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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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AdventureRacing said:
So i just tried out my pvp gear with my enhance shaman (honor gear). I've only tried it on a few bosses in heroics and my DPS has jumped from around 14-15K to over 17K. The gear i was replacing with pvp gear was all heroic gear as well.

Kinda crazy how much of a DPS boost i got from just changing 4 pieces of gear (especially considering how good the gear was before). Not to mention they can get better with conquest.

Now all i have to do is get myself up to the hit/expertise cap. Slightly harder because of the pvp gear but still doable.

Are you kidding me? Can you post an armory link?
AdventureRacing said:
It wouldn't really help. The normal versions are just so much easier. Most of the things that make the heroic versions harder just aren't there in the normal version. That or they are toned down so much that people don't even notice them.

Just saying it would give people who don't understand "don't stand in bad shit" a chance to practice simple stuff like that.


Has anyone played WoW with a 360 controller? Thinking of putting the game on my HTPC so I can occasionally play it while my son plays with his toys nearby.
Neckbeard said:
Has anyone played WoW with a 360 controller? Thinking of putting the game on my HTPC so I can occasionally play it while my son plays with his toys nearby.

That's crazy talk. Go with a wireless keyboard/mouse if you can.
Neckbeard said:
I feel like I'd spend too much time be uncomfortable hunched over my coffee table...

Even simple stuff like gathering would be hard with a controller and having so little options to bind buttons would be hell.



funkmastergeneral said:
Are you kidding me? Can you post an armory link?

I would but i have no idea how to:lol . My characters name is Aliona and i play on Saurfang.

I'm going to try it on the test dummies today to see how much of a difference it makes before i say too much more.

cuevas said:
Just saying it would give people who don't understand "don't stand in bad shit" a chance to practice simple stuff like that.

Im not saying i completely disagree. I just think that sometimes the bad in normals isn't bad enough. A lot of it you can get away with just standing in it and still win so people just don't take notice.

So whilst it might help a bit, there would still be tons of people simply unaware of what they need to do/avoid.
AdventureRacing said:
Im not saying i completely disagree. I just think that sometimes the bad in normals isn't bad enough. A lot of it you can get away with just standing in it and still win so people just don't take notice.

So whilst it might help a bit, there would still be tons of people simply unaware of what they need to do/avoid.

I guess that's why I love being a healer, choosing not to heal someone and letting them die so they learn a lesson is sometimes necessary.


Neckbeard said:
I feel like I'd spend too much time be uncomfortable hunched over my coffee table...

Don't, lay the keyboard on your lap and mouse by your side also on the couch.

Playing WoW with a controller sounds like agony to me, personally. Slower paced MMO's, sure, maybe you could level with it, but oh gosh it'd be so bad to actually do anything real in the game with it. It's such a heavy ARPG nowadays for end game while still being built around very PCish controls.
AdventureRacing said:
I would but i have no idea how to:lol . My characters name is Aliona and i play on Saurfang.

I'm going to try it on the test dummies today to see how much of a difference it makes before i say too much more.

Im not saying i completely disagree. I just think that sometimes the bad in normals isn't bad enough. A lot of it you can get away with just standing in it and still win so people just don't take notice.

So whilst it might help a bit, there would still be tons of people simply unaware of what they need to do/avoid.

Oh yea, Rouncer, one of the top enhancement theorycrafters said 4 piece pvp gear was BiS until we got 2 pieces of tier 11 because of the ridiculous set bonuses. I just can't be assed to farm it.


charlequin said:
I don't either! To be clear: lots of people complain about both and call them "backwards," I disagree with them in both cases, but regardless of what either party thinks I am confident Blizzard will not remove those mechanics.
Oh, yeah, I know. I was just commenting on your comments, hah.
IIRC etiolate was proposing something like the active-debuff "CC" strategy from Guild Wars where you slow and disempower mobs by layering a variety of distinct debuffs on them, to which my response is mostly an earnest statement that Guild Wars (and its upcoming sequel) is an excellent game and I am pleased with its success but I am not particularly interested in seeing its gameplay design migrate back into WoW.
That doesn't really sound too different to me. Plus, as TheYanger said, there's a lot more to WoW's CC than just sheeping, sapping, and trapping.

