So for those in the beta, what's the max level for Monk right now? Does it play "street fighter-y" like the blizz guys were saying?
I am sitting on 7 85's and little interest to play any of them until MoP.
Pally, DK, Warrior, Shaman, Priest, Rogue and Warlock (whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!) all @ max level. (70 mage, 48 druid, 30 hunter rounding out the remainders that haunt my character screen.)
I've also wasted time grinding out full ruthless gear for the dk, rogue, and warrior. Don't know if I can stomach anymore of that alliance BG train lol.
I also have a spare account I am considering Scroll of Rez'ing for a free 80 and transfering to my main account just to get the 8th 85 before MoP which will keep me busy for a few days anyways.
I really hope I get into the beta sooner than later (i'm an annual subscription so it's inevitable, just no set timeframe) so I can start figuring out where I want to focus my efforts.