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World of Warcraft for ALL!!! (sorta)


Fixed2BeBroken said:
I wish they would just let us stress testers into the beta....

that would be the greatest.

I just noticed you can use your account for the stress test to log into the Beta Website, and there it gives you the option of downloading WoW. Is it possible if that is the beta version?
Trasher said:
I just noticed you can use your account for the stress test to log into the Beta Website, and there it gives you the option of downloading WoW. Is it possible if that is the beta version?

I think our version is the same as beta...its just our keys will become invalid after the stress test is over......

i just wish the people at blizzard just start feeling genurous on the 7th day and say "fuck it, lets let them stay in beta" and just let us keep going...that shit would own.



Fixed2BeBroken said:
I think our version is the same as beta...its just our keys will become invalid after the stress test is over......

i just wish the people at blizzard just start feeling genurous on the 7th day and say "fuck it, lets let them stay in beta" and just let us keep going...that shit would own.


Yeah that would be sweet. You can tell by my post that I really want to have a REAL Beta account. I was hoping too much though :( It kinda feels like this almost isn't worth it to just have your char deleted in a week. O well, it is way fun :D


I said in this topic that the 6 highest level people (at least I think, maybe it's more than that) get beta accounts... ok so that's probably 6 guys who haven't slept all weekend, but still.

Also from what I'm hearing, open beta should be a good month or maybe even 2 months before the game goes retail.

Oh and they haven't decided yet what in-game item you get for preordering/getting the collector's edition. It's not going to be a big advantage, just some kind of item people can have to show off that they preordered.


I just tried to go on my Mannoroth server, that is supposed to still be up, but it doesn't work as well as Sargeras which is supposed to be working still. So don't feel left out fellow Norgannians :)
firex said:
I said in this topic that the 6 highest level people (at least I think, maybe it's more than that) get beta accounts... ok so that's probably 6 guys who haven't slept all weekend, but still.

Also from what I'm hearing, open beta should be a good month or maybe even 2 months before the game goes retail.

Oh and they haven't decided yet what in-game item you get for preordering/getting the collector's edition. It's not going to be a big advantage, just some kind of item people can have to show off that they preordered.

Oh. It's the top 3 of each class on both alliance/horde.


1-2 months of open beta? I doubt that. Not that I care. I mean that would be great, but thats a bit crazy. Thats almost enough time for some people to get tired of the game and move on, meaning they wont buy a retail copy :( Or is Blizzard that confident in their ability to hold one's interest. Open beta's are usually only 2 weeks or so.

Whatever though, ill play it either way. If its 2 montsh open beta thats great, more time to play for free. I hope its soon though. (>'')>


AeroGod said:
1-2 months of open beta? I doubt that. Not that I care. I mean that would be great, but thats a bit crazy. Thats almost enough time for some people to get tired of the game and move on, meaning they wont buy a retail copy :( Or is Blizzard that confident in their ability to hold one's interest. Open beta's are usually only 2 weeks or so.

Whatever though, ill play it either way. If its 2 montsh open beta thats great, more time to play for free. I hope its soon though. (>'')>
I wouldn't be surprised to see it be a month. I've spent over a week of real time played to get my shaman up to level 42, and that's taken me at least 3 weeks of a mix of heavy and casual play.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Bahhh I just started my rogue and was loving the hell out of him too... >_<

Anyway... so you've all messed with your character's voice commands, right? They're a blast.

"I be in a bad way!!"


GAF's Bob Woodward

For those who've played far more than me: would you advise me continuing to level up one character so I can experience higher level stuff, or should I just diversify and try my hand at lots of different classes and races? I have a level 9 human mage, and have just created an orc hunter.

A petition needs to be started to keep the servers up after the stress test. It'd be too cruel to take it away :(


GAF's Bob Woodward
JackFrost2012 said:
How do you think those of us with months-old characters feel? :)

You mean, those in the beta? Well, when you finish up, it's not like you'll have to stop playing for months and months..it's likely the game will be released shortly, or immediately, after the beta ends, so even if you have to start from scratch, at least you can keep playing immediately..


GAF's Bob Woodward
Here's some of my snaps from playing WoW. Tried to include the pretty ones..


One of my first "wow moments" - stepping into Stormwind Keep for the first time.


This reminded me of Ocarina of Time, for some reason..


I think this shot showed off the level of polish already in the game..some detail might have been lost in the resizing, but check out the textures, and the little squirrel scurrying around. So many nice touches.


First Griffon ride! To Ironforge..


More from the same ride..


This was in a village near ironforge. Thought it looked cool. Noticed I got a change of clothes!


Flying home..


..back to the beautiful forest. Man, it's just an awesome game.

Haha, and it's true..these shots don't even do the game justice when playing. It looks even better in motion.
Just had to give MAJOR THANKS to Neptunez for giving this chance at the Stress test and fro turning me from City of Heroes to WoW.

Here's a shot of me and Tikal, one of my Critters.



GAF's Bob Woodward
Does anyone know how to get a pet? Do you have to be a hunter? I'm a lvl 11 Mage..