If I had any complaints about WoW's dungeon/raiding mechanics, it's that there's WAY too much OH SHIT IT'S A CIRCLE GET OUUUUUUUUUUUT nonsense going on.


funkmastergeneral said:
Oh yea, Rouncer, one of the top enhancement theorycrafters said 4 piece pvp gear was BiS until we got 2 pieces of tier 11 because of the ridiculous set bonuses. I just can't be assed to farm it.

My testing between heroic gear and PvP gear actually wound up fairly par. Set bonuses are great for it but it's just such a huge pain in the ass to bring yourself back into caps in it and you gore everything else in the process. I roll in it for heroics though. Might be noticably better if you had quite a lot of well itemized epic off-pieces, but by then you'll probably be close to 2pc t11.
Twig said:
I had any complaints about WoW's dungeon/raiding mechanics, it's that there's WAY too much OH SHIT IT'S A CIRCLE GET OUUUUUUUUUUUT nonsense going on.

Theres only so much shit you can do, pretty much every fight is explained by "This phase he does [Boss Name]'s [Ability] with [Boss Name]'s [Ability] and then goes into the next phase and does [Boss Name]'s [Ability]". Some stuff gets recycled but I still enjoy learning fights and how they mesh stuff together.


Boss designs in Cata raiding are pretty great so far. Nice upgrade considering I spent most of early Wrath bitching about how hard they dumbed down Naxxramas, content I'd already done.


cuevas said:
Theres only so much shit you can do, pretty much every fight is explained by "This phase he does [Boss Name]'s [Ability] with [Boss Name]'s [Ability] and then goes into the next phase and does [Boss Name]'s [Ability]". Some stuff gets recycled but I still enjoy learning fights and how they mesh stuff together.
It's just a little repetitive. Almost every boss has a circle of doom! Sometimes there's a bit more to the circle than just GET OUT, but not often.

Blizzard is a huge company with tons of inspiration to draw from. I don't buy for a second that "there's only so much shit you can do". They could try something different if they so desired.


Alex said:
Don't, lay the keyboard on your lap and mouse by your side also on the couch.

Playing WoW with a controller sounds like agony to me, personally. Slower paced MMO's, sure, maybe you could level with it, but oh gosh it'd be so bad to actually do anything real in the game with it. It's such a heavy ARPG nowadays for end game while still being built around very PCish controls.

The only problem is that my son is obsessed with keyboards, or anything with lots of buttons. He'd be grabbing at the keyboard the entire time.

Oh well, guess I'll just have to spend my time parenting actually being a good parent :lol
Twig said:
It's just a little repetitive. Almost every boss has a circle of doom! Sometimes there's a bit more to the circle than just GET OUT, but not often.

Blizzard is a huge company with tons of inspiration to draw from. I don't buy for a second that "there's only so much shit you can do". They could try something different if they so desired.

They do innovative stuff with their boss fights but they save that stuff for later bosses because people will cry that it's too hard. Like you said, there are a lot of fights with bad circles but people still don't even get that. When I joined my first "hardcore" raiding guild they were pushing SSC/TK and there was stuff I had never seen before. There were things like binding looted stuff to macros so people know they have tainted cores during Vashj or running away from which boss and not be in range when he is ready to switch targets during Kael; that frankly most people would still mess up that shit.

Can you imagine mechanics like Gorefiend in 5 mans or first tier raids? The cries would be heard around the world.

No this game isn't very complicated but people seem to fuck up all the time on stuff similar to what I listed.


Water is not wet!
cuevas said:
They do innovative stuff with their boss fights but they save that stuff for later bosses because people will cry that it's too hard. Like you said, there are a lot of fights with bad circles but people still don't even get that. When I joined my first "hardcore" raiding guild they were pushing SSC/TK and there was stuff I had never seen before. There were things like binding looted stuff to macros so people know they have tainted cores during Vashj or running away from which boss and not be in range when he is ready to switch targets during Kael; that frankly most people would still mess up that shit.

