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With Star Wars finally over, are you happy that the prequels were made?

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Piper Az

Well, I have a mixed feeling about this, but if I had to pick one side, I say YES. Eventhough the prequel did not carry the same "feel" (pace, space opera-ish tone) of classic Star Wars, and this fact may "tarnish" the entire saga, the new films brought new info about Anakin/Darth Vader and the order of Sith to the masses. Sure, these infos could have been obtained via novels or other medium, but having Lucas personally delivering extending the world of Star Wars is well appreciated.
I am happy that Episode 3 was made. I wish they had made the first two to be good movies, because you still need them, in order to watch Anakin grow up and get a real sense of who he was before he became what he did. But the third one was a damn good movie, and the other two were pure shit. So I guess I'm glad the third one got made.


Still Tagged Accordingly
hmmm, tough one. overall i'd have to say 'yes', but i say that was many reservations.


Piper Az said:
the new films brought new info about Anakin/Darth Vader and the order of Sith to the masses. Sure, these infos could have been obtained via novels or other medium, but having Lucas personally delivering extending the world of Star Wars is well appreciated.

So now that the masses know this information do you think they won't look upon you as a Star Wars nerd anymore or something?

Piper Az

Well, I guess what I meant to say was that having live-action filmed versions of the prequels was a good thing. Not much thought about Star Wars nerd thing.
teiresias said:
So now that the masses know this information do you think they won't look upon you as a Star Wars nerd anymore or something?
Just like how if you changed your avatar to something respectable, people would still look down on you as a gay walking bag of worthless contribution.


hyperbolically metafictive
well, i like parts of episodes 1 and 3. but in a broader sense the prequels have made it harder to like star wars. i don't think my affection for the original star wars movies was altogether based on their quality as movies. and the prequels have effectively killed those other factors -- nostalgia, accumulated good will, cultural significance, whatever. between the mortifying effect of the prequels and the continued unavailbility of the theatrical versions, i doubt i'll have any cause to watch the star wars movies again. which kinda sucks.


Despite all of the hate and filth that's gone towards the PT, from myself included, I'll always be thankful for the one thing they did the best:

They let us get excited about Star Wars again.

Seriously, when I sat in those theater auditoriums at midnight for the three movies, it was like I was a kid again, and that made the 9 or so years more than worth it.


Queen of Denmark
Interesting question. I feel more or less exactly the same as Mike Works:

Mike Works said:
I am happy that Episode 3 was made. I wish they had made the first two to be good movies, because you still need them, in order to watch Anakin grow up and get a real sense of who he was before he became what he did. But the third one was a damn good movie, and the other two were pure shit. So I guess I'm glad the third one got made.

In fact, unlike the reaction drohne experienced, seeing Episode III made me want to watch the trilogy again (or at least A New Hope), if nothing else just to see everything connect up and be complete. I have a feeling it's going to be a neat experience when I get the time to pop it in.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mike Works said:
I am happy that Episode 3 was made. I wish they had made the first two to be good movies, because you still need them, in order to watch Anakin grow up and get a real sense of who he was before he became what he did. But the third one was a damn good movie, and the other two were pure shit. So I guess I'm glad the third one got made.

No point of typing anything out cause Mike nailed my feelings on this subject.


I'm happy they were made. I liked parts of each of the 3 prequels, and Ep3 was easily my favorite and it seemed to have the closest feel and pacing to the originals. But I've only seen Ep3 one time; my opinion changes with repeat viewings. I prefer Ep3>1>2 right now -- I know that many feel Ep2 was > Ep1 but I disagree.


Hollywood Square
I'm going to have to with a definite
there, buddy.

Episode III was pretty mediocre and Episode II was horrible. Episode I has the most redeemable qualities, and would make a good flick if I could edit out about 10 minutes of material.

Master Z

The prequels could have been so much better. They should have skipped kid anakin, or atleast have him grow up in episode 1. The story, dialogue and acting could have been much better. Spielberg should have directed atleast one of them....damn director's guild rules.