BTW, had more "wow" moments heading into Westfall. Has a pretty cool/creepy atmosphere.


GAF's Bob Woodward
MrPing1000 said:
bah i shud b playing this right now. I'm bored outta my skull *tries cd key again* BAH. Hurry up european beta!

Ping - on the WoW boards, they say the only way you could be getting an invalid key error is if you're typing it wrong, or someone used the key before you. I'm guessing if you were using bugmenot, someone else registered using that account too, got the same key as you (I registered twice with my own account and got the same key both times, so I think they assign one per fileplanet account) - and then went and created an account with the key before you :(


GAF's Bob Woodward
JackFrost2012 said:
Different places, depending on the race/pet. They're non-combat, though. Only Warlocks and Hunters have combat pets. Only Hunters can name their pets.

Cheers. So what can non-combat pets do? And any examples of where you can get them? I haven't seen any opportunity to get one yet.
I have a quick Question.

How would you rank WoW's fun factor for a non-mmorpger? Can it stand on its own as an adventure/Quest based game?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Scalemail Ted said:
I have a quick Question.

How would you rank WoW's fun factor for a non-mmorpger? Can it stand on its own as an adventure/Quest based game?

This is the first MMORPG I've spent a large amount of time with. I was turned off by others I tried. But imo, the quests are actually fun in of themselves in this game. Plus the atmosphere and feeling of the world really really helps keep you in...that's a big differentiating factor in this game, I think. I've rarely seen a videogame world that is this "solid". It's usually something I only associate with Nintendo's best games.

That said, it is a MMORPG, and it helps to like that type of game. I'd advise you to get into one of the betas or any future tests to try it out for yourself, or failing that, give it a month when it's released.

If this comes out this year, it's hard to see anything else (even Halo 2) being my GOTY. The original Warcraft games introduced me into PC gaming, and this game has brought back all those original feelings for me. It's just like being in that world..it's so perfectly realised.
I never played any other MMORPG before this, and after 500 hours with WoW and _then_ trying FFXI, I realize that I was better off that way.

Pets for non-hunters are just small, non-offensive ones. You can get cats, owls and parrots on Alliance side, as well as snakes and cockroaches on Horde. There are also several rare pets, like dragonling hatchlings. Also, engineers can build mechanical squirrels. None of these do anything besides sit around and look cute.

Pets usually cost around 40s to buy from vendor, more if you want rare pets from the other faction (via Booty Bay auctions).
I just bought my own snake. Was tempted to get as many as I could, but didn't.

Oh and whoever asked: I'm about 90 skill level tailor. Got quite a few decent recipes too for lvls 5-12. I need woolllllooollllooolll.

Is there any use at all for wands? They seem beyond meh.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
i wish the combat was as fun as in COH. Most of the time it feels like your just fighting air, just a weird floaty feeling. Also I wish the navigation and map was as intuitive as COh's.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Woah... non-combat pets? First time I've heard of this. Does anyone know where to buy them on the Horde side?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"I have a quick Question.

How would you rank WoW's fun factor for a non-mmorpger? Can it stand on its own as an adventure/Quest based game?"

I played FFXI and I didn't like it to much for reasons I mentioned earlier.

If you like RPGs and fantasy, you'll love this.
There is a cockroach vendor in Undercity. I haven't explored either city nearly enough to find any others though.

Oh, and you can only have one pet out at a time, so buying multiple ones doesn't help. If you use a mount, it goes away too. However, hunters can have both their tamed pet and a non-combat pet active.


Parrots: go to Booty Bay and the shop near the dock where the ship lands has a guy who's a "pirate supplier," he sells them
Cats (alliance only): There's a crazy cat lady in Elwynn Forest, also a little boy walking around Stormwind randomly sells kittens
Rabbits (alliance only): A little Dwarf girl on a farm in Dun Morogh sells them
Cockroaches: An undead guy sitting on the ground underneath one of the arches in the trade section of the Undercity sells them
Snakes: A troll that randomly walks around the area of Orgrimmar with the mage/priest trainers sells them
Chicken: Rarely sold at Shimmering Flats
Mechanical Squirrel: Made with Engineering


I was in a cave for a quest and all of a sudden my computer reset itself. My computer never resets itself. I came back and tried to log back in and my characters are gone. :( Hopefully it's a temporary thing.
Sooooo... are the servers planning on coming back anytime soon? They've been down for me for a good hour now.

The few hours i've had to play all weekend have been wasted at the char screen. :(

Granted, it's a stress test, but my gf was able to play her rogue today for about straight 4 hours. I log, my warrior takes 5 steps and the servers crash (same server too mind you). What crappy luck.


Well, I guess I'll take this server downtime to put up my screenshots from the stress test. Here's my dwarf priest Deekan looking over the snowy lands of the little people:

The Gate of IronForge:

Leaving the dwarvish lands on a griffon:

A couple of vistas aboard the griffon on the way to Stormwind:


A couple of pics of Deekan milling about in Stormwind:


Westfall has seen better days:

Deekan has seen better days in Westfall:

What lurks in the waters of Loch Modan???

Some more pics here.
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