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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
water_wendi said:
Archeology makes me want to pillow-scream! Grrr...

I hear you. I knew it was going to suck all the fun out of the game, so I stopped when I got my fossil raptor and hit 300. Maybe I'll go back to it later....


Angry Grimace said:
You're perfectly aware of the context of the post, but just pretending you aren't for some unfathomable purpose. I'm very obviously talking about the questing experience here.
If you're talking about questing experience, then that wan't his entire role. Goblin starting area.


DeathNote said:
If you're talking about questing experience, then that wan't his entire role. Goblin starting area.

i thought thrall was the faction leader for the orcs back in vanilla. who am i thinknig of?


Water is not wet!
It would have been nice to see more Thrall. At least his limited awesomeness in Cata was available to both sides (at least i think he is seen by Alli :lol)!


mcrae said:
i thought thrall was the faction leader for the orcs back in vanilla. who am i thinknig of?
Thrall was the Horde warchief from vanilla right through to the start of Cataclysm. I assume he means his role in the expansion - I have no idea I'm not there yet (though his inclusion in the Goblin starting area is pretty cool).

Did a little more tanking last night, after a bit of a break. Underbog, Slave Pens, Mana Tombs and Auchindon Crypts all went OK - holding aggro was a bit of a nightmare, but the group didn't suffer too much because of it.

I'm actually looking forward to tanking Cataclysm instances and having to control smaller groups of mobs. I'm still working on position and particularly targeting as a tank.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DeathNote said:
If you're talking about questing experience, then that wan't his entire role. Goblin starting area.
Technically, I think that takes place prior to the storyline of Cataclysm in those zones though.

Notice how in the picture that Paragon posted, they made it very obvious that they stacked at least 11 Druids in their world-first Heroic Nefarian kill. Wonder why? I know that they, and other high-end guilds were complaining vociferously about the fact that the new heroic modes are almost impossible to complete without heavily stacking certain classes (i.e. anything but melee).


Angry Grimace said:
Technically, I think that takes place prior to the storyline of Cataclysm in those zones though.

Notice how in the picture that Paragon posted, they made it very obvious that they stacked at least 11 Druids in their world-first Heroic Nefarian kill. Wonder why? I know that they, and other high-end guilds were complaining vociferously about the fact that the new heroic modes are almost impossible to complete without heavily stacking certain classes (i.e. anything but melee).
It takes place after the shattering and before you see Thrall for the breadcrumb, which is in cataclysm.

LOL, all three of the classes I'm focusing on are melee.

Speaking of, my warrior just got Commanding Shout at 68. Didn't know it increased stamina.


Prodigal Son
Aww yeah 55! Swamp of Sorrows was short but really rather boring. Also started a death knight, but without 55 lvls of practice the runes and attacks are very confusing.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
water_wendi said:
It would have been nice to see more Thrall. At least his limited awesomeness in Cata was available to both sides (at least i think he is seen by Alli :lol)!

He is indeed.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
SatelliteOfLove said:
Wwwwhich is not what I was talking about or had already said.
Well that post was in response to someone else, but I think your original post was wrong too, at least with the degree of specificity you put behind it.

As far as I can tell, you're claiming the baseline complexity of raid boss mechanics is lower now than it was in Vanilla, which I don't really think has any merit at all.

To be fair, your post wasn't particularly specific as to why you believe this, so feel free to explain. I'll listen to the argument, but I'm not inclined at all to agree with it based on a conclusory statement to to that effect.


Angry Grimace said:
So I finished Deepholm, and from what I can tell, despite Metzen claiming Thrall is super-ultra important, his entire role in Cataclysm is standing there giving out a single breadcrumb quest.
Yeah, Thrall's part in the expansion so far has been rather... lacking. That's part of why I like Garrosh so much. He's EVERYWHERE and he's badass. ):<


Kyoufu said:
RNGology lol

I wish Blizzard weren't creatively bankrupt sometimes.

I wouldn't call it 'bankrupt'. The idea and execution of it is great, it's just the ridiculous requirement values and slow skill-ups.

If they halved the requirements of each one, added 2 more available digsites, and gave skillups for pickups past 100, it'd be pretty cool and one of the most creative ones they have in the game.

Certainly more creative then Cata engineering (not Wrath engineering, Wrath engineering was super awesome.. Cata engineering has like, two new things in it, and about half the stuff it usually has.)