I'll add my Nooooooo to it as well. So so much of the promise of the prequels is simply unfulfilled by them. They are mostly boring shallow shells trying so hard to be cool and funny but failing at the same time.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
They would've been worth it if lucas (or whoever he paid to write it) wasn't one of the worst dialogue writers in history. He just can't seem to get emotion out of his characters, although he tried his best in Ep.3, which was a good effort for him, but it was still not all the great. If they could somehow update the older movies with the same actors, but better fight scenes and some choice dialogue changes to reduce the cheesiness, that would be great.
No. Every time I watch the OT I picture Hayden behind the Vader Mask, and I hate that.

I also think they botched Vader's backstory. I had picured him as much more of a badass in his younger days, but then the prequels came out and shattered that. This is not to say that I had some elaborate Vader backstory worked out in my head while I watched the OT, but I preffer the fuzzy story that I did work out to the one that Lucas offered.

Oh yeah, and midichlorians.


With Star Wars finally over


You're forgetting that during the OT, there was a little side movie involving kids and Ewoks on Endor. Now that we have the PT, we can have a little side movie involving Frankie Muniz, Raven-Simone, and the Goddamned Gungans on Naboo. WINK as you see Frankie talk to the screen for the umpteenth time! GASP as you are amazed at Raven's acting abilities! LAUGH as you witness the wacky hijinks of the Gungans and a cup of midichlorians that just begs to be sipped!


bad joke?


Let me put it like this...

A little over six years ago, before I saw The Phantom Menace, I thought a few times about how six years later (as far away as it seemed), the Star Wars movies would be over. It seemed vaguely sad.

Six years later... I don't fucking give a shit.


QuiGon taught us about toleration in ep1. I can tolerate Jar Jar, therefore, I can recognize that ep1 is the best one. I really like it.

ep2 was mediocre.

ep3 just didnt add up...

That being said, I'm sad it ended the way it ended. Started off cool, but then George tried to appease the fans by tying Boba Fett up into ep2. Should have chose DiCaprio as Anakin. He sure can play a retarded adolescent better than Hayden. Felt forced. Ep3 was just ruined with shit pacing and NO passion. Hayden is a flamer.

Im glad GL will never take my money again (didt buy the DVDs, nor will I)


they call me "Man Gravy".
the only thing that was even decent was the tie-up at the end of episode 3, and that still didn't make up for the roughly 5 hours of shitty acting and dialogue I had to endure to get to that point. I just want Lucas to promise he will never, ever write or direct a movie again.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Even though I'm not an outright hater, I'd have to go with no.

As standalone films they have plenty of issues, but at the end of the day, the biggest thing that pisses me off are the massive inconsistencies created with the end of Revenge of the Sith. Now we enter the OT knowing that Obi-Wan and Yoda basically gave up and failed more out of stupidity and lack of will than anything else. Obi-Wan just completely fails to do the one simple task he had, which was to kill Vader. My respect for him plummets after ROTS no matter how great his ideals may be. Vader was on the ground, defeated and without legs, and you can't be bothered to finish the job? And Yoda, well Yoda just bumps his head and gives up fighting Sidious and decides to head into exile for no good reason. Not to mention things like Midichlorians, and all the little inconsistencies between dialogue bits from the OT (Obi-Wan's knowledge of Leia, Leia remembering her mother, etc).

I don't think the prequels strengthen the originals in any form, and that's what matters most, so I can't say I'm glad that these were made, at least in this form.


Honorary Canadian.
yeah. i didn't like any of them too much, but i can't fault lucas for taking a chance and failing. and it's really only failing in terms of critical acclaim... cuz the movies were a financial success.

plus, because of htem we got the best Triumph piece ever done, as well as some great joke material (The Sith Pope Benedict, for instance). so while the movies were lackluster, i have no problem that they were made.


I don't know shit about shit
Whoa, when did it all of a sudden become cool to praise Ep1? Is this a "backlash to the backlash" or something? Ep3 is the best prequel and Ep2 has it's moments, but in my opinion is still better than 1.


Dan said:
Even though I'm not an outright hater, I'd have to go with no.

