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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

Has anyone tried messing with Precision X or anything like that? I'm forcing my GPU to k boost speeds and giving it another try. I checked GPU-Z logs and didn't see anything weird after the latest lock up.


If I want a solid 30FPS without screen tearing.. what do I need to do? If I have V-Sync on, I can feel the occasional stutter. If I have it off I get minor screen tearing. Should I do it in NVIDIA Control Panel or something?

And for smooth frame rate, should I lock 30 FPS in-game? That seemed to help.


I tried and still wasn't able to make it through the first cutscene without the video freezing and getting the "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." error. At this point, I think I'm giving up on this game until NVIDIA or CD Project RED fix whatever is causing this.

Driver update set power use to adaptive?
I have had one lock up so far, but otherwise many crashes where it goes to the desktop and when you click back on the game it just closes.

2500k, 970 sli, 8gb ram Full Screen
Otherwise on Ultra it runs at about 35-45 FPS


After overclocking my 970, i'm running everything on ultra (except foliage draw distance) at 1080p and getting somewhere in the region of 50-60fps everywhere.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Forcing FXAA in the driver is better than the In-Game AA

The late modifications to the engine were worse than I thought. Typically I prefer no AA over FXAA. Hopefully they patch it in a week or so considering how they have provided free patches in the past that vastly improve performance.

Awaiting delivery of my game. I foolishly used a Gamestop giftcard with overnight shipping . I have no idea if it will arrive now or silently at midnight which happens around here.

Anyone have an INI template for high end based on this guide or another one? Some of the compares on that guide are hardly noticeable while others are visibly worth it. Like CascadeShadowDistanceScale2 is obviously a winner, and a medium GrassDensity of 4800 seems prudent as it lushes the terrain up without removing flowers. Others though seem to do nothing.

I have this setup:
i7 3770K @ 4.6 GHz synced all cores
GTX 980 OC 4GB

I'm assuming I can set everything to ultra and then some, and turn off hair physics and maintain near 60 fps @ 1080p.


i5 2500k @ 4.4 Ghz / 7970 Ghz edition and 8 GB Ram :

Mix of High and Ultra with HBAO+ on comfortably sits at ~45 fps so I just locked it at 30.

6hrs played and no crashes or lockups
So many crash reports here.
Is the crashing issue only occurs on nvidia cards or overclocked ones?
I've spent like 6 hours straight in the game and yet to experience any crashes.

i5 2500k @ 4.4 Ghz / 7970 Ghz edition and 8 GB Ram :

Mix of High and Ultra with HBAO+ on comfortably sits at ~45 fps so I just locked it at 30.

6hrs played and no crashes or lockups

Yep, me too. I just locked it at 30 in the end.
No crashes at all after 6 hours of non stop session.


Finally started the game on my GTX 980, 1080p/30fps locked with everything on ultra and hairworks on, i played almost three hours, i got 2 crash, i hope they'll solve this problem as soon as possible cause besides that the game is awesome, downgrade was real but still it looks gorgeous, and i'm enjoying a lot the game itself so far, characters, story, side quests etc.
But really they need to fix these crash as soon as possible, even if loading on my ssd are pretty fast it's awful to have to stop playing like that almost every hour of gameplay, is there already a statement of CDPR or Nvidia about that?


my game only really crashed once during the tutorial yesterday

other than that I had one ocassion where it suddenly started running at like 10fps and I had to restart

other than that nothing. played for 4 hours


Its here!!!



You guys don't need to cap (yes cap, not lock which is impossible) the framerate to 30, you can cap it to essentially anything. Mines is at 44 FPS. The game is much more pleasant to look at than 30 FPS.
Find you minimum FPS and cap it at or near it.


I played about 6h today, not a single crash. i2500k @ 4.5Ghz, GTX 970 @ 1540/8200, newest drivers, borderless windowed mode. I guess I'm lucky as fuck.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
It's been a while since I've tweaked for PC gaming a lot - but is it possible some of these crashes are because the game is using new CPU instruction sets? The latest AVX instruction sets will heat up Intel CPUs by 20C over the maximum of any other. Someone like Crytek or CD Projekt is bound to leverage it at some point and break people's stable OCs.


I don't know why my colors are so washed out in Fullscreen mode. In Borderless window, things are much more vibrant.

Edit: Yeah, new nVidia drivers reset my RBG settings again. Yipes! Simple fix.


You guys don't need to cap (yes cap, not lock which is impossible) the framerate to 30, you can cap it to essentially anything. Mines is at 44 FPS. The game is much more pleasant to look at than 30 FPS.
Find you minimum FPS and cap it at or near it.

How would I go about capping at a custom frame rate?

EDIT: Nevermind, found it in NVIDIA Inspector.


My game crashed 2 times, and I'm less than 2 hourS in.

Everything stock, i5 / 680GTX / 16GB RAM. Running on High at 1080p with average of 40-50fps.