Getting exalted in TB is real easy and I'll have 100 commendations when I get there in the next day. I probably shouldn't have bought Blade of the Fearless a few days ago. Gonna take a while to get the other 100 commendations. :|
Our raiding team actually made some progress this weekend by downing Halfus after about ten tries and then getting Omnotron (I notice everyone misspells this for some reason) down after a brutal two nights of beating our heads against him. It mainly took us so long though due to getting new people up to speed and is a big reason I am against our one raid leader's view that we should rotate people between raid groups instead of keeping people who already play well together....together. Hopefully this problem fixes itself as more of the people who think they want to raid end up realizing they do not after spending a night wiping.


I really think tightly nit 10-mans are what guilds should be focusing on right now. Too bad my guild leader doesn't seem to think so.

Halfus can be a pretty annoying boss if that middle drake is up (the one that enables his aoe, interruptible spell).


We moved up to 6/12 today, goin pretty good. Surprised how crazy easy Conclave of Wind was.

10 man is the only way to go, it's perfect. 25 is agony to me, I'll never raid in anything larger than 10 again. Thinking back to when it was 40 makes me sick to my stomach. :lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
DeathNote said:
Getting exalted in TB is real easy and I'll have 100 commendations when I get there in the next day. I probably shouldn't have bought Blade of the Fearless a few days ago. Gonna take a while to get the other 100 commendations. :|

Exalted is easy, but commendations are going to take a while. I bought the epic trinket the other day, and now im at 53/200 commendations for the drake. :( It sucks because since Blizzard fixed their 1.8k Honor for offense victories and win trading stopped, it's harder to get the dailies from the south peninsula if your faction isn't controlling it, since being offense is pretty tough.
TheExodu5 said:
I really think tightly nit 10-mans are what guilds should be focusing on right now. Too bad my guild leader doesn't seem to think so.

Agreed and I am hoping things change when our current raid leader burns out like I think he will. He is trying to walk the fence between the raiders in our guild and the much larger pool of casuals. Ideas like "everyone can get a chance" and "rotating people into our A-Team" will not work when you are dealing with a pool of people who obviously do not have the same drive or skills. It is really jarring to drop someone new into a progression raid group when all of the other members have been doing heroics together since two days after Cataclysm came out. Do not get me wrong new blood can be good, but not when it is undergeared, has a lot of wrong ideas about how to play its class, and cannot be bothered to read up on strats for our current boss/sit in on voicechat while waiting to raid to hear what the fights are about.

Things got bad though on Saturday when our raid leader quit the raid and logged out due to someone in guild chat whining for a raid spot (he said the whiner could have the spot, but we did not let them in and let a tank go DPS spec instead). Then last night he had our other main healer on mute which got annoying because he kept talking over her / ignoring what she was saying which kind of sucks when she was tank healing him. He eventually left after two hours and we downed Omnotron 30 minutes later.

Thankfully our secondary raid leader is an awesome guy and gets along with everyone a lot better while also understanding what it is going to take for us to progress.


Had a pretty productive day yesterday, did 3 heroics and the planets aligned properly for once, came out of all 3 with 5 upgrades. And now I noticed that there's nothing left for me to spend justice points on and I don't have enough Valor points to buy anything else. At this point I either have to find a guild to raid with or grind out rep to buy exalted gear. I honestly didn't think I'd hit this point so fast all things considered.


Prodigal Son
Some worgen rogue just tried to waste me after I was hurt in a PvE fight. Pah! Second player-fight, second honorable kill.

...dear god, what am I becoming? :lol :lol
TheExodu5 said:
Good thing the epic trinket is awful for rogues.

If you're talking about Unheeded Warning, they're reworking it. Oh, speaking of sexy rogue drops, my rogue picked up Scaleslicer, the oh phys dps 359 dagger. Missing the awesome name of Uhn'agh Fash the Darkest Betrayal (and it's flavor text) but more than adequate to get the job done. And I promptly put mongoose on it because a Landslide would run around 35k on my server atm :lol

Got the wind conclave last night, bringing us to 7/12 and tying us for first hordeside on our completely shitty backwater server. Al'akir doesn't seem like he's going to be all that bad, maybe one full raiding night but we'll probably get him.

