After some crashes the first couple of days, the game has run like a dream on my main PC. I don't know if it was switching to unlimited frame rate, full-screen instead of windowed borderless, or the game updates, but haven't had a crash in a week.
...Until I tried running on my secondary PC. Not that it's a big deal or anything as there's always the main PC to go back to, but sometimes the missus and I like to just kick back and play a game in the bedroom. Steam In-Home streaming is an option for this, but despite a wired connection, I'm not overly enamored with the image quality. So then I tried just playing on the machine itself:
1.) AMD Phenom II X4 940
2.) 8 GB Ram
3.) GeForce GTX 770
Honestly, it runs it well enough on low/medium settings. And my wife was able to play for about an hour the other night with no incident. However, since then I can't seem to play more than 10 minutes without a crash that necessitates closing from task manager. I know the card had a factory overclock. I tried lowering the clock speed through Afterburner, but maybe I'm just not enough of a power user to know what I'm doing, as I never mess with overclock settings.
Anybody been able to fix constant crashing? Like I said, I'm not all that concerned about it as the game runs great on my main machine. But I just liked the flexibility of being able to play in different rooms without having to deal with In-Home Streaming.