That would be hilarious.So I kno there are wrassle gaffers that here after last nights raw I need to make macros for my ss and finshers on my rogue that automatically yell YES! every time I press the button.
That would be hilarious.So I kno there are wrassle gaffers that here after last nights raw I need to make macros for my ss and finshers on my rogue that automatically yell YES! every time I press the button.
That would be hilarious.
this is fucked, was thinking of doing some wrath heroics while waiting to get the money together to buy cataclysm and there is an required ilvl for it, 180, thought okay cool, will look up wowhead which dungeons drop what with an ilvl above 180 (iirc 187 is the normal mode dungeon gear) and pretty much all the plate is tanking gear, there is barely any dps gear outside of a full set you can make with blacksmithing, one trinket, no rings, no neck, no relic at all, in fact there isn't a non pvp relic until cataclysm
soo do I simply need on the tanking stuff? Makes me kinda feel like a dick if i win
this is probably a long shot, but anyone on laughing skull have a guild that raids at like 130am 'ish server time?
sorta getting back into this game after a year off and no one from my guild plays anymore.
edit:forgot to add horde
Been doing the cooking an fishing Dailys in Dal. Managed to get the crab pet a few days ago and I got the last quest for the achiv and a fishing hat in the bag![]()
Annoyingly I have one quest in org and thunder for both cooking and fishing left to come up to get the achivements for that!
Also made about 900G just from killing mobs to get Mr Grubs, That was an easy pet to get and all the cloth sold for loads!
yeah was thinking about that, but like said getting cata soon(tm) and don't feel like wasting some 2k gold for that intermediate period, especially since I am also still saving for the epic mountlook on the ah for cata greens, you should still be able to buy them
get some lvl 80 ones
Got a mechanopeep and sen'jin fetish from my bag today. Should've leveled a tank earlier. Although I've nearly got all my BiS pre-raid items, minus the valor gear which will take awhile. And since my computer and raids don't mix... time to level a new character!
How can people have almost 200 companions? I'm at 118 and other than a few Darkmoon Faire and Argent Tournament ones left, i feel like all that's left is companions sold for 500-5000g in the AH, ultra rare drops, trading cards pets, Blizzard Store pets or CE pets...
Yup. BlizzCon, the TCG, Blizzard Store, collector's editions, and the auction house (including neutral for opposite faction pets). Then you have rep pets, archy pets, crafting pets, pets for getting pets, and holiday pets. There's also a crap ton of farming involved.
For some reason I have horrible luck with holiday pets... still missing Lumpy, the orange robot, and toxic wasteling. I'll pick up my last two children's day pets as long as they don't add more this year. Missing one archy pet and two TCG ones... and then there is Mini Tyrael that I don't ever expect to get at this point because I refuse to pay that despite my collecting nature.
I need Murkimus too but I'm going to be moving soon and it'll probably be hard to get even 50 games in. I'll save that for next season I guess. :\
It sucks because i really wanted the special companion from having 150. It looks really nice with how it moves around. But unless they release a lot more with MoP, i feel like i'll have to spend a few thousands of gold or kill low lvl monsters for hours hoping to see them drop...
Preface: Warlock was my 6th 85 that I dinged and drop to work on my 7th and I didn't really learn it well yet.ok my knowledge of how to warlock is totally gone in 3 years out, I used to drain tank, now its demonology, here is my char, what spell rotation for leveling should I use with felguard.
also my gear is lol worthy, but I cant find any level 77 cata greens on the AH that i should buyup now?
Raid finder is my new best friend. Gears not quite as good but its still great that i can experience the content that I've been missing out on for a long time. Haven't seriously raided in more than a year!
ok my knowledge of how to warlock is totally gone in 3 years out, I used to drain tank, now its demonology, here is my char, what spell rotation for leveling should I use with felguard.
also my gear is lol worthy, but I cant find any level 77 cata greens on the AH that i should buyup now?
Meh. Need fest with 25 different people each week makes suck for serious gearing IMO.Raid finder is my new best friend. Gears not quite as good but its still great that i can experience the content that I've been missing out on for a long time. Haven't seriously raided in more than a year!
Meh. Need fest with 25 different people each week makes suck for serious gearing IMO.
The loot system in MOP will be good tho.
Meh. Need fest with 25 different people each week makes suck for serious gearing IMO.
The loot system in MOP will be good tho.
That's called luck. They are changing the loot system for a reason.Ive got shit loads of gear from it and I think y brother got 1 teir, staff , bow and boots from one run.
I'm getting conflicting info from what I was told and the Wow faq for the scroll of ressuraction
What I would like to do is
Transfer lvl 85 main from PVE Alliance to PVP Horde (server of whoever gives me scroll)
Use boost to 80 on a new alt I create on the aforementioned new PVP server.
Can I do this? Faq says all the perks need to go on a single toon
Any way to make a macro for yelling but only when I actually hit my target? I want to make a macro so I can cast sinister strike, eviscerate etc and yell YES!, but only when I actually hit the target rather than every time I press the button.
That's called luck. They are changing the loot system for a reason.
RNG + Need fest + 25 random people each weak is a horrendously low chance of getting something.
You can try to mimic an addon by running a script in your macro to check for a combat event relating to your ability. Two issues with this are that you will probably run against the 256 macro length limit, and the parser would announce if there is another person in your group of the same class that used the ability near the same time even if yours did not successfully cast.
Your best bet is to just use an announce mod.
Also, as keebler mentioned, everyone will hate you and you will get reported.
That's called luck. They are changing the loot system for a reason.
RNG + Need fest + 25 random people each weak is a horrendously low chance of getting something.
Sadly, no. You can only take advantage of the transfer services on the same character you decide to boost.
Ugh 13,295 JP for a full set of heirloom gear. Not looking forward to this.
I have full leather, mail, and cloth sets, with weapons and trinkets for all sets too. I'm working on a dps plate set next in hopes of doing a ret pallie then warrior. My current silk set is on a priest but will be passed off to a lock then mage.
Zomg, I'm actually in as well!