He said heroic mode raids, which are still difficult.
I read what he said. No, they aren't.
He said heroic mode raids, which are still difficult.
I read what he said. No, they aren't.
Heroic modes being 'ball busting' difficult...I don't even know how to address that. This shit with the nerfs is far easier than any content we had back in vanilla or BC, BEFORE we had normal modes for shitty players to feast on.
At some point you can't just go 'lolelitist' and act like they're not easy as hell. Especially when the entire purpose of heroic modes is to BE difficult.
5/8 here on 2 days/week. They aren't very hard.The numbers say you're wrong. Maybe you're a god tier player who's done 8/8 heroic mode, but most haven't.
5/8 here on 2 days/week. They aren't very hard.
Exactly. We get 1-2 hours for new bosses..... but your 5/8
I read what he said. No, they aren't.
Glyph of Winged Vengeance: Your Avenging Wrath depicts 4 wings.
Call Beast: New. Summons a powerful wild animal to assist you in combat for 12 sec. Each time the animal deals damage, you will gain 2 focus. 1 Frost, 1 Unholy, 30 yd range, Instant, 30 sec cooldown.
A Murder of Crows: New. Summons a flock of crows to attack your target over the next 30 sec. If used on a target below 20% health, the cooldown will be reset. 60 Focus, 40 yd range, Instant, 60 sec cooldown.
Lynx Rush: New. Your pet rapidly charges from target to target, attacking 9 times over 4 sec, dealing its normal attack damage to each target. 100 yd range, Instant, 2 min cooldown.
So paladins can now be...This is a thing, why is this a thing?
I don't raid 5 nights a week, I raid 3 nights a week and we've been farming for months. We carry apps, buyers, alts, all sorts of shit through these raids. THEY ARE EASY.
The statistics agree. Is everyone 8/8? no of course not, but LOTS of people have made decent progress according to the numbers. I take it as an insult to insinuate that a raid is 'absurdly hard' because there aren't 75% of all raiders farming the zone after a few months. With literally months UNTIL the next zone releases. I raided tonight with the wrong glyphs in. Glyphs that literally gave me 0 dps or utility. It made no difference. We have multiple buyers for Madness while we just bring in whoever needs loot with only the smallest concern for composition or strategy considerations. I do not think 'people need to play at about 75% of their capabilities' is demanding too fucking much for THE HARDEST OPTIONAL CONTENT IN THE GAME.
Yeah, except you already told the thread you only changed your raiding schedule starting with Dragon Soul to 3 days a week and that your raid schedule was 5 nights a week for the previous 5 years. Besides, your whole argument falls apart when you consider the fact you can just turn off the nerfs you're complaining about.I don't raid 5 nights a week, I raid 3 nights a week and we've been farming for months. We carry apps, buyers, alts, all sorts of shit through these raids. THEY ARE EASY.
The statistics agree. Is everyone 8/8? no of course not, but LOTS of people have made decent progress according to the numbers. I take it as an insult to insinuate that a raid is 'absurdly hard' because there aren't 75% of all raiders farming the zone after a few months. With literally months UNTIL the next zone releases. I raided tonight with the wrong glyphs in. Glyphs that literally gave me 0 dps or utility. It made no difference. We have multiple buyers for Madness while we just bring in whoever needs loot with only the smallest concern for composition or strategy considerations. I do not think 'people need to play at about 75% of their capabilities' is demanding too fucking much for THE HARDEST OPTIONAL CONTENT IN THE GAME.
Sure, you could say that quite easily, but it would be entirely irrelevant and have nothing to do with your original argument, which was that the nerfs made heroic modes too easy. The fact is, you aren't turning the nerfs off and simultaneously arguing the game is too easy; its an inherently hypocritical argument.How does it fall apart again? I can just as easily say you don't need ot do heroic content in the first place. There's nothing 'new' to it aside from difficulty. That's the entire purpose of it.
Yeah. Difficulty in other genres is more a gameplay choice for personal challenge rather than a way to get superior items.Sure, you could say that quite easily, but it would be entirely irrelevant and have nothing to do with your original argument, which was that the nerfs made heroic modes too easy. The fact is, you aren't turning the nerfs off and simultaneously arguing the game is too easy; its an inherently hypocritical argument.
So is there a thread for Scroll of Resurrection begging or is that supposed to be done in this thread (if at all)?
