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Women's March on Washington calls for General Women's Strike on March 8

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No idea how I feel about it, especially for people who want to be apart of it but are one day off work from ruining their lives (like they risk being in very serious financial despair).


The Women's March has officially announced that March 8th as A Day without Women.

Women's March on Washington said:
In the spirit of women and their allies coming together for love and liberation, we offer A Day Without A Woman. We ask: do businesses support our communities, or do they drain our communities? Do they strive for gender equity or do they support the policies and leaders that perpetuate oppression? Do they align with a sustainable environment or do they profit off destruction and steal the futures of our children?

We saw what happened when millions of us stood together in January, and now we know that our army of love greatly outnumbers the army of fear, greed and hatred. On March 8th, International Women’s Day, let’s unite again in our communities for A Day Without A Woman. Over the next few weeks we will be sharing more information on what actions on that day can look like for you.

In the meantime, we are proud to support Strike4Democracy's F17 National Day of Action to Push Back Against Assaults on Democratic Principles. This Friday, February 17th, gather your friends, families, neighbors, and start brainstorming ideas for how you can enhance your community, stand up to this administration, integrate resistance and self-care into your daily routine, and how you will channel your efforts for good on March 8th.

Remember: this is a marathon, not a sprint. #DayWithoutAWoman #WomensMarch


I am heartened by the resurgence of a spirit of resistance and saddened by the lack of leadership, planning and foresight of that resistance. For example: move the date to early summer to give better weather for marches and to allow adequate time for a well planned campaign to raise a "strike" fund. If done right donations to that fund may eve be tax deductible.

Instead we seem to get repeated calls for "action" without the thought and leadership for that action to be as effective as it needs to be.

Dude Abides

I wish they wouldn't do this. I don't think they'll get anywhere near the participation it would need to be a big deal and it will make the opposition look weak.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Just saw they announced a date.

Confirmed a shit movement. Occupy's sequel with an even looser grasp of whatever the hell they think they're campaigning against.
Just saw they announced a date.

Confirmed a shit movement. Occupy's sequel with an even looser grasp of whatever the hell they think they're campaigning against.

Agreed, terrible leadership. It's symptomatic of progressives in general. We need better leadership across the board.


I checked their website and I don't see specific demands.

Is it so hard to make a list of things you want changed? Unity and acceptance aren't legislative demands.


What is the intention of this strike?

Guess its ok for the high-income woman working in the office (and taking a day off at this date...) to do this and show "look how great I am", and get likes on facebook, were the poor low-income woman will get fired for doing this.

So.. I think its a terrible idea.


What are they demanding though?

Been asking this for ages and no-one will get back to me, and this will inevitably render all their actions pointless if they cant narrow down on what they are trying to fix. There is such a thing as a protest or protests becoming diluted by everyone being there on different motives.

Just a day out otherwise.


I'll just stay home all day that day.

Which is what I usually do, but hey.

Edit: as a housewife, I guess I just...not clean and cook and shit? HAHAHA Man everything would to hell if it took a day off.


I'll just stay home all day that day.

Which is what I usually do, but hey.

Edit: as a housewife, I guess I just...not clean and cook and shit? HAHAHA Man everything would to hell if it took a day off.

Really? I guess it would go to hell if your husband decided he's going on strike at work too...

Look I get the reasoning behind this but some people are taking this idea way too far..

Edit: with that being said I do the cooking at my house and we share chores..


I'm tired of people talking shit in someone's form of protest without offering up a better solution, and one they are actually doing themselves , not a theoretical.

As far as I'm concerned, any action is good action as long as people are actually doing something.

What's 100% useless is sitting around on the internet just telling people their form of protest is the wrong form without leading by example to show what's right.


I'm tired of people talking shit in someone's form of protest without offering up a better solution, and one they are actually doing themselves , not a theoretical.

As far as I'm concerned, any action is good action as long as people are actually doing something.

What's 100% useless is sitting around on the internet just telling people their form of protest is the wrong form without leading by example to show what's right.

I'm tired of people talking shit in someone's form of protest without offering up a better solution, and one they are actually doing themselves , not a theoretical.

As far as I'm concerned, any action is good action as long as people are actually doing something.

What's 100% useless is sitting around on the internet just telling people their form of protest is the wrong form without leading by example to show what's right.

My man.

Even during "calmer" times, I'd be among the first to encourage people to protest. Sit on your ass all day long, you forget how to stand much less walk or march.


I am heartened by the resurgence of a spirit of resistance and saddened by the lack of leadership, planning and foresight of that resistance. For example: move the date to early summer to give better weather for marches and to allow adequate time for a well planned campaign to raise a "strike" fund. If done right donations to that fund may eve be tax deductible.

Instead we seem to get repeated calls for "action" without the thought and leadership for that action to be as effective as it needs to be.

You're acting like we just had a protest yesterday and the Women's March is calling for a new one tomorrow.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
I'm tired of people talking shit in someone's form of protest without offering up a better solution, and one they are actually doing themselves , not a theoretical.

As far as I'm concerned, any action is good action as long as people are actually doing something.

What's 100% useless is sitting around on the internet just telling people their form of protest is the wrong form without leading by example to show what's right.

General Strike is the nuclear option and is to be used in SPECIFIC protest to quickly nullify some recent ruling or introduction of law with long-standing consequences.

Using it with a directionless general feeling of malaise completely muddies the waters of future protest and makes a mockery of an entire movement and history of real activism. Making the date in less than a month also betrays any sense of reality and allows any positive momentum of the movement to be demoted to a "oh, that bunch of idiots" umbrella.
Here's a question. Does requesting a time off undermine the symbolism of going on strike? What if 50 female employees took that day off in advance to participate in the strike?


