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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!


I so totally agree. Singularity was awesome. Lot of the same vibes here, though this game is definitely better. I really hope more people will buy Wolfenstein because there just aren't many studios left making story-driven fps-games and Machine Games are one of the best around.

Sort of off-topic but I see this repeatedly in this thread as well that ppl dont know you can see the game's update data/download progress on the PS4. I made a video about these "hidden" features of the PS4 UI while detailing 1.70 here.
Great video on Youtube. Very informative. Subscribed.



I love this.
I have to agree that the audio mix is strange. The sound samples seem good, but the levels are all over the place. Sometimes you'll fire a gun indoors and hear the work they put into environmental reverb, then sometimes you can't hear your gun over the sounds of everything else. The voices are the same.

Still though, I'm having fun. I'm very early in the game, but the lack of prodding and "go-go-go" feels good. Also just solved a little puzzle. Puzzles. In a shooter. SHOCKING CONCEPT.

EDIT: Gotdamn, and now I'm in a room where the auto rifle and its echos sound amazing. Has to be mixing issues.
I have to agree that the audio mix is strange. The sound samples seem good, but the levels are all over the place. Sometimes you'll fire a gun indoors and hear the work they put into environmental reverb, then sometimes you can't hear your gun over the sounds of everything else. The voices are the same.

Still though, I'm having fun. I'm very early in the game, but the lack of prodding and "go-go-go" feels good. Also just solved a little puzzle. Puzzles. In a shooter. SHOCKING CONCEPT.

EDIT: Gotdamn, and now I'm in a room where the auto rifle and its echos sound amazing. Has to be mixing issues.

I'm glad it's not just me I played with my pc audio settings and my surround sound and couldn't get a good audio mix. The guns should be screaming loud in this game and they just sound hollow most of the time.


Platform: PS4
Difficulty: "Bring’em On!", but suggest playing on "I am death incarnate!"
Playtime: Roughly 12 hours
Should you get it: Yes!

The walking, running, jumping, and shooting feels wonderful! When peaking out from cover, adjusting my aim and breach from cover with the stick, I felt like I had total control--more than usual in shooters--and really enjoyed that part of the gunplay.

The pacing of the action vs the (well made) cutscenes is done so neither is tedious.

Unfortunately the (mostly) joyous gameplay can be interrupted by a fairly steady stream of unlocks. Things like concept art, notes and character bios seemingly keep asking for your attention. Yes you can ignore them, but sometimes I found them too distracting as it happens all throughout the game.

One of my favorite things about the game is how it handles stealthy gameplay, and it’s closer to the “stealth” in BioShocks Infinite Burial at Sea, rather than Theif or Deus Ex Human Revolution; that is to say, it’s minimalistic--and I love it. The stealthy gameplay in Wolfenstein would feel bogged down and probably too top-heavy if it were otherwise. It effective enough so it works, but also at time leaves you guessing which leads to some exciting times.

Unfortunately the AI responds strangly to the character when playing stealthily. When spotting you, they only remark with a "huh?!" but then turn back to what they're doing no matter how many times this happens. Playing on "bring'em on!" Suggest playing on "I am death incarnate!" When spotting me, the bad guys would slowly walk toward me and sometime quickly attack--it’s confusing and weird.

Though it’s not earth-shattering, I quite liked the little love story woven through the Save-The-World narrative. A lot of the characters--supporting and lead--are interesting and left me wanting to know more about them, unfortunately some of the really interesting characters (some supporting cast in particular) are left under-developed. Also, sex in video games is still awkward.

For me, the game running at a smooth 1080P/60fps and looking as great as it does is one of real grabs. At times It looks gosh darn gorgeous, and then other times it it’s filled with some flat and undetailed textures here and there. There can be some rather boring corridor sequences too, but the character models and some of the detailed set-pieces (particularly the main hub area) are really fantastic to watch.

Sometimes the animations look utterly fantastic, and then every once in a while you see something that looks a little rough. Overall though
I really enjoyed looking at this game.

The music just rocks! I love it. The voice acting is wonderful too.

Random Notes
- I felt like, at times, I spent too much time recharging the energy weapon.
- Towards the end there are one too many corridors and conflicts. Felt a bit padded.
- Picking up stuff on the ground became a hassle. Throughout the entire game you’re often looking down at the ground and mashing the pick-up button--before and after combat--and doing so during combat (ex: low on health) lead to some frustrating instances for me.
- Solid checkpoint system.
- The ending is mostly effective, but it felt too abrupt.


The audio complaints hurt my soul. Sound is super important to me. I think it was mentioned earlier that there aren't even separate settings for adjusting voice/music/sound effects - is that true?

Stupid question - when you put the disc into the PS4, does it automatically begin downloading the patch? I've forgotten how it works.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
My only real beef with it so far is that to play over a previous chapter you have to overwrite the autosave for your campaign. WTF?


The audio complaints hurt my soul. Sound is super important to me. I think it was mentioned earlier that there aren't even separate settings for adjusting voice/music/sound effects - is that true?

