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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

Ok, turned of the Hairworks completely and got like a 10+ fps boost alone. Shadows to high, now at 60 consistently.

I have to ask, did the recent Nvidia driver address the performance issues with Kepler cards? Or was it just for the 980 ti?

Yes, other Kepler cards had performance improvements.
No issues here with my 290. I'm pretty much running in the 50-60+ fps with hairworks off and 45-50 fps with Hairworks on (tweaked and Geralt only). In Novigrad, there are some annoying, unexplainable frame drops here and there. Overall, the new drivers netted me 5-7 extra fps as before I was barely hitting over 50 fps.

Ok great but you should be doing better outside of cities. Right now I'm getting 55-60fps. Low 50s in the city, I do get those spike drops though in the city. Gonna go ahead with this update.


Well going from 7870xt crossfire to 980ti give a huge boost in performance but....the game ramdomly crash now...(never encounter crash in the 90h+ before change)



Performance on my 970 seems to be much improved since the patch. Moving through novigrad now I'm getting 55-60 where it was dipping to 45 before.

AU Tiger

I ended up fixing my crashing issues yesterday. I uninstalled Afterburner and Riva tuner stats server and also removed all the SweetFX files

Everything worked after that.

Went back and re-installed afterburner and everything still works. Interestingly enough, the game is perfectly stable with a pretty beefy overclock too (1525 mhz on a 980) and ALSO interesting is the fact that I'm not seeing temps nearly as high as before despite ambient room temps being the same as they have been for the past week or two.

I have a hard time believing that Riva stat server or Sweet FX could cause the temps to run high for some arbitrary reason but the fact remains, the temps are lower despite the clock speed being higher and GPU utilization staying in the 90's%

I may re-install riva stat server tonight and then re-install sweetFX and see what happens. going to check for 1.05 patch stability first though.


Does anyone have a place to download ini tweaks for the game? I want to try the most demanding settings in the user.settings. Thanks!


still getting crashes. might be related to a hot gpu, having some very warm weather right now that could be contributing.

impressed with the performance though, 45-55fps in novigrad at 1080p with everything on ultra, borderless window, and hairworks

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Just crashed, screen went all fucked like it was a GPU overheating issue but it never went over 68c, it's more likely it was a driver crash. Event viewer shows "Application witcher3.exe has been blocked from accessing Graphics hardware.". Anyone else? This never happened before the patch.
I'm getting a lot of Audio glitches when sound fx kick in. The sound cuts out a lot and seems to cause hitching in the framerate. I have the launch drivers from Nvidia for my 560ti and I'm wondering if it's something do with my drivers and/or the GPU overclock. Anyone run into this?

edit: havne't updated to 1.05 yet.


I definitely can notice a difference in performance after this patch. 75-80FPS in Novigrad city right now, before the patch it was more like 65-70.

Could bump up foliage visibility to ultra as well and still maintain 60FPS (with very minor dips below) in the swamps.

This is on an overclocked 970 and i7 4770K@4.3GHz.
I definitely can notice a difference in performance after this patch. 75-80FPS in Novigrad city right now, before the patch it was more like 65-70.

Could bump up foliage visibility to ultra as well and still maintain 60FPS (with very minor dips below) in the swamps.

This is on an overclocked 970 and i7 4770K@4.3GHz.

Wow, a 15% increase in performance? Anybody else getting this?


I just got an insufficient memory warning by windows 8 and the game shut down. It actually happened to me a few days ago, when I installed sweetFX. Uninstalling it solved the problem immediately but now the issue is back, at least after a very long session.

I only have 8 GB of RAM and an SSD where both the OS and the game are installed. I read the issue is probably caused by the fact that I disabled the page file altogether. I did that because it was suggested in a "optimize your OS for your new SSD" guide or something like that. Did I do wrong? Should I re-enable it? And if so, how many GB should it be? Thanks.


Just had a crash 30 min into a play session where the screen went completely black and never recovered. I did not receive a driver error..well, if I did, I couldn't see it because the screen was black.
Had to force a shutdown. After the reboot, the event viewer showed a "Kernel Power" error with a code of 41. No idea about this.


I definitely can notice a difference in performance after this patch. 75-80FPS in Novigrad city right now, before the patch it was more like 65-70.

Could bump up foliage visibility to ultra as well and still maintain 60FPS (with very minor dips below) in the swamps.

This is on an overclocked 970 and i7 4770K@4.3GHz.

75-80 in Novigrad on a single 970?

What are your settings and resolution?
What have you OC'd the GPU to?

I wouldn't have thought a single 970 could achieve those frames if you're talking everything on ultra...


Nah, it's correct. A matter of less than 30 PPI.

EDIT: Here, I'll even show you the numbers. the 34" 3440x1440 has a PPI of 109.68. The 27" 1920x1080 has a PPI of 81.59.

That's a significant difference when you're sitting 2-3 feet away from the screen. What you're saying is basically like saying a 27 inch 1080p monitor has no benefits over a 27 inch 1440p monitor.


I just got an insufficient memory warning by windows 8 and the game shut down. It actually happened to me a few days ago, when I installed sweetFX. Uninstalling it solved the problem immediately but now the issue is back, at least after a very long session.

I only have 8 GB of RAM and an SSD where both the OS and the game are installed. I read the issue is probably caused by the fact that I disabled the page file altogether. I did that because it was suggested in a "optimize your OS for your new SSD" guide or something like that. Did I do wrong? Should I re-enable it? And if so, how many GB should it be? Thanks.
This game (and probably many other titles) allocates far more than it actually uses. That's why you get the warning. With more RAM this wouldn't be as much of a problem?

