The female pandaren don't look as terrible as I thought they might look.
The old races need updates sooo bad.
Tanking on spine pretty much requires you to understand exactly what the fight's asking of you. There's a good two-tank method which minimises damage intake, or there's a single-tank method that's a bit less faffy. I tend to favour single-tanking.
Agree in advance how you're going to roll - we always roll left unless going for the achievement. You only *need* to roll once per plate if all's going well.
A single plate as a single tank goes down approximately like this:
Raid kills tentacles until there's only one left. Tank picks up the three amalgamations
Raid rolls DW. Amalgamations 'die'.
Remaining tentacle is killed. Tank picks up amalgamation.
*STAND ON RAID*. It'll make it much easier to pick up everything that spawns.
Raid DPSes down amalgamation and bloods. There's more blood later on, so they'll have to adapt their output based on how intense the fight is (More on that later)
If not LFR, two ranged stay alert for a beam from the current tentacle. If the beam's up, they burst the tentacle to break it. This requires practice; you don't want to kill the tentacle in question. If the tentacle does die, the tank needs to pick up an extra amalgamation and things get a bit messy.
When the amalgamation is low on health, focus on bloods. When it hits nine stacks, drag it to the plate and then call for a nuke. On the final plate you want to call for heroism at this point. Don't forget to run clear when it explodes.
While the tendon's up, gather remaining blood. Be ready to start the cycle again.
Other points:
* The increase in bloods on each plate means that your DPS strategy on the amalgamation will have to change. On the first plate the amalgamation will get low long before there's enough blood to make it worth killing him, so you'll have to spend some time waiting. On the *third* plate there's so much blood that you'll want to make a point of single-targetting the amalgamation to get it low without killing too much blood. The second is somewhere in-between
* If you fail to break a tendon on a given plate, it's still winnable, but tougher. However, it's very important that when you blow up your next amalgamation you do it on the *same side*. The other side has a completely fresh tendon on it.
* As a slightly advanced - but effective - strategy, after a plate 'dies' and the next batch of amalgamations have been rolled off, the tank will often be sitting on a lot of bloods. Before taking down the remaining tentacle to get the leftover amalgamation, I like to bring those bloods right up next to the next plate and have them killed there. That sets up a handy killzone where you can pick up a bunch of stacks very quickly. Keep track of how many are there and you know when you can move early with the Amalgamation.
* The easiest way to get the achievement is to do a second roll immediately after the first on the first plate. After that you just want to roll as normal but following the roll pattern in the achievement requirement.
* The alternative two-tank strategy has the amalgamation being tanked separately from the bloods. It keeps the stacks low but divides DPS somewhat which is tricky in the later stages.
Does anyone have one of those invite a friend codes that gets you cataclysm plus playtime that you'd be willing to share? Do you have to transfer servers with that?
I was thinking of trying WoW again. I raided heavily in WotLK, so I do have an 80 hunter well geared for...questing I suppose. heh.
Weird, most PUGs I join (for actual raids, not LFR) tend to get on vent together. It's almost required, actually.Wow did you type that all out yourself?! Thanks either way.
Not had a chance to go back yet and I keep getting put off about joining a raiding guild as there loads with loads of rules and strict times.
Im just looking for some friendly folks to chat with and do some raids but chatting is almost no existent now, im hard pressed to get a "hey" back when joining a pug and outside of that there is nothing!
I'd like to know this aswell...So, how many GAFers have gotten the beta so far? Anyone know?
The female pandaren don't look as terrible as I thought they might look.
The old races need updates sooo bad.
Weird, most PUGs I join (for actual raids, not LFR) tend to get on vent together. It's almost required, actually.
I hope they go completely overboard and batshit with the cosmetic glyphs of all classes. Have all the main abilities have animation changing glyphs and so on, and just weird stuff.
Blizzard has always been so anti-fun when it comes to cosmetic things, always nerfing items that don't need to be, removing cool animations, just sucking the fun out of everywhere they go, like a fun vampire.
I've never carried over significant wealth from an expansion before (Vanilla I was broke when the Dark Portal opened, by the end of TBC I had barely a few copper to decide between Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord, and when I finally came into Cataclysm, Deathwing took all my gold to get all of my alts flight training.)
This time it's different. I have been playing World of Auction-craft for the past few months and I need a way to protect my stockpile.
I have 6 guild bank tabs full (actually full) of enchant mats, high level herbs, and high level ore. This is sort of my "incase gold inflation goes 1000%" contingency plan.
I still have hundreds of thousands of gold that I need to protect. What high price commodities will be relatively inflation proof in the coming MoP expansion? I want to be safe, but I also don't want to have multiple gbanks full of materials that will take months to turn back into liquid gold.
Any advice guys?
Mists of Pandaria is the fourth expansion for WoW, and Sams said the general framework is already laid out for the fifth.
Theyre [the] lore creators. Theyre the ones who drive what the world looks like today and what itll be like tomorrow and beyond, he said. I think the future of World of Warcraft continues to be bright and I think Mists of Pandaria is going to breathe huge life into what I believe is the best MMO out there.
I think the number of people we have playing and the level of enthusiasm they have for the game suggests that to be the case. This is the next of many ways in which were going to grow and improve and evolve this game.
Why on earth are you stockpiling old mats that no one will give a shit about in 6 months time?
And lets not forget this list.
Can anyone here send me a resurrection scroll? Not sure if I will go past the free week though.
Next expansion is The Burning Legion. Believe.
I'll give you my left nut.
No more island crap.
We need demons up in this bitch now.
Sargeras slapping everyone.
They probably won't include him till the very end. I wish they'd wrap up some of the dangling stories though. Let us kill the rest of old gods so they can't use them anymore to corrupt people. Or the fact that the watcher Tyr was missing completely from Northrend and nothing more was said. Alleria and Danath's disappearance. So on and so forth.
Edit: And like the above poster said Azshara, completely forgot about her.
And lets not forget this list.
really loving the music in this expac
Anyone else get a Chinese kinda vibe from the new expansion?
Music is great as always.
edit: turalyon and med'an as well, so many people missing D:
Med'an can stay missing.
I'm really in the mood for som WoW. Does anyone have one of those scrolls of resurrection? I'd love one. PM me!
I'm european by the way if that matters in any way.
i think along with the new raids/patches they should add something to other parts of azeroth to keep it relevant and to finish some storyline stuff that doesnt deserve expansions for themselves.
otherwise they'll never be finished![]()
They will do something with Theramore Isle at least right? I mean, isnt it supposed to be invaded and destroyed, which will make Jaina pretty mad at the Horde?
They will do something with Theramore Isle at least right? I mean, isnt it supposed to be invaded and destroyed, which will make Jaina pretty mad at the Horde?
I'm 99.99% sure that they person who did that came out as saying it was fake.