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World of Warcraft |OT3|


Hey guys new to the WoW forum and pretty new to gaf :) I got a few questions and if anyone can answer them it'd be much appreciated.
1. I haven't read through all the forum so pardon my ignorance but is there a gaf guild in the EU servers?
2.If so which server?
3. Can I join :)

Thanks in advance

1. no
2. see above
3. :(


Leveling from 1-85 on multiple characters has a ton of mindless killing.

Going back to farm stuff is mindless killing.
I enjoy levelling new characters probably more than anything else in the game if I'm honest. It's almost certainly the reason I play in fits the way that I do, because sooner or later I'll get bored of levelling (if I'm levelling a new spec it feels fresh for longer) and then stop playing for months or anything up to a year - then I come back again, start over on a new realm and it all feels fresh again. I enjoy the dungeons, particularly on the odd occasion that I get a group who are happy to have a bit of banter - the cross realm LFD has pretty much ruined the social aspect of levelling in that sense. :(

I'm at odds with most people on this I'm sure, but for me the game loses its appeal almost as soon as I hit 85.


I enjoy levelling new characters probably more than anything else in the game if I'm honest. It's almost certainly the reason I play in fits the way that I do, because sooner or later I'll get bored of levelling (if I'm levelling a new spec it feels fresh for longer) and then stop playing for months or anything up to a year - then I come back again, start over on a new realm and it all feels fresh again. I enjoy the dungeons, particularly on the odd occasion that I get a group who are happy to have a bit of banter - the cross realm LFD has pretty much ruined the social aspect of levelling in that sense. :(

I'm at odds with most people on this I'm sure, but for me the game loses its appeal almost as soon as I hit 85.

The leveling part is always (by far) my favourite part of any MMO ever.


Count me in the club of leveling junkie. I have 2 85 paladins on the same server because I felt dual spec was cheating. :(.


I have 5 85's, one 80, two 60's, and two 40's I believe to tackle every class.

I was wanting to get them all to 85 and do some PVPing and LFRing with 4.3 then tackle a monk. but I started working 3rd shift for a while.

Now I'm on SWTOR.

I have the annual pass tho.

Count me in the club of leveling junkie. I have 2 85 paladins on the same server because I felt dual spec was cheating. :(.

Hope you have all the other classes cause you couldn't force me to do 80-85 as the same class.


Hope you have all the other classes cause you couldn't force me to do 80-85 as the same class.

Here's a breakdown of classes at 80 or above:
80: Paladin, Hunter, Druid, Warrior, Shaman, Mage, Priest
85: Paladin (2), Warlock, Death Knight, Rogue, Druid

And a large amount of characters that are all 60+. Currently leveling a mage to 85. Saving a couple for MoP. The only class I haven't raided on is priest as I've never had one at max level.


Count me in the club of leveling junkie. I have 2 85 paladins on the same server because I felt dual spec was cheating. :(.
I don't feel it's cheating, but as I like to learn the spec as I level I often find myself levelling two of the same class. Starting a Shaman at the moment which I'm going to try to dual spec Resto at 30, however I suspect it'll ultimately end up as Resto only.

EDIT: With that in mind, I really wish they'd expand the slots you have on a server.


I don't feel it's cheating, but as I like to learn the spec as I level I often find myself levelling two of the same class. Starting a Shaman at the moment which I'm going to try to dual spec Resto at 30, however I suspect it'll ultimately end up as Resto only.

EDIT: With that in mind, I really wish they'd expand the slots you have on a server.

I take it to the extreme, if I quit playing a class for over 2 months, I'll relevel it instead of relearn it. Have to make the most out of buying a year of WoW.
I hate jumping onto one of my characters i haven't used for a while. With my shaman and druid it doesn't matter as i can just pick it up easily after a lot of experience. With any of my other characters i just can't do that. Same thing when i try to respec.

Most of the time i find it easier and probably quicker to just start a new character and learn as i level. The only annoying thing is trying to raise new professions each time so a lot of the time i don't bother (or just raise mining/herbs for some extra money/exp).


More than a few days without playing a character and I start to forget stuff. I'm "done" with my Hunter at the moment so I haven't touched it since the end of last week - I'll fire it up again tonight to cap the valour and I'll start doing all sorts of daft shit. :(

Once I get my currently levelling project to 85 I'll probably never touch the Hunter again. It's a permanent cycle!