Sad thing is, my slots are slowly filling with epics but I still have these green bracers and throwing star. The tanks in my guild are pretty much over heroics, and I'll be damned if I want to stick my nose in a pug and have to explain for the umpteenth gazillionth time exactly what kick and sap are and how they work.


theinfinityissue said:
If you're talking about Unheeded Warning, they're reworking it. Oh, speaking of sexy rogue drops, my rogue picked up Scaleslicer, the oh phys dps 359 dagger. Missing the awesome name of Uhn'agh Fash the Darkest Betrayal (and it's flavor text) but more than adequate to get the job done. And I promptly put mongoose on it because a Landslide would run around 35k on my server atm :lol

Got the wind conclave last night, bringing us to 7/12 and tying us for first hordeside on our completely shitty backwater server. Al'akir doesn't seem like he's going to be all that bad, maybe one full raiding night but we'll probably get him.

Sad thing is, my slots are slowly filling with epics but I still have these green bracers and throwing star. The tanks in my guild are pretty much over heroics, and I'll be damned if I want to stick my nose in a pug and have to explain for the umpteenth gazillionth time exactly what kick and sap are and how they work.

Yeah I PUG'ed Stonecore yesterday. All was fine up to Ozruk. Then the Druid tank wiped us SEVEN (7) times because he was unable to comprehend on how to avoid GROUND SLAM. Yeah the one you can just sidestep the boss or hell even run through.

I tried to explain it soooo many times. I even DPS'ed in front of the boss one time when he was tanking and moved to show him how to avoid it .... but he just pathetically ran straight away or moved in some retarded circle and always got hit.

Sad thing is he was a capable tank with threat generation. Just utterly failed at boss mechanics.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
completely disagree with the last page or two on heroics... well, sort of.

Heroic pugs are STILL a pain in the ass, and I'm currently ilevel 347 with all 346 except for four 359 (should have 2 more pieces of 359 this week). Oh, except for my damn wand which despite countless DM, GB and BRC runs I can't get a wand to drop for the life of me. Problem with PUGs is all it takes is one bad/under-geared player to ruin it for everyone else. When I look over and see the boss heading straight towards me (mage) and I look at my party frames... yup, everyone else is dead.... damn it.

With guild runs though? Eh... heroics are fun. Well, they ARE fun, except that there's nothing fun/interesting about running them anymore aside from finishing off Ramkahen rep and getting my 70 VPs a day. But all in all these heroics are much more fun and interesting than any of the ones for lich king except for maybe like Oculus or Culling of Strat. and the two remade Heroics are awesome as well (though can't believe the crazy nerf to DM).

but with that being said, yes... cata heroics have essentially "broke" dungeon finder. well, random dungeon finder at least. and I don't know what the answer is... well... I DO know what the answer will be. We've already seen it with DM. After the top half of guilds see heroics turn into dailies and nothing more, the nerfs will ramp up making bad/under-geared pugs viable. then as gearing ramps up on those pugs, we'll probably be back to wrath style dailies with people getting booted on GS requirements, etc.

Back when I was on my other server and guild-less, this style of gameplay was crazy frustrating. Now that I'm back with my RL friends/guild (after a VERY expensive transfer) and we are on raids, I guess I really don't care. It will still be "/g anyone need their heroic still today?" and then raid at 8pm.

just finished conclave last night in 25-man. last weekend we basically had it in 10-man.. missed it by probably 5 seconds tops. Leaving anshel for last was the problem last weekend. This weekend we left Nezir for last and think we only had about 2-3 deaths total at the end. Currently have each of the omnitron council down to around 45-50%.

Macattk15 said:
Yeah I PUG'ed Stonecore yesterday. All was fine up to Ozruk. Then the Druid tank wiped us SEVEN (7) times because he was unable to comprehend on how to avoid GROUND SLAM. Yeah the one you can just sidestep the boss or hell even run through.

I tried to explain it soooo many times. I even DPS'ed in front of the boss one time when he was tanking and moved to show him how to avoid it .... but he just pathetically ran straight away or moved in some retarded circle and always got hit.

