Sweet Jesus. They nerfed Explosive shot to dust, serpent sting hits harder than it. So Survival actually lost a load of dps in comparison to pre-patch even after you reforge and gear for the new expertise cap. Then BM is supposedly going to be our new high dps spec, but Kill Command flat out doesn't work on a lot of DS bosses. Some sort of bug that made it over from beta where is just doesn't work, which kills that whole spec. And MM dps was gutted also. Not to mention talents like Spirit Bond are broken, if your pet gets to far from you, Spirit Bond flat out croaks and stops working.
Every other class has this plethora of cool shit and fun toys to play with. And if they dont, they at least are seeing performance increases in their roles. I feel like an idiot playing this class right now. I have an 85 priest rogue pally warlock and mage though. Im sure they are going to address those Hunter issues. But with the cross character achievements and whatnot, I feel little reason to play a battered class as a main right now while they work on fixing those issues in 5.1.
Time to playtest all my other 85's and see whats actually fun. Fuck this.