Beren the Empty-Handed
Any final predictions for Wonder Woman?
Domestic 210m
WW 580m
OW 100m
Not very confident. Lots of factors here that I think could swing things in any direction.
Any final predictions for Wonder Woman?
This but $400m foreign. Finishing with Doctor Strange numbers globally.$280m Dom, $450m foreign.
I'm skipping watching Pirates today cause it's too early in the morning and I'd spend too much money anyways
I've finally destroyed Disney's hold on me~
Will be happy to eat crow too:
A Wonder woman in a world war movie is not going to be a hit as many here think it is.
I still can't wrap my head around the concept.
Pirates might make money by avoiding the Bronson Bump
I think WW does $700M with $220M US. Hope it does more
I'm skipping watching Pirates today cause it's too early in the morning and I'd spend too much money anyways
I've finally destroyed Disney's hold on me~
Pirates might make money by avoiding the Bronson Bump
I've killed franchises by ignoring them!
WB would be dancing if it got that tbh
I believe firmly in my sub-400m WW avatar bet.
I'll be happy to lose that one.
You killed more by seeing them, like Tron, Mortal Instruments, The Golden Compass, Beautiful Creatures, The Giver, Maze Runner, Terminator, Etc
I think WW does $700M with $220M US. Hope it does more
I'm thinking higher domestically and lower overseas
How would a Vindicator movie do?
It's a good thing Bronson killed Beautiful Creatures because that series had nothing going for it other than Alden Ehrenreich, and he had a higher calling.
I'm thinking higher domestically and lower overseas
WB would be dancing if it got that tbh
I'm thinking higher domestically and lower overseas
I can understand thinking it was bad but there were so many terrible things about that film.I'd say him and his (in-movie) accent are the worst things about that movie.
More than King Arthur
What if Charlie Hunnam was the co-lead?
Charlie Hunam to play Guardian. Bobby Roberts as Puck.
Will be happy to eat crow too:
A Wonder woman in a world war movie is not going to be a hit as many here think it is.
I still can't wrap my head around the concept.
Can you wrap your head around people being excited for a big budget female led superhero movie?
It is nice.
And next year we get to look forward to people being excited for a big budget black superhero movie.
Creed already came out.![]()
It is nice.
And next year we get to look forward to people being excited for a big budget black superhero movie.
Have no idea why Disney thinks gotg2 is going to drop 40% today...shows are sold out everywhere and it's going to hold way better than that.
Millions were spent on snacks.
Davenport says the filming crew was so huge for the second and third installments he recalls the craft services chef telling him that around $2 million alone was used for snacks.
I remember saying to him one day What is your budget for all this? He looked me square in the eye and said essentially unlimited. I was like what does that mean? He was like I dont know, $2 million. I was like For snacks? And he was like yeah? That sounds frivolous but it wasnt. He obviously had to keep people fed. The point is that was just a snack line item.
Hundreds of cell phones were lost at sea.
Davenport, Arenberg and Bailie found their most memorable experiences simply being able to feel like real-life pirates in filming with hundreds of crew, multiple ships and plenty of explosions in St. Vincent, where Davenport recalls a Led Zeppelin-esque experience of jumbo jets chartered to carry hundreds of crew members and 55 boats to ferry even the makeup trailers to and from the set on St. Vincent in the Caribbean: "I remember thinking just don't fk it up, because the reset for this scene is going to be like an hour and a half," says Davenport who credits Verbinski for being able to keep the production in check. "And that was every scene I was in."
There was a legendary speech the line producer, Eric McLeod, made at the end of the third movie about Well weve finished up shooting. The caterers prepared 170,000 meals. We bought like 700 cell phones and 240 of them went in the water. There was enough rope on this movie to go around Earth five times,' recalls Arenberg. "Stuff like that started to add up like you would have driven around the earth 120 times with all the fuel used. It resonates with you when you understand the magnitude of it Most people dont get an opportunity like that in the film business. We wont be making films like that very often.
Davenport added, "We used to work on the first film and I remember looking at the call sheet and it would say just catering alone it was 750 lunches and we were in the middle of nowhere. They had to fly in everything, all the food. It was like being in an invading army."
Also, welcome back to the premature Wonder Woman review thread refugees. Ghaleon is watching you scoundrels.
Kon Tiki Helmers gotta eat though lol at Verbinski still being there and keeping the ship upright
I am a man with no home
The story was about Verbinski's sequels. It was a cast and crew look back on the series.
Also, welcome back to the premature Wonder Woman review thread refugees. Ghaleon is watching you scoundrels.
I still don't understand why it was posted early or how it got to 1200 posts with no reviews but I'm not digging through to find out.
Should have read more than the bold headings. Literacy foils you again!
I still don't understand why it was posted early or how it got to 1200 posts with no reviews but I'm not digging through to find out.
It did have a couple reviews, including one from the highly read and even more highly respected Critical Hit, the hardcore gamer's guide to movies.I still don't understand why it was posted early or how it got to 1200 posts with no reviews but I'm not digging through to find out.