Neo Member
i7 4970k and 290x, i'm getting constant 60fps on high/ultra settings with the occasional dip. No hairworks for me though, takes a bad drop when i turn it on

edit: I also haven't had a single crash in 7 hours of playing


Quoting this. I've had really good results with this driver.

I've got a R9 290 and I'm downsampling Ultra settings on 1440p -> 1080p (minus hair works). With this setting sharpening really helps with the non multiple of 2 blurriness. I get a more or less locked 30 fps (very rare momentary drops to at most 28).

Supposedly AMD is also releasing a witcher3 driver, but in case they don't or their driver is delayed there is something people can try.

This is the latest Windows 10 driver but modded to work all the way down to Vista. See the thread, but the long and short of is that it has reduced overheads (one of the tests showed 10%). Note that the process is a bit involved but if people want to tinker there it is:


I'll probably try this out later on W8.1 and see what happens.


So many crash reports here.
Is the crashing issue only occurs on nvidia cards or overclocked ones?
I've spent like 6 hours straight in the game and yet to experience any crashes.

Yep, me too. I just locked it at 30 in the end.
No crashes at all after 6 hours of non stop session.

My 980 is overclocked, i'll try with it on stock, but it's been stabe on games like Far Cry 4 and Watch Dogs so far with no crash, plus i'm running the game at 30fps locked and like that the 980's is about 75/80%, plus i use to overclock almost always my gpu and when a gpu isn't stable the game just crashs stopping completely and then go to desktop, here instead audio keeps working and if i push buttons i hear the sound of my action in game, but then you have to close the game cause it won't work, so it doesn't seem a overclock related issue
You guys don't need to cap (yes cap, not lock which is impossible) the framerate to 30, you can cap it to essentially anything. Mines is at 44 FPS. The game is much more pleasant to look at than 30 FPS.
Find you minimum FPS and cap it at or near it.

My PC just can't handle it. On everything ultra (w/o hairworks), it's hovering around 35 ish, but may dropped to 32 at times.
So it's 30 fps capped for me. I'm good.

My 980 is overclocked, i'll try with it on stock, but it's been stabe on games like Far Cry 4 and Watch Dogs so far with no crash, plus i'm running the game at 30fps locked and like that the 980's is about 75/80%, plus i use to overclock almost always my gpu and when a gpu isn't stable the game just crashs stopping completely and then go to desktop, here instead audio keeps working and if i push buttons i hear the sound of my action in game, but then you have to close the game cause it won't work, so it doesn't seem a overclock related issue

Yes, I've read lots of crash reports related to overclocking.
You might want to reset it to stock.


I believe any game made before 1997 is "essentially cave man art."
16gb ram
Gtx 760

All settings medium except textures at High and HBAO+, runs mostly in the mid 40's, pretty happy with the performance so far.
Has anyone tried messing with Precision X or anything like that? I'm forcing my GPU to k boost speeds and giving it another try. I checked GPU-Z logs and didn't see anything weird after the latest lock up.

I'm using MSI Afterburner and any OC I've done has either locked up or negatively impacted my framerate. I just abandoned the idea of OC'ing until drivers are optimized more and not as sensitive.

I leave Afterburner running however just to monitor my GPU in-game.


Ok finally got to try it out.

First specs:

i7 4790 non k ( stock clock obviously), EVGA 770 4GB SC, 16GB DDR3., WIN 7 64 bit. Latest Nvidia game ready drivers.

Settings as follows:

Post processing:

Motion Blur: Off
Blur: Off
AA: On
Bloom: On
Sharpening: Off
DoF: Off
Chromatic aberration: Off.
Vignette: Off.
Light Shafts: On.

Note: I turned CA and most Blur and DoF off because I hate their visual effects.

Video settings:
Hairworks: Off.
Number of background characters: Ultra
Shadows: Medium
Terrain quality:Ultra
Water quality:Ultra
Foliage range:High
Detail level: Ultra

Running at 1080p resolution fullscreen with frame limiter set to 60 and in game Vsync is on.

The minimum FPS I get is around 33-35 and the max outdoors around 45, indoors hovers around 50. Pretty happy with the results considering the scale of the game and its graphical prowess.

Edit: One thing that is really really bothering me is that my GPU utilization is reaching 100% and the temp hovering at 80C, has me a bit worried.
I don't know why my colors are so washed out in Fullscreen mode. In Borderless window, things are much more vibrant.

Your PC (all PC's) use a different icc profile when games are run in fullscreen vs borderless window.

Your customized icc profiles is used in borderless window.


What is better?

Full screen or Borderless screen

Same performance? With GTA V the game runs weird in borderless screen, and the GPU is more hotter than in fullscreen mode.
Game has locked up on me twice today. Both times were in the item selection screen. I'm using full screen if that matters.

I'm running with:

i5 3570k
GTX 970

Other than the lock ups, the game runs great for me.
I have a 970 and instead of lowering a few setting to get 60fps, I enabled everything I could including hairworks, tweaked the .ini file to get better shadows/grass/etc, and locked it at 30. I usually do whatever it takes to get 60fps but 30fps doesn't feel that bad in this game. I feel so dirty but it looks so good. What's wrong with me?


