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Wkd Box Office Est. [OT] 07•22-24•11 -box office goes red, white, and booyah!

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Dram said:
is he better known to the general public for being a comic character or for the Ang Lee movie though?

The Hulk? He's been around forever, had a well known TV series back in the 70s. People might think of him as a general movie monster rather than a Marvel character specifically, but his fame definitely predates the Ang Lee movie.
Holy shit at Hulk raking in over $50million off dvd sales. Anyone who thinks Cars 2 is a flop needs to get themselves checked in. The amount of money Disney/Pixar will make from merchandise,DVD sales, theme park rides plus it will gross a bigger WW amount than Cars making it more profitable than Cars.

Big budget movies all profit, seems like Hollywood is making big bucks especially considering its world wide box office numbers continue to have double digit increases thanks to China,India and other developing countries. I expect Green Lantern to break even.


sly2thefox said:
Holy shit at Hulk raking in over $50million off dvd sales.

$50 million from DVD sales isn't that great. Iron Man made almost twice that in it's first week in the same year. Ang Lee's Hulk made $60M in 2003.
kswiston said:
$50 million from DVD sales isn't that great. Iron Man made almost twice that in it's first week in the same year. Ang Lee's Hulk made $60M in 2003.
Yea just trying to prove that DVD sales shouldn't be forgotten and just because the movie doesn't make its money of the domestic box office numbers doesn't mean its a flop.


I really thought Captain America would tank, because the trailers just looked stale to me. I'm still not sure if I'll go see it, because theatre audiences here still consider actually watching the film to be only one of the avenues for entertainment when they go to the movies. We don't have an Alamo Theatre like place up here, sadly. Once you buy your ticket, you're on your own inside.
the walrus said:
LOL 72% drop for Harry Potter. I don't think there's been a more front loaded franchise than this since the Matrix sequels....

isn't that a very good thing since the studios get the best ticket cut in the first weeks?


I saw Captiain America today and the theatre was pretty full, when I first saw the trailers for this movie I thought it would stink, but it is a very good movie. It is about as good quality movie as Thor, but I thought Thor was more fun with the Hammer effects. It will probably do around Thor numbers, maybe more domestically and likely less internationally.

Still, the 3 people I saw it with one thought it was just ok and other two said it was slow in parts and didn't like the ending, saw it in 2D by the way.


GCX said:
In computer animation every single detail has to be created from nothing, every frame needs to be animated and the production takes far longer than an average live action movie (with far larger team too). I don't see what's so hard to understand about that.
Way to miss hiis poiint
and be a dick about it


LuCkymoON said:
Why can't Warner brothers make DC properties work? =[
I thought GL was fantastic despite it's plot holes.

Green Lantern would have been a success if it didn't have toxic WoM. The fact it made 50m opening weekend despite the horrible trailers and bad news surrounding the film means it had an audience.

Then again, I can't explain why it did so absolutely terrible overseas. They usually flock to any kind of mega action movie, even the horrible ones like The Last Airbender.
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