Any other fury Warriors on here?
DPS is still super low for me
DPS is still super low for me
I can't figure out how to display the spell's texture as the displayed icon anymore. Super annoying.
Any other fury Warriors on here?
DPS is still super low for me
Finally figured out how to do it.
In Activation click the squars in the Buff/Debuff Matches options, there you check 'Exact' and type the name of the spell under 'Buff/Debuff Name'.
Under Style make sure you have 'Use for Texture' checked.
I think that's all.
Elemental shaman impressions a friend just sent me:
I'm terrified to come back home and try it now :-(
World of Commas!
Try turning down your shadows a notch or two. This normally the biggest killer to FPS.
We need to be able to remove them!World of Commas!
Any other fury Warriors on here?
DPS is still super low for me
"Well that expansion is over, no one will want to play these dungeons anymore!"just fyi, DBM only has mist stuff now if you updated it via the curse client, if you want cata stuff you need to go to curse and instal the DBM-cata add on
messed me up today ^^
My biggest problem with WoW right now, though, is not the mechanics. I'm in a guild that doesn't let me raid. Even though the few times I main tanked their alt runs I was continuously complimented on my survivability, mitigation, and ability to play intelligently (I was main tank for #2 guild on my server in WOTLK), they just seem to be a combination of burnt-out and clique-minded people. And finding a replacement guild that will allow for me to be a bear and raid is not commonplace on my server. Or at least, I've not found one yet. :-|
Druids need a nerf.
What's this all about commas? They replace periods somewhere or what?
they threw them into the quest rewards for XP. just looks odd.
We need to be able to remove them!
I laughed so muchNO! Needs MORE COMMAS! In fact, I bet it'll become a raid requirement... how many commas can you output during an encounter? It's the new gear score!
Is the cross server zone thing fully implemented yet? All the low level zones on Illidan are still dead.
Is the cross server zone thing fully implemented yet? All the low level zones on Illidan are still dead.
PSA to anyone experiencing massive lag in combat - check your addons. Recount was causing me to have unplayable lag last night until I redownloaded it. Addons can definitely cause situational lag, regardless of graphical settings.
My Bear had a giant Dodge nerf in the form of 17%! It made Heroic Yor'Sahj a nightmare to do last night. Yor'Sahj was made even more difficult, on account of Frenzied Regeneration being glyphed and, therefore, requiring the aid of healz (which was not possible, due to the purple ooze).
After an all night binge on Heroics and Dragon Soul, I am becoming more comfortable with the bear rotation. I've started just focusing on the basics: Mangle, Lacerate, Thrash, Savage Defense and have slowly been keeping in mind to toss in a Feral Faerie Fire whenever I'm waiting on any of the offensive attacks.
It's really hard ignoring Maul. It was such an excellent rage dump, even though all of our defensive rage dumps seem to be filling in that role.
My biggest problem with WoW right now, though, is not the mechanics. I'm in a guild that doesn't let me raid. Even though the few times I main tanked their alt runs I was continuously complimented on my survivability, mitigation, and ability to play intelligently (I was main tank for #2 guild on my server in WOTLK), they just seem to be a combination of burnt-out and clique-minded people. And finding a replacement guild that will allow for me to be a bear and raid is not commonplace on my server. Or at least, I've not found one yet. :-|
Elemental shaman impressions a friend just sent me:
I'm terrified to come back home and try it now :-(
Patch changes have rendered Kael'thas in Tempest Keep unkillable with a Blood DK. =/
Check out TukUI, or one of the edits. I use TukUI itself because it's nice and clean (I just add in a few extra bits as necessary) - Elv UI (one of the edits) is more busy but more feature packed.does anybody here use Spartan UI? I'm having some trouble with the maxres command. Anybody else use this? I hate wow's UI. If I can't get Spartan to work how i need it to, does anybody else have any suggestions for UIs?
Check out TukUI, or one of the edits. I use TukUI itself because it's nice and clean (I just add in a few extra bits as necessary) - Elv UI (one of the edits) is more busy but more feature packed.
It's a completely self contained package, much like I believe Spartan is. If you like it clean and minimal it might well be perfect, the question would be whether it has everything you need.I'll check it out. Does it use bartender as it's backbone? SpartanUI is pretty clean, and does EVERYTHING I want. The problem is for some reason on new characters, I can't use the maxres option. The basic UI is too big for my tastes. Even if I use UI scaling, it's too big.
What are you referring to, when you say "glyphed savage defense?" I can only think you mean "Survival Instincts," as reducing the CD to 60 seconds gives it more oomph, even if it then only lasts 6 seconds.Im happy with all the new cooldowns and glyphed savage defense is the shit.
Why's that?
Check out TukUI, or one of the edits. I use TukUI itself because it's nice and clean (I just add in a few extra bits as necessary) - Elv UI (one of the edits) is more busy but more feature packed.
It's a completely self contained package, much like I believe Spartan is. If you like it clean and minimal it might well be perfect, the question would be whether it has everything you need.
It also skins popular third party addons like Recount/Skada etc.
Damage is too low so you can't take out Capernian out before she basically stun locks you with Conflagrate, which apparently now hits through AMS. You can position them such that you can get them down, but Kael'thas can now target your bloodworms during the disorient and instantly despawns - theoretically he should have been able to do this anyways, but I never had it happen in 4.3.
Alright, I'll have to check it out.
Question, the font looks like some star trek shit. lol Can I change it?
I actually don't run too many addons as is. I mainly use carbonite for questing, omen, recount, etc. The big thing I liked with spartan ui is I could get bartender to make my icons completely red if the person was out of attack range. Is that possible with TUK?
Also have they changed something with pets? My ghoul was picking up aggro (and so were others pets, lot of name calling going on) in LFR even if I just had auto attack enabled on it, no specials... it was dying a lot as a consequence.
Hunter pet's growl now taunts instead of building up aggro. I'm not sure on DK's, but I saw them pull aggro as well last night.
It's harder to do with 2 rather than one because DKs can't equip the infinity blade. I'm going to try it with Frost using Death Siphon and/or my Ret Paladin (given that Flash of Light is healing me for 50K crits for free every 12 seconds) My wild guess is that the Bloodworms weren't valid targets for Kaelthas in 4.3, but they are now.Group with someone until 90. Just a few weeks. But I don't know about the bloodworm despawning.
My ghoul died to melee on Ultraxion like 5 times even though Ghouls do not have a taunt.
Yeah saw the same on Spine. I read warlock pets are having the same problem.
My biggest problem with WoW right now, though, is not the mechanics. I'm in a guild that doesn't let me raid. Even though the few times I main tanked their alt runs I was continuously complimented on my survivability, mitigation, and ability to play intelligently (I was main tank for #2 guild on my server in WOTLK), they just seem to be a combination of burnt-out and clique-minded people. And finding a replacement guild that will allow for me to be a bear and raid is not commonplace on my server. Or at least, I've not found one yet. :-|
What are you referring to, when you say "glyphed savage defense?" I can only think you mean "Survival Instincts," as reducing the CD to 60 seconds gives it more oomph, even if it then only lasts 6 seconds.