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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread


Gold Member
Maybe I should disable Bloom...



Performance would be great if it weren't for that constant jitter/stuttering. I don't know if it's the framepacing issue everyone is talking about or some other problem... I just can't play like this, one moment the game is fluid and the other I get like a sudden stutter for a milisecond or two.


Performance would be great if it weren't for that constant jitter/stuttering. I don't know if it's the framepacing issue everyone is talking about or some other problem... I just can't play like this, one moment the game is fluid and the other I get like a sudden stutter for a milisecond or two.

What's your setup? While I get terrible stuttering in pre-rendered FMV cutscenes, I have had nothing but butter smoothness in the game itself. Not even a single judder, an that is rare with (in my case) SLi setups.


Managed to crank everything up to 1620p with INI tweaks and OC. Still runs at 70-80 fps. Some uncompressed PNG shots from very early in the game. Since I still have some headroom, I might experiment with more lighting/LOD tweaks. We'll see



Anyone getting crashes where the game's visuals completely freeze but the game's still running (audio is still heard).

2. There's something used by TW3 that's not tessellation (compute, maybe?) that both GCN and Maxwell cards are good at but Kepler cards aren't.

If Ryse is anything to go by, that's not the case. 780 Ti is almost as fast as the 980 there and the Radeons still beat out the GeForces whether they're Maxwell or Kepler.

Maybe I should disable Bloom...

That's not Fallout 4?

Haven't hit a town yet though. Just fought the ghouls in the open world and hopped on the horse. Still 60. Turning HWs on plummets the framerate down to 35ish haha.

Towns and villages take more processing power to run for some reason.


On my Tri X 290 OC I'm getting locked 60 so far. Everything maxed except HWs off and foliage distance high. Blurs and AO off.

Haven't hit a town yet though. Just fought the ghouls in the open world and hopped on the horse. Still 60. Turning HWs on plummets the framerate down to 35ish haha.


What's your setup? While I get terrible stuttering in pre-rendered FMV cutscenes, I have had nothing but butter smoothness in the game itself. Not even a single judder, an that is rare with (in my case) SLi setups.
Overclocked i5 3750K, 12 gigs of RAM and a 2 gig GTX770. Game is running 1080p @ medium, and it totally would be a butter smooth experience if it weren't for these random stutters when running or horse riding(especially through villages).
Managed to download the game. Everything set to High except for Shadows which I set to medium, Hairworks off and removed all the blur/depth of field and chromatic aberation effects. Game runs at 40fps-60fps (1920x1080p) which was better than I was expecting.

Core I5 2500K OC to 4.8GHz
16GB 2133MHz DDR3 RAM (Kingston Hyper Savage)
Saphire OC HD 7950 3GB @ 1100MHz/1500MHz OC


I'm not really sure what the point of the borderless fullscreen option is for this game. I have the game displayed on my, TV and it still traps my mouse, even though I'm using a controller. I have to alt tab (thus minimizing the game) to be able to interact with my other programs on the adjacent monitor.


I'm not really sure what the point of the borderless fullscreen option is for this game. I have the game displayed on my, TV and it still traps my mouse, even though I'm using a controller. I have to alt tab (thus minimizing the game) to be able to interact with my other programs on the adjacent monitor.

Sometimes BW helps eliminate stutter for some.


Has anyone tried the crash fix I mentioned yet?

No crashes after two hours when I was getting them every half an hour.

Curious if it's worked for others.


Has anyone tried the crash fix I mentioned yet?

No crashes after two hours when I was getting them every half an hour.

Curious if it's worked for others.

I tried and still wasn't able to make it through the first cutscene without the video freezing and getting the "Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered." error. At this point, I think I'm giving up on this game until NVIDIA or CD Project RED fix whatever is causing this.
My game doesnt crash it just freezes and I have to kill the process. Happened 3 times in the last hour, very frustrating for progression
Apparently rolling back drivers helps? Gonna try that


Even if heat is not an issue, try durning your GPU fans to 100%. For some reason this worked for me.

MSI GTX 980 4G. 1500/4000, +45v, 122% pwr lmt, 85 temp limit.

Maxing the fan didn't work for me but strangely enough OC'ing the VRAM, which I had previously left untouched, to 4000 seems to have made it stable, which isn't something I ever knew to be a possible stability fix.
i was having issues running this game smoothly with hairworks on, but got a rather locked 60fps with what others suggested [foliage distance to high, hairworks off].

this is at 1440p with everything else maxed by the way.

my g-sync monitor arrived today though, and now i can put hairworks back on, and it doesn't even bother me - still a smooth experience although definitely only in the 45 fps range to be sure.
Seems the crash fix I listed earlier has done the trick.

Rolled back nvidia drivers to the GTAV set, set to full screen, and set setting power management mode to "prefer maximum performance" in nvidia control panel.

Was crashing once every half an hour or so. After an hour with the above I haven't had one. Will report back again in a couple of hours.

Does this fix the issue where the game locks up but audio continues? Happens to me both in the inventory and during cut scenes.

People seem to use "crash" rather ambiguously here.


Crashes every time I look at Mountain Pass from the balcony in the very first room.

Latest drivers 970, i54670k, 16Gigs of Ram.

Hairworks off, Fullscreen, optimized in Nvidia controller.

I'll just wait out a patch since I was only interested in this game because it came with the video card.
Does this fix the issue where the game locks up but audio continues? Happens to me both in the inventory and during cut scenes.

People seem to use "crash" rather ambiguously here.
I have the same as you and this didnt fix it either.

5 minutes into another session and the whole game just locks up. Happened 4 times now and I can even finish missions


I have the same as you and this didnt fix it either.

5 minutes into another session and the whole game just locks up. Happened 4 times now and I can even finish missions

Other fix is to disable vsync and fps caps for those freezes it doesnt work for everybody but worked for me also freezes happens with radeon too so it is the game problem.


Sometimes BW helps eliminate stutter for some.
It slightly lowers framerates too, but maybe that's game dependent? I know GTA 5 runs slightly better in fullscreen

Crashes every time I look at Mountain Pass from the balcony in the very first room.

Latest drivers 970, i54670k, 16Gigs of Ram.

Hairworks off, Fullscreen, optimized in Nvidia controller.

I'll just wait out a patch since I was only interested in this game because it came with the video card.
Nothing overclocked? Mine crashed pretty much 90% of the time I would descend the stairs in that beginning section until I removed my CPU oc


I'd say this runs pretty great for me. I've only just this evening managed to get on it, and only for about 40 minutes at that, but my initial impressions are positive for an ageing 680.

Because I wanted to just get into it for a bit before calling it a night I decided to go for a quick 'n' dirty setup: all Ultra minus HairWorks, 30fps cap. This gave me 27fps with 99% GPU usage. Took a wild stab in the dark and changed only Foliage View Distance down a notch to High and suddenly I was getting a constant 30fps with sub-80% GPU usage.

What's also a pleasant surprise is that VRAM usage never exceeded 1300MB.

Assuming I see similar results going forward, I'll probably just leave things as is. Maybe some other settings have noticeable fps gains with negligible reductions in image quality, but for now I'm quite content.
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