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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread


Cool, good to know. Will check this out in a bit then.

So are we sure this is a problem on nvidia's end then when deleting a game file is what solves the problem?

It seems more to do with allocation of workload as setting PhysX to 'CPU' in the NVIDIA control panel achieves the same thing. We're not sure if GPU PhysX is supposed to be a feature in this game (it originally was, but then people seemed to start saying it wasn't), but either way the performance degradation happens when the GPU is set to do the Apex clothing PhysX (the file you're deleting is a library for GPU PhysX).

It may be that GPU PhysX is supposed to be a feature in this game and indeed it is, but for whatever reason there are performance problems with running it on the GPU for Kepler GPUs, in which case that would be an NVIDIA problem.


Well Nvidia is currently working on a fix to for the Kepler performance issue so I'd think it's safe to assume something happened at their end, whether it was on purpose or not. Or it could be both Nvidia and the game itself.

Possibly the way the drivers interact with that file. Considering it's a physx file, that would be Nvidia I guess.


For Kepler cards: rollback to 347.88 was suggested on the Nvidia forums. It actually works - small but noticeable 3-6 FPS increase.

Just tried this. No real time to test at the moment but a quick play seems to suggest they do perform better on my 780Ti than the latest drivers. I'll test it out more later.


For Kepler cards: rollback to 347.88 was suggested on the Nvidia forums. It actually works - small but noticeable 3-6 FPS increase.

Any reason for this driver in particular? I rolled back to 350.12, but the game actually performed worse for me. Disabling the GPU physics dll did seem to give a substantial amount of that performance back though. I'd rather not roll back further unless it has been proven that 350.12 compared to 347.88 is worse, or some other reason given.


Any reason for this driver in particular? I rolled back to 350.12, but the game actually performed worse for me. Disabling the GPU physics dll did seem to give a substantial amount of that performance back though. I'd rather not roll back further unless it has been proven that 350.12 compared to 347.88 is worse, or some other reason given.
I'm not sure, was just willing to try it out and see (and expecting nothing). Maybe other versions would yield similar results. I went with what was recommended and it's basically been a straight performance gain with no adverse side effects so far.


I'm not sure, was just willing to try it out and see (and expecting nothing). Maybe other versions would yield similar results. I went with what was recommended and it's basically been a straight performance gain with no adverse side effects so far.

Hmm fair enough. If I did want to roll back a second time (out of morbid curiosity), can I still do this via Device Manager? Or in this instance would it be preferable to use a tool like DDU and then freshly install the older ones?


I noticed last night that when I load the game and have the judder looking left and right, if I alt tab then go back in its totally smooth.


I'm getting some crazy pop-ins on 1.04. From NPCs to assets loading mid cutscenes. I just did a certain quest that when the camera changed its perspective to show another NPC, he had no helmet for a moment then out of nowhere he had not only that but also a fur cloak or something. Quite annoying


Hmm fair enough. If I did want to roll back a second time (out of morbid curiosity), can I still do this via Device Manager? Or in this instance would it be preferable to use a tool like DDU and then freshly install the older ones?
I suppose you could, but I didn't.

In my defend - did test and in same savegame 47fps in village -> 50 fps

Yeah, it seems that 3 fps increase is the norm for most people after this driver update.

Finally made it to those swamps that console owners have been complaining about, where the frame rates dive. Now I have a FX6350/GTX780, not at all a beefy rig,just comfy I guess. But that area played smooth tonight. Was this close to getting this on X1 cause I've always been abit weary of day one purchases on PC and all the patches games needed. But nah this runs sweet on my rig. Very very satisfied. Ofcourse I had it at 30 frames because I like my action games at that setting,plus i don't think my rig could do 60 at all with ultra settings turned on. But its running really well so far.

It's smooth as well on my PC. Novigrad is also smooth.
The only thing that hurts my fps a bit is the rain.
Finally made it to those swamps that console owners have been complaining about, where the frame rates dives. Now I have a FX6350/GTX780, not at all a beefy rig,just comfy I guess. But that area played smooth tonight with Ultra settings. Was this close to getting this on X1 though, cause I've always been abit weary of day one purchases on PC and all the patches games needed. But nah this runs sweet on my rig. Very very satisfied. Ofcourse I had it at 30 frames because I like my action games at that setting,plus i don't think my rig could do 60 at all with ultra settings turned on. But its running really well so far.
Good to hear that Novigrad is running well for ya. I haven't made it there yet, I'm currently at Velen. I've had thunder and rain while 5 creatures surround me,it held up ok to me. Some stuttering at times but smooth overall. Motion Blur and hair works turned off because I don't care for either of them really. Especially motion blur in adventure games. Motion blur always fucks with my eyes in adventures games. Trying to adjust to it when I'm surrounded by creatures,gimme a barf bag. Haha.

Yeah, it seems that 3 fps increase is the norm for most people after this driver update.

It's smooth as well on my PC. Novigrad is also smooth.
The only thing that hurts my fps a bit is the rain.


never left the stone age
Yeah, it seems that 3 fps increase is the norm for most people after this driver update.

It's smooth as well on my PC. Novigrad is also smooth.
The only thing that hurts my fps a bit is the rain.

Yeah, I got a 3 FPS increase from my minimum, so on my High/Ultra config it now never goes under 40 (would dip to 37 before). Still not quite sure whether I'll bump most things up and keep a locked 30 or if I'd rather have a variable framerate, it's mostly 50-60 when in the wilderness. I suppose I'll have to give Riva Statistics Server a try before I make a decision though, since the in game frame limiter is absolutely awful. 30 FPS W3 with the ingame frame cap feels like a horrid mess. Dark Souls 1 feels much better by comparison.


