I think I spammed Smite for the first 20-25 levels or so.Remember when the fastest way to level was pick up wand spec and rely on wands, bubble, and SW. So much fun!
No matter what though don't boost a warlock unless you've played one near max level. Seems to be a class that's extremely hit or miss. Wouldn't want to waste the boost if you don't like it.
before i use my scroll, i'm thinking of boosting a mage. My usual classes are melee (have a dk and pally) you reckon a mage would be a good change of pace for me?
Personally, as a melee guy, I like Shaman and Warlock range over Priest, Druid, and Mage.before i use my scroll, i'm thinking of boosting a mage. My usual classes are melee (have a dk and pally) you reckon a mage would be a good change of pace for me?
Personally, as a melee guy, I like Shaman and Warlock range over Priest, Druid, and Mage.
Shaman and Druid would be smart bets since they can do melee, but I personally didn't really like Druid range.
edit- i tried playing enhancement but it really didn't grow on me. im always worrying about lightning orbs and if my totems are near enough/active. its a huge distraction.
You can glyph lightning shield to not have to worry about it at all.
just chain heal instances. get it?!
Don't play Druid caster DPS unless you like hearing a manbearpig screaming all the time.
My priest takes a very short time to level, especially through dungeons with BoAs. So good.Priests are quite awesome. They also don't take particularly long to level, I don't know where you heard that. That hasn't been true since the 4.0 talent revamp (and maybe earlier, I leveled mine in 2005 when it WAS slow as shit).
80-85 will be just as fast with priest as with pally or lock, as far as I can tell.
It's the fucking easiest thing in the worldlol i see shammys doing that all the time
is resto shammy easy?
resto druid is pretty chill.
Enhancement is so easy. My SHaman is enh at level 70 and I just LOOK at something and it dies, and once I get damaged a bit, i cast my 1 second heal and it gives me back half my health:O
edit- i tried playing enhancement but it really didn't grow on me. im always worrying about lightning orbs and if my totems are near enough/active. its a huge distraction.
Don't boost a mage. Mages are fun. Mage is 81, would not take back the leveling.before i use my scroll, i'm thinking of boosting a mage. My usual classes are melee (have a dk and pally) you reckon a mage would be a good change of pace for me?
Why is Lost Isles always down?
I got a BETA key,
anyone wants it?
Leveling tailoring sucks. I need like 800 silk to move on![]()
You poor bastard, you haven't even gotten to the worst part yet. Try not to kill yourself when you get to Frostweave.
Pro tip for Netherweave: Normal Blood Furnace.
Yeah I don't even wanna think about the later levels haha. Enchanting won't be too hard with all the tailoring stuff I can DE plus drops while cloth farming right? Or am I vastly underestimating the mats required for this as well?
Getting Frostweave is definitely more painful by comparison - fewer humanoids and a lower drop rate.
You can, but you can also just go from making Cataclysm greens to Cataclysm PVP blues.I have 8 85s and never got to 525 Tailoring. I think I'm supposed to just do the Dreamcloth stuff, but I never once have wanted any dreamcloth, so it's kind of awkward.
So many pandas on the top of the starting temple for the scroll quest... i give up lol.
And what's with all the players saying they have 60 fps on ultra? I have a gtx 560ti with 8gb of ram and a 3.2ghz AMD quadcore and i get 20 over there with so many people. What kind of freaking computer do they have?
Well ain't this a bitch.
Logged in to see that I was kicked out of my guild. I specifically said that my gametime had expired but nooo, let's kick.
All that rep gone.
My guild does that but after 30 days because there's a perpetual flow of users coming in.Well ain't this a bitch.
Logged in to see that I was kicked out of my guild. I specifically said that my gametime had expired but nooo, let's kick.
All that rep gone.
Wouldn't you have to send a tell to one of the officers? /confusedthat sucks
i havent been playing with my guild lately and a few days ago i logged in to see the guild motd saying 'we're merging with a lvl 25 guild. pst to one of officers for an invite to the new guild'.
i havent heard from anyone still![]()
Wouldn't you have to send a tell to one of the officers? /confused
Sooo the problem with getting a free level 80 is having no idea how to play them. Just got a pally and all these abilities and dunno wtf to do :S
Any handy guides/tips? I presume I should level as Ret?
omg, log into my character in SW and get hit by Yogg-Saron's laugh, I was creeped the fuck out before I realized it was probably part of April Fools