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World of Warcraft |OT3|


I got fucked twice in the same LFR last week. I was on my resto sham, the healer shield drops, some noob holy pally wins it (shadow priest was doing more healing than him). Then on Spine of Deathwing, the 390 Mail Belt with Intel/Spirit drops twice, 2 elemental shaman wins them.

As a somewhat noob player myself, I have to ask:

What's up with this attitude? Doesn't a Holy Pali need a healer shield, too? Isn't that why we roll for things? Maybe he was doing less healing because his gear needs upped.

This is the type of attitude that I dislike about the game so far. Otherwise I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.

I really don't mean to pick on you or call you out, your message just hit home with me a bit.

If a shadow priest was outhealing him, it wasn't a change in gear that was needed. There are minimum limits to gear in LFR. There's a distinct sense of "wasting" gear on people who don't know how to play their class that irks people who put the effort in to learn how to play effectively. I don't entirely agree with the sentiment, but I can sympathize with it. Especially if you're the effective player and you don't ever see the loot you need but you continually see people that suck badly vacuuming it all up. Some people see others as needing an upgrade in knowledge before they get an upgrade in gear, which isn't that hard; there are thousands of resources out there to help you learn how to play your class with a modicum of proficiency.

edit: oh yeah, weird thing happened. Two weeks ago my rogue's 10 man downed Deathwing and during the last couple attempts and especially during the kill attempt my heart was racing. I found the entire experience thrilling, in a low key WoW way. My discipline priest's 10 man got their kill this past week and I felt nothing. I was bored every attempt and was barely staying awake even on the kill. Do you think I may just be finding healing incredibly boring or is it a matter of a been there done that phenomenon? My argument against the latter is that I've been killing this dude in LFR up to 7 times a week, so I've seen the fight a lot for the most part.
As a somewhat noob player myself, I have to ask:

What's up with this attitude? Doesn't a Holy Pali need a healer shield, too? Isn't that why we roll for things? Maybe he was doing less healing because his gear needs upped.

This is the type of attitude that I dislike about the game so far. Otherwise I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.

I really don't mean to pick on you or call you out, your message just hit home with me a bit.


There's a minimum threshold for gear to get access to the raid finder. If someone is performing significantly below what should be acceptable for that gear level, and wins a piece of gear, people can understandably be upset (to varying degrees) if they performed better.

Now you can argue that the unskilled player needs the gear more as a crutch to improve performance than the skilled player, but it's very possible that a skilled player with optimal play will get much more performance out of the gear than the unskilled player would.

It's also the dynamic of "carrying" and being indignant over loot distribution. Why should the player who isn't doing their job well, or outright failing be rewarded while the successful player gets shafted? The issue is magnified when the stakes are fairly high with 1-week lockouts. It's not an insignificant amount of time. Especially when dealing with completely random, faceless people.

Basically - you play this game long enough and it's hard not to feel that way, at least at times. Everyone gets screwed at one point or another in this game, and people get bitter about it. Not much to do about it.

If a shadow priest was outhealing him, it wasn't a change in gear that was needed. There are minimum limits to gear in LFR. There's a distinct sense of "wasting" gear on people who don't know how to play their class that irks people who put the effort in to learn how to play effectively. I don't entirely agree with the sentiment, but I can sympathize with it. Especially if you're the effective player and you don't ever see the loot you need but you continually see people that suck badly vacuuming it all up. Some people see others as needing an upgrade in knowledge before they get an upgrade in gear, which isn't that hard; there are thousands of resources out there to help you learn how to play your class with a modicum of proficiency.

You beat me to it while I was typing my post up. Possibly a bit more concise and to the point as well, but we have the same sentiment.
I think that sums it up pretty well. Raids don't win themselves. Basically if everyone else played as bad as them than no one would be getting the gear. They are essentially being carried by people who actually want to put in the effort.

People queue up for raids, heroics and whatever else and just expect there to be people there to carry them through. No effort is putting into gearing up or learning their class.