As standalone films they have plenty of issues, but at the end of the day, the biggest thing that pisses me off are the massive inconsistencies created with the end of Revenge of the Sith. Now we enter the OT knowing that Obi-Wan and Yoda basically gave up and failed more out of stupidity and lack of will than anything else. Obi-Wan just completely fails to do the one simple task he had, which was to kill Vader. My respect for him plummets after ROTS no matter how great his ideals may be. Vader was on the ground, defeated and without legs, and you can't be bothered to finish the job? And Yoda, well Yoda just bumps his head and gives up fighting Sidious and decides to head into exile for no good reason. Not to mention things like Midichlorians, and all the little inconsistencies between dialogue bits from the OT (Obi-Wan's knowledge of Leia, Leia remembering her mother, etc).

I don't think the prequels strengthen the originals in any form, and that's what matters most, so I can't say I'm glad that these were made, at least in this form.
Let's not forget Obi-Wan not remembering the droids in A New Hope. Or the apparent disparity in the construction times of the two Death Stars.


Dreamfixx said:
Whoa, when did it all of a sudden become cool to praise Ep1? Is this a "backlash to the backlash" or something? Ep3 is the best prequel and Ep2 has it's moments, but in my opinion is still better than 1.
Yeah, I don't get what Willco's on. Even Episode II's godawful romance is far, far, far less annoying than Episode I's double whammy of Jake Lloyd and Jar-Jar.


Hollywood Square
Dreamfixx said:
Whoa, when did it all of a sudden become cool to praise Ep1?

When I started to.

FoneBone said:
Yeah, I don't get what Willco's on. Even Episode II's godawful romance is far, far, far less annoying than Episode I's double whammy of Jake Lloyd and Jar-Jar.

No way. Again, I don't have a problem with Jake Lloyd because I've been around enough kids to know how that's how kids act. Not to say I like Lloyd yelling, "Yippee!", but it's not the entire movie or long stretches at a time. Jar Jar is annoying, but he's not on screen nearly enough to say he is worse than the Anakin and Padme romance which was the entire fucking point of Episode II. Not to mention I'm supposed to buy into this to support his turn in Episode III. It's horrible.

Episode I is coherent. It's got its rocky moments, but not downright stretches of horrible dialogue like Episode II has. Not only that, the movie isn't about Jar Jar or Anakin (who doesn't even show up until like 40 minutes into the movie), so it's much easier to digest the tale. It also has Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, the only two likeable characters in the goddamn prequel trilogy, portrayed by the only goddamn actors who actually gave a shit.

FoneBone said:
Let's not forget Obi-Wan not remembering the droids in A New Hope. Or the apparent disparity in the construction times of the two Death Stars.

Let us not retread the Force Ghost argument, as well.

drohne said:
episode 1 was crap with cool lightsaber fights. episode 2 was crap without cool lightsaber fights. i think that makes ep. 1 empirically better.

Pretty much.


hyperbolically metafictive
episode 1 was crap with cool lightsaber fights. episode 2 was crap without cool lightsaber fights. i think that makes ep. 1 empirically better.
Eh. While i enjoyed the prequels, I wouldn't necessarily say I'm happy that they were made.

I used to look at Star Wars in a different light. While they 3 prequels are not bad films, I feel that they do taint the image of the classic Star Wars films. In this case, less is more.


Dan said:
Vader was on the ground, defeated and without legs, and you can't be bothered to finish the job? And Yoda, well Yoda just bumps his head and gives up fighting Sidious and decides to head into exile for no good reason.
Anakin is almost Obi-Wan's brother. He didn't want to kill him. But I can see your complain there.

The Yoda thing is much different though. You have to think about the battle technically and then tie it into the Anakin/Obi-Wan fight. Both Yoda and Anakin had the low ground. Anakin 'went for it' while Yoda pulled back. We know how it worked out for Anakin.


Hollywood Square
LakeEarth said:
Anakin is almost Obi-Wan's brother. He didn't want to kill him. But I can see your complain there.

The Yoda thing is much different though. You have to think about the battle technically and then tie it into the Anakin/Obi-Wan fight. Both Yoda and Anakin had the low ground. Anakin 'went for it' while Yoda pulled back. We know how it worked out for Anakin.

The Emperor did not have the high ground. He was hanging off a fucking Senate pod laughing hysterically like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

I think the prequels were a let down.

