So having avoided pvp pretty much at all costs I have a question. Do conquest points work like valor in that you can cap out on them by just doing normal BGs? Turns out the second BiS neck and cloak for druid tanks come from pvp

Yea you can. Although you'll need to set a LOT of time aside because winning that many games isn't easy going to be easy. Sometimes you can sit there for 3 hours and still not get your daily win for 100 conquest. After a daily win each win is worth 50pts.
If you're at the point I am. The best thing to do is spend your valor on conquest points. 250 for 250. What I do is use that early in the week to go up to 1500 conquest, and do daily pvp until cap. If you're just looking to get the neck (i think its only 1250pts?) then you won't have to go that far.
Also yes its easy to cap or get close to it with 2's and 3's but lets be clear, if pvp isn't your thing, and you've avoided it for a long time. SAVE YOURSELF THE HEADACHE. Also finding a decent pug rbg group isn't easy at all.. then when you do you have to spend A LOT of time earning a win. It's kind of sad tho because on my server the only people you see asking for more for arena or RBG's are 2k+ rating... never understood why people are like that. Not everyone is a 2k rated player and if they are.... or were at some point, they probably aren't looking for your shitty pug group.