I had to switch my page file back (system managed).


Either it's placebo or there definitely was an increase in performance. I'm mid 60's to high 70's in Novigrad now. Mostly 70+.


For reference i5 4690k @4ghz, GTX 970 SLI (1350MHz/7750MHz), 1440p, no AA, everything Ultra except Shadows, Foliage Distance and Grass (all High), HairWorks on.


I'm seeing 1600 fps (that's right) in the menu now where it used to be 18 something 8)
The game seems to be running on the same level but I didn't test it thoroughly.

The menus are no longer capped. Not sure why they would make that change. Now it's just unneeded stress and heat from the GPU.
I seem to get very unstable performance with my 970 and i5-4670k, after the patch, 1080p borderless, on high; Novigrad jumps from smooth 60 to low tens and then to 30s. I'm using a variation of the 344.xx drivers. Not sure waht's going on


I just got an insufficient memory warning by windows 8 and the game shut down. It actually happened to me a few days ago, when I installed sweetFX. Uninstalling it solved the problem immediately but now the issue is back, at least after a very long session.

I only have 8 GB of RAM and an SSD where both the OS and the game are installed. I read the issue is probably caused by the fact that I disabled the page file altogether. I did that because it was suggested in a "optimize your OS for your new SSD" guide or something like that. Did I do wrong? Should I re-enable it? And if so, how many GB should it be? Thanks.

Yep, just let windows manage your pagefile (preferrably on a hdd). Page files used to be an issue in XP but the management now is much better.


The menus are no longer capped. Not sure why they would make that change. Now it's just unneeded stress and heat from the GPU.

Well, having them at 18 fps was a pain in the ass, I'd very much rather have 1600 which I can limit to whatever I want myself.
^ 1,600 fps is the new 60. The human eye can't see anything 1,601 or above, so make sure to use RivaTuner to cap it. My shitty old card suffers drops, though, so I have to just cap it at 800 fps and crank up the details.


Fuck yeah game finally fixed stuttering for me :O

Now I can actually play the game again, that shit was literally stopping me from using something I bought.


I've given up playing this game until I get a new videocard (or 2). 3 OG Titans just aren't enough to play this in 4k. 😢

AMD won't announce their new cards soon enough, so I can decide between the Fury or the 980Ti.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I've given up playing this game until I get a new videocard (or 2). 3 OG Titans just aren't enough to play this in 4k. 😢


I have 2 970 FTW's and I play 4K max settings+game works with no issues. Surely 3 Titans can't be that less powerful?


never left the stone age
I saw an improvement on my 280x. White Orchard was much much smoother and Velen now runs better than White Orchard did just yesterday. And I bumped up Detail Level from High to Ultra on top of that.
Once I started The Mystery Of The Byways Murders mission and traveled to the byways my fps totally tanked in that area and went all the way down to the low 50's which doesn't make much sense as honestly doesn't look like much is going on at all. Anyone's fps tank in the same spot?

Everywhere else is solid with fps ranging from around 70-80, sometimes dipping to 65. Novigrad usually ran around 70fps for my 970 and still does.


Once I started The Mystery Of The Byways Murders mission and traveled to the byways my fps totally tanked in that area and went all the way down to the low 50's which doesn't make much sense as honestly doesn't look like much is going on at all. Anyone's fps tank in the same spot?

Everywhere else is solid with fps ranging from around 70-80, sometimes dipping to 65. Novigrad usually ran around 70fps for my 970 and still does.

Yeah my fps was terrible in that area. r9 290 here.
Getting some god-awful squealing sound from my pc when alt-tabbing out of full screen mode after the patch. Never heard anything like it.


75-80 in Novigrad on a single 970?

What are your settings and resolution?
What have you OC'd the GPU to?

I wouldn't have thought a single 970 could achieve those frames if you're talking everything on ultra...

Yeah, that performance seems high for a single 970. I should know, as I have the same setup.
Getting some nice performance increases on 970.
All Ultra with HBAO+ except shadows on High at 1080p 75-90 with 65ish being the lowest. Same performance at Oxenfurt but the OSD wasn't ticked when taking shots.


Before to get 60+ I had to drop one or two other settings down to high, performance was 60-65 with very rare 55.

Haven't got Novigrad yet.

First Witcher 3 driver
Win 7 i7 930 6GB RAM

Back to playing it at 1800p and 2160 though, just thought I'd test as I seen some perf boost at those res


just installed my 980 ti, overclocked it, and started up the Witcher 3 to see how it would run. I'm able to max everything except AA and hairworks at 1440p, and I almost never drop below 60. When I do it's only in the 57-59 range. Glad I can finally max this game without sacrificing 60fps. Too bad I have to deal with the loud reference fan.



I have 2 970 FTW's and I play 4K max settings+game works with no issues. Surely 3 Titans can't be that less powerful?

They are. Unfortunately this game (and most other recent ones like GTA V) runs like shit on Kepler. Nvidia has pretty much abandoned it. 😡


I patched to 1.05 manually cause I don't have internet at home at the noment. Now the game won't start :(. Witcher3.exe is in processes of task manager but nothing actually starts up.

Any ideas? The patch itself worked fine.


The menus were never capped. I had 1800 FPS in the menu on release day.

My menu was always capped to what I presume was 30 even though it hovered around 27/28 according to afterburner and fraps. It didn't feel sluggish though so I'm not sure what was going on there. It says 60 now yet it feels the same.
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