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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

So it looks like my r9 270 with an i7 920, at 1680 x 1050, may be okay for playing this game?

Both are stock at the mo', but both can overclock easily (I've done it before).

Anyone else running this out of date combo?


I love how the source of that that reddit is basically just people whining on Nvidia's forums, here I was thinking there would be some leaked email or something.

Yeah, there are certainly a lot of assumptions and cherry picking happening over this. Most of benchmarks I trust show 780Ti somewhere a bit lower than a 970 - which seems to be exactly what a 780Ti should be able to pull off. Some benchmarks are really strange with 780Ti being on 960 level but it is unclear why and how they get these results. People are already running screaming though. They must have all the proof they need but don't have time to show it or something.


Settled with 1440p downsampled to 1080p Ultra everything except shadows and AA. 30fps lock using RTSS. Seems to utilize 770 in SLI very well though would like to see something done about hairworks.

The grass looks so crisp and sharp with the downsampling + sharpening.

off topic - I stunned a goose and a cow so they couldn't run off and on close inspection no hairworks :| still lol'd about being able to use that spell on a goose.
I've played around 2 hours of the game today: 1 hour before the 1.03 patch and 1 hour with it. I haven't had any crashes since patching; I had 3 crashes earlier before putting installing the patch so here's hoping...

I am not going to bother with hair works unless a miracle non-hit to performance version can be implemented
I can dream
; I am just getting the most out of other settings and ini edits as I value 60fps too much to sacrifice.

Edit: I have noticed that some textures can be a bit slow to load in (I am running on GTX970 / MX100 SSD). I have altered TextureMemoryBudget=800 to become TextureMemoryBudget=1800 or is this nothing to do with something like that occurring?


I can't get 60fps in Inn at cross roads even on low settings with my GTX780; I get 60fps outside with low settings (mix of low and ultra because certain things have a low FPS hit).

My 500$ card is suddenly a low-settings card. I am switching to a new GPU that isn't Nvidia if they don't solve this.

Hearing a lot of this.
I'm running a 780ti Classy with a very mild overclock (and fwiw a very clean system.) I7 2600k 16 GB ram W7, and after tweaking I'm getting 50 average with drops into high 30s because of hairworks. All ultra with foliage and shadows down a notch. Lots of ini tweaks and NCP tweaks and hairworks MSAA x2 obviously and no DSR unfortunately, but I'm very happy with the performance.

I've never had a 960 but it's a hell of a card if it can pull that off.

Caveat regarding hairworks - The camera close framerate drops cause me to turn this off for cave sections/indoors. It's just too jarring, and I'm only just through the tutorial area, so can't vouch for later encounters.

*All pre Thursday's patch, which reminds me. Does the patch reset ini values?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."

Problem is a conflict with Chrome hardware acceleration and Witcher 3 on Nvidia drivers. Google has Windows Task scheduled stuff so uninstalling is far more effective than whacking a moles in task manager.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
As a result of the patch?


Even the camera panning thing? Can't wait to get home from work

Whoa, do you mean the panning camera at the same time as moving stutter??

I didn't really notice camera panning stutter so much as constant stutter lol, depending on what was going on, towns especially. Movement/animation/data streaming stutter. I still get a widely varying framerate, but the stutter appears to be reduced significantly if not eliminated.


Anyone with a 980 please inform of hairworks performance improvements after the patch, is it posible to maintain a stable 60 with it on at least on geralt? thanks
Just did a test on 1.03:

No hairworks

Avg FPS 66
Max 71
Min 63

Geralt only hairworks

Avg FPS 52
Max 54
Min 49
Face closeup 49

Doesn't seem to have halped HairWorks performance for me :(

HairWorks also causes considerable stutter on my rig (i7 2600k @ 4.1, Gig GTX 970 +120 +215, 8GB RAM, SSD)
As soon as I turn off HairWorks the stutter vanishes.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
The map feels much smoother now as well, it always felt jerky to me when scrolling across it but not any more.

PS: My textures were lowered to low after the patch, check yours!


Any one know how my rig will run ?

8 GB ram
970 ftw

I have the same rig with the only difference being my 2500K is OC to 4.3Ghz.

I run the game with all options on Ultra except foliage distance and Hairworks off at a steady 60fps.

If I turn on hairworks I get 40-45 fps depending of what's on screen. Maybe with the new patch the performance with hairworks it's a little better.


No bald cap? Lies!
So it looks like my r9 270 with an i7 920, at 1680 x 1050, may be okay for playing this game?

Both are stock at the mo', but both can overclock easily (I've done it before).

Anyone else running this out of date combo?

You should be more than fine. I have my i7 920 oc'd to 3.6 and have a 7950 3gb stock and I'm at 1080 locked in at 30fps with most everything on high, shadows on low, water/grass on medium, texture quality on ultra and some of the post processing off like blur, motion blur, vsync and AA off.


Just did a test on 1.03:

No hairworks

Avg FPS 66
Max 71
Min 63

Geralt only hairworks

Avg FPS 52
Max 54
Min 49
Face closeup 49

Doesn't seem to have halped HairWorks performance for me :(

HairWorks also causes considerable stutter on my rig (i7 2600k @ 4.1, Gig GTX 970 +120 +215, 8GB RAM, SSD)
As soon as I turn off HairWorks the stutter vanishes.

How is this a test when you don't show your performance BEFORE the patch


I get ~40 fps on my 4670 and 7950 with most of the settings on high.

