What does it say under target when you click properties on the short cut?
The new warlock stuff sounds so amazingly good. The class design in general took another large step, I'm always impressed how appealing they can make these large class overhauls look.
Bodes well for some really brilliant ability design in Titan as well, I'd assume.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Launcher.exe"
I didn't reply earlier because it stopped doing it but now it's doing it again and I don't know what's causing it.
So the dark moon fairy is good for leveling JC? HOw?
Been on a alt leveling kick lately and trying to find new ways to enjoy the game in different ways. Also, it doesn't help 50% of the raiding guildies transferred, but managed to snag Madness HC, hoorah for that.
For the weekend, aside from Torchlight II beta, think I'll try to level a toon by soloing the 1-60 instances. I'm sure that'll be quite fun and possibly challenging feat.
I remember my friend in vanilla soloing SM Graveyards with his warrior in mid 30's and always talking about how fun it was to do. I wonder why haven't I tried it before.
Anyways, anyone ever leveled by soloing instances and if so, with what class? Think'll make another war or hunter for this experiment. Though, I haven't played warlock in ages and I have those cloth heirlooms standing there enchanted and all...
Thanks for the link interesting read all in all.
Been on a alt leveling kick lately and trying to find new ways to enjoy the game in different ways. Also, it doesn't help 50% of the raiding guildies transferred, but managed to snag Madness HC, hoorah for that.
For the weekend, aside from Torchlight II beta, think I'll try to level a toon by soloing the 1-60 instances. I'm sure that'll be quite fun and possibly challenging feat.
I remember my friend in vanilla soloing SM Graveyards with his warrior in mid 30's and always talking about how fun it was to do. I wonder why haven't I tried it before.
Anyways, anyone ever leveled by soloing instances and if so, with what class? Think'll make another war or hunter for this experiment. Though, I haven't played warlock in ages and I have those cloth heirlooms standing there enchanted and all...
Does it open two instances if you right-click the icon and "Open" it from there?
I wonder if you're not getting a phantom double-click somehow....
About time this happened.
I don't get it. Some shaman healing thing?
Also omg at black market AH. Definitely the best high end gold sink they've created.
About time this happened.
Isn't that old though? I'm pretty sure they changed Shaman healing animations sometime during Cataclysm.
And fuck me with that Black Market Auction House. I'm very interested in that. The example used was Ashes of Al'ar, but that's still possible to get in-game, albeit very rare. I wonder if they'll put things up that are otherwise unavailable, like my Swift Zulian Tiger. It's an especially interesting mechanic with there being no buyout. And then people could possibly relist items on the regular AH to make a profit.
Either way, that has me excited, especially with my wealth-building tycoon plans. At least I'll have something to spend all my gold on once I hit high amounts (it's definitely easier to make gold when you already have a lot of gold to work with as capital).
It'll be a fantastic gold sink.
Problem is its all bid >.> some people play the AH and thats all they do... HOW YOU GONNA COMPETE?!
Problem is its all bid >.> some people play the AH and thats all they do... HOW YOU GONNA COMPETE?!
Isn't that old though? I'm pretty sure they changed Shaman healing animations sometime during Cataclysm.
I wish I could enjoy LFR, but I hate being stacked up with so many random dummies and I hate that it's so mindless.
I really wish there was a lite progression method in like... legendary 5 mans or some form of end game group questing or something. I think I raided my last raid with Cataclysm.
They changed most of them, but left Chain Heal as a yellow-green beam with a holy-type cast animation for some reason.Isn't that old though? I'm pretty sure they changed Shaman healing animations sometime during Cataclysm.
Problem is its all bid >.> some people play the AH and thats all they do... HOW YOU GONNA COMPETE?!
That's what heroics were originally supposed to be in BC, remember? That got watered down though.I wish I could enjoy LFR, but I hate being stacked up with so many random dummies and I hate that it's so mindless.
I really wish there was a lite progression method in like... punishing legendary 5 mans or some form of end game group questing or something, doesn't have to be top end shit, just a new progression method to work at on my own time is what I want. I think I raided my last raid with Cataclysm, I had a lot of fun with it over a lot of years but I can't really get into it and the scheduling any more.
Basically, I just want something inbetween, I guess.
But really, if you can't take scheduling, then you're looking at PUGs almost by definition. The only thing I can see that breaks from that mold would be some end-game scalable content that scales from 2-5 people so you can do it with 1 buddy, 2 buddies or 3 or 4. If it's completable in a duo, it shouldn't require scheduling. That's basically what Arena is at this point for me and my friends. It would be nice to have a PvE equivalent, yes.
That's what heroics were originally supposed to be in BC, remember? That got watered down though.
Progression end game? No, not even close.
Why not? They weren't the highest tier of progression, but neither is LFR, and both were steps on the ladder. That's exactly what he's talking about, isn't he, with "progression lite"? It's not like he (or I) are expecting to get casual progression content that rivals heroic raiding.
I mean in BC for me, progression was basically heroics and Kara for the 5 months I played after launch. And it would have stayed that way for quite a while longer if I kept playing.
I wonder if you can sell CE pets on the black market ah?
You bid on items than an NPC is selling, it's like the AH, but once you spend that gold it's gone forever.What's this black market thing I keep hearing about? I'm hella out of touch.
They're lazy because they don't make a cloth class able to tank? Did you hit your head or something?Wish they werent so lazy and made demo tankable though.
They're lazy because they don't make a cloth class able to tank? Did you hit your head or something?
Well, it is a big ass demon based on illidan who tanked shirtless and with some baggy pants against manno!
Cloth matters to a demon form? ...
Yes? A glyph that has half of whats needed to be a full tank instead of a 4th spec is lazy.I...I don't even know what to say? They're lazy because they don't make warlocks into tanks? They just make demonology awesome but it isn't a tank spec so they're lazy?
Well, they could use the 'live content' team to work on it, they seem to be doing nothing ^.^
Pixar aint got shit on Blizzard.
Imagine if Blizzard moved to the movie business.