I don't expect everyone to be on the same level but of course it's going to be frustrating when the players not even trying win the gear. Especially when they will never be able to use it for anything but LFR.

It gets a little frustrating topping the DPS each week in LFR and constantly losing gear to DPS who stuggle to crack 10K DPS (this week we had 2 pull 5K DPS on a fight).


Thanks for the good explanations, guys. I can understand your points.

Also a question:

Got a Duratar Scorpion from a Satchel. Is this a high price item that I should sell? If so how much (obviously depends on server, I know)?


Oh yeah, weird thing happened. Two weeks ago my rogue's 10 man downed Deathwing and during the last couple attempts and especially during the kill attempt my heart was racing. I found the entire experience thrilling, in a low key WoW way. My discipline priest's 10 man got their kill this past week and I felt nothing. I was bored every attempt and was barely staying awake even on the kill. Do you think I may just be finding healing incredibly boring or is it a matter of a been there done that phenomenon? My argument against the latter is that I've been killing this dude in LFR up to 7 times a week, so I've seen the fight a lot for the most part.

Probably a little bit of both. I don't think the fight is especially exciting as a healer. Boring patch healing followed by short bursts of heavy aoe healing. As DPS, you spend a lot more of the fight in crisis mode. It's a fitting fight to end Catacylsm, where DPS competence throughout the entire expansion has really been what will make or break you for the majority of fights.

A better question would be whether you also found spine boring to heal. On LFR it's terribly boring for healers, but it's pretty crazy on normal (and I assume heroic).
Thanks for the good explanations, guys. I can understand your points.

Also a question:

Got a Duratar Scorpion from a Satchel. Is this a high price item that I should sell? If so how much (obviously depends on server, I know)?

Normally would be obtained via the Argent Tournament. It's worth a few thousand gold at most. A little more if you sell it (or are on) the Alliance side, as normally it's only initially obtainable by Horde. Alliance would have to buy it off an AH, or get it in a bag like that.


Guys, I am locked out of my battle.net account after trying two times than hitting password reset.

Do I have to call them? If so whats the number? (I can't do anything support wise online due to this it looks like)

Also how can I download the game and get it patched? I live in TW, have a NA account (moved to TW 6 months ago).


Normally would be obtained via the Argent Tournament. It's worth a few thousand gold at most. A little more if you sell it (or are on) the Alliance side, as normally it's only initially obtainable by Horde. Alliance would have to buy it off an AH, or get it in a bag like that.


Worth selling on Neutral AH or just sell it on my Horde AH?


Eh? On battle.net, go to your account page, and on the right there's a "Download Game Clients" in the menu. That's what I'm using to download the game right now.

Locked out, even though I was able to change my password. Its why I am asking. I have to call support but they only open like til 8 PM. I moved to TW so hard to really keep track of PST.


Modesty becomes a woman
Does anyone know what the name of these shoulders are?


They look like the Tier 4 Shoulders, but they aren't. I distinctly remember them being in game although it was a long time ago, during BC.


New book incoming.


What does it take to turn the peacekeeper into a warmonger? Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War gives World of Warcraft fans the opportunity to see what happens when a beloved peacekeeper is pressed to the limit by an inconceivable horror. Will it change her forever? Break her? Or redefine her role on Azeroth? Do different times call for different ethical standards?

Jaina Proudmoore

Garrosh Hellscream

Jaina goes badass.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Hmm, i bet Jaina will witness the destruction and murders of the humans of Theramore. And orcs wont be nice with them(especially if they kill innocents or childrens).

I'm glad if it changes her into an orc hater like king Varian. She's been such a boring character with all the whining and crying and "please lets leave each other alone". Put a real Alliance vs Horde war back with no hippy in the middle. Even when she's dead and a ghost in End Times, she is still as annoying as ever.


Wowwwwww, looks like my guild is tossing in the towel. Thats strange to say since I only reacted for 3 months recently, and I havent raided since IC because I no longer have the time.... But it just seems that I wasnt the only one who burned out/couldnt make raiding work alongside advancements in my career.

