Nothing for me yet.
But the additional 100,000 that started an hour ago makes me even more hopeful.
Send em cupcakes.
Nothing for me yet.
But the additional 100,000 that started an hour ago makes me even more hopeful.
I've read 5 though I'm not certain if that's still the case.
AH I see.
What server Lost Isles or Gilneas?
For single target, Sub is best. For blade flurry cheese, Combat is best. In terms of effective (IE helpful dps, something that is important during progression) the specs go something like:
Morchok: Sub
Zonozz: Combat
Yorsahj: Combat
Hagara: I'm not sure, probably Sub but idk. combat will cleave the tombs at least.
Ultrax: Combat cause you can't ambush him
Warmaster: combat
Spine: Sub
Madness: Combat if you keep an add alive to BF onto (Which gets you more spellweave procs, the damage to the add is just meter padding), though Mutilate will win for AE on the last platform and brings a good 70% snare, so ass is quite common.
Only one here I would add an extra note about is Yorsahj, for 25 if you do a combo with Black/Yellow in it I think Assassination's AoE might be better than Blade Flurry. Unfortunately we haven't downed that one yet, but our Rogue who was playing Assassination beat me and the other Combat Rogue on add damage during our attempts. For 10s I would definitely say Combat for sure on Yorsahj.
I'm no master rogue, so I tend to die all the time and feel like I'm a glass cannon that has to stand in a place where I take a lot of damage.Yes guys it's alright, I play a raiding rogue and I'm aware that combat rogues are on average the highest dps spec.
What I mean is that the "flavour" of the spec is seriously boring. Lots of auto attacks, sinister strike etc. Pre-Cata they wanted rogues to rely less on active cooldowns (so they gave us another CD, lol) and they also described combat rogues as the "scoundrel" type fighter - the one that fights other classes head on. Following this design intent I think it'd make more sense to give rogues some passive survivability with a lot of consolidated defensive ability within the combat spec - so combat CAN fight plate classes straight up. It also adds more flavour to the trinity. Perhaps Off tanks can tank dungeons with a very good healer etc.
I'm no master rogue, so I tend to die all the time and feel like I'm a glass cannon that has to stand in a place where I take a lot of damage.
It's probably likely I just don't know shit about the class; i.e. it took me like 8 attempts to even kill Hiram Creed :lol In all fairness, I only started playing on a rogue like 2 weeks ago and it was my wife's old character that was already level 80 when I transferred it over to my account.
People getting into the beta, when did you guys start playing?
I started when WoW came out.
Also..what can we do with our copied 85s? Can we actually get to 90? What can we que for?
People getting into the beta, when did you guys start playing?
i think level cap is 86 or 87 right now
you can do temple of the jade serpent and the new zone, jade forest
and panda starting zone
lol I don't meet requirements for the new instances!
lol...thats another player I am on:
If you're taking a lot of cleave damage, Feint is seriously your best friend. Learn when you can abuse it (it's seriously so strong). There's also CloS for big incoming magic damage. If you feel like a boss you can also vanish big instant damage nukes.
Anyway, I'm more targetting the fact how boring combat rogues seem. I think making them offtankish would give them more flavour - a swashbuckling class that can face off against a warrior yea!
Monk class seems pretty fun. Though I dunno about the pandas.
is it gonna be ok to roll a panda monk when the expac comes out?
i'm wondering if this class/race combo is gonna be saturated
havent been around for the other expacs so wondering whats it like when a new class/race combo is introduced
If it is anything like when the DK was released they'll be everywhere.
Once upon a time, the (ADJECTIVE) king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn, was sailing on his ship, the Pride of (PROPER NOUN), when suddenly an orcish warship came out of the fog! "Battle stations!" the king ordered. "We will not let them take the (ADJECTIVE) (PLURAL NOUN)!" Two troll hunters fired arrows at Varian, narrowly missing his (PART OF THE BODY). "By (NAME OF FAVORITE DEAD ALLIANCE PALADIN)'s ghost! That was close," Varian (PAST TENSE OF BODILY FUNCTION).
Garrosh Hellscream, warchief of the Horde, ran out onto the deck of his ship, the (ORC NAME)'s (EMOTION THAT YOU FEEL WHEN YOU LOSE A REALLY IMPORTANT ROLL BY 1). "Varian, you cowardly (FAVORITE FARM ANIMAL)! Come face me, and feel the might of my Mag'har (BODILY FLUID)!" Garrosh lunged forward and, with the grace of a (TAMABLE CREATURE), landed on Varian's ship. The two fought until the (PART OF A SHIP) was (COLOR) with (PLURAL OF AN ORGAN FOUND IN THE HUMAN BODY).
Suddenly, Chen Stormstout appeared in a puff of (NAME OF FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE). "Stop this at once! Your battle has cut off shipments of the ingredients to my prized new ale, (ADJECTIVE)(NAME OF CLIMATE) (NAME OF SEASON) Stout! If this continues, we will never have enough for Brewfest!" Varian and Garrosh looked at each other's (ADJECTIVE) faces and agreed that this fighting was pointless. "Garrosh, what do you say we let bygones be bygones and have (THE LARGEST NUMBER YOU CAN IMAGINE) drinks together at Brewfest?" "A true warchief partners with (THE FIRST WORD YOU THINK OF)!"
lol I don't meet requirements for the new instances!
a boosted 80 gets 232 gear, lolEh, you had to be pretty geared out in Wrath gear to qualify for the first Cata dungeons.
Do you need to play a character to reserve a name or is creating a character enough?
Want to know for the pandapack![]()
What is the progression for me forward? Dungeons -> Heroic Dungeons?
Just creating is generally good enough, unless it's for a few years and someone petitions for it.
I'm trying to figure out what class I want boosted to 80. Either a paladin, warlock, or priest. Are any of those classes super under powered currently?
Priests are quite awesome. They also don't take particularly long to level, I don't know where you heard that. That hasn't been true since the 4.0 talent revamp (and maybe earlier, I leveled mine in 2005 when it WAS slow as shit).
80-85 will be just as fast with priest as with pally or lock, as far as I can tell.