Well, it's started happening. Several guildies who bailed for Star Wars, citing how bad WoW became, came back tonight. Citing how boring SW became. A few more are supposed to come back soon.
Is it me or is that not that much Pandarian info >.<?!
Well, it's started happening. Several guildies who bailed for Star Wars, citing how bad WoW became, came back tonight. Citing how boring SW became. A few more are supposed to come back soon.
Some pet abilities and stats!-complete-with-stats-etc
Pokemon style strengths and weaknesses confirmed.
Should have been mailed to all existing characters, and show up in the mail for all new characters.I hope pets and mounts are account bound.
For some reason I didn't get my celestial steed on my old druid or the pets that hsould be account bound?
Maybe it was because used the SoR to boost him from 3->80 lol
Fuck leveling a druid
I think you have to already have to have an existing character.i have some questions on this scroll business, when you get a scroll, does it give you 7 days free time immediately, and THEN for example can i make a new character (say, a warlock) and boost him to 80? Or must i already have a low level character and they're the only ones i can boost?
You get an upgrade to 80 plus a free faction and server change. it's a retardedly good deal loli think i have a lock already, but he's on alliance and at cata's release i switched to horde![]()
i have some questions on this scroll business, when you get a scroll, does it give you 7 days free time immediately, and THEN for example can i make a new character (say, a warlock) and boost him to 80? Or must i already have a low level character and they're the only ones i can boost?
The FAQ says you can create a level 1.i have some questions on this scroll business, when you get a scroll, does it give you 7 days free time immediately, and THEN for example can i make a new character (say, a warlock) and boost him to 80? Or must i already have a low level character and they're the only ones i can boost?
When I claim my rewards, can I boost a new character from 1 to 80?
You do not need to select a character already on the account to receive the Scroll of Resurrection rewards. To claim the rewards on a new character, log in to your account and create your new character before claiming your rewards on your Game Management page.
You get an upgrade to 80 plus a free faction and server change. it's a retardedly good deal lol
25(server)+30(faction)+40(cata upgrade not counting if you only have bc or vanilla) plus all that grinding saved and gold saved getting to 80 with all the benefits.
The FAQ says you can create a level 1.
I distinctly remember a blue doing damage control saying something like "we're not giving away free 80's, you're boosting an existing char" but that's b.s. either way
I doubt it. Realm First Feats of Strengths.Yeah I definitely accepted the scroll, then logged in and created a new character, went back to the claim rewards screen and boosted it to 80.
I have 1 more I can use. I assume they aren't going to let me save it and boost a Monk. I think I'll hold on to it unless they confirm that you can't.
I doubt it. Realm First Feats of Strengths.
Pretty sure you have 30 days to use the boost/transfer/faction change.
So...I'm thinking about coming back to Wow. Is there a gaf guild? I'm not trying to raid or anything, just have fun. I did all that with top 10 guilds in the world during vanilla.
I think I have a horde warrior on illidan that is 85 and thats all i can remember. i know i have characters scattered everywhere, as i've come and gone pretty much since vanilla.
So...I'm thinking about coming back to Wow. Is there a gaf guild? I'm not trying to raid or anything, just have fun. I did all that with top 10 guilds in the world during vanilla.
I think I have a horde warrior on illidan that is 85 and thats all i can remember. i know i have characters scattered everywhere, as i've come and gone pretty much since vanilla.
There's a horde guild on Area 52, it's not really active. People pop on their toons there every so often.
Locks need it. I laugh when I play mines right now. Affliction and Destro mainly. Jesus, someone really needs to redo those two. Terrible.
Ascendance: New - The Shaman surrenders his physical form to the power of the elements, transforming into a being of raw elemental energy for 15 sec. 3 min cooldown.
Elemental: While in the form of a Flame Ascendant, Lava Burst has no cooldown and Chain Lightning is empowered to become Lava Beam.
Ghostcrawler said:Just to make our intent clear, the Glyph of Demon Hunting isn't intended to turn Demonology warlocks into a tanking spec. You won't be able to queue as a tank for Dungeon Finder for instance and won't have the survivability or tools of say a Protection paladin.
Historically, warlocks felt tankier than other casters and could even off-tank some encounters. We have made an effort in Mists to recapture some of that flavor. A warlock with this glyph should feel like they are about as effective tanking as an Arms warrior who pulls out a shield and swaps to Defensive Stance, or a Feral druid who goes into Bear form. You might be able to off-tank adds or pick up an actual boss for a short period of time if the tank goes down.