Stupid question - when you put the disc into the PS4, does it automatically begin downloading the patch? I've forgotten how it works.
It did for me. It installed first then the download began.


My PS4 copy was waiting for me when I got home, woo!

Played for about two hours straight and got part way through chapter 3 before I put it down for the night. Honestly, with some of the negativity in this thread yesterday I was starting to get a bit worried but so far it's been absolutely great. Smile plastered on my face the whole time playing.

A few very early observations/impressions:

Guns feel meaty, or at least to me they do. Being able to quickly dual wield stuff and tear shit apart is tonnes of fun. I like the lean mechanic, I wish more fps games had something similar. Stealth is basic but a lot of fun, and is how I've initially tried to tackle these first few levels before shit inevitably hits the fan.

Level design in the first few levels is nice and open with plenty of secrets. The castle area in the first chapter was pretty awesome.

Maybe the 'normal' difficulty I'm playing on is a bit too easy, but I'm not sure whether I should bother changing it to 'Death Incarnate' now since I probably won't get the trophy at the end. Oh well. It seems that that's probably the best difficulty to pick for a first play-through.

Visually, it's mixed. The frame-rate seems solid so far, so that's good. But some parts seriously just look like an up-ressed last gen game. Textures can range from okay or pretty poor. However, there can be some really nice looking areas, of which I think the art direction helps this a lot. I thought chapter 2 looked pretty beautiful. I've taken a surprising amount of screens in some of these places.

I echo a few complaints about audio mixing. Some sounds are way to quiet, like BJ's inner monologues. Despite this there are some nice touches with the audio design. Love the sound made when you stealth kill an enemy, almost seems as if it's used to tell if an enemy's spotted the dead body (I think). The music and ambient music is surprisingly really good, adds to a great atmosphere.

So yeah, really enjoying it so far. Best single- player fps I've played in a long while.


wow the graphics are afwul on PS4, i just played tomb raider definitive edition and now this game and i must say i'm not impressed at all.


Chapter 6 now and I am not terribly impressed with the game. The gunplay is fines but the AI is super dump, graphically it sucks and tone wise the game doesn't know what it wants to be. Also calling the level design old school must be the most disingenuous statement ever. Really regretting my purchase so far. It's pretty much as average as the last Wolfenstein so far.
Finished the intro (got to the opening credits) and I have to say I'm enjoying it. Visuals aren't amazing, but that's fine. I'll take locked 60 and good gameplay over fancy visuals. The sound mixing definitely isn't great. I was using a surround system but I'll try it on headphones. Hopefully it's something that can be fix.

The thing I thought was most impressive (so far) is how well they've captured lots of the little things that make Wolfenstein games cool. They've managed to keep the old school things but also make it a modern feeling game.

Looking forward to the rest of the game.


It still sounds flat on my headphones I had to turn subtitles on. Unless anyone knows some good tweaks in the Asus Xonar settings (I'm a bit green at that).


I found a temporary fix for the surround sound on PS4 and I think the problem is from the new system FW. In the same way that FW 1.7 has turned off the controller vibration by default, it has reverted the audio to two channels (stereo). To get back the full 5.1 follow these steps: Settings>Sound and Screen>Audio Output Settings>Audio Format. Then unselect Linear PCM by selecting Bitstream, then re-select Linear PCM.

This has greatly improved the sound mixing and now I can actually hear the voices.


Im sure its common knowledge by now, but just in case you guys dont know, Target is giving a $10 gift card with Wolfenstein..


This game is out on last gen hardware. Those complaining that it looks like an upressed last gen game are correct because that's exactly what it is. This won't change for most games until the cross gen stuff dies. This happens with every new console generation.


Wow, i REALLY like the game!

After 3 chapters on Uber on PS4, everything is awesome. Atmosphere, weapons, characters, gunplay. Really good shooter with fully viable stealth.


Really? I don't see it on their website, wad that for pre order only?
Nah, didnt preorder. Went in for that trade bonus thing they're running, and happened to notice the gift card bonus on the sale tag. I traded BF4, Morrowwind and Pikmin (lol, really) and it paid off my game and a hot wheels haha.


This patch download is brutal. It's been an hour and still 3 hours until it's done. I think I should connect through ethernet instead of wireless.. Might play some transistor in the mean time. Hype!


Nah, didnt preorder. Went in for that trade bonus thing they're running, and happened to notice the gift card bonus on the sale tag. I traded BF4, Morrowwind and Pikmin (lol, really) and it paid off my game and a hot wheels haha.

Thanks I'll look for that when I pick it up.


So, with the game out now...

Do you guys enjoy exploring the levels as well? Searching for hidden details and collectibles? I kinda loved doing that. I'm not usually big on collectibles, but I enjoyed looking in every nook and cranny. Gave the chapters a more open feeling as well, despite the game still being somewhat of a linear experience.


This game should've been only Blazkowicz against nazis with more of his internal dialogue (
"Broke all your shit"

As is, there is just too much extra baggage and the game is all over the place because of it.
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