I wouldn't worry, they want people to play the shiny new class, it won't be under-powered on liveThey're nerfing monks to the ground. D:
Just now getting into transmogrification...this is a total game-changer. It is opening up parts of the game I wouldn't normally venture into, like PvP and raiding.
Couple things - Honor points. What is the fastest and most efficient way to earn them? I almost never do PvP because I die so often (no resilience), but I do have some experience with Alterac Valley. Would I be wasting my time running that over and over? i.e. is one BG better than another when it comes to HP?
Solo raiding - never tried it but a lot of the gear I want for tmog are raid boss drops. I've been reading that you can enter raids with only 2 party members as long as they are both over level 10. Is that true?
I would put Blood DK in first place for soloing by far. Hunters are also really good at it with pet tanking. Mionelol soloed Atramedes on her Hunter and has done large number of other solos on Blood DK.
There was also a 10 Blood DK heroic Rag kill recently, not a solo but still funny how much self healing that spec can do that 10 of them didn't need a healer.
I love that they removed the raid req for old raids in mop.
makes soloing easier.
Definitely like that change for enchanting.
Also, in news regarding my priest, I was so damn close to the wrecking ball achievement this morning. 19-0 before two rogues destroyed me =[
I remember getting Wrecking Ball on my rogue. I was at 19-0 and probably about 1 minute left in Arathi. Thankfully, all my CDs were up so I popped everything against a group of about 4-5. I was damn lucky the person I targetted had shit resil because I died about 2 seconds after getting the achievement.
I feel that being a rogue makes that achieve much, much easier to get.
I hope so. I definitely want to play the shiny new class as my new main, but what I have been hearing about DPS and Healing monks doesn't sound encouraging.I wouldn't worry, they want people to play the shiny new class, it won't be under-powered on live
From Left to Right: Shadow-Pan, August Celestials, Klaxxi, Golden Lotus, Order of the Cloud Serpents, Lorewalkers, Tillers, Huojin and Tushui
From Left to Right: The Elders, The Craftsmen, The Brewmasters, Anglers Achievement, Anglers
New tabards.
^ That is awesome. A new Jewelcrafting pet maybe?
btw thanks for the HP tips, Ultratech!
Jeeves 2000?
It's been so long since I leveled a toon. My Lock is now 30 should I keep doing lfd or what? What's the best way to level from here? All my friends say I'm going to give up son lol.
Saw this on MMO-Champion forums:
Oh god, the pet battle system is as you'd expect. They are not even trying to hide the fact.
Oh god, the pet battle system is as you'd expect. They are not even trying to hide the fact.
Does there happen to be a child pet in this game? As a YT comment says on that vid, it'd be funny to see a cat beat up a kid.
Argent SquireDoes there happen to be a child pet in this game? As a YT comment says on that vid, it'd be funny to see a cat beat up a kid.
Does there happen to be a child pet in this game? As a YT comment says on that vid, it'd be funny to see a cat beat up a kid.
Source: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/6146724777Cool. I touched base with our team about the PTR and Padim told me that this is planned but no official date confirmed. But a lot of the backwork was done to make it ready to go by simply pressing a button (figuratively speaking). So it could go at any time![]()
There's a few, but a blue post already said that "humanoid children" would not be eligible for pet battling. I know that means no Argent Squire/Gruntling, not sure about the Curious Wolvar/Oracle.
I'll probably be doing this pet battling more than I will be raiding if things don't start looking up for my Resto Shaman, haha. I wouldn't mind though, it's fun, and I love collecting pets. I have most of the non-expensive/Pet Store ones.
Interesting. Do we know of any other pets that aren't eligible for pet battles? For example, pets like the Elementium Geode would be kind of weird to see fighting...
I'm just happy to be able to use Murky and Lurky for something more interesting than just tagging along.
The balloons and kites are no game as well. I have fought the elementium geode though. *chuckles*
Account-wide Achievements, pets, and mounts
In Patch 5.0.4 and beyond, the majority of your character's Achievements, pets, and mounts will be shared with your other characters. Please read: Bringing Achievements to the Account Level, by Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street
World Event: Attack on Theramore Isle
Warchief Garrosh, obsessed with assuring the Horde’s supremacy over Kalimdor, launches an all-out attack against Jaina's island home of Theramore. Though valiant Alliance defenders rush to repel the sudden onslaught, they’ll soon find themselves unprepared for the terrible scope of Garrosh's true plans…
In the Public Test Realm, we will be testing this event at specified intervals. Keep an eye on our PTR Feedback forum for more details as they become available.
AOE Looting
Area of effect looting comes to World of Warcraft with this patch. After killing a group of enemies in close proximity, when you loot one of their corpses, the loot window will include items from all of the nearby corpses for which you have loot rights.
BattleTag support in World of Warcraft
Players who have enabled their BattleTag will now be able to:
See BattleTag friends in your friends list.
Add and remove BattleTag friends.
Send BattleTag invites to other players via right-click.
Classes: General
All classes have been updated with a new talent system, improved abilities, and spells (accessible throughout levels 1-85). Your character's talents have been reset.
Many old talents have been converted to specialization abilities.
Druids now have access to a fourth class specialization: Guardian.
New spells are now learned automatically. Class trainers are only needed to change talents, glyphs, class specialization, or to utilize the dual specialization feature.
All characters now take 30% less damage from other players.
Currency Conversion
Coming soon.
Spell Penetration has been replaced by PvP Power on existing items.
Head enchants removed
Enchants that modify the gear in your head slot have been removed from the game. This includes older head enchants of every type.
Relics, ranged, and thrown items
The slot in which ranged, relics, and thrown items were previously equipped has been removed. All weapons should now be equipped in the weapon slot.
Ranged weapons, including wands, have been adjusted to be more powerful.
Ranged weapons no longer have a minimum range.
The glyph system has been updated. Many class glyphs have been added, altered, or moved to different glyph types.
Prime glyphs have been removed.
User Interface
There is a new user interface for your mounts and pets.
Character creation screens have been updated.
Buffs have been consolidated in the UI.
New roll results frame added. This new feature can be accessed by clicking the word "[Loot]" in chat, or by typing "/loot".
The PvE queue frames have been unified. You can now queue for dungeons, raids, and other queue-able content in one handy place.
Vendors now offer item filtering.
Spellbooks have been updated to reflect changes to core abilities, and now include a brief overview of specializations.
The Dungeon Journal has been expanded with information on all pre-Cataclysm encounters.
A new help system has been added to many frames. You can toggle this on and off by clicking the "i" button in the upper left corner of the frame.
Oh god, the pet battle system is as you'd expect. They are not even trying to hide the fact.
Consolidated buffs? Why make that mandatory when it's already an option to unconsolidate?