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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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SquirrelNuckle said:
The LK is really not a hard fight, especially with the 30% buff.

It's not. Just people have to listen to DBM and their positioning. It's like Malygos with phase 3. God...people are just dumb with that fight.
DeathNote said:
About PVP servers...

Vanilla was amazing. Tons of low level people to have world pvp with. Right now there are SO many 80's in higher level gear. And level 79's are cake. :/

Old world leveling will be awesome. Low level PVPing while questing.

You might say what about level... 75? Or... 83? Iunno. People will probably have gear left over and flying around kind of messes with pvp.

I'm just hyped to kill some bitches in awesome spots in old world.

Battlegrounds killed world pvp in vanilla. Once they started, the only pvp I experienced was getting ganked by level 60's in HWL gear
CcrooK said:
It's not. Just people have to listen to DBM and their positioning. It's like Malygos with phase 3. God...people are just dumb with that fight.

To this day I see so much fail with malygos P3.

EOE was the weekly on our server not long ago and since my guild no longer does weeklies I PuG'd it for the 1st time.
We blew through the first 2 phases easy enough, everyone seemed to know what they're doing but on phase 3:

- people who were supposed to heal, didn't and we died
- after a wipe they apologized and when we wiped again it became apparent they had no idea how to heal on the drake to begin with
- DPS couldn't build up any stacks on Malygos.

Finally the other person who seemed to know what they're doing and played like it switched to heals and we did it. I built up a stack of 20 and that was enough, the 2 other guys who stayed alive never got past 2 somehow.

I hope EOE is taken out of the rotation ugh.

funkmastergeneral said:
Battlegrounds killed world pvp in vanilla. Once they started, the only pvp I experienced was getting ganked by level 60's in HWL gear

We still had some PvP after BGs opened. I remember being a lvl 48 hunter in Hinterlands and successfully defending myself against a lvl60 hunter who jumped me. I was BM spec (with the original Spirit Bond) and pretty much deadzoned him and had my pet beat him to death.


I never understood the hate for PvP servers. It's not like you get ganked all the time. I like being able to PvP when I want to PvP. I hate that on a PvE server you basically have to request to fight the opposing faction. If I'm out questing and I see a horde that I think I can take, I like having that option, regardless if he agree's. I mean, this is WARcraft, not HUGcraft.

The other thing that baffles me is that people who are more interested in the lore of the game, tend to migrate to PvE servers, where there is no war raging between the Alliance and Horde.


funkmastergeneral said:
Battlegrounds killed world pvp in vanilla. Once they started, the only pvp I experienced was getting ganked by level 60's in HWL gear
You must have been on a crappy server if you only came in contact with 60's in HWL gear. Mine had a healthy amount of people leveling in each zone. Ganking is apart of the experience, but 10+ people fighting a higher level was awesome. 1-60 took a bit of time back then. The amount of time I spent in the zones pvping with same leveled people greatly outnumbers the amount of times a 60 camped me.


Aesthet1c said:
I mean, this is WARcraft, not HUGcraft.

This is also warcRAFT but there's not all that many rafts.

Mainly, a name doesn't imply gameplay style, but possiby theme or nothing at all. "War" in a name doesn't necessarily imply world PvP much like Gears of War doesn't. In this case it's a theme. Hot Dog doesn't imply dog meat literally being in the sausage like object.
Aesthet1c said:
The other thing that baffles me is that people who are more interested in the lore of the game, tend to migrate to PvE servers, where there is no war raging between the Alliance and Horde.

According to the lore there is no "war" between Horde and Alliance and hasn't been for some time.

World of Tensioncraft is more appropriate.


I just realized something.

Since you can create the opposite fraction on pvp servers now.... you can search for any level and see what zone they are in. Then hop on your flying mount.

80's ganking lower levels will be crazy.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I keep seeing people writing "fraction" instead of "faction" in here. Or is it always DeathNote? :p
So why does just about everyone think that WoW's lore is a joke? I feel like I'm the only one that really enjoys it. I love traversing different places and seeing characters that I've read about and know the histories of.

Like the first time I saw Ysera or Alexstrasza, I was filled with nerd glee! Or like hearing whispers of the old gods, taking back Undercity, calling out Malygos, watching the Lich King spare my life because he found my betrayal amusing...

Or even just standing in the presence of high profile characters like King Varian or Thrall. I know their stories and I know what they mean to the world of Azeroth and, to me, it's a big deal.

