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World of Warcraft |OT3|


I can't get the D3 deal since I'm new :-( They should really take it off of the front page though since the date for the signup expired so long ago.

Just started playing a Worgen hunter. It's not too bad so far. I really want to play with other people, but I'm so early in the game and just doing quest stuff.


I can't get the D3 deal since I'm new :-( They should really take it off of the front page though since the date for the signup expired so long ago.

Just started playing a Worgen hunter. It's not too bad so far. I really want to play with other people, but I'm so early in the game and just doing quest stuff.

Oh I guess it is expired lol.

What timezone do you live in?


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person looking forward to MoP, Cataclysm was terrible and I just want to move on already.

well isn't part ofthe reason that Cataclysm was so terrible was because Blizzard quit on every facet so early.

Tol Barad was bad in beta with problems and never fixed or addressed.

5 man reactive fixing that made them blah

other problems...

I was at Blizzcon and Chris Metzen when asked about the goblin lore situation sat there and admitted he hadn't thought about the Goblins lore in 6 months time that told me roughly since Cata was released. At that point it told me Blizzard didn't care.

Kinda the same reason I don't understand why the entire expansion with the 2 major patches we did not get a new update to the rebuilding processes to the major cities that were trampled by a here again and not here again big dragon.

You would think with Firelands or at the very least Dragon Soul patch they would have updated the rebuilding of the cities to show progress or a different stage in rebuilding process.


I was at Blizzcon and Chris Metzen when asked about the goblin lore situation sat there and admitted he hadn't thought about the Goblins lore in 6 months time that told me roughly since Cata was released. At that point it told me Blizzard didn't care.

Metzen has totally lost it and Blizzard hasn't flexed any world-building muscle in years. Pandaria may wind up solid in that regard though if the Pandaren are kept in check and don't weigh the whole thing down.

I'm interested in the continent and if they can live up to their promises of more down to Earth writing and no big, bad, boogie man then it should at least be a step up.

Anyhow, yeah, it's a shame, anything local or interesting like classes, races, more relatable characters is totally shoved aside for cringe-inducing, forcibly "epic" nonsense. It's like they write for marketing nowadays than actual products.

Tol Barad was bad in beta with problems and never fixed or addressed.

5 man reactive fixing that made them blah

Tol Barad sucked, but IMO so did Wintergrasp. The execution and reality of it all just isn't that interesting and it doesn't work (though I'd rather they ditched modern AV and that shitty Isle BG and put Tol and WG in as BGs), I hope they take a different path with their PvP development.

One of my big worries going forward is we'll never see a scrap of engaging 5-man stuff again. Not after they ran their mouth off at Cata launch then silently backpedaled into the dumbest content yet.
I don't mind challenge or good design in 5 mans. I just don't want heroics to take over an hour to finish. That's one of the things they backpedaled on that I was glad they did.
The last AV we were in we forced a turtle and it was so much fun. There were small skirmishes all over the map for towers, GY's and to kill galv and belinda. Not to mention fighting over the mines.

It was such a fun battle even though it went for 40 minutes. Kinda reminded me of the old days.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I don't mind challenge or good design in 5 mans. I just don't want heroics to take over an hour to finish. That's one of the things they backpedaled on that I was glad they did.

Yeah the length of the new heroics is just about right, its just that difficulty isnt there unless you have 2 or 3 shitty members. Like my last party where i got controlled by Azshara's hand who wasted my Counterspell... i told my party that she did and that someone else had to interrupt, and not a single one went to interrupt her big bad spell and we ended up wiping.



Tol Barad sucked, but IMO so did Wintergrasp.

TB sucks on a whole different level. Its horrible. It was possible to have some fun in WG from time to time.

It was possible.

Tol Barad is absolute shit. I swear they did not even try, they slapped that shit together and shipped it. Ive had better PvP on the fucking Isle of Quel'Danas back in BC while trying to get my freaking dailies done.
I don't know what i want from heroics. I like a challenge but at the same time it just becomes so frustrating with random groups.

I'm more annoyed by the raid content than heroics though. DS basically just feels like a glorified heroic for the most part. It's just one straight line from boss to boss.

It just feels kinda dull to me. My friends and i have been running old content like black temple (just the 3 of us). I haven't experienced this content before and despite it being a walkover i enjoy these old raids more than the new ones. They just seem so much more interesting.

Mind you i'm not actually talking about the encounters either. Just the design and feel of the raid itself.


So I played first time last night. Just LFG as a tank. Did pretty well. I got a PM from a GM about my ticket I submitted on the webpage. Got everything sorted.

Okay, I been out of the loop. Still figuring really how to do a tanking rotation with my pally.

But has anything changed like stat wise/gear wise for a prot pally? And feral druid?
TB sucks on a whole different level. Its horrible. It was possible to have some fun in WG from time to time.

It was possible.

Tol Barad is absolute shit. I swear they did not even try, they slapped that shit together and shipped it. Ive had better PvP on the fucking Isle of Quel'Danas back in BC while trying to get my freaking dailies done.

I would say that even Strand of the Ancients is better than Tol Barad, and Strand is awful.