Can you imagine mechanics like Gorefiend in 5 mans or first tier raids? The cries would be heard around the world.

No this game isn't very complicated but people seem to fuck up all the time on stuff similar to what I listed.
i think the largest issue with the boss mechanics is that there wasnt a way for people to practice doing that stuff as they leveled up. This has been remedied very, very slightly with some of the 80-85 stuff in Cata.. attacking on the move, staying out of circles, etc. Its nice to see the change but i dont think its near enough to prepare people who are fresh to the game.


cuevas said:
Like you said, there are a lot of fights with bad circles but people still don't even get that.
Haha, that is too true and a good point. Guess you can't make it too complicated.


I'm still surprised they threw up Omnitron as an intro boss. It's not crazy hard or anything, but it's as tough as anything in pre-nerf Ulduar 10 was back in the day. Cept maybe Mimiron.

That aside, they have a few mechanics they learn on a bit too much in spots, but this game has really, really good boss design, for the medium even, not even just for the genre. Especially when bosses in video games in general are going to shit, IMO.

Still hard to believe what we have now evolved from classic WoW and Molten Core's EQ-lite drugdery.
keeblerdrow said:
Same goes for people using the term "toon"

I really, really hate to be the kind of person who complains about hobby-specific jargon or newfangled slang words (I am a proud linguistic descriptivist) but so much MMO jargon really just nails on a chalkboard for me, and "toon" tops the list. I can at least put up with almost everything else but I won't even talk to someone if they say "toon." :lol

etiolate said:
Oh come on. WoW continually pulls from other games.

Sure, they do this all the time, but only at levels that don't involve changing the core of the gameplay. Even looking at how much WoW's core gameplay has changed since I was last playing (and given that the explicit design goal now is for every class in every spec to be as viable as possible to solo, PvP, and raid, that's quite a bit) many elements of it are fairly set in stone and won't ever change: all specs fall clearly into trinity-role buckets, utility is distributed evenly across classes, CC is an absolutist fire-and-forget mechanic, etc. WoW is never going to move to an active-CC paradigm or get rid of tanking or anything like that.
charlequin said:
I really, really hate to be the kind of person who complains about hobby-specific jargon or newfangled slang words (I am a proud linguistic descriptivist) but so much MMO jargon really just nails on a chalkboard for me, and "toon" tops the list. I can at least put up with almost everything else but I won't even talk to someone if they say "toon." :lol
PST plz. Afk from my computer. brb real quick.
Alex said:
Still hard to believe what we have now evolved from classic WoW and Molten Core's EQ-lite drugdery.
Getting rid of out of combat rezzers was the worst thing to happen to wow.
notworksafe said:
I never understood this term. What is its origin?

Short for "cartoon." :/

water_wendi said:
i think the largest issue with the boss mechanics is that there wasnt a way for people to practice doing that stuff as they leveled up. This has been remedied very, very slightly with some of the 80-85 stuff in Cata.. attacking on the move, staying out of circles, etc. Its nice to see the change but i dont think its near enough to prepare people who are fresh to the game.

Yeah, I agree with this. I think it'd be good to have a lot more incentive to run dungeons earlier in your career and to have some actual training-wheels dungeons (instead of RFC/Stockades where there aren't any mechanics at all) and/or to distribute a lot more of those Cata-zone mini-bosses into the old world to train people about standing in the fire, using CC, etc.

cuevas said:
PST plz. Afk from my computer. brb real quick.


I made my peace with "ATM machine" and its ilk long ago, but PST actually really bugs me too. Part of it is that it's more leftover slang from other games when you don't even type /tell in Warcraft, a huge part of it is that no one uses it grammatically ("PST me" NO NO A THOUSAND TIMES NO), and I guess the idea of baking "please" into a three letter acronym just strikes me as absolutely ludicrous.

