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Woman wakes up from coma finding out she's already given birth to a child

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A Tennessee woman who was pregnant when a horrific car crash left her in a coma woke up Wednesday to find out she had already given birth to a baby boy.

Sharista Giles’ family is celebrating two miracles after the 20-year-old mom opened her eyes to a photograph of her newborn child, they said.

“Sharista has her eyes open n blinking n squeezing our fingers when we ask her to,” the family wrote on a Facebook page they launched to document her recovery. “Praise the Lord! She was following her daddy’s voice.”

The blonde beauty was four months pregnant when a car accident in December left her clinging to life, her family said.

“The doctors were telling us there was nothing else they could do,” her aunt Beverly Giles, 49, told ABC News. “They already gave up hope. We never gave up. She’s fought this hard.”

Her loved ones used a Facebook page to chronicle Sharista’s medical process, including the premature birth of her son on Jan. 24.

The infant, who is being called “Baby L” until his mom is able to give him a proper name, weighed only 1 pound when he was welcomed into the world a month after the accident.

But now he’s healthy, weighing 6 pounds and 4 ounces, and proving he’s as strong as his mother — who hasn’t spoken yet but has managed to stay awake.

Sharista’s father held up a picture of “Baby L” when she woke up, and she never took her eyes off the image, her aunt told ABC News.

“When he turned around to put it back on the bulletin board, she turned her neck, her whole head trying to follow and find the picture again,” Beverly Giles said.

Baby L?



4 months pregnant when crash happened, 1 month later baby delivered so about 20ish weeks, pretty impressive (I guess medical care improvements).
Yeah, I'm sure she's devastated not being conscious for feeling excruciating pain.

Conversely, she's gone through immense physical trauma, will probably need physical therapy, missed the birth of her child and probably wanted to give birth at full term.


Modern medicine is truly amazing. My sister had a 4 month premature baby in December, and she was able to take her baby home this week.


Real life Sleeping Beauty!

Also, don't read the original Sleeping Beauty tale unless you want to ruin your childhood memory.


Usually a lot of issues with babies born that young. Some major, other more subtle and not really making their mark before teenage years.
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