I just think nostalgia and people fell in love with harrison, carrie, and mark the new ones just felt generic.


Kills Photobucket
I'd have to say no. Not so much because of the many things I didn't liek about the prequels, but just that the 3 prequels were made to tell Vader's backstory and the backstory kinda sucked.

In the end I would have prefered a the mystery, and a Galaxy where the Jedi weren't a bunch of morons who got served.


Willco said:
I'm going to have to with a definite
there, buddy.

Episode III was pretty mediocre and Episode II was horrible. Episode I has the most redeemable qualities, and would make a good flick if I could edit out about 10 minutes of material.

90% of Ep. 1 was unneeded fluff. Terrible, terrible movie.

Willco said:
The Emperor did not have the high ground. He was hanging off a fucking Senate pod laughing hysterically like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.

Yoda has lost his lightsaber, while Palpatine had his. The latter got back up quick, lightsaber and force lighting ready, while Yoda both had the low ground and was unarmed.
Anyone who thinks Episode 1 is better than 3 is a joke. I normally hold little to no significance to anyone's opinion- my own included- when it comes to most forms/medium of subjective entertainment like movies (though particularly music), but there is no humanly way possible that anyone can enjoy Episode 1 more than Episode 3. I'm assuming that at least SOME of your are basing this decision having seen Episode 1 once or maybe twice tops, years ago.

CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) played the first two prequels a couple weeks back.

The movie is fucking terrible. It has cool moments, like the pod race, Darth Maul, and some nice visuals when it comes to outer sets.

But the movie really, really fucking sucks. God, especially the acting.

Episode 3's acting wasn't anything special, but it was average enough as a whole that you can tune it out. Jake Lloyd and his YIPPEE was a fucking new generation Navi.


My problem with "yipee" isn't that it's said, it's how it's said. He acting was terrible. Absolutly no emotion.


works for Gamestop (lol)
i actually enjoyed the prequels, but i'm not a huge star wars nut. i mean i'm not crying over greedo shooting first or anything. but the prequels could have been better. i probably won't watch them again. the original 3 though, i've seen them a few times and and i still love them


Hollywood Square
Mike Works said:
Anyone who thinks Episode 1 is better than 3 is a joke. I normally hold little to no significance to anyone's opinion- my own included- when it comes to most forms/medium of subjective entertainment like movies (though particularly music), but there is no humanly way possible that anyone can enjoy Episode 1 more than Episode 3.

I do.

Episode III is mediocre, pure and simple. It has no story and Lucas rushes to tie in crap to the OT to just create inconsistencies. It has one of the worst moments in all of the Star Wars prequels during the sequence that should define the first three episodes, but instead we can mock it in a three-page parody thread. The movie sucks when it shouldn't. It's best moments are easily outweighed by silly crap. Far more than Episode I, which has some semblance of a story, no matter how mediocre it is. I'm not saying Episode I is good entertainment, but it's better than Episode III, on lightsaber duel alone.

suaveric said:
My problem with "yipee" isn't that it's said, it's how it's said. He acting was terrible. Absolutly no emotion.

I don't mind Jake Lloyd, but I do mind all the accidental blowing up fake Death Star crap and shitty dialogue like that. I mean it's not like Lloyd chose to improv "YIPEE!" and "WHOOPS!"... someone had to give him that dialogue.

Again, the movie more or less belongs to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, two characters I like, played well by two actors I like. Wheras the next episodes focus on Anakin and how his attachment to Padme turns him to the Dark Side, and the two of them have the chemistry of sibilings. And not West Virginian sibilings, either.


Hollywood Square
And I want to add that all three prequels are vastly inferior to the original trilogy, and that includes pre-CG musical number Return of the Jedi.

Basically I prefer the boring stretches of Episode I and its bright spots to the painful stretches of Episode II (and its last 30 minutes, which is entertaining), and the mediocrity that is Lucas rushing to tie in everything because he can't write for shit that is Episode III.

