I got to download it. Getting 4 MB/s. I can actually click Play after 10 minutes.
I'm going out of town tomorrow for a week, no notebook, lul.
Started collecting Rogue tier sets a week or so before they added xmog and I'm finally done (for now). After 16 kills, Vashj finally dropped the damn belt I needed. Hope Blizz adds more room to Void Storage in the near future so I can move all the tier re-colors and pvp sets out of my bank.
Started collecting Rogue tier sets a week or so before they added xmog and I'm finally done (for now). After 16 kills, Vashj finally dropped the damn belt I needed. Hope Blizz adds more room to Void Storage in the near future so I can move all the tier re-colors and pvp sets out of my bank.
3rd whelp in wetlands, got the tiny crimson whelp.
Trying to resist the urge to bitch about shadow priest changes (lolbeta) but it's hard. I'm not liking where they are steering us at this stage. Orbs definitely need to be retuned and shadowy apparitions need work, but holy shit.
Time to level an alt just in case they break the class at the beginning of MoP.
Edit: Link.
Woo! Yeah, the whelps I didn't have a problem with until the emerald one. I was farming that before Cata in Swamp of Sorrows and continued to farm for it in Feralas after Cata. I hope you have better luck there.
Randomly got an extra dark whelpling the other day when I was doing my archy. I shoot um down while I'm over there just in case one drops. Was able to sell it for 7500g.
BAMmod does it on crit and even then you can get reported to Blizzard and sometimes an account suspension. Oh, and no one will group with you ever if you do something like this. Just a word of warning for you...
3rd whelp in wetlands, got the tiny crimson whelp.
3rd whelp in wetlands, got the tiny crimson whelp.
To what extent can that be solo farmed?
When questing on alts in Northrend, always hit stormpeaks. Got a timelost on my alt that way (main has cooler mounts so I didn't care).
I suppose any class would be able to solo any BC/WOTLK raid content when we'll be lvl 90 in epic gear next expansion, considering the next huge stats upgrade we'll get.
I suppose any class would be able to solo any BC/WOTLK raid content when we'll be lvl 90 in epic gear next expansion, considering the next huge stats upgrade we'll get.
Well most BC stuff is verging on soloable if not already, and for Wrath stuff I would probably agree for most fights. There's still some stuff that I think would be very hard or nigh impossible to do though due to mechanics.
Professor Putricide for one.
Illidan, Kael'thas and Vash'j still need a small group. Sunwell too.
Kael'thas is perfectly soloable with a warlock if you make a smart use of the environment.
Only places I soloed were Molten Core and Karazhan. Everything else up to T7 was pretty much duoed with a Priest buddy of mine, except a few bosses (Reliquary of Souls, Lady Vashj, Kael'thas) because of mechanics. For 25-man Wrath raids, I usually had between 3-7 people depending on the boss.To what extent can that be solo farmed?
Trying to resist the urge to bitch about shadow priest changes (lolbeta) but it's hard. I'm not liking where they are steering us at this stage. Orbs definitely need to be retuned and shadowy apparitions need work, but holy shit.
Time to level an alt just in case they break the class at the beginning of MoP.
Edit: Link.
Kael'thas is perfectly soloable with a warlock if you make a smart use of the environment.
Heyo fellow goon