You need to be very careful with words like "deserve", or phrases like "[casuals are] allowed" when it comes to World of Warcraft. I believe LFR is bad for the game for a myriad number of reasons, but not because certain people don't "deserve" to play content; I would never support a system that segregates people for no legitimate reason, purely because I believe that everyone should be given the opportunity the do what they like.
Herein lies the rub:
"Equality" doesn't mean everyone's equal as far as concerns me, because people aren't equal. Trying to make them so has failed every time it's been tried, often with severe humanitarian consequences. But providing people with equality of opportunity is a virtuous part of any civilized society, and everyone who picks up the game (or anything else) should be afforded the same opportunities, come what may.
Of course, whether they choose to take those opportunities or not is entirely up to the person. The onus is on them to take the ball, and run with it. This is my gripe with the current raid model that is essentially designed to get people through; irrespective of how good they are. When the game provides a challenge, then chooses to lessen or remove it, the game loses depth and cheapens the experience.
As much as you want to belittle people for it (which is Draztal's chosen route all too often), humans are extraordinarily likely to resent those who attain what they do for less effort. For proof of this, simply look at the welfare system in the United Kingdom and the poisonous impact limitless hand-outs are having on communities.
Sure, this is only a game. But it's still human beings between chair and screen.
Blizzard would do well to remember that.