably also with better AF.

No, there are lots of people (including me) without issues on 1.04.

Like with all issues, people experiencing them are a lot more likely to post.

I'm as likely to post either way, I like to complain as much as I love to gloat.


No matter what I adjust, the game won't use more than 1.7GB of VRAM. I've tried running [TextureMemoryBudget] from the Ultra default of 800 to 6400 and it does absolutely nothing.

Can anyone confirm whether or not the [TextureMemoryBudget] ini setting ever actually did anything? I think that might be the thing that's causing pop-in for me since moving to 1.04.

I've since deleted the user.settings config file to let the game create a fresh copy and the setting has now completely disappeared as if it was removed in the patch and just left there...uh...vestigially? Adding it back in has no effect.


Doesn't seem like frame skipping per se. It feels like it, but neither the framerate or frametime sugest a frame being skipped in the renderer. A frame in the walking animation while on horseback though seem to be missing. The animation together with the camera constantly skips forward. Rough animation reset? It's really annoying, but thankfully that's the only time it occurs. Animation and controls overall feels rough in this game.

Well, to me it feels exactly like frame skipping and I think it's always there, just not as obvious as on the horses back. But whatever it is, it's very annyoing. And I agree about animation and controls, that is not Triple-A stuff.
Just wanted to chime in about the pop in with the new patch.

It's awful, to the point that sprinting in novigrad for me will make NPCs spawn directly in front of Geralt (and then it will take ~15-20 seconds for them to be to interactible, which is really goddamn annoying)
No matter what I adjust, the game won't use more than 1.7GB of VRAM. I've tried running [TextureMemoryBudget] from the Ultra default of 800 to 6400 and it does absolutely nothing.

Can anyone confirm whether or not the [TextureMemoryBudget] ini setting ever actually did anything? I think that might be the thing that's causing pop-in for me since moving to 1.04.

I've since deleted the user.settings config file to let the game create a fresh copy and the setting has now completely disappeared as if it was removed in the patch and just left there...uh...vestigially? Adding it back in has no effect.

Hmm, I deleted mine and restarted the game and I still have a texturememorybudget line. Did you delete the user.settings file in my docs or somewhere else?
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