Gold Member
What's the fps hit compared to in game setting?

FXAA is basically free. Maybe 1 or 2 FPS.
The AA in Witcher is a bit more heavy on the FPS. Like 3-5 FPS maybe.

They're both not as good as real AA but FXAA kills more jaggies and has less shimmering that the in-game AA.


After a day 200 miles afk reading all your thoughts on the game I FINALLY have it installed. Are there any essential tweaks going in? I've been travelling for 4 hours s haven't had chance to keep up.


I haven't had a single issue so far! Rarely happens with me haha.

Slight stuttering on the cgi cutscene prom the opening...thats about it. Lowest drop I've seen so far is 52ish (happened in the dense forest fighting) and locked at 60 besides that. Everything maxed except foliage distance (which is high) and hairworks off. Also blurs and CA off.


I Know that's not maybe the right place to ask, but is there a way or mod to disable/enable the whole game HUD with just a key of the keybord?


The walking animation for the horse causes a really distracting stutter/pause. It's only when moving at the slow speed, but it's definitely there.


Fun thing: full screen doesn't work for me. If I flip the slider to full, it goes back to borderless after the screen blanks with no change. It's running fine that way, but it's still kinda weird.
I Know that's not maybe the right place to ask, but is there a way or mod to disable/enable the whole game HUD with just a key of the keybord?

Reminds me of a must have feature of mmorpgs. Some key combo like alt + x, alt u, etc.
Yeah, I can't seem to find it either.


Someone come out with a Witcher 3 INI editor so I don't have to fuck around with all the settings. I hate doing that shit.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
But, what are the real differences (besides hairworks, which I have yet to really see a great video showing off the difference that makes). I know or am fairly certain I can play most of the game on the highest settings - but outside of FPS, is it really that big of a visual boost over the xbox one version? I can't seem to tell from YT vids.

Can't vouch for the Xbox version, but I purchased both the PC version and PS4 Collectors Edition.

As someone who has been saying in the previous few weeks that the PS4 version looks almost identical to the PC version. I was both wrong and right.

The game looks beautiful on PS4, but the gap in fidelity it's much larger than I thought judging from YouTube videos.

Granted I played both on a 64" 4K, the PS4 version @ 1080p, and PC at Native 4K. Both running at 30fps. PC version maxed.

The image quaily gulf there is quite large, and it makes a huge difference in foliage. While every blade of grass and shrub looks crisp and vivid on PC, it is not so on my PS4 copy. Though as I said, the PS4 version is beautiful on its own.

The lighting, and shadowing as well as LoD take a bigger hit on PS4 than I originally thought watching the comparison cideos.

Both versions will suit you well, and look beatiful. But the PC version does make a rather large leap in Fidelity. Especially in 1440p or 4K.


my geralt kept saying "the windows are howling" earlier but the weather looked pretty mild, gonna lay back on those potions.
GPU: GTX 770 4GB
CPU: i7-930

Post Processing
Motion Blur: On
Blur: On
AA: Off
Bloom: On
Sharpening: Off
DoF: On
Chromatic Aberration: Off.
Vignette: Off.
Light Shafts: On.

Video Settings
Vsync: Off
Maximum Frames Per Second: Unlimited
Resolution: 1920x1200
Display Mode: Borderless Window (to keep my ICC profile)
Hairworks: Off.
Number of background characters: Medium
Shadows: Medium
Terrain quality:High
Water quality:Ultra
Foliage range:High
Detail level: High

Nvidia Control Center
Anisotropic Filtering: 16x
Power Management Mode: Maximum Performance


Rain is in the PC version right? Anyone have a screenshot of actual rain drops?

Forcing FXAA in the driver is better than the In-Game AA

You lose temporal AA though.


My settings after finding hotspots (thanks for the format wanderjahr):

GPU: 780 ti
CPU: 4770K @ 4.4

RTSS Lock: 44 fps

Nvidia Control Center
Maximum Prerendered Frames: 1
Power Management Mode: Maximum Performance
Triple Buffering: Off
Vsync: On

Post Processing
Motion Blur: On
Blur: On
AA: On
Bloom: On
Sharpening: On
DoF: On
Chromatic Aberration: Off
Vignette: On
Light Shafts: On

Video Settings
Vsync: Off
Maximum Frames Per Second: Unlimited
Resolution: 1920x1080
Display Mode: Fullscreen (otherwise it doesn't stretch to fullscreen, higher native res)
Hairworks: Off
Number of background characters: Ultra
Shadows: High
Terrain quality: Ultra
Water quality: Ultra
Grass Density: Ultra
Textures: Ultra
Foliage range: High
Detail level: Ultra
Can anyone give me a recommendation here, any help is appreciated

i5 2500k (non OC)
570 GTX
12 GB ram

Should I go PS4 or PC with my setup? What are the equivalent setting on ps4 to PC. Thanks for any help!!
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