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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread


I made a mistake when I posted here earlier, I didn't have SLI enabled....

970 sli
i7 2600k @4.4
16GB ram

I get 60fps everywhere on Ultra with everything enabled on full screen mode.
The walking animation for the horse causes a really distracting stutter/pause. It's only when moving at the slow speed, but it's definitely there.

I thought so too but I couldn't tell if it was actually stuttering or just the way it's animated. Everything else ran so smoothly so I just assumed it was the animation.
Wonder if windows screen saver fucks things up. Windows does not disable the screen saver in borderless window mode.

Nah, I've played over 8 hours in Borderless Windowed and zero crashes. Windows even went to screensaver a couple of times during cutscenes.

I'm on an AMD 290X though, from skimming this thread seems like most of the crashes are on Nvidia.


What GPU are you using?

MSI 970.

Maybe mention your fix?

I did. Twice and it was ignored. Search for it.

Does this fix the issue where the game locks up but audio continues? Happens to me both in the inventory and during cut scenes.

People seem to use "crash" rather ambiguously here.

This is the one it fixed. Yes.

I tried and still wasn't able to make it through the first cutscene without the video freezing and getting the "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." error. At this point, I think I'm giving up on this game until NVIDIA or CD Project RED fix whatever is causing this.

Not the crash I mean. I should have been more clear. I mean the freeze with the audio continuing. No display driver error. That's something else.


For anyone that has progressed further in the game, how taxing is White Orchard compared to later areas? I've just been running in circles trying out settings there, I don't want to worry about it later when I finally get started on the story.


I thought so too but I couldn't tell if it was actually stuttering or just the way it's animated. Everything else ran so smoothly so I just assumed it was the animation.

Yeah it's smooth otherwise for me, but I think looking at the buildings it does pause momentarily, rather than it just being the horse.


Man Hairworks is really a systemkiller. I did have the game running 1080p locked at 30FPS on Ultra, Shadows High and Density High with Hairworks on my 780Ti, i5 3570K and 16GB.

As soon as got the crossbow and aimed with it, it dipped hover around 25FPS. Was like what? So Hairworks is going off.

How does the 780Ti actually compared to the 970? I reading impressions that 970 works fine with Hairworks.

Evo X

How does the 780Ti actually compared to the 970? I reading impressions that 970 works fine with Hairworks.

In most games, the 780Ti and 970 are neck and neck.

This game seems to favor Maxwell considerably though, which is why the 970 shoots ahead performance wise.
Rain is in the PC version right? Anyone have a screenshot of actual rain drops?

You lose temporal AA though.


My settings after finding hotspots (thanks for the format wanderjahr):

GPU: 780 ti
CPU: 4770K @ 4.4

RTSS Lock: 44 fps

Nvidia Control Center
Maximum Prerendered Frames: 1
Power Management Mode: Maximum Performance
Triple Buffering: Off
Vsync: On

Post Processing
Motion Blur: On
Blur: On
AA: On
Bloom: On
Sharpening: On
DoF: On
Chromatic Aberration: Off
Vignette: On
Light Shafts: On

Video Settings
Vsync: Off
Maximum Frames Per Second: Unlimited
Resolution: 1920x1080
Display Mode: Fullscreen (otherwise it doesn't stretch to fullscreen, higher native res)
Hairworks: Off
Number of background characters: Ultra
Shadows: High
Terrain quality: Ultra
Water quality: Ultra
Grass Density: Ultra
Textures: Ultra
Foliage range: High
Detail level: Ultra

Temporal Antialiasing is one of the most effective forms of post-processing antialiasing in my opinion; it does a great job in eliminating jaggies and shimmering. Skyrim's ENB has a great Temporal AA, and TXAA is basically MSAA+Temporal antialiasing. The problem with temporal AA is it stupidly blurry; even more blurry than FXAA.

The thing about Temporal AA too, is that you can control its sharpness and number of samples in some games and game engines (UE4), but the one used in The Witcher 3 has limited coverage and effect, and it has a noticeable performance hit.

Driver-forced FXAA with sharpening and negative LOD bias gives great results; you can control the sharpness while compensating the image quality (increasing the negative value increases shimmering and jaggies).

Yeah, the stuttering while walking with Roach is really annoying.

Set maximum pre-rendered frames to 1 in Nvidia inspector or the control panel.


In most games, the 780Ti and 970 are neck and neck.

This game seems to favor Maxwell considerably though, which is why the 970 shoots ahead performance wise.

One of those things I guess. I only got the 780Ti recently for £250 which I thought was a bargain compared. Was never expecting 980 performance haha. I really hope this isn't the case for future GameWorks titles.


Temporal Antialiasing is one of the most effective forms of post-processing antialiasing in my opinion; it does a great job in eliminating jaggies and shimmering. Skyrim's ENB has a great Temporal AA, and TXAA is basically MSAA+Temporal antialiasing. The problem with temporal AA is it stupidly blurry; even more blurry than FXAA.

