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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

Has anyone had any luck with limiting crashes? I keep getting black screens and I have to use task manager to close the game. This is with new nvidia drivers.

Win 8.1
Quoting for the truth. As always, Durante nails it.

FXAA forced using NVIDIA's CP is miles ahead of the in-game AA. Just try both and look for aliasing on trees, for example.

Also, no doubt that setting a FPS limit using RTSS helped a lot with stutters, as setting vsync via CP eliminated the tearing that I had in game even with the ingame vsync enabled.

This. I am using Nvidia's FXAA but with LOD bias set to allow instead of clamp, and its value is -0.5. There is minor shimmering but the image quality is good and without excessive blur. On the other hand, The Witcher 3's Temporal AA misses a lot of distant jaggies (5+ meters) and still leaves a lot of shimmering; it has a medium performance impact as well.

I have always hated blurry AA methods, but I might switch to FXAA permanently instead of SweetFX's SMAA solely because of the shimmering reduction. Lumasharpen+LOD bias seems to make FXAA tremendously viable and more well-rounded AA method.


Has anyone had any luck with limiting crashes? I keep getting black screens and I have to use task manager to close the game. This is with new nvidia drivers.

Win 8.1

I had one when I went totally bonkers with the INI tweaks. Never had any during gameplay. I wonder what's causing this


Has anyone had any luck with limiting crashes? I keep getting black screens and I have to use task manager to close the game. This is with new nvidia drivers.

Win 8.1

Yeah, I had this 3 times yesterady. Usually happened when I was loading a save. Really sucked.

Also, has anyone with a 970 tried downsampling yet? Any word on what the FPS hit is?


Has anyone had any luck with limiting crashes? I keep getting black screens and I have to use task manager to close the game. This is with new nvidia drivers.

Win 8.1

Your video card is factory overclock. Have you tried running it at normal stock speed for that chipset?


The in-game FPS cap is not as bad as some other implementations, but also not as good as external tools. After some rather extensive testing (I'm writing an article) I suggest using no in-game framecap, no in-game Vsync, borderless fullscreen and a 30 FPS limit enforced using RTSS. Best combination of consistent performance and low latency I have found.

(Also, this game is pretty neat)

Oh, Father of the Abyss, no half-refresh rate required?


In terms of frame limiting, is it better to use the 30 FPS cap in game (it actually feels surprisingly smooth) or force it through Nvidia? I know Rivatuner is good too, but I don't really want to deal with installing it right now.


Has anyone had any luck with limiting crashes? I keep getting black screens and I have to use task manager to close the game. This is with new nvidia drivers.

Win 8.1

I'm sure you've heard this before, but have you tried lowering that FTW overclock? It's unfortunate since it defeats the purpose of owning an FTW card, but it may be currently required for stability with the Witcher 3 and latest drivers.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Has anyone had any luck with limiting crashes? I keep getting black screens and I have to use task manager to close the game. This is with new nvidia drivers.

Win 8.1

Exact same set-up, exact same issues. GTX980, 4790k. I think it got a bit better when I switched from borderless window mode to full screen mode.


If you stick with it you will get used to it again. Had that same problem on AC4 on PC. Couldn't get a solid 60 because of the broken vsync shit, so played for a good while on 30 and eventually it looked normal rather than gross.

Bumping up motion blur should help aswell.


Does anyone else experience some small "stutter" when just gently strolling on top of Roach? I mean just walking and not pressing any buttons. It's really annoying.
I'm getting constant freezes (after about 20 seconds of gameplay). The music continues in the backgrounds but everything else stops. I though it was my overclocked GPU, but even at stock it continues to freeze. Any ideas?


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Has anyone had any luck with limiting crashes? I keep getting black screens and I have to use task manager to close the game. This is with new nvidia drivers.

Win 8.1

I've got a 970 with the latest drivers, and I'm getting very similar crashes. Usually mine entail the video frame freezing, but sound continues to play. I need to bring up the task manager and kill the process to get out of it.

It sounds to me like it's either an issue with the game or with the newest drivers... or both.

Everything else works flawlessly on my system.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
I've got a 970 with the latest drivers, and I'm getting very similar crashes. Usually mine entail the video frame freezing, but sound continues to play. I need to bring up the task manager and kill the process to get out of it.

It sounds to me like it's either an issue with the game or with the newest drivers... or both.

Everything else works flawlessly on my system.

You wouldn't be Win 8.1 would you?


Has anyone tried running this on an old card such as the Radeon 5870 or equivalent? I gave an extra code I had to a friend with that card. He bought my "old" 2500K and mobo + RAM, so he's good in that area. But curious to know if it will run on his 5870.