Doing the Apex dll fix on my 770 4GB. Didn't notice any immediate increase in fps, but I do notice a smoother experience, less stuttering when panning the camera, might be a placebo effect not too sure. Tho I read that the fix is situational not general.

Still waiting on the official Kepler fix, game is running fine between 35-55 FPS on a high ultra mix but GPU usage and temps are through the roof. Had to increase fan speed to 90% to drop temps to 74.


Getting a BSOD during the sequence after completing the main quest in Skellige
after Yen little necromancy trick and when they talk of where CIri is/ creature thing that the baron holds
. It happens every single time, so can't fucking continue to play, anyone else had this?


So, whats the consensus on the "sharpening" post effect? I think it looks like garbage on high. I just set it to low, and I think it looks better.


So, whats the consensus on the "sharpening" post effect? I think it looks like garbage on high. I just set it to low, and I think it looks better.

Sharpening on High is ok if you remove texture mipbias -1 to 0. I actually liked it a lot in 1.03 patch. Ultra textures plus sharpening High. Now even if you choose to reduce sharpening to off, that -1 mipbias makes everything shimmer as hell.


Neo Member
^ I disabled it completely after playing I stayed at:

in user.settings


Drivers NInspector:
Force x16 aniso
Allow Negative LOD bias
Hmm, so the driver is inconsistent? Some people rolled back, some people see a slight performance increase?

When I tried it last night, I think it was performing worse in Novigrad, but I couldn't tell exactly.

I have a 290X and haven't got to any of the major areas yet so I'm kinda fearing how performance will be but in White Orchard with Hairworks off and shadows/foliage distance on High (all others on Ultra) I get 60 FPS about 99% of the time. I do have moments where it will hitch or drop frames for a split second. My fear is that once I get past the prologue area the performance may just tank completely.


Tested the physx dll fix on my 660 sli setup and I'm getting, on average a 3-5 fps improvement. So I've gone from 29-34fps when roaming around to 33-37 fps (with everything maxed, hairworks on @ 1080p). Not too shabby. It seems a bit smoother overall when locked to 30fps now.

Will wait to see what nvidia's new driver does as well but this is good for now.
AMD driver did not help my situation :/ I still am getting memory leak and game crashes. Never happen before 1.03. Gonna wait till 1.05 before I attempt to play again :(
Well, just tested the game on the new AMD drivers with my CF 7970 rig.

It certainly helps CF. I can run the game on full Ultra minus Hairworks at constant 60FPS. There's still some minor flickering in the UI though.
Just dove into this last night. I tried implementing the RTSS frame limit with border less full screen (basically word for word Durabe's recommendations) and the game just seemingly isn't capped at 60. It frequently goes above, sometimes up to 80, and my gpu constantly whines. Performance doesn't tear but is very stuttery.

I've re checked and I'm running it just like the guide says - Vsync off in game, frame limiter unlimited in game, same in the nvidia control panel. I'm sure I've overlooked something, as I did try and implement these changes late at night. Any tips?

Not Spaceghost

O this Kepler "fix" of deleting the .dll file...

Does it change anything in the game visually or remove any features?

Oh tell me more?

I have a GT 755M on my laptop, which is kepler based so I'd like to know what the fix is and what it's supposed to do.


Can anyone tell me what their experience has been running at 4k on a single Titan X?

My machine:

i7 4790K @ 4.4 (I'm working on a better clock as the CPU upgrade on my ROG board set the voltages too high for my liking--83-86C on full load)
16 GB @ 2400Mhz
Acer XB280HK

I'm just wondering if I need to make any tweaks to settings? I haven't had a chance to play yet as I'm still doing stress testing.
Can anyone tell me what their experience has been running at 4k on a single Titan X?

My machine:

i7 4790K @ 4.4 (I'm working on a better clock as the CPU upgrade on my ROG board set the voltages too high for my liking--83-86C on full load)
16 GB @ 2400Mhz
Acer XB280HK

I'm just wondering if I need to make any tweaks to settings? I haven't had a chance to play yet as I'm still doing stress testing.

Very similar system to my own, except I'm running a 3570k @ 4.5. I get between 35-45 usually. That's with everything maxed, but with hairworks off.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
What are PC TV gamers aiming for?
60 fps w/o hairworks or 30fps possibly with

Locking 30fps gives me even more intense camera judder when walking and panning the camera on my 970. And that's locking with any solution - internal, DXTory, RivaTuner, Nvidia half sync, etc.
I have a 290X and haven't got to any of the major areas yet so I'm kinda fearing how performance will be but in White Orchard with Hairworks off and shadows/foliage distance on High (all others on Ultra) I get 60 FPS about 99% of the time. I do have moments where it will hitch or drop frames for a split second. My fear is that once I get past the prologue area the performance may just tank completely.

It won't take a total dive, but you'll probably need to turn things down. I moved Shadows, Foliage Dist, and Grass from Ultra to High. Otherwise I was getting as low as the upper 30s in some bog areas. Even now, I still occasionally dip into the upper 40s, but it's still quite smooth most of the time. (On a 290x as well.)

45-55 fps with tweaked Hairworks (R9 290). Frame rate is my usual priority but Hairworks looks too damn good and the monsters look horrible without it.

What kind of settings are you using alongside Hairworks? Medium?

Also, dissapoining to hear the new drivers aren't bringing too much of a performance boost.


Junior Member
Anybody tried running the game on a Radeon HD 7870? Can I get at least console quality out of it with an i7 4790 and 8GB?

Thinking about buying the PC version but I don't want to have to upgrade my video card right now.
Anybody tried running the game on a Radeon HD 7870? Can I get at least console quality out of it with an i7 4790 and 8GB?

Thinking about buying the PC version but I don't want to have to upgrade my video card right now.

Yes, you are fine. I have an overclocked 7850 and it runs higher than ps4 settings at 30fps.
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