Dire Maul next week, way too soon imo...
how's classic going guys?
Everything is going great , to be honest. i only started last week with an Undead Rogue. i am only level 14 at the moment an enjoying it greatly. am loving having to actually read the quest rather having my hand held. i am enjoying having to take it slowly and not pulling more then one mob because i am in deep trouble. i also rolled on a RP server ( i don't role play myself) but reading people role play at the Inn in Brill is hilarious.
Hows it going for you mate?
i've been watching mates play, i'm hesitant to jump back in because it'd pull me away from apex legends
having a blast reminiscing about old builds tho, glad you are on team horde as an undead rogue!
Just jump in mate , have a little nibble, Apex legends isn't going nowhere
yeah lemme just get a little taste
DM was a catchup instance in vanilla, some of the loot makes MC loot looks like trash. Already farming MC right now, getting gear that will be useless in a week or so.Ehh, it might have been if the content that you're preparing for with dungeons wasn't already a joke to begin with. DM really isn't gonna give anyone an advantage. Yes, it does eliminate the need for certain gear for certain classes but it does also mean people will have more choice in what dungeons they're running. Plus pala/warlock mounts and some nice gold farming opportunities.
how's classic going guys?
DM was a catchup instance in vanilla, some of the loot makes MC loot looks like trash. Already farming MC right now, getting gear that will be useless in a week or so.
Still doesnt justify that there will already be loot dropping from an instance (DM in a week) that is better than a raid that maybe only 25% of the players are doing right now.Yeah I'm aware it was, the point is MC/Ony are already absolute facerolls and some slightly better pieces aren't gonna change that. Our guild's doing two 20+man Onyxia runs instead of one 40 because it's so trivial, that's not what makes the game endearing, having stuff to do with your friends is, and DM's another thing to add to the list. It's hardly ZG.
Still doesnt justify that there will already be loot dropping from an instance (DM in a week) that is better than a raid that maybe only 25% of the players are doing right now.
This is WoW classic, if you want new content after 2 months because it's easy and we know everything from the game by now, go play retail. Following that logic they should just add content every 2 months and catch up to retail then.
I'm not overreacting at all, I'm just seeing blizzard releasing content sooner than they announced and if it starts within the first 2 months, itll only get worst from now on.But there's loot dropping from Maraudon that's better than MC loot. There's crafted greens that are better. Feral tanks use a level 43 staff. Who gives a shit? You're still gonna be running MC and Ony every single week to get raid geared, it doesn't make actually make a difference except now you have one (three) more dungeon(s) to go and do. You're overreacting hard, if you don't wanna do Dire Maul yet, don't do Dire Maul yet. No-one's making you.
Lol last night I saw a Orc Warrior almost die to a mob in Tanaris. I taunted the mob and helped him kill it and then just stood aside since I was farming the area for a quest. The orc bandages himself to about 25% and then tries to kill me. I killed him like nothing and stood there confused.Can't tell if I'm a god or literally every alliance on Thunderfury is just garbage at PVP. 42 shadow priest, constantly winning 2v1 fights or 1v1s when I have no hp or mana. It's almost too easy.
2009 duelists rule the world!
Lol last night I saw a Orc Warrior almost die to a mob in Tanaris. I taunted the mob and helped him kill it and then just stood aside since I was farming the area for a quest. The orc bandages himself to about 25% and then tries to kill me. I killed him like nothing and stood there confused.
The Horde are the liberals of World of Warcraft.
You know I'm right. They act like savages.get the fuck outta here with this garbage
(just jerking ya)
(yer dead wrong tho)
You know I'm right. They act like savages.
I'm not overreacting at all, I'm just seeing blizzard releasing content sooner than they announced and if it starts within the first 2 months, itll only get worst from now on.
But whatever, if you're happy with it, it's your choice. I know me and a most of my guild and fellow players arent liking this at all. These things tend to become a habit from them and itll ruin classic as much as it ruined retail if they keep going on with that mentality.
Dire Maul next week, way too soon imo...
Naxx should have been available on day 1.
Screw gating crap just to keep subs rolling in longer. It's disgusting really.
You can unsubscribe until new stuff is out, having phases doesn't keep subs rolling whatsoever. We have plenty of people in our guild that got bored of MC and are quitting until BWL/BGs.