To make warlocks an actual tank would take more significant changes. For example, we want tanks to have to pick up separate tanking gear than their DPS gear (this is even true of druids) and want tanks to have to give up some of their DPS potential in exchange for their survivability. In short, it needs to be a commitment, and that's the sort of thing that needs larger gameplay changes than just a glyph.
That shouldn't stop the glyph of Demon Hunting from being fun though. As you can probably tell, we are trying to make even the major glyphs more about character customization and fun.
Ghostcrawler said:As some of you have pointed out, the glyph of Demon Hunting in your beta build doesn't deliver on what I described above as the design. The newer version of the glyph, hopefully available in the next beta build, allows a warlock to toggle in and out of the off-tank / survival mode, more like the druid going Bear or the warrior going Defensive.
The new shapeshift granted by the glyph is called Threatening Presence (PH) and adds Taunt and Fury Ward to the normal Metamorphosis toolkit. You still get the damage reduction from mastery instead of the damage boost from mastery while in this form. You can also choose to go into normal Metamorphosis even if you have the glyph. Let us know how it feels.
We appreciate all the feedback and passion on this topic. We expected this glyph would serve a pretty niche community and were surprised at how many players were excited about it. We are still in beta and are still very much experimenting with what kind of gamplay we can deliver in glyphs.
So basically it's just Rockbiter 2.0, except Rockbiter doesn't consume a glyph slot. I suppose it would make a pretty cool glyph for soloing old content or something, but I don't think that's what you first think when you read that. At the very least, just give Threatening Presence to Demo locks baseline, there's no reason at all to require a glyph slot for it if it's just a gimmick ability.For those that haven't seen it yet, some clarification on Warlock tanks in MoP.
Because not everyone wants what you do, and in fact, believe it or not, most people who play DPS classes play them exactly because they enjoy DPSing with those trees. It's far too late to turn Arcane into a healing spec to please the 3 people out there who want that, and piss off the 294823 existing arcane mages who play it because they like how it is right now.Beast as tank spec, arcane as a healing spec, combat as tank spec.
He's right though. It would make absolutely no sense to finally split up Feral into 2 trees, and then turn around and fuck it up again by making Demonology into the old Feral tree (with all its attendant problems).
They would have to do it properly, meaning a 4th tree for Warlocks. Or else convert the Demo tree into a dedicated tank tree, which would piss off a huge number of existing Warlocks. You can't throw the entire tanking role of a class onto one freaking glyph.
Weren't you just complaining about how they don't change things enough?Except that they have been 'overhauling' the specs constantly and completely changing the play styles. You cant get stuck to things that change each xpac completely.
If the demonology tree was turned into a tanking tree I would be fucking pissed honestly.
Demo is the only lock tree I like, and I fucking hate tanking.
They already fucked me over once, my main was a blood DK, that was the most fun DK spec, and currently still is, but its useless to me now.
Weren't you just complaining about how they don't change things enough?
There's no trees anymore.
The Druid Guardian spec is just 7 unique passive abilities and 6 cliche tank abilities.
Since the glyph doesn't modify mastery, that's a large clue it's not a actual main tank. And since they are doing the glyph instead of making a 4th tree that's another clue it's not an actual main tank.
But they should.
It does modify mastery; the mastery for Demo Locks increases the benefit of Demonic Fury and the glyph modifies Demonic Fury into damage reduction.
I can't really fathom what was particularly fun about Blood Spec. It was just like the other two, except it did less damage unless you gemmed out for Armor Pen, making it difficult to switch between specs.
I actually felt like all three DK specs played very similarly in WLK, except for that moment in time where Unholy used Unholy Presence for the "10 second rotation," which was the most fun thing in the universe. All three specs were extremely predictable; we were skeptical of the rune redesign in Cataclysm, but honestly, it worked out pretty damn well. DK feels similar, but way more dynamic.
Oh, I agree all three specs are much better then what they were originally, they were super rigid, on tank and spank fights you could play with your eyes closed as long as you remembered the correct order to push your buttons.
I liked blood the most out of the 3 though, I just found it the most fun, I liked the abilities, I liked all the self healing, and I especially liked the aesthetics of blood.
The first half of WOTLK they did play similar, almost exactly the same even, just slightly different rotations, so its probably me just being shallow, but I will forever miss blood.