I know I'm mostly alone here, but I love that kind of stuff. It just makes that virtual world a little bit more interesting for me. And I understand the reasons for what these chracters say and what they do.


Not really answering your question.. but..most people don't know about the lore before playing or read the quest descriptions rather than think it's a joke. I don't even know who Alexstrasza is.

Edit: Oh wait, the cut scene. I thought that was really epic but I still don't know anything about Alexstrasza.


So I've been doing the random dungeon finder for a couple of weeks now and I have yet to get queued for Heroic Forge of Souls. I have never done this dungeon, but I do have good enough gear for it. Is it possible to get FoS via RDF if you have never done it before?
Confused101 said:
So why does just about everyone think that WoW's lore is a joke? I feel like I'm the only one that really enjoys it. I love traversing different places and seeing characters that I've read about and know the histories of.

I like the lore but I think that MMOs aren't a very good medium for telling a story, although Blizz has improved that in WOTLK. I should've have to read wowwiki for explanations on this stuff. I still don't get how/when Stormwind got its king back, I remember that long dead end quest chain the missing diplomat when I played Alliance and the suddenly Varian Wrynn is there. For those that follow the lore they do a piss poor job of conveying it, although like I said they are improving.

My biggest peeve is that they turn a lot of major characters into a boss to farm for loot, the characters really lose a lot of their significance and meaning, personally I think Malfurion should've been involved in confronting Illidan for example.

They handled the LK fairly well (
Arthas is too powerful to be killed by any mortals, no matter what they gearscore
) although I must admit I had very high expectations for this fight so I'm still somewhat disappointed.

Blizzard's best moment of dramatic storytelling is still the
The death of Grom Hellscream
and sure enough that was done by their amazing CGI team.

Garryk said:
So I've been doing the random dungeon finder for a couple of weeks now and I have yet to get queued for Heroic Forge of Souls. I have never done this dungeon, but I do have good enough gear for it. Is it possible to get FoS via RDF if you have never done it before?

I never get it on random either, it's always Occulus or Gundrak. Yes you can get in, you won't get into the other Frozen Halls instances until you complete FoS. When I play alts that need stuff from there I usually just queue up manually for them, unless I only need badges.

I did the same for ToC and HToC when my toons needed gear from there.


You probably know, heroic FoS has item level 232 gear. If you need it do what Kernel said and queue for it manually before going random. Random is for badges and when you hope to get in after being locked out from specific selection. I go through spells where it's the same 3 instances.


Garryk said:
So I've been doing the random dungeon finder for a couple of weeks now and I have yet to get queued for Heroic Forge of Souls. I have never done this dungeon, but I do have good enough gear for it. Is it possible to get FoS via RDF if you have never done it before?
The first time I did it on heroic on my shaman, it was as a random heroic. I did it on normal before that though.


Hmm, you might need to grab the initial quest to go into the Forge of Souls before it'll unlock in the random finder.


Confused101 said:
So why does just about everyone think that WoW's lore is a joke? I feel like I'm the only one that really enjoys it. I love traversing different places and seeing characters that I've read about and know the histories of.

Like the first time I saw Ysera or Alexstrasza, I was filled with nerd glee! Or like hearing whispers of the old gods, taking back Undercity, calling out Malygos, watching the Lich King spare my life because he found my betrayal amusing...

Or even just standing in the presence of high profile characters like King Varian or Thrall. I know their stories and I know what they mean to the world of Azeroth and, to me, it's a big deal.

I know I'm mostly alone here, but I love that kind of stuff. It just makes that virtual world a little bit more interesting for me. And I understand the reasons for what these chracters say and what they do.

I f*cking love the lore. I read just about all of the quest text, because I'm genuinely interested in it. I mean, obviously quests like collect 10 of these can go die in a fire but quest chains and stuff I lose myself in.


Confused101 said:
So why does just about everyone think that WoW's lore is a joke? I feel like I'm the only one that really enjoys it. I love traversing different places and seeing characters that I've read about and know the histories of.

Like the first time I saw Ysera or Alexstrasza, I was filled with nerd glee! Or like hearing whispers of the old gods, taking back Undercity, calling out Malygos, watching the Lich King spare my life because he found my betrayal amusing...

Or even just standing in the presence of high profile characters like King Varian or Thrall. I know their stories and I know what they mean to the world of Azeroth and, to me, it's a big deal.

