If you need guild rep, might as well do molten front. Unless you want the TB mounts.
Could anyone toss me a scroll of resurrection? Would love to try out LFR.
They disabled it.
Why? Confirmed=http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/scroll-of-resurrection-faq
People getting free months with their annual pass? lol. I did.
Or maybe bringing people back form SWTOR in a few months.
Blizzard really needs to release some info now.
It's a new year for christ sake.
Heroic Ultrax is really kind of pathetic on 10 man... maybe it was a higher dps check like the first week or something.
I barely understand what most people in here post about. Yay noob!
Anyways, I'm having a blast playing all the quest stuff. I'm still fairly low lvl though (sub-30 as of right now). I'm having fun with my Worgen hunter.
Apparently I entered a 5-man dungeon (without any warning). I thought it was just a regular quest. Suffice it to say I died constantly to a single enemy. Also trying to take on an elite (different quest) when I'm only lvl 26 is a bad idea. Stupid Shady Nook bear. I really should read the quest stuff from the NPCs more.
Overall I'm enjoying it. Joined a guild too, although we're all low level right now and all in different locations. We've helped each other quite a bit so far with info and whatnot. I can see why there are so many stereotypes for this addicting game now.
Welcome to WoW!
Wish a was a n00b. Good times.
Welcome to WoW!
Wish a was a n00b. Good times.
We all wish we were wow noobs again. The first months of a MMO are always the best with so many huge and unknown worlds.
Hah. I'd much rather know what I'm doing right now. I'm basically just playing it like a typical RPG.
What am I doing wrong?
My Character: Corgi the Worgen Hunter
Just keep leveling and getting more equipment that does + Agility and Stamina right? I'm not sure what is the best way to proceed. Any help would be appreciated![]()
We all wish we were wow noobs again. The first months of a MMO are always the best with so many huge and unknown worlds.
I barely understand what most people in here post about. Yay noob!
Anyways, I'm having a blast playing all the quest stuff. I'm still fairly low lvl though (sub-30 as of right now). I'm having fun with my Worgen hunter.
Apparently I entered a 5-man dungeon (without any warning). I thought it was just a regular quest. Suffice it to say I died constantly to a single enemy. Also trying to take on an elite (different quest) when I'm only lvl 26 is a bad idea. Stupid Shady Nook bear. I really should read the quest stuff from the NPCs more.
Overall I'm enjoying it. Joined a guild too, although we're all low level right now and all in different locations. We've helped each other quite a bit so far with info and whatnot. I can see why there are so many stereotypes for this addicting game now.
Hah. I'd much rather know what I'm doing right now. I'm basically just playing it like a typical RPG.
What am I doing wrong?
My Character: Corgi the Worgen Hunter
Just keep leveling and getting more equipment that does + Agility and Stamina right? I'm not sure what is the best way to proceed. Any help would be appreciated![]()
I look at your top hat and conclude that you're playing the game the right way.
Stats don't really even matter til like level 50. I'm pretty sure one of my lowbies is still running around wearing no pants at level 35.
I look at your top hat and conclude that you're playing the game the right way.
Stats don't really even matter til like level 50. I'm pretty sure one of my lowbies is still running around wearing no pants at level 35.
So I logged in today, noticed someone in trade selling game time.. I asked him how much, 10k per month.... needless to say, I signed up for the annual subscription, and dont have to pay a dime to play diablo 3 or world of warcraft until january 2013. Looks like my gold making skills have finally paid off. Hell yeah.
So I logged in today, noticed someone in trade selling game time.. I asked him how much, 10k per month.... needless to say, I signed up for the annual subscription, and dont have to pay a dime to play diablo 3 or world of warcraft until january 2013. Looks like my gold making skills have finally paid off. Hell yeah.
Are you saying you bought a years worth from him? Sorry, I guarantee you they were paid fraudulently and will be removed from your account within 24 hours. I'm not joking at all. Very common scam.
Meh, I've been buying game time on tich and darkspear for over a year with gold now. Only scammed 1 time and the dumbass gm actually refunded my gold lol.
It's not impossible to find a legit person, as there is obvious interest with those pets, but there have been a lot of threads about this scam, with responses from blues, and with no refunds. Their official policy is "too bad".
Random trade chat person spamming doesn't bode well. A legit person wouldn't want to risk their account since its against the TOS.
...EDIT: well it looks like they took it off already.
I'm glad the Raid Finder isnt going to be touched by the "aspect buff" they're going to do soon. It's already easy enough as it is...even if wipes still happen sometimes.
The only spot i have seen wipes happen is on the ship. Some of the fights i wonder if it's even possible to wipe unless the group just does something monumentally stupid. I've seen some terrible DPS/healers/tanks in LFR and we seem to do the fights easy anyway.
Actually the funny thing is besides the ship the spot i have seen the most wipes on is the coloured blob mobs (tanks seems to like pulling as many as possible whether the healers can handle it or not).
I've seens wipes on Ultraxion, the ship, Madness of Deathwing and once on the trash before Ultraxion because no one brought the dragons to ground and the purple flames were all over the place.
All the bosses of Siege of Wyrmrest Temple and Spine of Deathwing(where even if the retard DPS destroy 2 corruptions is not an issue) are ridiculously easy, i wish they would make it more difficult just so it wouldnt be so fucking boring.
But the best wipe was in Morchok...where 3 of the 6 healers were in DPS spec, from the same server, and they all pulled the adds outside the main path that you shouldn't even be able to accidently aggro since they're so far away.
Where are you guys reading this information on the upcoming expansion and stuff? Like aspect buff whats that?
I don't really know why people are complaining about the 'Aspect Buffs', if you don't like it then don't use it, simple as that, same goes for ICC, people were complaining.
And yet, people won't turn it off.
It's hilarious that guilds want a challenge, but a lot of them won't be able to do the boss for a long ass time.
I'll use the example of my last guild. My GM ranted and raved on her blog about the FL nerfs and how she might be done with the game if Blizzard keeps doing this. I told her, that no matter what we were a H 6/7 guild, whether the nerfs were there or not, that's as far as we'd get. So instead of taking 12 weeks to get there, it took us 8 or something. This is the same thing. Guilds aren't going to magically go from 7/8 Regular to 8/8 Heroic. Guilds that are at the point where they can feasibly kill Deathwing are still going to kill him. Guilds that are going to falter and not get passed Spine are still going to get stuck at Spine. It's like H LK, even with the 30% buff my prior guild was still an 11/12 guild it wasn't feasible that we'd ever kill LK.
Is people in LFR gear supposed to mean something? They could wipe in the troll dungeons if they are bad.People are still failing at LK, at 85, with the buff and with LFR gear. Sigh.
We started a Heroic LK 25 man pug run, for transmog / title and when we got to LK everything fell apart.
We explained tacts.
4 minutes in = wipe
We all yelled; Don't stand in the black stuff and yet people stood in it.
What people needs to understand is that LK on 85 is still freaking tough and it's more about brain that DPS, but since it was a PUG I didn't expect miracles.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/guide/There really needs to be an updated OP. The acronyms in here remind me of being back in the military. =/
Wow you're a great help!Note: That was internet sarcasm.