Here's a question. Does requesting a time off undermine the symbolism of going on strike? What if 50 female employees took that day off in advance to participate in the strike?

In typical, union organized strikes, this is not even a consideration because paid time off is not allowed during strikes by contract.

But here? Getting paid by a company but denying it your labor for the day sounds like a damn good symbol. As much as people need to be paid, companies need people to work. And companies take notice. For today's Day without an Immigrant, many DC restaurants closed in support or compensated their striking workers to show solidarity.
In typical, union organized strikes, this is not even a consideration because paid time off is not allowed during strikes by contract.

But here? Getting paid by a company but denying it your labor for the day sounds like a damn good symbol. As much as people need to be paid, companies need people to work. And companies take notice. For today's Day without an Immigrant, many DC restaurants closed in support or compensated their striking workers to show solidarity.

That's kind of the point I was trying to make. For women who are working for a small business and who are well treated, but decide to take part in the strike out of solidarity. They might be compelled to request that day off in advance so as to participate in the strike but not screw over their employer in the process.

I know that's not how real life works, but I could see that angle playing out for some women. I just wonder if taking that into consideration nullifies the point, as I'm not privy to how strikes work. One of my old employers who looked like a typical salt of the earth conservative, I came to later discover he was a die hard liberal. He'd be completely down for something like this, as he most likely was for this Women's Match last month. But at the same time, he'd probably prefer that they let him know in advance, which in his case, most probably would, as he was well liked by his staff, both male and female alike.
General Strike is the nuclear option and is to be used in SPECIFIC protest to quickly nullify some recent ruling or introduction of law with long-standing consequences.

Using it with a directionless general feeling of malaise completely muddies the waters of future protest and makes a mockery of an entire movement and history of real activism. Making the date in less than a month also betrays any sense of reality and allows any positive momentum of the movement to be demoted to a "oh, that bunch of idiots" umbrella.

That is not true. The inability of movements these days to actually put into practice a general strike is simply a sign of their weakness. Given that is is a misogenous twat in government who has pretty much claimed that it is fine to sexually assault women, I think that is a reasonable pretext for strike. In terms of coherence, well it is not surprising that in somewhere like the US, where most people, even liberals are not used to making much a of a protest, that there is a lack of coherence and consistency. That needs to come, but mobilising people to make some noise is important.
If enough women take part, this could definitely throw a wrench in my plans for that second week of March. But I guess that's the point to get us to take notice.

It was the only week I could get off work to coordinate all the work being done at my house. I managed to get a couple of drywallers, an electrician, and a plumber all for that week to work on a new suite. Luckily I'm waiting until the summer to get my roof re-shingled.

Even one day of no one showing up to work will set my plans back.
I see they pushed because they realized this wasn't catching on.

General strikes are effective. But America isn't desperate enough for a significant portion of citizens to put their livelihood at risk in name of justice.

It's an option that could bring about change (presurring Congress into impeachment hearings/investigations, at least) - but it is a back-against-the-wall option given the state of labor in the US.


General Strike is the nuclear option and is to be used in SPECIFIC protest to quickly nullify some recent ruling or introduction of law with long-standing consequences.

Using it with a directionless general feeling of malaise completely muddies the waters of future protest and makes a mockery of an entire movement and history of real activism. Making the date in less than a month also betrays any sense of reality and allows any positive momentum of the movement to be demoted to a "oh, that bunch of idiots" umbrella.

I think it works in this case because it sends a specific message: where would you be without the women in your life?

I agree that the time and the tone isn't right. At-will employment in this country means they could fire you for being sick on International Women's Day because they thought you were striking, let alone that you actually participated.


General Strike is the nuclear option and is to be used in SPECIFIC protest to quickly nullify some recent ruling or introduction of law with long-standing consequences.

I've been thinking about this. It's disingenuous to call a strike a "nuclear option." A nuclear option is something from which we as a country cannot come back from. Taking up arms, storming the fences of the White House, those are nuclear options that forever change the US.

A strike to protest Trump's administration, moreso after the actions of the past twenty-some days and that damn press conference today, does not come close to tearing down the fabric of our society. But it might just wake people the hell up.


Two days until Wednesday!

The Women's March has been continually updating:

Support by: 1. Wear RED in solidarity
2. Women strike from paid and unpaid work
3. Everyone buys local or don't buy at all

Want to meet up on Wednesday in NYC?

Women's March said:
On a #DayWithoutAWoman, we will gather in New York City for a show of solidarity and revolutionary love. Meet us at 12pm at the intersection of 5th Ave & 59th St.

Why red?

Women's March said:
On 3/8, we wear RED as a symbol of revolutionary love and sacrifice. Red is the color of energy and action associated with our will to survive. It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It also has a history of being associated with the labor movement. #DayWithoutAWoman

Recent articles on the strike:

Endorsed by Amnesty International.
An explanation article by Vox.
More from Teen Vogue, which has been surprisingly political since the election.
One school district will be closed due to the strike.


Unconfirmed Member
Couple of school districts around here are closed today because of staffing shortages. Really surprising as I didn't think this would take with so little time to prepare.


Anyone here showing solidarity with the Women's March and International Women's day today?
I'm wearing red! My coworker beat me and took the day off today. Unfortunately we can't both be out on the same day :(

I'll make sure not to buy anything today tho!!
Anyone here showing solidarity with the Women's March and International Women's day today?

A few gals where my wife works took the day off, so my wife is helping cover for them and I am going in tonight to help in the kitchen for dinner and cleanup. Nice of them to leave an already short handed nursing home in worse shape than usual.

Plus side, money in our pockets I guess?
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