I know I'm mostly alone here, but I love that kind of stuff. It just makes that virtual world a little bit more interesting for me. And I understand the reasons for what these chracters say and what they do.
Some of it is good, and even the smaller quest chains that don't go to a big story are kind of fun to play through depending upon what you do (all that fake yeti stuff that starts in Winterspring is still awesome). But at the same time, after all these years I am pretty desensitized to the quest text beyond objectives/rewards, especially if it turns out to be something like "hello brave champion I am a noble tauren NPC who can't help but think you need to kill some of these wildlife mobs, because they are sick/too many and need to be cut down to preserve the balance of nature" or anything like "hey there are some bad guys holed up at this spot and we can't move against them. looks like you volunteered for the job lol"


Really Really Exciting Member!
The LFG random finder is really a mysterious tool.

On my mage, for example, i've got H Oculus maybe.. once? twice? I've got H TOC, FOS, POS, HOR maybe 3-4 times max! Yet, i get H DTK or H HOS like 75 times.

BUT, on my warrior, it really IS random, i get H Oculus & H TOC, FOS, POS, HOR as much as every other heroics. Same thing for my healers alt.

Why is my mage having such a hard time getting those heroics, i have no clue. Must be something about DPS selecting those dungeons as specific for their 232 epics or something and they have priority over DPS using the random option.
Bisnic said:
The LFG random finder is really a mysterious tool.

For DPS I suspect it's because tanks/healers tend to queue more for a specific instance to get specific items they need, so say if tanks queue for ToC a lot, random DPS will be used to fill the other spots so they'll get ToC more often than not.

Although someone told me the tool favors certain instances over others based on the load of the instance server they're on at the time. Not sure if I buy that but I don't know how their back end is.


For the Halls of Lightning 5 man you need complete the quest in the Forge of Souls before you can queue up for it.
SquirrelNuckle said:
For the Halls of Lightning 5 man you need complete the quest in the Forge of Souls before you can queue up for it.

I think you mean:

Complete the Forge of Souls quest to unlock Pit of Saron.
Complete Pit of Saron to unlock Halls of Reflection.

Quest is available when you zone in.


Yeah that's what I mean. I get the two confused, since you can zone into them right when you finish one.
OK I have an 80 druid that's all epic'd from back in the pre-ICC, Tourney days.

I'm back for the Cata changes but confused how I should advance. I should probably skip the Tournament stuff and reps right? And just lvl in my purples until 85 then start endgame again?

What makes it even more fun is that I plan to go Resto healer from cat DPS, so I'm gearing up for that too.


So as soon as I complain about it on GAF, I get FoS as my random. Also picked up the 232 axe for my rogue but lost out on the trinket.
You guys have some good points. Especially when it comes to most of the quest text being about killing a certain number of mobs or retrieving something that was lost. And to be honest, once I get the gist after reading a few lines, I'll skip through and just hit accept. Do I need to know every reason why I'm killing all these different things? No way, but some of the quests are really well done and thought out. I just want to make sure I pay attention to that kind of stuff.

And it really boils down to the fact that the lore is a good chunk of the entertainment value for me. It may not be the best story telling ever, but I still find the stories intriguing. Especially the major players like Illidan, Arthas, the dragons and their aspects, the demons and the Burning Crusade and now Deathwing.

So for me, it's not just about the game play or the best gear or the highest rated guild or having 10 level 80s. It's about how I get immersed into the game because of the detail that Blizzard has given to this universe. I think that's where I differ from many, many players.


Tamanon said:
Hmm, you might need to grab the initial quest to go into the Forge of Souls before it'll unlock in the random finder.

You can get there without grabbing the quest. I did my first FoS run on my warrior before I thought I had enough gear for it (I tend to overcompensate a bit in these manners), but the run went just fine.

And Confused, the lore is a joke because Metzen can't keep himself from retconning it. It's like Lucas with Star Wars. And then there's the fact that most of the lore stuff that happened between BC and WOTLK happened in other mediums, like (comic) books that aren't even released everywhere. The whole Varian Wrynn storyline for example happened in comics. The Cho'Gall storyline happened in comics.