Mike, I will give you the fact that Hayden Christensen is better in Episode III, and is almost adequate throughout, but several main players take a step backwards. Sam Jackson is worse in Episode III than he was in the previous two installments, where he was as wooden as a toy horse. Ian McDiamird(sp?) is downright bad. His Emperor is a JOKE. He acts so completely silly, and stupid, that it makes me wonder if the cold, calculating Emperor from the OT is another fucking Sith or something. Natalie Portman officially doesn't give a shit.

I'd take Jar Jar with his minimal screentime and Anakin with his groaners because it's balanced out by Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, whereas Obi-Wan (and Jimmy Smitts in a bit role) is the only good actor in Episode III. Plus we get a kickass duel in Episode I, whereas it just felt like Anakin and Obi-Wan were going through the motions in Episode III.

I don't think I ever left a theatre more underwhelmed than with Episode III.


Willco said:
And I want to add that all three prequels are vastly inferior to the original trilogy, and that includes pre-CG musical number Return of the Jedi.

Basically I prefer the boring stretches of Episode I and its bright spots to the painful stretches of Episode II (and its last 30 minutes, which is entertaining), and the mediocrity that is Lucas rushing to tie in everything because he can't write for shit that is Episode III.

I agree that this trilogy is a pale shadow of the original two Star Wars movies, though I maintain that Jedi is pretty much crap. I don't understand the bashing of this film, in particular compared to the last two. I found the writing, pacing, directing, acting and action all to be superior by a very wide margin.

What I do miss is the pacing from the first Star Wars. We don't even meet Luke until 20 minutes in, as the story starts with minor characters and pulls us in slowly. That's how I was expecting Menace to start, so I was taken aback when it began the way it did - absolutely no setup.

Sith had some extended scenes with the best interplay between characters since Empire, in particular Anakin and Palpatine. I was NOT expecting dialoge to be a strong suit in this movie, but it was better than the last two and way better than Jedi.


Willco said:
I do.

Episode III is mediocre, pure and simple. It has no story and Lucas rushes to tie in crap to the OT to just create inconsistencies. It has one of the worst moments in all of the Star Wars prequels during the sequence that should define the first three episodes, but instead we can mock it in a three-page parody thread. The movie sucks when it shouldn't. It's best moments are easily outweighed by silly crap. Far more than Episode I, which has some semblance of a story, no matter how mediocre it is. I'm not saying Episode I is good entertainment, but it's better than Episode III, on lightsaber duel alone.

I think Episode I's duel is the best orchestrated, but weakest fight in the entire series. Why? Because it misses the entire point of a duel. It was just guys fighting, no tension between the characters. In every other film, there's a subtext to the combat, whether It's Luke being lured by Vader or Obi-Wan and Vader closing the circle between them.

In the first movie, we have no idea why they are fighting other than, one guy is bad and the other two good. Nothing is at stake, and there is no interaction or interplay between characters. It's just a swinging match. Maul comes accross as a great character design, and a paper-thin character. Even when he has the chance to add dramatic tension between them, when that barrier goes up at the end, Lucas just has them stare at each other.

The music and fighting is great - but if there's nothing else at stake then it's just a puppet show. That's what all of Episode I is.


Hollywood Square
GhaleonEB said:
I agree that this trilogy is a pale shadow of the original two Star Wars movies, though I maintain that Jedi is pretty much crap.

The interaction between Vader, Luke and the Emperor alone elevates the film above Revenge of the Sith.

I don't understand the bashing of this film, in particular compared to the last two.

It's far and away better than Attack of the Clones, but is not better than The Phantom Menace. None of the films are good. It's like picking your favorite flavor of shit.

I found the writing, pacing, directing, acting and action all to be superior by a very wide margin.

Than what? The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl in 3D? The acting was alright. The writing was horrible. The pacing was actually good. The directing and action were all shit. Correction, save for some nice bits between the Emperor and Yoda, the action was shit. I don't know why, but some great bits really shined through when they fought. It's a shame he FUCKING GAVE UP.

What I do miss is the pacing from the first Star Wars. We don't even meet Luke until 20 minutes in, as the story starts with minor characters and pulls us in slowly. That's how I was expecting Menace to start, so I was taken aback when it began the way it did - absolutely no setup.

Menace was definitely no A New Hope.

Sith had some extended scenes with the best interplay between characters since Empire, in particular Anakin and Palpatine.