On the other hand, I have no problem with "mats," shorthand like "LF2M," or "WTS"/"WTB" which all seem like nice reasonable abbreviations.


The main terms I dislike are just either purely stupid (such as toon) or completely archaic terms from the MUD days and the such. It's not a huge bother, it just comes across as goofy to me. That said I still often rattle them off just to relate :lol ... Except toon. :| No one should say that.


charlequin said:
I really, really hate to be the kind of person who complains about hobby-specific jargon or newfangled slang words (I am a proud linguistic descriptivist) but so much MMO jargon really just nails on a chalkboard for me, and "toon" tops the list. I can at least put up with almost everything else but I won't even talk to someone if they say "toon." :lol
I say "toon" just because I've been hearing it for so long. One of those things that's now normal to me. Like "lol", which I similarly hate. YOU ARE NOT LAUGHING OUT LOUD STOP SAYING IT oh i said it too fuck me.


My new least favorite word is "bads". WORST.

Although for ages I thought PST wasn't an abbreviate, but an, uh, I forgot the word. Thing, word to represent a sound. Eurgh, braindead.

But, like, "Pst, I'm over here!" Basically saying "whisper me!" using a whatever that word is I forgot.
charlequin said:
On the other hand, I have no problem with "mats," shorthand like "LF2M," or "WTS"/"WTB" which all seem like nice reasonable abbreviations.

Those are all fine. I got tears in my eyes when my raid leader said, "mm2 only guys", when people were talking in general during a raid.
Alex said:
I've never heard that, ever, how odd. Looking it up it's from CS, but at first I could only read it as Megaman 2. :lol
Yeah it's one of those that never really spread from CS. I like my dinks and frags too.


Those are all aright. I got tears in my eyes when my raid leader said, "mm2 only guys", when people were talking in general during a raid.

I've never heard that, ever, how odd. Looking it up it's from CS, but at first I could only read it as Megaman 2. :lol

Oh, for anyone who might care, someone said they changed all the Resto Shaman spell visuals on the PTR. It's all water magic now. Take THAT Warlocks whining for fel fire, you got beaten in a request by SHAMAN of all classes.
Twig said:
I say "toon" just because I've been hearing it for so long. One of those things that's now normal to me. Like "lol", which I similarly hate. YOU ARE NOT LAUGHING OUT LOUD STOP SAYING IT oh i said it too fuck me.


My new least favorite word is "bads". WORST.

Although for ages I thought PST wasn't an abbreviate, but an, uh, I forgot the word. Thing, word to represent a sound. Eurgh, braindead.

But, like, "Pst, I'm over here!" Basically saying "whisper me!" using a whatever that word is I forgot.

Alex said:
Oh, for anyone who might care, someone said they changed all the Resto Shaman spell visuals on the PTR. It's all water magic now.

ZOMG seriously? I might actually finish spending my talent points in my offspec now. :lol

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
as someone who played almost entirely solo and didn't run a single dungeon or have to grind at all on my ride up to level 58, I can't say Blizz really incentivized learning team-work in the current Old World.
Rez said:
as someone who played almost entirely solo and didn't run a single dungeon or have to grind at all on my ride up to level 58, I can't say Blizz really incentivized learning team-work in the current Old World.

Doing dungeons is fun and you get rare quality gear from them. There is the incentive.


Water is not wet!
funkmastergeneral said:
Doing dungeons is fun and you get rare quality gear from them. There is the incentive.
i understand what you are saying but leveling is so fast now the gear becomes worthless at a much quicker pace than it used to.


funkmastergeneral said:
Yeah, that's it, heh. Thanks.
water_wendi said:
i understand what you are saying but leveling is so fast now the gear becomes worthless at a much quicker pace than it used to.
Exactly. I always find it hilarious that people even bother buying (blue) gear on AH when you replace it so quickly these days. Buying green gear is good for enchanters, at least.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
funkmastergeneral said:
Doing dungeons is fun and you get rare quality gear from them. There is the incentive.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the rewards are relatively great. But as someone who only really survived on armour won from quests and did fairly well with them, I guess I just didn't see the point.