Blargh. Guild member got hacked and stole a bunch of stuff from the guild bank. She had an authenticator too! (I asked to see the pet before I gave her bank access) I guess there are ways around those now?


notworksafe said:
Blargh. Guild member got hacked and stole a bunch of stuff from the guild bank. She had an authenticator too! (I asked to see the pet before I gave her bank access) I guess there are ways around those now?
Erm doubtfull she's been hacked ;) and more like she just went to town on taking stuff and claiming "OMG I GOT HACKS"


notworksafe said:
Blargh. Guild member got hacked and stole a bunch of stuff from the guild bank. She had an authenticator too! (I asked to see the pet before I gave her bank access) I guess there are ways around those now?

She may have fell for the dummy screen. It looks like you're logging into the game when you launch it, but you're actually logging into a phisher. Then some have a script running that notifies it when you enter the info, and it enters your info in battle.net super fast changing everything up on you. I just heard about it, though there was something similar months ago, this one is much faster. That's the gist of what I got from what I heard. These hackers are hardcore. :lol


notworksafe said:
Blargh. Guild member got hacked and stole a bunch of stuff from the guild bank. She had an authenticator too! (I asked to see the pet before I gave her bank access) I guess there are ways around those now?

Even with an authenticator, you're susceptible to social engineering and someone just being really quick.

For example, someone whispers her that Blizz is beta testing new mounts and that she could get a even more sparkly pony, she just needs to go to mountbetatestingblizz.cn and input her login.

The first thought in her head is "oooooh PONY!" and she goes to the website, which is using the same battle.net login layout. She inputs her account information and authenticator numbers, which are instantly sent to a dude in China, who then immediately logs into her account and locks her out of it, while concurrently logging into the game and emptying your bank.

The authenticator is a great defense but it doesn't fix stupid.


I heard there's something that gives an error when you try to login to the game, maybe battle.net, and they steal the info and login themselves?

Even if you entered it at blizzudz.net... wouldn't entering it at the last millasecond work?


Wow. I had no idea there was already an attack on people with authenticators. That's just crazy.

I believe that she is telling the truth because all her gear on her characters has been DE'd (if it can be, of course) and some have been transferred to other servers, which happened to me when I got hacked years ago. She's also a good guild member. She donates to the bank and helps out other members.


It just happened last night, so she is still talking to Blizzard about getting her account recovered. She's also the type to hang out on 4chan and other such sites, so I wouldn't be shocked if she clicked a bad link.


notworksafe said:
It just happened last night, so she is still talking to Blizzard about getting her account recovered. She's also the type to hang out on 4chan and other such sites, so I wouldn't be shocked if she clicked a bad link.

That'll do it.



I thought when a code disappeared, it died, even unused. I can use an unused code after the following 3 go away. Don't know the limit, don't want to stare at a authenticator.


Once a code is used it can't be used again, but the previous 1 or 2 codes stay valid if they haven't been used to account for the clocks in the authenticators getting out of sync over time.
Yesterday I had some fantasy football drafts to attend so I didn't confirm attendance for raids; the roster looked set on tanks so I didn't think they needed me anyway. I signed on around midnight to see how the guild was doing in ICC (we're still on Sindragosa 10) and was told the raid fell apart and one of our best healers quit guild because he was being blamed. They also said while they had tanks, one of our best DPS had to go tank since I wasn't there. "Blame the healer" seems to be the main crutch for ICC failure, and upon talking to the healer he confirmed people were still doing stupid stuff during P3.

Any tips on Sindragosa? I talked to a friend in another guild and he said 2 healing it is key, and to have 2 dps focus on ice blocks while the rest burn the boss in P3. Typically we have 3 healers with everyone nuking the ice block (or ice blocks, when people fuck up).
Actually, there is officially a war now as of Wrathgate. It just hasn't had time to ramp up before WotLK ends. It's why Sylvanas is ramping up her evil stuff, why Thrall put Garrosh in charge and why there are some major battles going on around the world in Cata.


What worked for me during Phase 3, we had ranged work on iceblocks, and everyone got rid of their stacks of mystic buffet every other ice block to increase our time on the boss. We do the standard first iceblock at the front leg, next one at the back leg. If you can't make it, then at least move away from the raid so you don't iceblock other people. At a certain point like around 1.5-2 million, we just say fuck it and burn the boss down without getting rid of stacks. If the dps of the group isn't that good that last part is suicide.


The key to Sindragosa is knowing it's not a DPS race (especially with the 30% buff).

If a 2nd block has come down when the first one is still up, burn the first one down. Make sure EVERYONE understands the mechanic of mystic buffet and are all clearing their stacks properly.