The banter between Anakin and Palpatine was actually good, up until he decided to fucking chew scenery to the max as the Emperor and act like a complete idiot.


I was NOT expecting dialoge to be a strong suit in this movie, but it was better than the last two and way better than Jedi.

Better than Attack of the Clones. It's more consistent in terms of dialogue than The Phantom Menace, but by no means better. And it's not even worthy of Jedi. Harrison Ford phones it in? So fucking what. I'd take that over the mess that is the prequels any day of the week.

GhaleonEB said:
I think Episode I's duel is the best orchestrated, but weakest fight in the entire series. Why? Because it misses the entire point of a duel. It was just guys fighting, no tension between the characters. In every other film, there's a subtext to the combat, whether It's Luke being lured by Vader or Obi-Wan and Vader closing the circle between them.

Oh come on. Maul had presence coming out the ears. He has more presence than Grievous and Dooku combined. He was a menacing character and just a badass, and it was a great fight. You're entertained.

In the first movie, we have no idea why they are fighting other than, one guy is bad and the other two good. Nothing is at stake, and there is no interaction or interplay between characters. It's just a swinging match. Maul comes accross as a great character design, and a paper-thin character. Even when he has the chance to add dramatic tension between them, when that barrier goes up at the end, Lucas just has them stare at each other.

Considering Obi-Wan is a padawan fighting for his life against a completely unknown and surprising enemy (which was the fucking point), I really don't think some kind of witty banter was necessary.

The music and fighting is great - but if there's nothing else at stake then it's just a puppet show. That's what all of Episode I is.

I'll take great music and fighting with "nothing at stake", of which there is (mainly Obi-Wan's fucking life), over shitty fighting because Lucas has to pit certain characters against each other.


Hollywood Square
Fuck this, I'm not going to defend Episode I. It's not even worth it. All the prequels range from horrible to mediocre, and none of them are worthy of their namesake. And we'd be better off if we just read shitty EU books instead. Case close.


Willco said:
The interaction between Vader, Luke and the Emperor alone elevates the film above Revenge of the Sith.

It's far and away better than Attack of the Clones, but is not better than The Phantom Menace. None of the films are good. It's like picking your favorite flavor of shit.

Than what? The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl in 3D? The acting was alright. The writing was horrible. The pacing was actually good. The directing and action were all shit. Correction, save for some nice bits between the Emperor and Yoda, the action was shit. I don't know why, but some great bits really shined through when they fought. It's a shame he FUCKING GAVE UP.

Menace was definitely no A New Hope.

The banter between Anakin and Palpatine was actually good, up until he decided to fucking chew scenery to the max as the Emperor and act like a complete idiot.


Better than Attack of the Clones. It's more consistent in terms of dialogue than The Phantom Menace, but by no means better. And it's not even worthy of Jedi. Harrison Ford phones it in? So fucking what. I'd take that over the mess that is the prequels any day of the week.

Okay, I've gone back and read some of your other posts on Sith, so I won't bother arguing. I don't think your comments about it have much basis in reality. I walked in expecting crap, and walked out VERY surprised. It does not redeem the trilogy by any stretch (no movie can redeem Menace), but it's not bad. I'll bow out of the thread now, since I'm just going over territory covered by others in the past.

But hey, movies hit people differently. You're entitled to your opinion.

Oh, and to answer the question in the thread, no, I'm not glad they were made. The original trilogy had an appeal in that there was a sense of history. Now that we've seen the history, that context simply taints the series for me.


One of my first thoughts after watching Ep3 is "People hate the first two prequels but were they necessary in order to setup ep3?" Because you have all that sweetness beforehand and then everyone finally becomes a full 3dimensional character and of course the dark parts finally come.

And I am one of the few people who didn't like Empire the best and I think that overall people dig the dark side more than the light side. I think people jusit get a boner off of Darth Vader and the darker elements.


I liked Episode II (infact I liked the anakin/padme scenes and rather watch those than yoda hopping around at the end)

I adored Episode III

...and I think Episode I could be really good if they just re-edited it and "special edition"ed it up (i.e. less jar jar, yippe's and cg yoda). Right now it's barely average.
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