I suppose it would have made me more efficient.
Alex said:
Boss designs in Cata raiding are pretty great so far. Nice upgrade considering I spent most of early Wrath bitching about how hard they dumbed down Naxxramas, content I'd already done.

At the very least it's better than large stretches of T10 where they cobbled together much of the fights from a part bin of earlier ones with no attempt to do it elegantly. I could tell just by watching PTR run videos.

They do innovative stuff with their boss fights but they save that stuff for later bosses because people will cry that it's too hard. Like you said, there are a lot of fights with bad circles but people still don't even get that. When I joined my first "hardcore" raiding guild they were pushing SSC/TK and there was stuff I had never seen before. There were things like binding looted stuff to macros so people know they have tainted cores during Vashj or running away from which boss and not be in range when he is ready to switch targets during Kael; that frankly most people would still mess up that shit.

Can you imagine mechanics like Gorefiend in 5 mans or first tier raids? The cries would be heard around the world.

Every time I've ever heard the debate topic "Would X boss be tough if we had never fought them before?", there's always those that would SWEAR that eleventy-billion fires and spreadoutcollapseinspreadoutcollapsein bosses were tougher.

Seriously, there were some MAJOR curveballs in those fights in terms of mechanics back in the day. Mages tanking, bosses stealthing around, 3D space, melee DPS helping hold the boss in melee range of the tank, bringing the boss to be debuffed at a location, etc. Ossirian-Razorgore-Jin'do-Vaelastrasz gauntlet was especially wild with new mechanics. Loved it. RoS too.

I often wonder if the lack of emphasis on these after T8 is the lack of creativity like it is said, or if it's sacrificed to both a lower bottom floor of understandable concepts required, and a less practice and teamwork oriented playstyle that promotes fast firsts for the best that held until 4.0.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
charlequin said:
I really, really hate to be the kind of person who complains about hobby-specific jargon or newfangled slang words (I am a proud linguistic descriptivist) but so much MMO jargon really just nails on a chalkboard for me, and "toon" tops the list. I can at least put up with almost everything else but I won't even talk to someone if they say "toon." :lol
This is my problem with the term "Wrath baby." It just grates at me in so many ways.

SatelliteOfLove said:
At the very least it's better than large stretches of T10 where they cobbled together much of the fights from a part bin of earlier ones with no attempt to do it elegantly. I could tell just by watching PTR run videos.

Every time I've ever heard the debate topic "Would X boss be tough if we had never fought them before?", there's always those that would SWEAR that eleventy-billion fires and spreadoutcollapseinspreadoutcollapsein bosses were tougher.

Seriously, there were some MAJOR curveballs in those fights in terms of mechanics back in the day. Mages tanking, bosses stealthing around, 3D space, melee DPS helping hold the boss in melee range of the tank, bringing the boss to be debuffed at a location, etc. Ossirian-Razorgore-Jin'do-Vaelastrasz gauntlet was especially wild with new mechanics. Loved it. RoS too.

I often wonder if the lack of emphasis on these after T8 is the lack of creativity like it is said, or if it's sacrificed to both a lower bottom floor of understandable concepts required, and a less practice and teamwork oriented playstyle that promotes fast firsts for the best that held until 4.0.
The problem with this line of reasoning is that none of the top-end guilds are saying this. All of those guilds were around in vanilla and all of them were unanimous in saying the hard-mode encounters like Yogg-0 are legitimately the hardest fights that WoW has ever had, barring non-completable fights like the first incarnation of C'thun.


guys i have a question for you.
i know you need to have all the other expansions to experience full cataclysm, but what about the races?

if i just have base game and cataclysm can i at least play as the two new races (even without having access to the others cataclysm contents)


I don't think you can add Cataclysm without adding Wrath of the Lich King without adding The Burning Crusade. ):


I'm only doing 9-10k dps with my full honor pvp gear as an unholy DK. Normal range or am I doing something wrong? I'm following that Elitist Jerks guide for priority moves and gylphs.