Static Jak

I had one when I went totally bonkers with the INI tweaks. Never had any during gameplay. I wonder what's causing this
I haven't had any gameplay crashes. Only 2 inventory menu lock ups.

Have had more than a few driver failures while simply using Chrome since I installed the new driver.


unfuckingreal how this game insists on going with Borderless Window every damn time.

i change it over and over ...even changed it in the user config file and made it read only ...yet the thing keeps going back to borderless windows instead of fullscreen.


Has anyone tried running this on an old card such as the Radeon 5870 or equivalent? I gave an extra code I had to a friend with that card. He bought my "old" 2500K and mobo + RAM, so he's good in that area. But curious to know if it will run on his 5870.

I have a 5970 which is two 5870's crossfired on the same PCB, but unfortunately don't have it installed right now on another computer.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Sorry, Win7 64.

Has anyone had any luck with limiting crashes? I keep getting black screens and I have to use task manager to close the game. This is with new nvidia drivers.

Win 8.1

Ya'll have 144/120hz monitors by any chance? Just trying to see what I could narrow it down to, got the same problem, except when I first played it yesterday it was fine for several hours, got off, now I get crashes within 2 minutes of playing.


I've got a 970 with the latest drivers, and I'm getting very similar crashes. Usually mine entail the video frame freezing, but sound continues to play. I need to bring up the task manager and kill the process to get out of it.

It sounds to me like it's either an issue with the game or with the newest drivers... or both.

Everything else works flawlessly on my system.

That sounds like a typical "nvlddmkm" display driver crash, id 13 or 14. Have a look at the event viewer in the control panel and you'll most certainly confirm that's the case.
I've got a 970 with the latest drivers, and I'm getting very similar crashes. Usually mine entail the video frame freezing, but sound continues to play. I need to bring up the task manager and kill the process to get out of it.

It sounds to me like it's either an issue with the game or with the newest drivers... or both.

Everything else works flawlessly on my system.

Yeah, exact same crashes for me.

Exact same set-up, exact same issues. GTX980, 4790k. I think it got a bit better when I switched from borderless window mode to full screen mode.

Switching to fullscreen enabled me to play longer before it crashed.

I'm sure you've heard this before, but have you tried lowering that FTW overclock? It's unfortunate since it defeats the purpose of owning an FTW card, but it may be currently required for stability with the Witcher 3 and latest drivers.

Your video card is factory overclock. Have you tried running it at normal stock speed for that chipset?

I have heard this, yes, but how do I download my GPU? I'm using MSI afterburner btw


unfuckingreal how this game insists on going with Borderless Window every damn time.

i change it over and over ...even changed it in the user config file and made it read only ...yet the thing keeps going back to borderless windows instead of fullscreen.

Toggle triple buffering in your control panel and restart. It should stick then
unfuckingreal how this game insists on going with Borderless Window every damn time.

i change it over and over ...even changed it in the user config file and made it read only ...yet the thing keeps going back to borderless windows instead of fullscreen.

It's mostly likely due to the fact that your windows desktop resolution is different than the one you have chosen in game. It could also be that you might have more than one display connected.. I haven't really done any testing yet. But what worked for me is:

I had my desktop res at 1440p and when I tried to run the game at 4K it would always be in BWM... switch your desktop to the res you want to run the game in and it should let you run fullscreen.


Neo Member
GTA V ran on the PS3 and 360, it was designed with those ancient consoles in mind and scales remarkably well. This game was designed to run solely on current-generation consoles and high-end PCs. While you might still be able to run it at some sort of low setting and sub-1080p configuration, I wouldn't get my hopes up for a pleasant experience at 1080p.

Just FYI, my GTX 460 is running it at 1080p low at roughly 30-40 fps, with some dips. How tolerable the experience is is probably personal preference, and I might benefit from some higher settings by sacrificing resolution, but it's playable.

Then again, I have a i7 4790k and 16GB RAM so it's obviously the only bottleneck. I'm still on it because my old PC broke and I needed a new CPU, but I'm waiting for AMD to show their hand before I commit to a new GPU.


Yeah, I had this 3 times yesterady. Usually happened when I was loading a save. Really sucked.

Also, has anyone with a 970 tried downsampling yet? Any word on what the FPS hit is?

I'm not sure what the hit is, but I'm running it at one step up from 1080p and it's not dropping from 60.

Everything Ultra except shadows at Medium and Foliage High and DoF off. HairWorks off naturally.

3570k/16GB/970 (OC to 980 speeds)


unfuckingreal how this game insists on going with Borderless Window every damn time.

i change it over and over ...even changed it in the user config file and made it read only ...yet the thing keeps going back to borderless windows instead of fullscreen.