By the time they're done with the dmg/hp nerf debuff thing pugs will probably be killing 5/8 heroic on 10 man
Sure, you could say that quite easily, but it would be entirely irrelevant and have nothing to do with your original argument, which was that the nerfs made heroic modes too easy. The fact is, you aren't turning the nerfs off and simultaneously arguing the game is too easy; its an inherently hypocritical argument.
The real root of the entire "game is too easy" mantra from the hardcore raider crowd has always been mostly about one thing: status. The hardcore raiders want unique epic loot that only the hardcore raiders can attain. They want to stand out. They don't want anyone else to have a simple easy path to the same loot they are working 5 days a week for and farming the other two days for mats in order to attain. It's not enough to have the game be hard, it has to be hard for everyone else to get the same loot, and there can't be any shortcuts or complaining ensues.
Hey Blizzard, its been a while since the beta started. How about sending that 2nd wave so i can get in?![]()
You probably said it, but what was your creation date and AP sign up date?
Mine was late 2005 and the 22nd.
No invite either.
January 2006, joined the day the annual pass was announced, never canceled my WoW subscription.
I've paid for like 77% of the past 7 years. I'm worried about how I had my account frozen about 80% of the time. I always wanted to make sure I had the money since that was high school and college years.January 2006, joined the day the annual pass was announced, never canceled my WoW subscription.
soo, whats the fastest (or rather easiest) way to get 4k for the epic flying?
74 now and sitting at around 1.2k, bought the northrend flying skill already since it was killing me not being able to fly away from the middle of every mob respawning
Tier 11 was perfect
I leveled with herb/mining and sold everything I gathered while leveling, which also happened to give me XP from each node.soo, whats the fastest (or rather easiest) way to get 4k for the epic flying?
74 now and sitting at around 1.2k, bought the northrend flying skill already since it was killing me not being able to fly away from the middle of every mob respawning
You could probably turn that 1.2k into 4k in a few days by playing the AH, especially if you have inscription. You can still do it if you don't have any professions by buying and relisting items, but it will be a bit slower and you'll probably lose money in the beginning while you figure out what items to look out for on your server.
Honestly, your best bet for making gold is to just keep on questing and leveling; that would be a steady income and is the easiest/fastest way to do it if you are not already experienced with playing the AH and don't have some existing resources. I recently took my shaman from 80-85 and ended up with a few thousand leftover after buying 280% flying. The downside to this, of course, is that you'll be mostly done with leveling by the time you can buy the flying, so it won't really help you there. Make sure to always pick the item that sells for the most if there's no meaningful upgrade from the quest items, and sell your greens on the AH, most go for 50-80g and are bought out fairly quickly.
Inscription, in my personal experience, is a tough market to make money in. I gave up on it a while ago, but here's what usually happened to me. Let's say I research the average market price of Glyph of Whatever. That average price is around 120g per. I follow the unspoken rule of undercut what's selling at the average by a couple gold. So, I'm selling my glyph for 118. I come back in the morning to check my auctions and that same glyph is selling for 10g. This has happened to me on two servers so far. I know inscription isn't the only market this happens with on the AH, but it's probably one of the worst. Farm herbs and sell the raw mats, skip the rest.
The new method where you only have to but them once killed it.Inscription used to be a gold mine, lol
Before they made glyphs permanent
I have a perfect scribe with every glyph. The only time I really made any money off glyphs was the day after the patch that made glyphs permanent. Even then, I only made 5k-7k that way. I have made some money in the Darkmoon card game early on in Cataclysm, but that has a high risk to reward ratio, and any money there pretty much has to be made before the X.1 patch when higher iLevel stuff is released. X.2 at the latest where you'll start to find better, or at least not shit trinkets in 5-Mans.
Alchemy, Jewelcrafting, and Enchanting is pretty much the holy trifecta of professions. Support skills of Herbalism and Mining are useful, especially at the start of an expansion, but not wholly necessary if you have enough liquid capital. Between those 3 I've made a fortune. And really, Jewelcrafting is the big money maker there more so than anything else, but the others are profitable as well and are highly recommended support skills. Alchemy more so than Enchanting, which I find is often undercut by people asking in trade for enchants (especially after the DE button was added to loot rolls), whereas people will just straight buy gems.
Why would anyone use inscription for money making anyway. You have hundreds of glyphs to research until you find the most popular and expensive ones, not to mention that they're only good to use one time. I havent bought/make new glyphs for my characters for months. Sure, there is new fresh alts who always need glyphs, but i dont see inscription being better than, say alchemy or jewelcrafting, which are always useful for everyone at max lvl.