Having everything available from the start is just a horrible idea. MC becomes irrelevant almost immediately, you'd have the AQ gate event going on at the same time as the Naxx event both from day 1, ZG gear would invalidate a chunk of other raid gear immediately, world PVP at 60 would be instantly dead, the people who play 18 hours a day would be in Naxx within weeks and just completely faceroll people still wearing blues in BGs... no. There's way too much going on to just outright launch everything at once, it'd be a complete shitshow.
Nostalrius staggered its content launch and their server was free to play. It's not about money, it's providing a good game experience.
And I get that the people who put more hours into an MMO should do better than those who put less hours in, but phases actually give people with jobs a bit of leeway. Catering your game to NEETs is just as bad as catering to casuals. Blizzard trying to do both landed us with current WoW.
Thanks! I got new shoulders and earthfury mask and im digging the look now, cant wait to have a complete earthfury set. Leveling is pretty damn long but youll get there!Wow, you look badass! im jelly of that, still lvl 30 druid, can't play a lot to level it faster.
I'm looking at getting a low end gaming laptop to play wow. I both want and need it for its portability. I'm aware that getting a desktop PC would get me a lot more for the same price and that gaming laptops often skimp on things like display and build quality. Regardless that's what I'm getting. How important is it to get one with a 1660ti versus a 1050ti graphics card if I'm literally only going to be playing wow on it? I'm not a battle Royale person and I only play shooters on console. The reason I ask is purely from a cost standpoint. I'm trying to avoid paying $1000 and would like to keep it closer to $500. With a 1050ti I can do that. With a 1660ti I'm obviously going to pay a little more. It's possible that I could get a good deal on Black Friday but I'm not sure I'm willing to wait that long. Id like to get the leveling process started and catch up in time for phase 2 of classic.
Thanks. So does that mean there are no pve servers?You'll easily and consistently reach over 60 FPS with a 1050ti in Classic. Obviously depends what you want to turn up and down, but you really don't need to bother with the expensive card.
That said, you've got about 11 days if you really want to catch up before phase 2, I hope you're ready to play day and night. Once it hits, leveling 50-60 outside of dungeons is probably going to be a living hell.
Thanks. So does that mean there are no pve servers?
I got bored of this before I could get to level 60. I was like 49 or something.
I just don't think it's all that good as an MMO. It does certain things well and I can see why it was the go-to choice for more casual gamers. It just sucks how it killed the vastly superior FFXI and Everquest.
Yeah I wasn't very specific. Sorry about that. I'm not worried about pvp so I guess I was thinking about phase 3 and not phase 2. Thank you for the help. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things. Now I have to decide whether to go level what I know or do something diff. That would mean rolling a lock or a warrior which I'm familiar with. Or do I go priest, druid, or mage? Decisions decisions. I'm also going to be playing from around 12am to 5am central. Need to find a good pve server that has overnight stuff happening while I'm online. Not sure if trying an oceanic realm is a bad idea. Probably.Oh, yeah, sorry, there are plenty, you were just talking about getting in in time for phase 2 so I assumed you wanted to roll PVP. Phase 2 isn't going to make much of a difference on PVE servers since the majority of the action there will be Tarren Mill x Southshore anyway and you can completely avoid the zone if you want.
If you're rolling PVE there's no need to rush to 60, we won't be getting BWL for a good while.
Yeah I wasn't very specific. Sorry about that. I'm not worried about pvp so I guess I was thinking about phase 3 and not phase 2. Thank you for the help. I can't wait to get back into the swing of things. Now I have to decide whether to go level what I know or do something diff. That would mean rolling a lock or a warrior which I'm familiar with. Or do I go priest, druid, or mage? Decisions decisions. I'm also going to be playing from around 12am to 5am central. Need to find a good pve server that has overnight stuff happening while I'm online. Not sure if trying an oceanic realm is a bad idea. Probably.
That said, you've got about 11 days if you really want to catch up before phase 2, I hope you're ready to play day and night. Once it hits, leveling 50-60 outside of dungeons is probably going to be a living hell.
Same here, enjoyed it for two months won't return towards it, giving ff14 a try now, enjoy it a lot more currently. Also way more mature people running around in that one and all the tedious crap is nuked out of the game.
Anyway the problems i have with classic is:
1) Leveling is a bore fest, just to tedious after 50 to care for.