The thing about Temporal AA too, is that you can control its sharpness and number of samples in some games and game engines (UE4), but the one used in The Witcher 3 has limited coverage and effect, and it has a noticeable performance hit.

Driver-forced FXAA with sharpening and negative LOD bias gives great results; you can control the sharpness while compensating the image quality (increasing the negative value increases shimmering and jaggies).

Set maximum pre-rendered frames to 1 in Nvidia inspector or the control panel.

Thank you for the info.

At the moment I've had it set to clamp. Should I change it to allow to check it out with driver forced FXAA instead of the in-game aa?

The description says some apps use negative LOD bias to sharpen texture filtering. This sharpens the stationary image but introduces aliasing when the scene is in motion.


I keep seeing the acronym but I can't think what it matches up with..

What program is RTSS?

Riva Tuner statistics server - great for locking the framerate and also showing performance info on the screen (when used in conjunction with msi afterburner).

Just locking the framerate:


I think this allows people on a 970 to set the foliage to high and not have it crash.


Oh, dont think this has been mentioned. If not, setting Hardware Cursor to ON under the graphics options makes the cursor movement so much better.
Is there anyway to tweak the Gamepad button assignment on the PC? I'd love to set the guide button on my Xbox One controller as the map.


That is truly absolutely terrible. I don't understand how this gets released like this.

Well, it clearly isn't happening for everyone, but it's common enough going by this thread that they probably should've caught it.

People reporting crashing and stuttering haven't generally been reporting their OS along with their specs, but I have a feeling it's a crucial bit of information.
Yeah, the stuttering while walking with Roach is really annoying.

That is truly absolutely terrible. I don't understand how this gets released like this.

Well, it clearly isn't happening for everyone, but it's common enough going by this thread that they probably should've caught it.

People reporting crashing and stuttering haven't generally been reporting their OS along with their specs, but I have a feeling it's a crucial bit of information.

It isn't happening for me.


Not the crash I mean. I should have been more clear. I mean the freeze with the audio continuing. No display driver error. That's something else.

That is the issue I'm having.. video freezes while audio and controls continue. Whenever it occurs I have to force quit the game and that entry will be waiting for me in the system event log.


Can anyone give me a recommendation here, any help is appreciated

i5 2500k (non OC)
570 GTX
12 GB ram

Should I go PS4 or PC with my setup? What are the equivalent setting on ps4 to PC. Thanks for any help!!

Your CPU is not the problem but your 570 GTX is too slow for this game. I think you can get 30fps with low to medium Settings, but that's probably lower than the PS4 Settings.
You should wait for digital foundry for comparison shots and PS4 framerate tests.
Thank you for the info.

At the moment I've had it set to clamp. Should I change it to allow to check it out with driver forced FXAA instead of the in-game aa?

The description says some apps use negative LOD bias to sharpen texture filtering. This sharpens the stationary image but introduces aliasing when the scene is in motion.

Yes you have to set LOD Bias to allow instead of clamp, and set the value to -0.375 or to your liking.

Windows 7 Ultimate.
My specs:

My 6-year-old PC with AMD cpu and gpu combo runs the Witcher 3 on ultra (w/o hairworks) at 1080p 35 fps.

AMD PhenomII x4 955 BE 3,2Ghz
AMD HD 7870 Ghz edition 2Gb
Memory 8Gb

I've only played for about 30 minutes (gotta go to work) and didn't experience anything weird/crash.
The game's beautiful and well optimized, even without a dedicated driver from AMD.


Well, it clearly isn't happening for everyone, but it's common enough going by this thread that they probably should've caught it.

People reporting crashing and stuttering haven't generally been reporting their OS along with their specs, but I have a feeling it's a crucial bit of information.

W7 64bit, 4670K, 280X. This game stutters like a mutha. When you walk Roach it's awful, but it's especially terrible when you move the camera around at a slow speed. This is the absolute worst framepacing problem I've ever suffered. FRAPS shows a 30fps locked framerate.


I just got my Titan in today and ran a couple tests in the first town. With EVERYTHING maxed @1440p I'm getting between 50-60+ fps but there is some hitching/stuttering,even with Gsync,seems like it happens when there is alot of grass and you spin the camera really fast. With Hairworks off there is less hitching and frames are in the high 70/low 80's. There is the occasional dip to 60 in one part of the town,maybe because of the shadows and grass. There is still some hitching but its way less with Hairworks off.


Neo Member
W7 64bit, 4670K, 280X. This game stutters like a mutha. When you walk Roach it's awful, but it's especially terrible when you move the camera around at a slow speed. This is the absolute worst framepacing problem I've ever suffered. FRAPS shows a 30fps locked framerate.