It's looking out for you, borderless all day


When upgrading from a 970 to a Titan,do I have to uninstall the latest driver or is the Titan considered the same family as the 970?


little update on my screen flickering problem.

Just before i went to bed to last night, i decided to play again and got the same problem as before (a different image flickering on screen) but now i was getting a thin blue line.

Do any of you fine ladies and gentlemen know why. ?

This sounds pretty serious. Do you have an OC? If you do, restore everything to default. Try reinstalling your driver after cleaning the older one. If none of that works, chances are you have a hardware issue.


Decided to let my old 670 4gb go out with a bang before I installed my 970 last night. Played the game on ultra with just the foliage distance turned down to high. Fucking thing held like a champ. Surprised the hell out of me that I was able to play in the 30+ fps range. I need to benchmark it to make sure it was not a placebo effect happening. However, the only time I had slowdown was with Geralt's hair covering more than 50% of the screen. Might send the 970 back since my 670 held so well and just wait for next years cards.


Do you have vsync on? Also, what do you mean by blue line?
I do, and it looks like a single blue scanline across the horizontal of the screen.
Do you have vsync on? Also, what do you mean by blue line?
Titan or Titan X?

I always do a clean install of drivers no matter what.
Titan classic.
This sounds pretty serious. Do you have an OC? If you do, restore everything to default. Try reinstalling your driver after cleaning the older one. If none of that works, chances are you have a hardware issue.
No OC, ohh jesus i really hope it's not a hardware problem . :_:


Neo Member
Has anyone tried running this on an old card such as the Radeon 5870 or equivalent? I gave an extra code I had to a friend with that card. He bought my "old" 2500K and mobo + RAM, so he's good in that area. But curious to know if it will run on his 5870.

I'm on a GTX 460 1GB, which is slower, and it's just about playable at 1080p low. He's fine as long as he realises the settings will have to be way down and/or he sacrifices some resolution.


Got my first crash an hour and 15 minutes in. I have an overclocked GTX 980 SC. I was doing one of the sidequests that involved talking to a guy near a battlefield when I got a blackscreen during the conversation. Video card is stable on every other game, but got a display driver stopped responding message in my event logs. Not sure if this has to do with the game or if my overclock just isn't stable with this game for some reason.


my hard graphic balls
For me part of the system hard locks after about 30-40 minutes. This happened in AC Unity too, not sure what is the cause. The display goes out, so monitor tells me there is no signal, there is a weird buzzing sound from audio, and the GPU fan goes max speed. Sometimes it reboots itself after 5 seconds or so, sometimes I have to manually reboot it. Other games, CS GO, DOTA 2, BF4 gives no issues. I replace the cooling paste on my GPU every 6 months, and just did again this morning. But it still crashed. Also, temperatures are well below limits at time or before crash. Max CPU temperature is about 65-70C, and GPU is 65-70C. Overclocks are mild too, 2500K@4.2GHz, and GTX 680 at +10Mhz, +150MHz.


Got my first crash an hour and 15 minutes in. I have an overclocked GTX 980 SC. I was doing one of the sidequests that involved talking to a guy near a battlefield when I got a blackscreen during the conversation. Video card is stable on every other game, but got a display driver stopped responding message in my event logs. Not sure if this has to do with the game or if my overclock just isn't stable with this game for some reason.
Generally, with troubleshooting, start by running your hardware at stock speed for that chipset. So, yeah, downclock your video card.


Win 7

So I'm playing at 1080p with everyone on max except Shadows at High, AA off and fancyhair off and a 30fps cap. Usually I want 60fps and best looking but with this I can't and I like it looking as pretty as possible and I'm ok with 30fps if it's a constant 30fps (which mine appears to be. I did have to lower shadows a bit after noticing some frames drop when it was very windy in a dense bushy area but was solid 30 when I knocked the shadows down). Without the frame cap I'm getting ~30-45.

Had one crash when I ran past some drowners once but nothing since.



Driver reinstall is your last resort.
OK, thank you for your help (and to everyone else that gave some advice) i'm gonna play for a bit and hope that it was a game problem, if no, i'll try reinstalling my driver.

Thanks again guys.


OK, thank you for your help (and to everyone else that gave some advice) i'm gonna play for a bit and hope that it was a game problem, if no, i'll try reinstalling my driver.

Thanks again guys.

Oh wait, you are getting it only while playing this game? It's not system wide? What about other games? Have you tested with another DX11 game? If it works fine with other DX11 games, then there still is hope.
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