2) can't level with friends, because to high level = no exp or to hard content for lower level. Makes playing with friends pointless. It's really just a single player game. Unless u wait for your friends which never happens obviously through different play times.
3) Unbalanced as hell
4) Dungeons are a joke and raids with it.
5) Half the content is missing, i really really miss dungoen finder and bg signs ( even while that wasn't in vanilla to start with ). The things that got me busy on wow the most when it was retail, vanilla doesn't offer any of it sadly. The world grouping isn't impressive through world channel. Just didn't age well.
6) Meta ruins the game because of player base, mages only and healers. Everything is on farm and that's it. Didn't roll the right class gg u now can bribe people to invite you.
7) Absolute shit tier attitude of players in the game, whenever one thing goes wrong its leave or flaming endlessly.
8) Pvp is trash, stealth rules everything and people only fight when they know they can one shot you. It's really non existent its just straight up getting farmed or people ignore you completely if you are higher. ( i played stealth so yea )
9) Still elitists attitude after 15 years of class and specs not being taken even when the content is piss easy.
10) 15 buck sub, not expensive for a 15 year old game people already paid for 300 times over. Also not even having all content in it is bad.
11) Next phases are going to be a disaster with honour farming lowbee's. No more phasing = dead servers because people can't go anywhere anymore.
12) Ruined markets that bliz ignores completely, servers economy's are ruined by endless dungeon spam and gold farms and phasing exploits. Nobody got banned for it other then a few days ban which is ridiculous. Prices are moving up massively as result which makes it for people that do not farm those shitty dungeons endlessly fall behind massively.
13) Absolute no communication from blizzard, other then "aaah we will see when we do stuff". I want bg's now and not in 4 or 5 months when the game is dead.
14) My server seems to be dying, when server came online it had a wait line for hours in the first month, end second month barely anybody walking in it. only prime time you would see groups getting formed or activity in the chat. People are leaving in a fast pace probably because they are bored.
1050ti is more than enough for wow, it's what I use in my desktop still since I only play games that doesnt require a high end video card.I'm looking at getting a low end gaming laptop to play wow. I both want and need it for its portability. I'm aware that getting a desktop PC would get me a lot more for the same price and that gaming laptops often skimp on things like display and build quality. Regardless that's what I'm getting. How important is it to get one with a 1660ti versus a 1050ti graphics card if I'm literally only going to be playing wow on it? I'm not a battle Royale person and I only play shooters on console. The reason I ask is purely from a cost standpoint. I'm trying to avoid paying $1000 and would like to keep it closer to $500. With a 1050ti I can do that. With a 1660ti I'm obviously going to pay a little more. It's possible that I could get a good deal on Black Friday but I'm not sure I'm willing to wait that long. Id like to get the leveling process started and catch up in time for phase 2 of classic.
Laptop is ordered. I'll pick it up tomorrow. I went with a budget gaming model - Acer Nitro 5 17.3" (500gb SSD, I5-9300H, and GTX 1650). Not exactly what i set out to do originally. I was going to just get the cheapest thing i could find and deal with the short-comings, but hopefully this will last a few years. The biggest con that i could find in reviews was that it has a dimmer screen (250 nits). But i have sensitive eyes and won't be playing wow during the day anyway. Now to watch black friday ads once they come out in a week or two. May have to return what i got if there is something cheaper or better of similar build :O1050ti is more than enough for wow, it's what I use in my desktop still since I only play games that doesnt require a high end video card.
Regardless, I started a night elf druid on Myzrael and am sitting at level 12 now. Not a whole lot of progress but I'll get there. I think I'll level up to 16 in the darkshore area and then make the trip to westfall. I want to start doing instances asap and the deadmines is the first instance that I'll target after doing a bit more leveling. I've always leveled gnomes and humans, so westfall is far more familiar to me than any of the kalimdor zones.
Druids can offtank in raids with bear and are pretty good healers, we have a resto druid that always ends up in the top healers in the raids. Just have to play it properly.Bear (haha) in mind that if you want to raid you're most likely gonna be healing, druids are the worst healers, and there won't be many spots. But they do bring some great utility like combat rezzes and innervates, so raids will always take one or two. Resto druids also gear up pretty damn quickly. When WSG hits you're gonna be popular, bears are the de factor flag carriers.