No One Remembers
No BlizzCon this year :(

Blizzard Entertainment is proud to announce the 2012 Battle.net World Championship, a major global eSports event featuring some of the best pro-gaming competition in the world. Slated to take place in Asia toward the end of 2012, the Battle.net World Championship will host this year’s StarCraft II and World of Warcraft Arena World Championship tournaments. Blizzard gamers and eSports fans from around the world will be invited to attend and witness some of the most skilled pro players on the planet battle it out for cash and glory.

We’re excited to be showcasing Blizzard eSports on a truly global stage this year. We're also heavily focused on getting Diablo III, Mists of Pandaria, and Heart of the Swarm into players’ hands as soon as possible. In light of our jam-packed schedule, we’ve decided to hold the next BlizzCon in 2013.

More details about the 2012 Battle.net World Championship and BlizzCon 2013, including specific dates and locations, will be coming in the months ahead.


No BlizzCon this year :(


I was just talking to my buddy yesterday about wishing Blizzcon was sooner... Guess I jinxed myself haha. Oh well that just means 2013 will be even more of an awesome convention and pretty much confirms they will announced Titan that year.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
No BlizzCon this year :(

It sounds a lot like they don't have anything to show you, i.e. DIII will be out by then, Mists will be so close to release or they plan to already have out that it would be fruitless to show it there and HotS isn't enough to hold the convention.
It sounds a lot like they don't have anything to show you, i.e. DIII will be out by then, Mists will be so close to release or they plan to already have out that it would be fruitless to show it there and HotS isn't enough to hold the convention.

I remember when they said each of the SCII expansions would be out within 18 months of the previous one. We'll be at 2 years this summer and I don't think it'll make even that.


No One Remembers
It sounds a lot like they don't have anything to show you, i.e. DIII will be out by then, Mists will be so close to release or they plan to already have out that it would be fruitless to show it there and HotS isn't enough to hold the convention.

Yeah, I totally understand why. It's just my usual vacation for the year so that kinda sucks.


It sounds a lot like they don't have anything to show you, i.e. DIII will be out by then, Mists will be so close to release or they plan to already have out that it would be fruitless to show it there and HotS isn't enough to hold the convention.
If MOP isn't...

Take a look at their 2010 event:
Major Annocuement: Diablo III Demon Hunter class, Diablo III Arena PVP
Playable games: Cataclysm, StarCraft II, Diablo III

If MOP isn't released yet... it's no different. Two unreleased titles.

I think celebrating blizzard outweighs that "major announcement".


remember me
Blizzcon 2010 was terrible. If 2012 was going to be the same with no real announcement I'm glad they're not doing it this year.


I'm definitely a leveling person as well seeing as my goal is to get every class to 85 before MoP, and I already have four classes there. I do it mainly to see the different class mechanics though, so I have no interest in re-leveling the same class. I also like having some experience at each group roll. I geared up my Hunter for DPS, gearing up my Paladin for tanking, and will probably gear up my Priest for healing.

And if there is no Blizzcon, we're definitely getting MoP before fall.


Oh yeah I also level either archaeology or fishing to max on every character I play. I'm a masochist.

Holy shit! D:

I've levelled both to max on my hunter, but I doubt I'll do it outside of the dailies (same for cooking) on any of the others. I'll also be doing archaeology on my druid, because he's an alchemist.


No One Remembers
2008 was just as bad.. it was 1 month before Wrath was coming out. One of the big announcements was the announcement of the Wizard class in D3, the other being that SC2 was going to be a trilogy and not a single game.


remember me
Maybe for the people who sit at home..

I wouldn't know. I've gone to the last 3 blizzcons in person.

Hanging out with my online friends and guildmates was cool and fun and made it worth going. I also got to meet Metzen and Ghostcrawler and crashed a Blizzard employee party and overall had a blast. But the con itself was boring. I'm mainly a WoW player and there was nothing for me there. Wrath in the pre-expansion doldrums, so nobody was playing. It was pretty hilarious how everyone I talked to mentioned how they'd quit wow until the expansion. ICC was almost year old and Ruby Sanctum wasn't enough to keep people interested. There'd already been tons of previews of Cata and they weren't saying anything new. The expansion was a month and a half away, there was already tons of beta info out. 2009 and 2011 were both way better because more people were still actively playing WoW and they announced new expansions.
2008 was just as bad.. it was 1 month before Wrath was coming out. One of the big announcements was the announcement of the Wizard class in D3, the other being that SC2 was going to be a trilogy and not a single game.
Wasn't BlizzCon 2008 the first time they had a public demo of Diablo 3? There's something at least.

I've only been to two BlizzCons which were 2005 and 2007. Had fun both times but I'm glad they're skipping this year. Hopefully we get some Titan info in 2013.