The auto-turrets are and extraneous towers are just stupid.


Lost all credibility.
Finally did that new well of eternity 5 man.

What the hell happened to Tyrande's voice? Why does she sound like a troll now?
From the old community site lore pages:
Certainly many trolls do believe that the humanoids who developed into the night elf race were trolls. The theory does have some credibility, for there is at least a superficial physical resemblance between trolls and night elves.
I assumed Tyrande's voice was additional seeding to the theory of NE's descending from Trolls.


semen stains the mountaintops
Nah, the actress just forgot how she did the voice before. A bunch of people were complaining about how it sounded so weird and Blizzard told everyone that it was the same actress that did the voice in Warcraft 3 so shit be cool. Shit was not cool, though, since everyone told the Blue that it sounded completely different than how she did in Warcraft 3.


I remember really being sad about Sylvanas' voice when it changed. Now I'm sorta used to it and I'm okay with it ;p

I'm so glad Alexstraza's voice is changed though, it was terriibbleee before.


One of my big worries going forward is we'll never see a scrap of engaging 5-man stuff again. Not after they ran their mouth off at Cata launch then silently backpedaled into the dumbest content yet.

I got the worst news for you then. A different panel that had Corey Stockton sitting in and a second person whom I do not know the name of but seen there at blizzcon for two consective years, and I cannot describe him politely but a short heavy set sweaty balding very short black haired man with glasses.

In anycase this second person said after a question, that Pandaria 5 mans will be 30 minute jobs of quickness. With end of WotLK switness in completion. Where everyone outgeared them at the end of the expansion. He talked about the casual player who logs on for 1 hour a night and wants a sense of doing something with that time and being able to complete two.

With him saying that i lost all interest. I am of the mind where I want Vanilla style Sunken Temple. I cannot raid all the time so I at least want to be challenged and have to put time in to earn something. I do not find enjoyment of running 3 heroics swiftly, whereas completing one heroic where I felt I earned it is more sustaining to me.

I actually liked Wintergrasp early on I was awe inspired. however they quit on Wintergrasp as well which makes me sad.


I don't mind challenge or good design in 5 mans. I just don't want heroics to take over an hour to finish. That's one of the things they backpedaled on that I was glad they did.

I do agree though that some of those instances were too long for the LFD, like that fucking Uldum one, Grim Batol, etc, but I'd rather they made 15 bite sized dungeons with good challenge that you can't blow through until they're long obsolete than the 4.3 ones which are just really, really bad, IMO.

I really dislike mindless content, so I struggle a lot with all of the things I do like about WoW but the fact that the game isn't really engaging to me anymore unless I'm in a high end raid, which I am quite lapsed on.

It's an older game so they gotta do what they gotta do as a business but I sure hope Titan doesnt follow some of this stuff without any options.


LFD was really the big reason that the launch Cata heroics didn't work. Tough, longer dungeons are okay as long as you are doing them with either a) people you know or b) people that you realistically will see again. If you're grouping with people you know, everyone is going to be more forgiving of the mistakes everyone else makes. If you will realistically will group with those people again, mistakes that are made are unlikely to be repeated.

Instead of learning and overcoming a dungeon and then having an easier time with it the next time you ran it, you struggled through a dungeon and then the next run was with another new group of players liable to make the same mistakes. It was a revolving door of failure.

It's a shame that they didn't work out, but I'm glad I was around to experience them with my guild when they were new. I had a lot of fun. I really, really hope that the 'challenge mode' dungeons in MoP are not just easy dungeons with speedruns.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Nah, the actress just forgot how she did the voice before. A bunch of people were complaining about how it sounded so weird and Blizzard told everyone that it was the same actress that did the voice in Warcraft 3 so shit be cool. Shit was not cool, though, since everyone told the Blue that it sounded completely different than how she did in Warcraft 3.

Can you really blame Blizzard and the actress? I mean, it's been nearly 10 years since she did Tyrande's voice in Warcraft 3, and if its not her natural voice, well its obviously not gonna be perfect.


My heart started to beat like crazy when NPC scan went off for Aeonaxx in Deepholm, only to find a stupid Druid on him.

I cried.



I laughed at Tyrande's voice in WoE, it seemed so much worse than I remember but then I went back and checked her old one and... it sucked to begin with. She sounded more like a weird Troll than a Nelf then too, it is very forced.

I really don't care for Warcraft lore anymore, myself, so I wish you could just skip all the dialogue and scripted bits in future dungeons. Gets really frustrating after you've seen it before, would be lovely if they just put it into cutscenes you could space/escape out of after seeing it once or twice.
I laughed at Tyrande's voice in WoE, it seemed so much worse than I remember but then I went back and checked her old one and... it sucked to begin with. She sounded more like a Troll than a Nelf then, too, it's just that forced "zomg epic and ancient elf" accent.

I really don't care for Warcraft lore anymore, myself, so I sort of wish you could just skip every talking part in future dungeons. Gets really frustrating after you've seen it before, just standing around with no option to skip while they prattle on in their faked accents about dragons and gods for everything.