You can do it fine with 3 healers, if that's what you need. Again, it's really not a DPS race. I don't think you'd ever need ALL dps on the ice blocks. The 1st block should drop when the 2nd block goes up, if everyones nuking it I think it'd go down way too fast.

In the end you just need to make sure everyone has an overall understanding of the fight. That way when they see the one block still has a ton of HP and the next block has just dropped, they'll switch to ice blocks until your group has caught back up.

Do you know what was specifically wiping you guys in P3? Was the tank dying? Was it just too many DPS dying? What were they dying to? At that point you can focus in on the people who are not doing what they're supposed to and get them to shape up or tell them not to come back next week. Mistakes are fine, but ignoring mechanics over and over again won't get you anywhere.
DarkJC said:
The key to Sindragosa is knowing it's not a DPS race (especially with the 30% buff).

If a 2nd block has come down when the first one is still up, burn the first one down. Make sure EVERYONE understands the mechanic of mystic buffet and are all clearing their stacks properly.

You can do it fine with 3 healers, if that's what you need. Again, it's really not a DPS race. I don't think you'd ever need ALL dps on the ice blocks. The 1st block should drop when the 2nd block goes up, if everyones nuking it I think it'd go down way too fast.

In the end you just need to make sure everyone has an overall understanding of the fight. That way when they see the one block still has a ton of HP and the next block has just dropped, they'll switch to ice blocks until your group has caught back up.

Do you know what was specifically wiping you guys in P3? Was the tank dying? Was it just too many DPS dying? What were they dying to? At that point you can focus in on the people who are not doing what they're supposed to and get them to shape up or tell them not to come back next week. Mistakes are fine, but ignoring mechanics over and over again won't get you anywhere.

Heals seem fine to me; I tend to die when the healers die. What happens is that we wind up with two ice blocks, people don't get the stacks off them, then they get pulled in by the boss's attack, and shortly after that half the raid is dead.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Guess some keylogger was drunk that day :

:lol kinda sad.


PhoenixDark said:
Any tips on Sindragosa? I talked to a friend in another guild and he said 2 healing it is key, and to have 2 dps focus on ice blocks while the rest burn the boss in P3. Typically we have 3 healers with everyone nuking the ice block (or ice blocks, when people fuck up).

Back in the day when we were still raiding, we'd have 2 healers only. On P2, dps/healers start in line with the front leg, when someone got marked, they'd run to the back leg. After the block a couple dps would break the block and everyone would hang out there. When the next mark went out, marked person moved to the front leg, then dps/heals would follow. Just going back and forth watching the debuff and such. I (DK dps) and a War would mainly stay on her the whole time, only running out to remove the debuff or if we were marked.

Key is watching the debuffs, and reacting fast enough when you're marked to be blocked.


PhoenixDark said:
Heals seem fine to me; I tend to die when the healers die. What happens is that we wind up with two ice blocks, people don't get the stacks off them, then they get pulled in by the boss's attack, and shortly after that half the raid is dead.

Two ice blocks because people aren't dpsing the first one enough or two because someone messed up and got blocked with the guy who was marked? The 2nd situation is avoidable through proper positioning and reaction time. Having someone attentive call out the second frost beacon is put on someone will help a lot if people aren't moving fast enough.

As for dying on the suck in, Mystic Buffet doesn't do that alone. Even if someone let 15 stacks of Mystic Buffet build up, if they had no other debuffs they could easily survive the suck in and run to the nearest ice block to clear their stacks.

Remember that in P3, clearing your Mystic Buffet stacks is only half the battle. Lets say someone has let 8 stacks of Mystic Buffet build up on them, and they're running to the ice block to clear their stacks. Of course, she chooses this moment to suck everyone in. Damage from Frost Aura alone will be 6600 damage every 3 sec until they clear their stacks. This obviously isn't enough to kill them as they're running out to clear, but if they've been accumulating too many of their other debuff as well, it quickly turns deadly. Add a 6 stack of instability falling off at the same time and you're looking at 32k+ damage in the space of 5 seconds. So if people are dying on the suck in, they're letting too many of their Chilled to the Bone/Instability debuffs build up in combination with Mystic Buffet.

tl;dr: make sure people are managing BOTH sets of debuffs, casters really shouldn't let any more than 4 instability stacks build up when dealing with Mystic Buffet at the same time. I haven't played melee dps on that fight but something similar applies to Chilled to the Bone, you dont have as much room to let it build up in P3 as you do in P1/P2.
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