I was there. it sucked. Obviously I still had FUN, it's not possible to go and not have fun, but it had nothing to do with the actual convention - it was just because I was partying with friends.
You can party with friends any day of the week. You cannot party with friends surrounded by blizz fans and activities.

I wholeheartedly believe that the con is cancelled due to this being a HUGE year for them release wise they're really in crunch mode to get the games out. Similarly to how employees at DICE were working crazy overtime the months that were leading up to the BF3 release.

Hey, if blizzcon being cancelled means D3 and MOP get released or simply on time... I'll be more than thrilled:)


No One Remembers
Wasn't BlizzCon 2008 the first time they had a public demo of Diablo 3? There's something at least.

I've only been to two BlizzCons which were 2005 and 2007. Had fun both times but I'm glad they're skipping this year. Hopefully we get some Titan info in 2013.

I've never played a Diablo game, don't really plan on it either! :O


Rested XP + Stacked heirlooms + Guild leveling perk + LFD chain dungeon runs = my leveling dream come true, especially to get through the old-hat 60-80 zones. I'm bouncing back and forth between a bunch of alts and loving it.

I love dungeon runs for leveling; it's fast, you get new gear, you don't feel it go by, you can get a bevy of quests done at the same time if it's your first time in a dungeon on that character for even more XP, and for me, the group dynamic (which is the main reason I play the game after all) is always active. Questing just gets so boring unless they're really fresh new ideas or new areas like my first time through a zone. I never seem to tire of dungeon runs though unless I happen to get the same dungeon in a queue twice or three times in a row.

I appreciate how the social aspect of party building and server reputation have all gone down the shitter due to cross-realm queueing, but it's been a fair trade off to get groups going as fast as possible. And at the end of the day, Blizzard's succeeding with players like me; I wouldn't still be subbing and playing if they didn't expedite leveling like this, even if parts of the social experience have been gutted. I'm of the opinion that I experienced them over the last 5 years and I don't mind that some of them are gone now. I still have my guild, and with my goal just being to develop and cap new characters, the game's working for me at this point.

Anyway, really love trying out new characters and specs. The mage is 84 now, and man, is Fire ever the most fun I've ever had DPSing in this game. So great!

And yeah, this has all made leveling much more than it's ever been imo, but I'm definitely still in the camp that feels and believes that the game really begins at level cap. I can't wait to get a character to cap and start getting involved in tougher 5mans and raids.

Pandaria's challenge modes, timed runs, etc. and more end-game content are a dream come true for a WoW nut like me, haha.

One of these days I'll level/develop a melee/tanking character. So far it's just been ranged/healing I've clicked with.


One of these days I'll level/develop a melee/tanking character. So far it's just been ranged/healing I've clicked with.

Being a tank is a weird dungeon experience. I've been playing the crap out of my hunter, but I recently got a Paladin to 85 and started gearing him. You're basically the defacto leader of the group and make all the calls, and everyone I've played with so far expects that and finds it strange I ask the group for input on shit like doing a full Halls of Origination run.

Just don't be scared of having that responsibility, because it just boils down to knowing how to AoE tank and plowing forward. It isn't hard in the slightest and I don't understand why people are so afraid to make tanks. I was originally going to queue dual spec with my Paladin and do tank/heals, but I almost always instant queue as a tank so I just replaced the heal spec with a DPS soloing spec to ease up Xmog farming.


You can party with friends any day of the week. You cannot party with friends surrounded by blizz fans and activities.


Have YOU been to blizzcon? Cause they haven't yet announced something that you couldn't play at one. (Maybe the first one with murky, I missed that).


Have YOU been to blizzcon? Cause they haven't yet announced something that you couldn't play at one. (Maybe the first one with murky, I missed that).

Blizzcon 2005 had the Burning Crusade announcement and it was definitely playable. The even itself was MUCH smaller though compared to what we have now.


Have YOU been to blizzcon? Cause they haven't yet announced something that you couldn't play at one. (Maybe the first one with murky, I missed that).
I obivously mean owning the game with it's announced features. If you got to level a monk and raid/pvp with it and the new talent systems for hours, lol, ok. And it's also pretty lame to spend a lot of your time tunnel visioned on a game.

You don't need major announcements to celebrate blizzard and you can't celebrate to that scale.

And I've been to a real convention, Dragon*Con. Less about annoucements and demos. More about everything else.