For me the lore has just got too out there and crazy. I guess i'm more a fan of the simple horde vs alliance stuff.


For me the lore has just got too out there and crazy. I guess i'm more a fan of the simple horde vs alliance stuff.

Yeah, it's been pretty sky-high, crayola fantasy lately. It's lacking in the good character stories and at least relatively down to Earth war-themes of prior iterations. Just tryin' to out-do itself too much, I suppose, not like it's a rare occurrence for games and movies.

They want to return to character building and return to Horde vs. Alliance in MoP, they say a *lot* of things though :lol So much backpedaling over the years. Some of the best bits of Cataclysm were like the Ashenvale campaigns and stuff though, with the Horde fucking with the Night Elves and vice versa, so we'll see. Hopefully not so much in the way of an Old God who is really a Dragon who is really a Titan.

It would be neat to see less super natural bits for big plot points. Like Varian losing it over the course of the expansion and turning a splinter of the Alliance against everyone, razing some outposts or a city maybe along the way and that winds up as the last big wave of the expansion. And hey, maybe not axe him off, maybe keep him on, keep developing him as a much needed meaningful NPC faction, game really needs some more interesting fodder enemies too.

They already do some of this stuff, but it's mild and always left in the background to stew. Like everything with Sylvannas and what happened to Cairne at the start of the expansion, etc.
I thought they said cataclysm was going to have a bigger focus on horde vs alliance as well? I really hope they do and that it translates well into pvp.

Also i kinda miss the big world events. Like having some giant nearly invincible enemy appearing somewhere and stomping the shit out of everyone. Or stuff like the zombie event.

The recent ones they have had seem lame by comparison.


I'm prepared to switch server or faction come the new expansion. I don't want to try to kill an outdoor boss with my guild and be camped by 18 of the other faction guilds, as the server is heavily unbalanced.

I'm sure that's sometihng they have not taken into account when making outdoor bosses.


I want an authenticator... But I don't want to pay the $6.50 for the key chain and I don't have a phone on which to use the app. What do?

I think you can just emulate an android on your pc and get one. I mean, they don't even require you to enter it in much anymore (website every time, in game only like once a month or if you swap pcs)


I want an authenticator... But I don't want to pay the $6.50 for the key chain and I don't have a phone on which to use the app. What do?

Do you have an android tablet? Also there is an option to call a toll free number

I think you can just emulate an android on your pc and get one. I mean, they don't even require you to enter it in much anymore (website every time, in game only like once a month or if you swap pcs)

If you want to have to enter it every time, go set it that way. You can either have it ask once a week or every time.
I think you can just emulate an android on your pc and get one. I mean, they don't even require you to enter it in much anymore (website every time, in game only like once a month or if you swap pcs)

Emulated Android would definitely be less secure than having it on a completely separate device though.

Speaking of which, it may be possible to do the same thing if you're on a Mac with the iPhone/iPad emulator included with Xcode. Never thought about it before.

Could also get an iPod Touch, even an older used one, with which to run it. Though that would run you more than $6.50. If you already had one though and didn't realize...

There's also the dial-in authentication method which uses just any regular phone. It didn't get much publicity. Probably less convenient than the app or keychain though.


Wow, I can't believe people still fail on LK.

I was in a pug group of 24 people that couldn't kill him normal mode. Mind you somebody turned off the buff half way through the run but still... the fail is strong with some..

disengaging back to safety just when the valkyrie drops you off the side feels awesome, but I really shouldn't have to do that lmao.


My argument against the latter is that I've been killing this dude in LFR up to 7 times a week, so I've seen the fight a lot for the most part.

i haven't geared myself up yet to do the lfr, so i have no experience there... but, curious, why do you run it that much? can you get loot each time or what?


Really Really Exciting Member!
i haven't geared myself up yet to do the lfr, so i have no experience there... but, curious, why do you run it that much? can you get loot each time or what?

He probably have 7 alts geared enough to queue for it as you cant roll more than once for boss loot.
I was in a pug group of 24 people that couldn't kill him normal mode. Mind you somebody turned off the buff half way through the run but still... the fail is strong with some..

disengaging back to safety just when the valkyrie drops you off the side feels awesome, but I really shouldn't have to do that lmao.

It's still a difficult fight mechanically. You can't just overpower everything, though there are some things you can ignore now.

I think the last time I tried it was 25-man Heroic, and we were getting fucked at the Valkyrs/Defile. Before that was relatively easy.


So I can't really tell what I been questing on my main (just resubb'd) but I think it was dailies in TWH.

Where can I quest or do or is it just H dungeon after dungeon?


So I can't really tell what I been questing on my main (just resubb'd) but I think it was dailies in TWH.

Where can I quest or do or is it just H dungeon after dungeon?

If you go to the area in your home city that has portals to the Cata zones there'll be a quest giver there that has something for you - taking you to Hyjal and then on to MF. You don't really need much/anything from there though as you progress through the heroics and with VP/JP you'll gear up naturally.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Molten Front is only worth it if you want the item that transform you into a fire druid or the flame hippogryph mount. So yeah... don't bother if all you want is gear.
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