All this MoP buzz brought back an old problem of mine, I have no idea which character I want to spend time on. I've got my Paladin who's been my "main" since vanilla, my Shaman who's been my "second-'main" since TBC, I'm leveling a Druid, Hunter and Warrior as well. Then again I suppose there are worse problems to have withba seven year old game than "I have too much I want to do"
One idea I've had for a while now (and for all I know this could be an incredibly
stupid idea) is that to solve the issue of the level cap being intimidating or too high, Blizzard could just bring the cap back down to 60. What they could do is take all of the content in the game and re-balance it out, but for 60 levels. As for how we'd unlock to abilities since technically we'd be leveling up much slower is that during each level you could have two or three "checkpoints" of sorts (say, every third of the way through a level). Basically 1-60 would take just as long as 1-85 would in the current game, but with a lower level cap and just as much content you'd technically be gaining levels at a slower pace.
Elwynn Forest to Stranglethorn Vale in the current game is about levels 1-33 in the game's current state, with what I'm thinking, that would be re-balanced out to be, say, levels 1-12. You're not actually progressing any slower than you normally would, in fact no content would be removed in order to adjust for the lowered cap, it's just that psychologically, players might feel like they don't have as much to grind.
It's a weird idea, and I may be explaining it really poorly (and for all I know there's something I'm not considering that screws up the whole idea anyway) but I agree that with MoP, 90 levels sounds insane.