Oh tell me more?
I have a GT 755M on my laptop, which is kepler based so I'd like to know what the fix is and what it's supposed to do.
It seems to get the GPU to stop trying to do the physx work and let's the CPU do it. Or something like that. I got about 5 fps boost in towns doing it on my 765m
If you want some tips to increase performance try the following in the INI.
GrassDensity=700 (lower it further if you want)
GrassDistanceScale=1 (can lower to things like 0.5 but pop in gets worse)
FoliageDistanceScale=1 (as above)
FoliageShadowDistanceScale=1 (you will get foliage shadow distance pop in but its a good boost. Try between 4-10 to remove obvious Pop in.
Try that at 720p and see how you get on.
I'm on a better card and can get it at solid 30 with right tweaks. Its still underperforming though so I hope Kepler drivers help.