Sad thing is he was a capable tank with threat generation. Just utterly failed at boss mechanics.
stonecore is PUG hell. Unfortunately the PUG check isn't until the second boss as the worm is actually brutal in a pug because of mechanics. They should have put the dragon first. Fail on the dragon and just leave party because that's actually easy as hell. We had two DPS on the dragon complaining about lack of healing from the healer........ but yeah, the worm is actually a little difficult, Ozruk is a tank check (facing and ground slam) but also DPS need to dot themselves.. and the last chick you need to interrupt force grip or your tank will probably not last (or your healer able to keep up)

GB is also PUG hell IMHO. I think those are the only two heroics that I've NEVER once beaten in a PUG. Actually VP (which I've only done once on heroic in a guild group) and Tides (which I've only PUGed once in a baaaaaaaaaaadddd PUG). Otherwise every heroic I've PUGed at least once to success.

edit - last unrelated mention on heroics... we bugged out Millhouse in stonecore yesterday.. thank god it was right away in a guild group and we actually tried for 12+ minutes to unbug it so we didn't take the debuff for leaving group. On the second pull for Millhouse, he got stuck in a rock.. he didn't really evade (every great once in a while he would, but not usually) but at about 250K when he's supposed to run off, instead he just rapidly healed back up to full... I think the fastest we nuked him we got him down to about 180K (basically critted the hell out of him around 260K) and he still healed up. We left him and continued pulling. Problem? He never called the worm for that boss fight. So not only could we not fight the worm, but that pull, in case you've never looked at it, is truly truly vicious. We gave the pull one shot and cleared out about 1/3rd of it before wiping. Curious to hear what anyone else thinks of that pull if they ever land in a similar situation. Good thing when it's working, the worm comes out and kills everyone. heh :D


I'm still waiting to go on my first raid with the guild. We have 28 unique members, but we only run one 10-man group so if you aren't in the inner circle, you're not going. I joined this guild because some of my good friends were in it, but they are keeping me company on the bench.

The "A-Team" hasn't been making any progress. They have downed Argaloth and the first boss in BoT, but that's it. We keep hoping they will bring some of us in to give it a try, but they just call the raids.

We have a lot of raid experience between us so we have been trying to get a second group going. Unfortunately, the remaining 12 or so members are more interested in grinding alts (we have 28 accounts, but 160 characters). I don't want to quit because the guild is level 10 and the perks are sweet so I hope we can get the second group going.


theinfinityissue said:
Sad thing is, my slots are slowly filling with epics but I still have these green bracers and throwing star. The tanks in my guild are pretty much over heroics, and I'll be damned if I want to stick my nose in a pug and have to explain for the umpteenth gazillionth time exactly what kick and sap are and how they work.

Keep running heroic/normal HoO. 333/346 bracers and throwing weapon drop in there.
Bisnic said:
People are still using the mongoose enchant? That's like.. a 2 expansions old enchant.

Since the huge buff to agi, it works out as being better than berserking, the WotLK chant which has an attack power increasing proc. Of course, it still pales in comparison to the cata one Landslide, but it's what I'm stuck with for the moment.
DeathNote said:
Hurricane or Avalanche isn't that much is it?

No, nowhere near it. The thing that makes Landslide so expensive is the Maelstrom Crystals, which come from de'ing 359 items. The problem is, no one's really de'ing epics yet because there are maybe only 3 or 4 horde guilds on my realm that are clearing content successfully, and for the most part they're using their loot and selling the boe's for obscene amounts of money. As more guilds get into raids and the established ones start getting redundant equipment, crystals will get cheaper.

If I was any good at gold, I'd buy the things at 8k a pop (last check) but I had to farm dailies to get epic flying when I got my icc drake :lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
DeathNote said:
Hurricane or Avalanche isn't that much is it?
hurricane and power torrent are the only usefull cata chants for my mage sword.. power torrent isn't available on the AH yet (see Maelstrom Crystal reason above), and hurricane routinely goes for around 1200-1500. I paid about 1300 for my first hurricane, and my second one thankfully I wised up and used the handy professions drop down in the guild tab and got a guildie to do it for mats (think mats were still around 600-700)


I wonder what blizzard plans to do about all the high end guilds shunning melee for many of the fights? Stuff is a lot harder on melee this time around that's for sure, but I didn't come across any fights I couldn't handle. We didn't start hardmodes yet, so that's prob why I haven't seen their side of the story. Guess ill have to wait and see.


I though it'd cost less than that. Makes sense no to waste 1k on blue stepping stone gear until you absolutely need it in a raid.

J-Rzez said:
I wonder what blizzard plans to do about all the high end guilds shunning melee for many of the fights? Stuff is a lot harder on melee this time around that's for sure, but I didn't come across any fights I couldn't handle. We didn't start hardmodes yet, so that's prob why I haven't seen their side of the story. Guess ill have to wait and see.

Where can I see the damage charts group makeups?
Is anyone else a blacksmith? I'm a little annoyed about the itemization at 525. There is a PVP set leading up to it, around 500. Then at 525 and for HUGE amounts of costly materials you get two pieces each of an epic DPS, healerdin or tank set, an epic shield, all at ilevel 359... or rare ilevel 346 weapons.