"Blizzcon... when we have something new." is a piss poor model.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Blue said:
I realize this thread has been around for a while but the topic is still relevant. As many of you may or may not know, weapon enchants have been a feature of World of Warcraft since the beginning. Providing iconic and recognizable looks to various enchants is something that’s added an element of uniqueness to the game and to your character. However, we do understand they can sometimes overpower the aesthetics of the awesome weapons you can obtain in game now. It’s certainly something we have discussed with the developers recently and we’ll be looking into potentially allowing an enchant toggle. If and when such a feature is introduced, we’ll be sure to let the community know as soon as possible.

Sweet! Hopefully its sooner than later.


Damn transmogrification really helps you keep interest in leveling your alts because you can keep busy updating cool costume pieces for him.


Damn transmogrification really helps you keep interest in leveling your alts because you can keep busy updating cool costume pieces for him.

And they give you a nice thing to do at end game. Going to have to post my finished Xmogs during my lunch break.



Hunter is going to upgrade to Dragonstalker once he gets the helm to finally drop and rock Chrommagus as a pet instead of Magmadar.


Unconfirmed Member
The only thing I dislike about Transmog is now I have to check every item just in case it looks cool, I can't just blindly sell everything. The alts I'm currently leveling, all their bags are full of junk items that I don't have the will to get rid of. It was bad enough before with my hoarding everything now I have more to look out for :(

In all seriousness I love it. Best thing about it just being about to wear something else if the current item isn't to your liking. Before I think I would have just taken the reduced stats.
I remember wearing this helm all through tBC zones. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/item/63672 One of the best features they've ever added.


I only hoard stuff on my Hunter, but thats because I'm hoarding all the Molten Core and BWL drops since he can solo farm those instances. Everyone else I'm farming specific sets and just keeping those as their final look.

I have a ton of open bank space on most of my characters so it isn't that huge a deal right now.
Being a tank is a weird dungeon experience. I've been playing the crap out of my hunter, but I recently got a Paladin to 85 and started gearing him. You're basically the defacto leader of the group and make all the calls, and everyone I've played with so far expects that and finds it strange I ask the group for input on shit like doing a full Halls of Origination run.

Just don't be scared of having that responsibility, because it just boils down to knowing how to AoE tank and plowing forward. It isn't hard in the slightest and I don't understand why people are so afraid to make tanks. I was originally going to queue dual spec with my Paladin and do tank/heals, but I almost always instant queue as a tank so I just replaced the heal spec with a DPS soloing spec to ease up Xmog farming.

I think it takes a special mentality to tank. It's what I do on my feral and I really enjoy it. You are responsible for the speed, flow, and organization of the group in any Instance. You decide if CC is needed and mark the targets accordingly. Form the first fight or two in any PuG, I watch dmg meters and the healer's mana. You'll know right away if you're on easy street or will have a challange on your hands. When I tank, two things are most important. Number one is the hearer's mana. Number two is that I am holding arrgo. The first one is easy. The second can be a challange if someone significantly outgears me AND chooses to fight anything other than my primary target. If they stay on my target, nothing is pulling it off of me. Basically, they have to try and make things harder, and trust me, people do that type of shit for no good reason. I do not wait for oom classes that aren't my healer. They can drink and catch up with the next pull. A healer and tank can carry 3 dps no matter how low their numbers are. Just the other day I had a healer complian about, and then try to boot a hunter who was undergeared and not doing very much dps at all. My response was "who cares?" and I had the healer booted. Getting through the Instance about 3 minutes earlier is not a reason to boot a sub geared dps class. We were all gearing up once. There's no need to be a dick about it to strangers.

I got kicked out of a PuG the other day of an old Heroic (I was slumming) because I was wearing PvP gear. Seriously. Even before the first pull, the healer voted me out. Jesus that made me mad! For bears, PvP season 11 is best in slot for non raiders! We need AGI, STAM, and AC! We don't need two sets of gear, especially for fucking Heroics!

I do dps from time to time for a change of pace, but I almost always end up getting frustrated due to slow pulls or tanks that talk down to the group. Fuck em. Boot them and I'll tank if I have to. Mean people suck.
The only thing I dislike about Transmog is now I have to check every item just in case it looks cool, I can't just blindly sell everything. The alts I'm currently leveling, all their bags are full of junk items that I don't have the will to get rid of. It was bad enough before with my hoarding everything now I have more to look out for :(

In all seriousness I love it. Best thing about it just being about to wear something else if the current item isn't to your liking. Before I think I would have just taken the reduced stats.
I remember wearing this helm all through tBC zones. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/item/63672 One of the best features they've ever added.

I kinda dislike that they allow transmog into arena and i'm surprised they did really.
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