Does general gear appearance really change up tactics?
Well other than knowing if your enemy is geared or not...although now i just look at their hp.
Does general gear appearance really change up tactics?
Does general gear appearance really change up tactics?
Anyone playing SWTOR and WoW?
Everytime I log on WoW I just can't get motivated to do anything because of time investment of both.
I'm leveling my first character in SWTOR so that's obviously the issue.yes
All I do in wow right now is raid
All I do in swtor right now is pvp dailies + raid
Can't motivate myself to level an alt in either game right now
I think probably the main difference is it lets you know how much PvE gear they are wearing. I know there are ways of finding that out anyway but it was nice to know immediately.
I don't really mind at all it's not a big deal, i was just surprised that it happened.
Anyone playing SWTOR and WoW?
Beta please.I'm playing both right now. At this point, I just log into WoW twice a week to raid. I'm not playing a ton of SWTOR either, since the game works really well as a co-op experience and I'm playing in a dedicated duo.
I hope we get some serious MoP information soon.
I played SWoTR for a week and cancelled my sub.
Beta please.
it's all that I want! : (
As hyped as I am I'm still unsure about leveling something I can't keep. :|
But does knowing that change your tactics? Why wouldn't you just assume you have to play at a high level at all times to win your match? It sounds like this is more of an issue of 'oh hey, we can slack off because they guys aren't geared', not a fundamental change in your tactics.
Maybe instead of posting about it you should log in to and cancel your subscription.
Because right now certain classes in PvE gear can blow you up if you aren't careful. So if you see someone wearing that type of gear you need to get on him asap. Now you pretty much can't tell until you have actually attacked each person.
If i see the opposition players and we notice one is wearing PvE gear we will immediatly change tactics. That is no longer possible.
It's not a big deal and we don't really take arena seriously at all (we run enhance/arms lol). I was just surprised blizzard made the change.
It doesn't bother me as it means i still get to wear my cool gear it's just something i've thought about.
After my 5th run of MGT this week I got the Hawkstrider. Best looking mount in the game as far as I'm concerned. Can't complain about my luck anymore!
Anyone playing SWTOR and WoW?
Everytime I log on WoW I just can't get motivated to do anything because of time investment of both.
Wish I could transfer mounts to different characters. Have an old ZG raptor, TLPD, and Attumens mount rotting on a character I don't play.
I doubt it.So my sub and my friend's sub that I did RaF just endedLost track of time and didn't realize it was going to end during the afternoon (thought it was going to be late in the evening). Anyway, what sucks is that I forgot to get my friend to grant some levels to my character, and we aren't going to be playing again until the summer. Is there anyway we could still get those granted levels when we start playing again in May?
You've found that in arenas players in PVE gear can blow you up...? If you're doing arenas, aren't you stacking resilience.. shouldn't you be in ~4.5k-6k resil armor? That pretty much makes player in PVE gear completely and utterly inadequate
I have 4.6K and my partner has 4.7K resilience. We have still been blown up within seconds by certain teams.
If you honestly believe that resil makes PvE gear worthless in arena than i don't know what to tell you. That has never been the case and it certainly isn't now.
Edit: I'm not necessarily talking about players in full PvE gear either.
I doubt it.
"The link between the veteran and recruit account will last for 90 days"
"Note: In-game benefits will only be available while an account link is active."
Nope. You have 90 days from the beginning of the RAF period to grant the levels.
Well it's obvious that people can do more damage and heal better in PVE gear.
But I don't see it being effective because all their eggs are going into the start of the fight. They are surely going to face a lot of teams that correctly overcome their initial burst damage and proceed to beat on them. Not having 40%+ damage reduction is bad.
You can't class change.
Out of the three to start trying out PvP and you have them at 85 with PvE gear which would you choose? I can link my armory if needed.
Out of the three to start trying out PvP and you have them at 85 with PvE gear which would you choose? I can link my armory if needed.
Whatever you have fun playing.
If feral, isn't the PvP gear supposed to be the best starting PvE gear as well? Might be a decent crossover to start with.
depends what kind of pvp, if you just want to have fun playing around in battlegrounds, then you should probably go for the hunter, they've always been "op" in large-scale unorganized pvp. op in quotes because you'll die as soon as someone comes into melee range or tunnels you, but in the average bg it takes long enough before someone does that that you'll probably have gotten some kills in.
Now spec wise I don't know how I will do PvP wise, especially on the hunter.
Hunter's really only have a cookie cutter spec for PvP. You can change around a point or two, but the build that everyone uses is what's best.
Some people will say Glyph of Raptor Strike is better than Concussive Shot, however, concussive shot is miles overall in usefulness. With how many rogue teams there are now a days, kiting rogues during sprint is overall easy. Although, raptor strike glyph can come in handy if your healer isn't well skilled, mainly because you'll gain the damage reduction. If you're fine with kiting skill wise, and have a decent healer, take the concussive shot glyph.
Its been a while since I've used a Marks PvP build but last time I checked, nobody, nobody at all used Careful aim.
Hm? Farming season 11 honor gear can take a few days or a week depending upon things. What BG weekend it is, how many times you win, how much time you play.I have 1520 JPS on Hunter so I can pump and get some of that season 10/11 items. But why are they so cheap? What am I missing?
Hm? Farming season 11 honor gear can take a few days or a week depending upon things. What BG weekend it is, how many times you win, how much time you play.
Then you spend months getting conquest gear because there is a weekly cap on how much currency you can get.
Same with PVE. Spend a few days or a week farming JP and heroic dungeon gear. Spend months getting raid and valor gear because of currency caps and raid lockouts.
You're not looking at all the gear then.I ask cause the gear I see is like 1650 Honor Points.
You're not looking at all the gear then.
2h weapons cost 3,400.
1h weapons cost... I forget.
Shields and off hands cost 950.
Head, legs, and chest cost 2,200 each.
Trinkets, waist, feet, shoulders, and hands cost 1,650.
Wrist, rings, cloak, and necks cost 1,250.
Relics cost 700.
Shoulder and Head enchants cost like 1,000-2,000.
I think things could cost as high as 50,000 honor more or less years ago or something, but that was because of inflation. The honor cap these days is 4,000 until you buy something.yea one was hand piece. I remember in the past things costing more.