I really want to make the polearm (Elementium Poleaxe) since I've always used polearms (Arms warrior for life), and it looks awesome. But not only are the stats not reeeeally what I would need, it also feels like a waste since the 359 stuff like the chestplate costs just as much to make.

Is there a reason for the weapons being much weaker comparatively, or is it something they will probably correct later on?


Really Really Exciting Member!
DeathNote said:
I though it'd cost less than that. Makes sense no to waste 1k on blue stepping stone gear until you absolutely need it in a raid.

That's why i love having an enchanting alt. Just send all the greens BOEs to him for dusts and essences, and keep all the shards from my 5 man runs on my 85s.

The only problem is i need to lvl him so he can quest in Twilight Highlands since the vendor for formulas is only available after a few quests. Thankfully my enchanting alt is lvl 80, and not 1. :lol


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
SiegfriedFM said:
Is anyone else a blacksmith? I'm a little annoyed about the itemization at 525. There is a PVP set leading up to it, around 500. Then at 525 and for HUGE amounts of costly materials you get two pieces each of an epic DPS, healerdin or tank set, an epic shield, all at ilevel 359... or rare ilevel 346 weapons.
welcome to most crafting purples. there are four tailor purples, a healer pair and a caster pair. each set takes 300 volatile elements, 50 chaos orbs, or a combination of the three. oh, and if you use no chaos orbs a minimum one week of cooldowns.

my honest guess is what we're seeing in crafting was basically just a placeholder for endgame craftables. you will probably see better itemization down the road in 4.1 and 4.2


charlequin said:
I really, really hate to be the kind of person who complains about hobby-specific jargon or newfangled slang words (I am a proud linguistic descriptivist) but so much MMO jargon really just nails on a chalkboard for me, and "toon" tops the list. I can at least put up with almost everything else but I won't even talk to someone if they say "toon." :lol

"Ding" tops my list. I've been playing Graphical MMO's since the start. EQ started the "DING" but damnit all, it was a "TWANG", not a "DING". That is what has bugged me the most since 1999. I'm a loon... I know.
Finally got my shaman into BC content. The 53-58 experience was horrible for me. I think part of the problem is that I went to Sithilus because of a board quest in Org and didn't know it hadn't been fixed at all.

But stepping foot into Hellfire has made the game fun again. I swear, I really am one of a small group that actually enjoys that zone. I love fighting demons and orcs. I don't mind flying back and forth.

My shaman is pretty fun too--but I worry about a lot of blank space in the priority rotation. Open with flameshock, stormstrike, lavalash, then just wait for a cooldown to refresh. Maybe Maelstrom weapon will change it up a lot, but luckily things still die by a bit after I do my second shock, so it's not a super long auto-attack fight.

Bummed that I don't get wolves until 69 though.
SnakeswithLasers said:
Finally got my shaman into BC content. The 53-58 experience was horrible for me. I think part of the problem is that I went to Sithilus because of a board quest in Org and didn't know it hadn't been fixed at all.

But stepping foot into Hellfire has made the game fun again. I swear, I really am one of a small group that actually enjoys that zone. I love fighting demons and orcs. I don't mind flying back and forth.

My shaman is pretty fun too--but I worry about a lot of blank space in the priority rotation. Open with flameshock, stormstrike, lavalash, then just wait for a cooldown to refresh. Maybe Maelstrom weapon will change it up a lot, but luckily things still die by a bit after I do my second shock, so it's not a super long auto-attack fight.

Bummed that I don't get wolves until 69 though.

Raiding as enhancement I generally don't have too much free space in my rotation, but there certainly is a little downtime. In wrath it was horrible as there was zero downtime, this is a big improvement. It gives me a chance to refresh searing totem


Prodigal Son
HildyB said:
"Ding" tops my list. I've been playing Graphical MMO's since the start. EQ started the "DING" but damnit all, it was a "TWANG", not a "DING". That is what has bugged me the most since 1999. I'm a loon... I know.
The City of Heroes ding will always hold a special place in my heart.

SnakeswithLasers said:
Finally got my shaman into BC content. The 53-58 experience was horrible for me. I think part of the problem is that I went to Sithilus because of a board quest in Org and didn't know it hadn't been fixed at all.