Are you using a controller?
I get extremely obnoxious stuttering when I pan the camera slowly with a 360 pad, even at 60 fps solid 16.6ms frame time.
W8.1 x64, 4790k, GTX 970, 16gb RAM
Well, it clearly isn't happening for everyone, but it's common enough going by this thread that they probably should've caught it.

People reporting crashing and stuttering haven't generally been reporting their OS along with their specs, but I have a feeling it's a crucial bit of information.
Well I have no crashing or stuttering on Win7 Home Premium 64bit. Good as gold, which surprises me actually. And I used a wired 460 controller. No stuttering when using a controller. Or if there is it's very, very, very rare.


All is well on my end here...970 OCed, 2600k@2.5 and 16GB RAM. Actually the game is crash happy on loading a save when i use RTSS, to counter this is have to alt-tab out of it a few times when in the main menu.
I could start to complain in detail about how the low lod hurts the graphics, buuuut its still a fantastic looking game!

Tried tons of config tweaking, i was surprised that the grass distance setting can have such a large impact on performance, a lot more than i expected.

This game literally *screams* for a good AA solution though, the graphics are very busy and their ingame postaa can only go so far. We need MSAA god damnit, or a good custom AA solution.
Win 8.1 64 bit, 8GB RAM, FX 8350, GTX 660ti MSI Power Editiion, also have the stuttering but really only seems to happen to me when rotating the camera slowly with xbox controller. It feels like the camera is getting caught on something. It doesn't happen (or at least I don't notice it) when moving the camera at full speed.

Tried many different ways of capping, vsync, changing max pre rendered frames, as well as borderless windowed vs fullscreen, nothing helped. Also I noticed it doesn't happen all the time, sometimes only happens when I look in certain directions (where there is more going on in the scene).


GTX 780 and i5-2500k, performance seems to be getting worse the more I explore.

Running on all "high," hairworks and anti-aliasing off at 1440p, can barely stay above 30 in town or "Abandoned Village" in White Orchard.


Are you using a controller?
I get extremely obnoxious stuttering when I pan the camera slowly with a 360 pad, even at 60 fps solid 16.6ms frame time.
W8.1 x64, 4790k, GTX 970, 16gb RAM

Yep using a controller.

Win 8.1 64 bit, 8GB RAM, FX 8350, GTX 660ti MSI Power Editiion, also have the stuttering but really only seems to happen to me when rotating the camera slowly with xbox controller. It feels like the camera is getting caught on something. It doesn't happen (or at least I don't notice it) when moving the camera at full speed.

Tried many different ways of capping, vsync, changing max pre rendered frames, as well as borderless windowed vs fullscreen, nothing helped. Also I noticed it doesn't happen all the time, sometimes only happens when I look in certain directions (where there is more going on in the scene).

Yah nothing fixes it. I think their borderless mode is fucked to be honest. I absolutely should not be getting screen tearing there, but I do.


GTX 780 and i5-2500k, performance seems to be getting worse the more I explore.

Running on all "high," hairworks and anti-aliasing off at 1440p, can barely stay above 30 in town or "Abandoned Village" in White Orchard.

Hairworks and the Foliage Visibility are the beasts. Try turning them down. I get a 5 FPS hit even with just Geralt enabled.

Got i5-2500k, 8G RAM, GTX 970 and I have almost all Ultra, with the exception of Foliage Visibility (High), Number of NPCs (High) and Hairworks off. Game is running like butter (60 with occasional dips to 55, 50 with Ultra Foilage which I opted for). I also turned off in game AA, which was crap, and am forcing FXAA through the control panel. It gives better results, at a better framerate, with less blur. Win all around there.
Are you using a controller?
I get extremely obnoxious stuttering when I pan the camera slowly with a 360 pad, even at 60 fps solid 16.6ms frame time.
W8.1 x64, 4790k, GTX 970, 16gb RAM
Hmm I wonder if its a bug with their controller input? If you move the view diagonally slowly, it does a zig-zag motion, it doesn't even just stutter in a straight diagonal line...


Now I'm getting nvidia driver has stopped responding and recovered error. Guess I'll wait for a patch. crashing every 4 minutes isn't very fun =(.

In case anyone is interested, gtx 760, i7 2600k, win 7 64bit, 16gb ram, 256gb ssd nothing overclocked.


I mentioned a large stutter I was getting intermittently when I was using hairworks last night.. Whatever was causing it is gone now. I can get a smooth framerate with everything up. I think I'll drop foliage distance a notch to keep 45-50 FPS. G-Sync is pretty great.


Hairworks and the Foilage Visibility are the beasts. Try turning them down. I get a 5 FPS hit even with just Geralt enabled.

Yeah hair works is off. It's weird though even with foliage distance at medium I can only manage like 24-26 FPS in Abanadoned Village or the first town. It's OK out in the fields though.
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