They got Deathwing some time back I guess, and they are leaving the guild in tact, but officially the guild is done raiding. With no plans for the upcoming expansion at all, and a mass exodus of primary players leaving the game. I suppose it is about that time, 7 years old, the game has had its run, but man its a really tightly knit guild, really sorry to see it go.

And holy hannah at the absolute lack of interest in the MoPandora expansion. Noone in our guild cares even a little about the upcoming expansion. Zero hype or desire to run that treadmill of levels, factions and raids again.


Wowwwwww, looks like my guild is tossing in the towel. Thats strange to say since I only reacted for 3 months recently, and I havent raided since IC because I no longer have the time.... But it just seems that I wasnt the only one who burned out/couldnt make raiding work alongside advancements in my career.

They got Deathwing some time back I guess, and they are leaving the guild in tact, but officially the guild is done raiding. With no plans for the upcoming expansion at all, and a mass exodus of primary players leaving the game. I suppose it is about that time, 7 years old, the game has had its run, but man its a really tightly knit guild, really sorry to see it go.

And holy hannah at the absolute lack of interest in the MoPandora expansion. Noone in our guild cares even a little about the upcoming expansion. Zero hype or desire to run that treadmill of levels, factions and raids again.

Yeah, it is looking likely that my guild will also be throwing in the towel as well next expansion, actually we already sort of started on that path at the tail end of WotLK. We've gone from having multiple 25 man raid teams and clearing raids pre-nerf in Vanilla/TBC/Early WotLK to downsizing to a single 25man and being world ~500 in ICC to having attendance problems now. We haven't fully cleared a raid since ICC, and with the amount of interest there is in the guild right now, we might not even be able to close this expansion out in 25man. Most people are not interested at all in MoP, I know that I most likely will not be back even if the expansion turns out to be amazing. It's not just our guild either, my entire server has basically collapsed since about half-way through ICC. We had queues to log in back in BC and at times in Wrath, nowadays we're listed as a Medium pop server and I wouldn't be surprised if it dips down to Low pop from time to time.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person looking forward to MoP, Cataclysm was terrible and I just want to move on already.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person looking forward to MoP, Cataclysm was terrible and I just want to move on already.

I think most people agree with you that Cata was terrible, but they're looking to just finish out the xpac and quit instead of start the cycle again with the next xpac.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person looking forward to MoP, Cataclysm was terrible and I just want to move on already.
Well. A new class will be great.

I'm HOPING pvp will be great.

I don't think raiding will be any better.

They really can't do much with questing as questing has become a chore. No gimmick, nothing can make me enjoy questing after 6 85's. So, even tho a new continent will be great... :|


Really Really Exciting Member!
Is there any good warrior addon to watch stuff as colossus smash on your target? I got an addon that help with my mage spells like ignite and living blast, but its a mage only addon and would like something similar for warriors, or maybe just all classes.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person looking forward to MoP, Cataclysm was terrible and I just want to move on already.

Well i don't know about you but cataclysm being terrible doesn't exactly make me excited for the future. In PvP they keep saying wait for mop but i'm just not buying it, why should anyone believe that they will actually fix things? On top of that why should we have to wait for how ever many months before they try and balance things. We're paying now and just telling broken classes "wait for mop" is a joke.


I want to fiddle with Pandaria but I want a Monk, which would require me to do all of 1-85 and honestly... there's no way in hell I'm leveling in this game ever again unless they put in some actual co-op/grouping mechanics and content.

For as much as they love to revisit content and add difficulty modes, why it hasn't occurred with leveling yet boggles me.


Eh, Blizzard hasn't really even started the hype train for Pandaria yet.

I dont know man, Ive been around since the beginning, this feels different. Some serious drain going on, I feel like, no hype, or even impending hype about this expansion. I figured it was maybe just me.


Unconfirmed Member
I want to fiddle with Pandaria but I want a Monk, which would require me to do all of 1-85 and honestly... there's no way in hell I'm leveling in this game ever again unless they put in some actual co-op/grouping mechanics and content.