hamchan said:
I'm only doing 9-10k dps with my full honor pvp gear as an unholy DK. Normal range or am I doing something wrong? I'm following that Elitist Jerks guide for priority moves and gylphs.
This is why your damage is low. You aren't hit capped I'm sure and you're gimping your damage significantly in pvp gear. Also, you must be doing something wrong, cuz even in pvp gear i see unholy dks doing like 15k. I'm assuming you mean dps in raids btw.


charlequin said:
I made my peace with "ATM machine" and its ilk long ago, but PST actually really bugs me too. Part of it is that it's more leftover slang from other games when you don't even type /tell in Warcraft.
I use /tell :(

Of course I also type /camp to logout, so I may be a minority.
funkmastergeneral said:
Oh yea, Rouncer, one of the top enhancement theorycrafters said 4 piece pvp gear was BiS until we got 2 pieces of tier 11 because of the ridiculous set bonuses. I just can't be assed to farm it.

I did some testing today on the dummy. I got around 12.5-13K in my PvE gear and around 13.5-14K with my 4 piece honor gear. This was unbuffed without using heroism.

It's a difficult comparison because with my PvE gear i am hitcapped but im well short with my pvp gear (not to mention my chest has a 40 res gem). I think i could get even higher DPS by reaching the hit cap. Gonna try that out in the next few days and hopefully soon i can test it in raids.

hamchan said:
I'm only doing 9-10k dps with my full honor pvp gear as an unholy DK. Normal range or am I doing something wrong? I'm following that Elitist Jerks guide for priority moves and gylphs.

Do you mean full pvp gear as in every slot including rings etc? You are only supposed to use the 5 piece set (and you only need 4 pieces).

Even then something seems a little off because most DK's i've seen easily do more than that even when all of their gear is pvp.


AdventureRacing said:
I did some testing today on the dummy. I got around 12.5-13K in my PvE gear and around 13.5-14K with my 4 piece honor gear. This was unbuffed without using heroism.

It's a difficult comparison because with my PvE gear i am hitcapped but im well short with my pvp gear (not to mention my chest has a 40 res gem). I think i could get even higher DPS by reaching the hit cap. Gonna try that out in the next few days and hopefully soon i can test it in raids.

Do you mean full pvp gear as in every slot including rings etc? You are only supposed to use the 5 piece set (and you only need 4 pieces).

Even then something seems a little off because most DK's i've seen easily do more than that even when all of their gear is pvp.
So, what's the deal. Is it acceptable to do heroics in the 5 piece, or raids? I've been leveling an alt with a friend and doing TB on my DK and just got the 5th piece and the rep sword.
DeathNote said:
So, what's the deal. Is it acceptable to do heroics in the 5 piece, or raids? I've been leveling an alt with a friend and doing TB on my DK and just got the 5th piece and the rep sword.

There isn't much point using the 5th piece as all you're going for is the 4 set bonus. I can't speak much for DK's as i don't play one but certainly for enhance shamans it is more than acceptable.

Looking around at some of the 4 piece bonuses i think most classes would do pretty well with them. The only issue is whether or not you can reach the hit cap as most pvp gear doesn't have much hit or expertise.

I would definitely suggest trying it for yourself but im pretty sure the pvp gear will do quite well.

The only problem is if you do choose to go with the 4 piece pvp set it might be a little annoying to change as you're gearing up. Removing one piece of the set will see a dramatic drop in DPS and you will find youself having to change a lot of things around as you get rid of them.

Basically it will be really hard to change one piece of the set without getting rid of them all. Luckily for me i already have heroic replacements for each slot so it won't matter.


Yeah I was using the full pvp gear. Guess I'll change to the 5 piece set and see what happens.

Anyways thanks guys, I'll go examine the way I'm playing. Maybe I'm following the rotation wrong or something.


i'll start to play this week w/ my friends... what do you guys suggest to use as a tank?

or paladin?

if the paladin is better there's really such a difference?
i'd prefer to have a warrior cause i'd like to be a worgen.
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