But stepping foot into Hellfire has made the game fun again. I swear, I really am one of a small group that actually enjoys that zone. I love fighting demons and orcs. I don't mind flying back and forth.

My shaman is pretty fun too--but I worry about a lot of blank space in the priority rotation. Open with flameshock, stormstrike, lavalash, then just wait for a cooldown to refresh. Maybe Maelstrom weapon will change it up a lot, but luckily things still die by a bit after I do my second shock, so it's not a super long auto-attack fight.

Bummed that I don't get wolves until 69 though.
I'm trudging through 50-60 right now, through Swamp of Sorrows and Blasted Land. BL has a lot of travel so far and less than 20 quests done.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
theinfinityissue said:
No, nowhere near it. The thing that makes Landslide so expensive is the Maelstrom Crystals, which come from de'ing 359 items. The problem is, no one's really de'ing epics yet because there are maybe only 3 or 4 horde guilds on my realm that are clearing content successfully, and for the most part they're using their loot and selling the boe's for obscene amounts of money. As more guilds get into raids and the established ones start getting redundant equipment, crystals will get cheaper.

If I was any good at gold, I'd buy the things at 8k a pop (last check) but I had to farm dailies to get epic flying when I got my icc drake :lol
Since it's gone on for a while and the profit margin is no longer as high, here's a secret revealed: The only real source of Maelstrom Crystals come from players with both Enchanting and Alchemy. They are making literally 5K+ a day from creating Lifebound Alchemist's Stones, D/Eing them and selling the difference between the mats.

theinfinityissue said:
No, nowhere near it. The thing that makes Landslide so expensive is the Maelstrom Crystals, which come from de'ing 359 items. The problem is, no one's really de'ing epics yet because there are maybe only 3 or 4 horde guilds on my realm that are clearing content successfully, and for the most part they're using their loot and selling the boe's for obscene amounts of money. As more guilds get into raids and the established ones start getting redundant equipment, crystals will get cheaper.

If I was any good at gold, I'd buy the things at 8k a pop (last check) but I had to farm dailies to get epic flying when I got my icc drake :lol

They won't become legitimately cheaper until Abyssal Maw is released, presumably with the old heroic model of having a Purple at the end. Unless they decide to get crazy and turn it into a crystal farm like ICC/ToC.
Angry Grimace said:
Since it's gone on for a while and the profit margin is no longer as high, here's a secret revealed: The only real source of Maelstrom Crystals come from players with both Enchanting and Alchemy. They are making literally 5K+ a day from creating Lifebound Alchemist's Stones, D/Eing them and selling the difference between the mats.

Ooh, that's brilliant. I wish I had alchemy and enchanting on the same character :lol


DeathNote said:
I though it'd cost less than that. Makes sense no to waste 1k on blue stepping stone gear until you absolutely need it in a raid.

Where can I see the damage charts group makeups?

all i do is sell the boe's i find, and grind an hour worth of skinning every two days, but i still get the best item-enhancements in all my slots, as long as they are 346 gear. only exception is my staff. the enchant on my server is like 12-15k, which is far away from 1-1.5k.

anyways my point is that 1k per slot for best in slot enchant isnt bad and should be doable by a casual.
Angry Grimace said:
Notice how in the picture that Paragon posted, they made it very obvious that they stacked at least 11 Druids in their world-first Heroic Nefarian kill. Wonder why?

I don't know how the Nef encounter works but I assume they did this for battle rezzes. Like that guild that ran warlock alts to Netherstorm to soulstone the whole raid for world first phoenix kill back in TBC.


SnakeswithLasers said:
My shaman is pretty fun too--but I worry about a lot of blank space in the priority rotation. Open with flameshock, stormstrike, lavalash, then just wait for a cooldown to refresh. Maybe Maelstrom weapon will change it up a lot, but luckily things still die by a bit after I do my second shock, so it's not a super long auto-attack fight.
Maelstrom weapon isn't going to change things very much for soloing.

You should always lava lash first, though. For soloing (and dungeons as well), go searing totem-lava lash-stormstrike-earth shock. The damage from searing totem is always going to outweigh flame shock's dot, and it boosts your lava lash, the biggest dps move for an enhancement shaman.


wonderdung said:
I don't know how the Nef encounter works but I assume they did this for battle rezzes. Like that guild that ran warlock alts to Netherstorm to soulstone the whole raid for world first phoenix kill back in TBC.

You can only battle rez once now during an encounter.

Does the new Nefarion still do class calls?
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