For as much as they love to revisit content and add difficulty modes, why it hasn't occurred with leveling yet boggles me.

What about those Scenarios they talked about? It's supposed to replace group quests but it remains to be seen how things actually pan out.
Care to elaborate what exactly you'd be hoping for?


It says I am not eligible!? what I had this account for years! Do I need to resub than apply?

You can resub for a month and decide. If you decide to do it in 10 days, you have 20 days that count toward the year.

Well, I'm not sure how long they will offer it. I guess before Diablo 3 is a safe bet unless they said otherwise.

Various methods count toward the 1 year requirement. Monthly credit payments, game cards, getting free months from recruit a friend or scroll of res.


Okay, the hackers only got most of my gold. Items on my characters still intact. They did this when I had the sub deactivated for years - they used the 7 free days.

Now I am guildless, horde. Don't know if I should stay on the servers or xfer. Maybe to a GAF server.

Also the thing says I am still not eligible - I am gonna wait and see.
So I write Blizzard a ticket about getting my items back. They restore like, 10 things...

So I write a plea back asking if I could just have my Lightforge set, because it means more to me than anything else in this game.

They gave me a full account restoration of all my items across all characters! Woo!




What about those Scenarios they talked about? It's supposed to replace group quests but it remains to be seen how things actually pan out.
Care to elaborate what exactly you'd be hoping for?

Something to give the game some bite prior to end game and something that removes the feel that the game is actively working against me every step when I try to level in a group.

As for what I'd want as an ideal... full blown Heroic Leveling! A modified, harder leveling campaign for groups and veterans that also mods the difficulty on dungeons for use outside of LFD. Offer some good rewards for use of it and get people back into some server communities!

But realistically, just being able to occasionally die and do some elite quests would be lovely. Hopefully there's a lot of those scenarios and that they're fun stuff for a lil' leveling group. Will wait and see, solo leveling as the be all end all really needs to go in WoW, it's probably the roughest in the genre in that regard.


Is there any good warrior addon to watch stuff as colossus smash on your target? I got an addon that help with my mage spells like ignite and living blast, but its a mage only addon and would like something similar for warriors, or maybe just all classes.

I've been using NeedToKnow for my Hunter. It needs some configuring, but it can track any buff/debuff on you or your target (and focus etc.) as long as you know the name.
Something to give the game some bite prior to end game and something that removes the feel that the game is actively working against me every step when I try to level in a group.

As for what I'd want as an ideal... full blown Heroic Leveling! A modified, harder leveling campaign for groups and veterans that also mods the difficulty on dungeons for use outside of LFD. Offer some good rewards for use of it and get people back into some server communities!

But realistically, just being able to occasionally die and do some elite quests would be lovely. Hopefully there's a lot of those scenarios and that they're fun stuff for a lil' leveling group. Will wait and see, solo leveling as the be all end all really needs to go in WoW, it's probably the roughest in the genre in that regard.

The most annoying change blizzard has ever made to leveling is making it so you can't buy items above your level with honor. So now when you level through pvp every 10 levels you have to fly out to arathi and warsong to buy your gear (and later alterac as well). On top of that when you reach higher levels you max out at 4000 honour really fast.

Some of us liked to use leveling BG's as a way to get some gear when we hit max level so we wouldn't have to drag our feet like most fresh max levels. Blizzard has essentially made it so no matter what when you hit max level your character will be absolute garbage and the only way to get gear is to do BG's or whatever. When in their you just drag everyone down and often cop a lot of abuse.

Kinda frustrating and really serves no purpose.


Well I can't get deal cause my account was hacked.

But it was hacked during:

1) There was no sub

2) I didn't have a computer

3) I literally moved to a new country the day before

Oh well, guess they don't want my money.


Well I can't get deal cause my account was hacked.

But it was hacked during:

1) There was no sub

2) I didn't have a computer

3) I literally moved to a new country the day before

Oh well, guess they don't want my money.

Mail 'em and tell 'em, I've got a lot of issues with WoW nowadays but none of it will ever come from their customer service, it's about the best there is in my experience.
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