GhaleonEB said:
I agree that this trilogy is a pale shadow of the original two Star Wars movies, though I maintain that Jedi is pretty much crap.
The interaction between Vader, Luke and the Emperor alone elevates the film above Revenge of the Sith.
I don't understand the bashing of this film, in particular compared to the last two.
It's far and away better than Attack of the Clones, but is not better than The Phantom Menace. None of the films are good. It's like picking your favorite flavor of shit.
I found the writing, pacing, directing, acting and action all to be superior by a very wide margin.
Than what? The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl in 3D? The acting was alright. The writing was horrible. The pacing was actually good. The directing and action were all shit. Correction, save for some nice bits between the Emperor and Yoda, the action was shit. I don't know why, but some great bits really shined through when they fought. It's a shame he FUCKING GAVE UP.
What I do miss is the pacing from the first Star Wars. We don't even meet Luke until 20 minutes in, as the story starts with minor characters and pulls us in slowly. That's how I was expecting Menace to start, so I was taken aback when it began the way it did - absolutely no setup.
Menace was definitely no A New Hope.
Sith had some extended scenes with the best interplay between characters since Empire, in particular Anakin and Palpatine.
The banter between Anakin and Palpatine was actually good, up until he decided to fucking chew scenery to the max as the Emperor and act like a complete idiot.
I was NOT expecting dialoge to be a strong suit in this movie, but it was better than the last two and way better than Jedi.
Better than Attack of the Clones. It's more consistent in terms of dialogue than The Phantom Menace, but by no means better. And it's not even worthy of Jedi. Harrison Ford phones it in? So fucking what. I'd take that over the mess that is the prequels any day of the week.
GhaleonEB said:
I think Episode I's duel is the best orchestrated, but weakest fight in the entire series. Why? Because it misses the entire point of a duel. It was just guys fighting, no tension between the characters. In every other film, there's a subtext to the combat, whether It's Luke being lured by Vader or Obi-Wan and Vader closing the circle between them.
Oh come on. Maul had presence coming out the ears. He has more presence than Grievous and Dooku combined. He was a menacing character and just a badass, and it was a great fight. You're entertained.
In the first movie, we have no idea why they are fighting other than, one guy is bad and the other two good. Nothing is at stake, and there is no interaction or interplay between characters. It's just a swinging match. Maul comes accross as a great character design, and a paper-thin character. Even when he has the chance to add dramatic tension between them, when that barrier goes up at the end, Lucas just has them stare at each other.
Considering Obi-Wan is a padawan fighting for his life against a completely unknown and surprising enemy (which was the fucking point), I really don't think some kind of witty banter was necessary.
The music and fighting is great - but if there's nothing else at stake then it's just a puppet show. That's what all of Episode I is.
I'll take great music and fighting with "nothing at stake", of which there is (mainly Obi-Wan's fucking life), over shitty fighting because Lucas has to pit certain characters against each other.