I'm dowloading the game to my laptop with an i5 and a 840m, wish me luck, lol.
How is this a test when you don't show your performance BEFORE the patch

Set HairWorks to 2x.
Still too much of a hit for my liking.

i7 2600k @ 4.1 // Gig GTX 970 OC 120&215 // 8GM RAM // SSD

Fought two wolves, tested with and without HW.


Minimum FPS 58
Maximum FPS 68
Average 65 out of combat
Average 60 in combat

Geralt only

Minimum FPS 49
Maximum FPS 58
Same in and out of combat staying around 52

Full HairWorks

Minimum FPS 45
Maximum FPS 54
Average 51 out of combat
Average 48 in combat

I have the exact same card, those temps are bang on the money. You can go into high 70s without being really concerned, card's rated for something like up to 95C but I don't push it past 80 personally.

This is what I had yesterday on 1.02.
Is there an .ini tweak to increase the level of detail of buildings in the distance? I'm using a bunch of foliage and shadow tweaks and those are great, but I've just arrived in Novigrad and buildings a few streets away are fairly low quality.
Hardware / Drivers / OS
CPU: i7-930 4.0 GHz
GPU: GTX 770 4GB Core 1280 MHz, Memory 4001 MHz, 1.212 mV
DISPLAY: 1920x1200 @ 60Hz
OS: Windows 10
Nvidia Driver: 359.06
Witcher III v: 1.11

Post Processing
Motion Blur: On
Blur: On
Anti-aliasing: On
Bloom: On
Sharpening: Off
Ambient Occlusion: HBAO+
Depth of Field: On
Chromatic Aberration: Off
Vignetting: Off
Light Shafts: On

VSync: Off
Maximum Frames Per Second: Unlimited
Resolution: 1920x1200
Display Mode: Borderless Window
NVIDIA HairWorks: Off
NVIDIA HairWorks AA: 0
NVIDIA HairWorks Preset: Low
Number of Background Characters: Low
Shadow Quality: Low
Terrain Quality:Low
Water Quality:High
Grass Density: Low
Texture Quality: Ultra
Foliage Visibility Range: Medium
Detail Level: Low
Hardware Cursor: On

Framerate limit: 60

PhysX Processor: CPU
Anisotropic filtering: 16x
Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance
Texture filtering - Quality: High quality


Is it my imagination or has CPU usage gone down considerably? All my four cores (3570K) are sub-50% now. I could swear they were at 70% or more.


Is there an .ini tweak to increase the level of detail of buildings in the distance? I'm using a bunch of foliage and shadow tweaks and those are great, but I've just arrived in Novigrad and buildings a few streets away are fairly low quality.
Apparently this is tied to the Umbra 3 middleware and we are forced to use console settings here. What a great PC version.


Was crashing all night last night with a GTX 770, capping to 30 fps seemed to help a bit but still crashed. I really would like 60 fps on ultra 1080p so I wanna upgrade my GPU.

Question is... 970 or 980?
How do you import a Witcher 2 save before starting? Also is there a good resource for Witcher 2 saves with the choices they made? I'm looking for a Iorveth save with everyone kept alive and all 'good path' choices made.
Camera pan stutter is still there :/

Also has anybody else noticed diagonal movement in the region map is 2x faster than normal? It fine in the world map, which is really weird...


Junior Member
I'm trying to take a video of the settings I've been using to get 55-60 fps with Hairworks on using a 970 and 3570k, but Shadowplay is costing me a few frames per second and giving me stutter that's not present during normal gameplay.

Here's my last attempt to record something. Stuttering, pop-in, and an invisible bridge.

EDIT: after watching the video, it's obvious that something is up with Shadowplay and not the game itself. The video freezes and drops audio at certain parts, which definitely wasn't occurring in-game.

What are the settings?
Those are my specs and I'd love to get 55-60fps with Hairworks.
How do you import a Witcher 2 save before starting? Also is there a good resource for Witcher 2 saves with the choices they made? I'm looking for a Iorveth save with everyone kept alive and all 'good path' choices made.

You don't need to import a save. You can choose to be asked questions at the beginning of the game that illustrates the path you took in W2.


No hairworks performance change for me, still chokes.

Settled for .ini tweaked 1440P Ultra 60fps+ depending on the scene and haven't seen it go below 58 on a single overclocked Titan X without Hairworks on at all, just isn't worth the drop.

Runs like a dream
If your average fps is over 40fps, would it be better to limit the fps to 40 instead of 30?

May be a dumb question, but I don't normally limit and only ever see 30/60 spoken about.

This is with everything set to ultra, including hairworks on a 970.


I also offload physics duties to CPU. My updated settings give me ~50fps.

This gave me a 5-6 FPS boost in my most stressful area (the abandoned village with the well you
fight the noonwraith
at in the prologue)
I'm not sure how it'll affect performance though when I blast boxes and barrels with magic.

If your average fps is over 40fps, would it be better to limit the fps to 40 instead of 30?

May be a dumb question, but I don't normally limit and only ever see 30/60 spoken about.

This is with everything set to ultra, including hairworks on a 970.

Find your minimum using Fraps. Put it in benchmark mode and play for a while (especially in villages and cities) and cap it near or at your minimum.
You don't need to import a save. You can choose to be asked questions at the beginning of the game that illustrates the path you took in W2.
I knew about that but I thought the bard only asked like 4 questions. Do any of the other choices you make in W2 that are not asked about not make any difference in W3 then?
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