Yeah saw the same on Spine. I read warlock pets are having the same problem.
Don't take my Voidwalker threat from me! >.<
I can finally level in peace without getting hit all the time.
Yeah saw the same on Spine. I read warlock pets are having the same problem.
I have a friend, that I originally introduced to TukUI, that discovered ElvUI and he can't use anything else now. I keep trying to love it, because it has almost everything built in, but I always come back to TukUI to reclaim the space. Maybe now is as good an excuse as any to try it out again.Firm believer in ElvUI. It's easily one of the best UI packages made for WoW, and I've been using it for half the expansion.
The options are quite extensive, but don't be surprised if you have to dig into the LUA (or check the forums) for some things.Alright, I'll have to check it out.
Question, the font looks like some star trek shit. lol Can I change it?
I actually don't run too many addons as is. I mainly use carbonite for questing, omen, recount, etc. The big thing I liked with spartan ui is I could get bartender to make my icons completely red if the person was out of attack range. Is that possible with TUK?
It's harder to do with 2 rather than one because DKs can't equip the infinity blade. I'm going to try it with Frost using Death Siphon and/or my Ret Paladin (given that Flash of Light is healing me for 50K crits for free every 12 seconds) My wild guess is that the Bloodworms weren't valid targets for Kaelthas in 4.3, but they are now.
We're going to see some bug fixes soon enough. I'm doubtful, but its possible we'll see some temporary nerfs to offhealing too. With Selfless Healer and a crit, I can pull off 100K FoL crits on my Retribution Paladin. For Free.
I have a friend, that I originally introduced to TukUI, that discovered ElvUI and he can't use anything else now. I keep trying to love it, because it has almost everything built in, but I always come back to TukUI to reclaim the space. Maybe now is as good an excuse as any to try it out again.![]()
Orgimmar on Mal'ganis is full of giant snakes and giant stone people from Uldum. Damn rogues.
I want that Alextraza mount so bad.
Thankfully Turalyon's Orgrimmar isn't so congested today
In a week or two I might have a slot open if you're looking to spend ~30k on one ;p
That's why I want to stay a Shaman but... yeah, think I might move on to a Monk![]()
So I resubbed to check out this patch and holy shit at all the changes to everything. My Druid is a clusterfuck right now, that's like a day to re-bind everything. Anyway that's too hard basket right now.
Logged on my Mage and I'm loving these talents. The whole system I prefer to those old trees. Having ice barrier as a fire Mage is win.
Speaking of fire mages, the new play style is absolutely insane! It's the old one on steroids. It's so frigging quick and exciting with procs proccing off procs and all sorts of crazy shit, I love it!
Their plan with PVP Resilience and PVP Power may have backfired horribly. It's harder than ever to PvP now without gear.
That could be the case now. I remember hearing that Bloodworms could pass as possible targets before, making a Blood DK susceptible to MC if you had the talent and were unlucky. Perhaps they didn't count as valid targets after all...but I have no idea for sure.
I hope so, sounds like things are in disarray right now.
Can't decide what class I want to boost to 80...
Druid, Hunter, Rogue... maybe mage? Hmm.
Druuuuid. Because they're awesome and can do every role.![]()
I have ALWAYS wanted a druid main. But I worry about not being able to play effectively after having been gone for a year. =P
Okay, I can't figure out how this is happening.
Okay, so this is what I'm pretty sure is happening:
New druid glyph that turns you into a mountable stag, right? So they all turn into that, and mount each other in ascending order. Bam, tower of druids.
Mounting a druid cancels shapeshifting and you're not allowed to shapeshift while mounted.
Dunno how I feel about the new talent system. It seems like simplified bullshit.
As a Werewolf, can you stay in Wolf form all the time? Do you ever HAVE to revert back to human form?
I love the werewolf models, can't stand human models..
As a Werewolf, can you stay in Wolf form all the time? Do you ever HAVE to revert back to human form?
I love the werewolf models, can't stand human models..
However, they're pretty much all legitimate choices now rather than 75% filler stuff that everyone ends up choosing anyways.
The last patch before an expansion = the best patch. I love the OP ridiculous buffs that happen for a month before you lose all those secondary statsHOLY SHIT. Dat shadow priest damage :3
I was only breaking 30-35k in my off spec set in heroics, with luck! Now Im pushing 42k+![]()